v: make js hello world work

Abdullah Atta 2020-05-21 18:17:16 +05:00 committed by GitHub
parent a9999ee10d
commit 9888bacad5
No known key found for this signature in database
13 changed files with 70 additions and 836 deletions

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@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
module builtin
import strings
pub struct array {
data voidptr
len int
cap int
element_size int
// Private function, used by V (`nums := []int{}`)
fn new_array(mylen, cap, elm_size int) array {
arr := array {
len: mylen
cap: cap
element_size: elm_size
return arr
pub fn _make(len, cap, elm_size int) array {
return new_array(len, cap, elm_size)
pub fn make(len, cap, elm_size int) array {
return array{}
fn array_repeat(val voidptr, nr_repeats, elm_size int) array {
return val
pub fn (a array) repeat(nr_repeats int) array {
#return Array(a[0]).fill(nr_repeats)
return a
pub fn (mut a array) sort_with_compare(compare voidptr) {
pub fn (mut a array) insert(i int, val voidptr) {
pub fn (mut a array) prepend(val voidptr) {
a.insert(0, val)
pub fn (mut a array) delete_elm(idx int) {
pub fn (a array) first() voidptr {
if a.len == 0 {
panic('array.first: empty array')
return a.data + 0
pub fn (a array) last() voidptr {
if a.len == 0 {
panic('array.last: empty array')
return a.data + (a.len - 1) * a.element_size
pub fn (s array) left(n int) array {
if n >= s.len {
return s
return s.slice(0, n)
pub fn (s array) right(n int) array {
if n >= s.len {
return s
return s.slice(n, s.len)
pub fn (s array) slice(start, _end int) array {
return s
pub fn (a array) reverse() array {
return a
// array.clone_static returns an independent copy of a given array
// It should be used only in -autofree generated code.
fn (a array) clone_static() array {
return a.clone()
pub fn (a array) clone() array {
return a
pub fn (a &array) free() {
// "[ 'a', 'b', 'c' ]"
pub fn (a []string) str() string {
mut sb := strings.new_builder(a.len * 3)
for i in 0..a.len {
val := a[i]
if i < a.len - 1 {
sb.write(', ')
return sb.str()
pub fn (b []byte) hex() string {
return 'sdf'
pub fn (mut arr array) push_many(val voidptr, size int) {
pub fn free(voidptr) {

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@ -4,32 +4,13 @@
module builtin module builtin
pub fn exit(code int) { fn JS.console.log(arg ...string)
println('js.exit()') fn JS.process.stdout.write(arg string)
// isnil returns true if an object is nil (only for C objects).
pub fn isnil(v voidptr) bool {
return v == 0
pub fn panic(s string) {
eprintln('V panic: ' + s)
pub fn println(s string) { pub fn println(s string) {
#console.log(s.str) JS.console.log(s)
pub fn eprintln(s string) {
} }
pub fn print(s string) { pub fn print(s string) {
#console.log(s) JS.process.stdout.write(s)
} }

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@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
module builtin
TODO: Implement hashmap for js when hashmap for V is done.
fn foo() {

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@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
module builtin
#include <float.h>
#include <math.h>
pub fn (d f64) str() string {
return '0'
pub fn (d f32) str() string {
return '0'
pub fn ptr_str(ptr voidptr) string {
return '0'
// compare floats using C epsilon
pub fn (a f64) eq(b f64) bool {
//return C.fabs(a - b) <= C.DBL_EPSILON
return (a - b) <= 0.01
// fn (nn i32) str() string {
// return i
// }
pub fn (nn int) str() string {
return '0'
pub fn (nn u32) str() string {
return '0'
pub fn (nn i64) str() string {
return '0'
pub fn (nn u64) str() string {
return '0'
pub fn (b bool) str() string {
if b {
return 'true'
return 'false'
pub fn (n int) hex() string {
return '0'
pub fn (n i64) hex() string {
return '0'
pub fn (a []byte) contains(val byte) bool {
for aa in a {
if aa == val {
return true
return false
pub fn (c rune) str() string {
return '0'
pub fn (c byte) str() string {
return '0'
pub fn (c byte) is_capital() bool {
return c >= `A` && c <= `Z`
pub fn (b []byte) clone() []byte {
mut res := [byte(0)].repeat(b.len)
for i in 0..b.len {
res[i] = b[i]
return res

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@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
module builtin
import strings
pub struct map {
obj voidptr
//fn (mut m map) insert(n mut mapnode, key string, val voidptr) {
//////fn (n & mapnode) find(key string, out voidptr, element_size int) bool{
//return false
// same as `find`, but doesn't return a value. Used by `exists`
//fn (n & mapnode) find2(key string, element_size int) bool{
//return false
//fn preorder_keys(node &mapnode, keys mut []string, key_i int) int {
//return 0
pub fn (mut m map) keys() []string {
return ['']
fn (m map) get(key string, out voidptr) bool {
return false
pub fn (mut m map) delete(key string) {
fn (m map) exists(key string) bool {
return false
pub fn (m map) print() {
pub fn (m map) free() {
// C.free(m.table)
// C.free(m.keys_table)
pub fn (m map_string) str() string {
if m.size == 0 {
return '{}'
mut sb := strings.new_builder(50)
for key, val in m {
//sb.writeln(' "$key" => "$val"')
return sb.str()

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@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
module builtin
struct Option {
data [255]byte
error string
ok bool
// `fn foo() ?Foo { return foo }` => `fn foo() ?Foo { return opt_ok(foo); }`
fn opt_ok(data voidptr, size int) Option {
if size >= 255 {
panic('option size too big')
res := Option {
ok: true
C.memcpy(res.data, data, size)
return res
pub fn error(s string) Option {
return Option {
error: s

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@ -1,319 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
module builtin
pub struct string {
//hash_cache int
str byteptr
len int
// For C strings only
fn C.strlen(s byteptr) int
fn todo() { }
pub fn tos(s byteptr) string {
len := 0
#len = s.length;
return string{
str: s
len: len
// string.clone_static returns an independent copy of a given array
// It should be used only in -autofree generated code.
fn (a string) clone_static() string {
return a.clone()
pub fn (a string) clone() string {
return a
pub fn (s string) replace(rep, with_ string) string {
return s
pub fn (s string) int() int {
return 0
pub fn (s string) i64() i64 {
return 0
pub fn (s string) f32() f32 {
return 0.0
pub fn (s string) f64() f64 {
return 0.0
pub fn (s string) u32() u32 {
return u32(0)
pub fn (s string) u64() u64 {
return u64(0)
pub fn (s string) split(delim string) []string {
return s.split(delim)
pub fn (s string) split_into_lines() []string {
return s.split('\n')
// 'hello'.left(2) => 'he'
pub fn (s string) left(n int) string {
if n >= s.len {
return s
return s.substr(0, n)
// 'hello'.right(2) => 'llo'
pub fn (s string) right(n int) string {
if n >= s.len {
return ''
return s.substr(n, s.len)
pub fn (s string) substr(start, end int) string {
return 'a'
pub fn (s string) index(p string) int {
return -1
pub fn (s string) index_any(chars string) int {
return -1
pub fn (s string) last_index(p string) int {
return -1
pub fn (s string) index_after(p string, start int) int {
return -1
// counts occurrences of substr in s
pub fn (s string) count(substr string) int {
return 0 // TODO can never get here - v doesn't know that
pub fn (s string) contains(p string) bool {
return false
pub fn (s string) starts_with(p string) bool {
return false
pub fn (s string) ends_with(p string) bool {
return false
// TODO only works with ASCII
pub fn (s string) to_lower() string {
return s
pub fn (s string) to_upper() string {
return s
pub fn (s string) capitalize() string {
return s
pub fn (s string) title() string {
return s
// 'hey [man] how you doin'
// find_between('[', ']') == 'man'
pub fn (s string) find_between(start, end string) string {
start_pos := s.index(start)
if start_pos == -1 {
return ''
// First get everything to the right of 'start'
val := s[start_pos + start.len..]
end_pos := val.index(end)
if end_pos == -1 {
return val
return val[..end_pos]
// TODO generic
pub fn (ar []string) contains(val string) bool {
for s in ar {
if s == val {
return true
return false
// TODO generic
pub fn (ar []int) contains(val int) bool {
for i, s in ar {
if s == val {
return true
return false
fn is_space(c byte) bool {
return C.isspace(c)
pub fn (c byte) is_space() bool {
return is_space(c)
pub fn (s string) trim_space() string {
#return s.str.trim(' ');
return ''
pub fn (s string) trim(cutset string) string {
#return s.str.trim(cutset);
return ''
pub fn (s string) trim_left(cutset string) string {
#return s.str.trimLeft(cutset);
return ''
pub fn (s string) trim_right(cutset string) string {
#return s.str.trimRight(cutset);
return ''
// fn print_cur_thread() {
// //C.printf("tid = %08x \n", pthread_self());
// }
pub fn (mut s []string) sort() {
pub fn (mut s []string) sort_ignore_case() {
pub fn (mut s []string) sort_by_len() {
fn (s string) at(idx int) byte {
if idx < 0 || idx >= s.len {
panic('string index out of range')
return s.str[idx]
pub fn (c byte) is_digit() bool {
return c >= `0` && c <= `9`
pub fn (c byte) is_hex_digit() bool {
return c.is_digit() || (c >= `a` && c <= `f`) || (c >= `A` && c <= `F`)
pub fn (c byte) is_oct_digit() bool {
return c >= `0` && c <= `7`
pub fn (c byte) is_bin_digit() bool {
return c == `0` || c == `1`
pub fn (c byte) is_letter() bool {
return (c >= `a` && c <= `z`) || (c >= `A` && c <= `Z`)
pub fn (s &string) free() {
// all_before('23:34:45.234', '.') == '23:34:45'
pub fn (s string) all_before(dot string) string {
pos := s.index(dot)
if pos == -1 {
return s
return s[..pos]
pub fn (s string) all_before_last(dot string) string {
pos := s.last_index(dot)
if pos == -1 {
return s
return s[..pos]
pub fn (s string) all_after(dot string) string {
pos := s.last_index(dot)
if pos == -1 {
return s
return s[pos + dot.len..]
// fn (s []string) substr(a, b int) string {
// return join_strings(s.slice_fast(a, b))
// }
pub fn (a []string) join(del string) string {
return ''
pub fn (s []string) join_lines() string {
return s.join('\n')
pub fn (s string) reverse() string {
return s
pub fn (s string) limit(max int) string {
if s.len <= max {
return s
return s.substr(0, max)
// TODO is_white_space()
pub fn (c byte) is_white() bool {
i := int(c)
return i == 10 || i == 32 || i == 9 || i == 13 || c == `\r`
pub fn (s string) hash() int {
//mut h := s.hash_cache
mut h := 0
if h == 0 && s.len > 0 {
for c in s {
h = h * 31 + int(c)
return h
pub fn (s string) bytes() []byte {
return []

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@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
module builtin
pub fn utf8_char_len(b byte) int {
return (( 0xe5000000 >> (( b >> 3 ) & 0x1e )) & 3 ) + 1
// Convert utf32 to utf8
// utf32 == Codepoint
pub fn utf32_to_str(code u32) string {
return ''
// TODO copypasta
pub fn utf32_to_str_no_malloc(code u32, buf voidptr) string {
return ''
// Convert utf8 to utf32
pub fn (_rune string) utf32_code() int {
return 0

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@ -59,7 +59,12 @@ fn (mut b Builder) run_compiled_executable_and_exit() {
if b.pref.is_verbose { if b.pref.is_verbose {
println('============ running $b.pref.out_name ============') println('============ running $b.pref.out_name ============')
} }
mut cmd := '"${b.pref.out_name}"' mut cmd := '"${b.pref.out_name}"'
if b.pref.backend == .js {
cmd = 'node "${b.pref.out_name}.js"'
for arg in b.pref.run_args { for arg in b.pref.run_args {
// Determine if there are spaces in the parameters // Determine if there are spaces in the parameters
if arg.index_byte(` `) > 0 { if arg.index_byte(` `) > 0 {
@ -139,7 +144,7 @@ pub fn (v Builder) get_builtin_files() []string {
if v.pref.is_bare { if v.pref.is_bare {
return v.v_files_from_dir(os.join_path(location, 'builtin', 'bare')) return v.v_files_from_dir(os.join_path(location, 'builtin', 'bare'))
} }
$if js { if v.pref.backend == .js {
return v.v_files_from_dir(os.join_path(location, 'builtin', 'js')) return v.v_files_from_dir(os.join_path(location, 'builtin', 'js'))
} }
return v.v_files_from_dir(os.join_path(location, 'builtin')) return v.v_files_from_dir(os.join_path(location, 'builtin'))

View File

@ -38,13 +38,22 @@ pub fn (mut b Builder) build_js(v_files []string, out_file string) {
} }
pub fn (mut b Builder) compile_js() { pub fn (mut b Builder) compile_js() {
// TODO files << b.get_builtin_files() mut files := b.get_user_files()
files := b.get_user_files() files << b.get_builtin_files()
b.set_module_lookup_paths() b.set_module_lookup_paths()
if b.pref.is_verbose { if b.pref.is_verbose {
println('all .v files:') println('all .v files:')
println(files) println(files)
} }
b.build_js(files, b.pref.out_name + '.js') b.build_js(files, b.pref.out_name + '.js')
// TODO run the file }
fn (mut b Builder) run_js() {
cmd := 'node ' + b.pref.out_name + '.js'
res := os.exec(cmd) or {
println('JS compilation failed.')
} }

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@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ const (
'protected', 'public', 'return', 'static', 'super', 'switch', 'this', 'throw', 'try', 'typeof', 'protected', 'public', 'return', 'static', 'super', 'switch', 'this', 'throw', 'try', 'typeof',
'var', 'void', 'while', 'with', 'yield'] 'var', 'void', 'while', 'with', 'yield']
tabs = ['', '\t', '\t\t', '\t\t\t', '\t\t\t\t', '\t\t\t\t\t', '\t\t\t\t\t\t', '\t\t\t\t\t\t\t', '\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'] tabs = ['', '\t', '\t\t', '\t\t\t', '\t\t\t\t', '\t\t\t\t\t', '\t\t\t\t\t\t', '\t\t\t\t\t\t\t', '\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t']
builtin_globals = ['println', 'print']
) )
struct JsGen { struct JsGen {
@ -452,25 +453,7 @@ fn (mut g JsGen) expr(node ast.Expr) {
g.write("'$it.val'") g.write("'$it.val'")
} }
ast.CallExpr { ast.CallExpr {
mut name := '' g.gen_call_expr(it)
if it.name.starts_with('JS.') {
name = it.name[3..]
} else {
name = g.js_name(it.name)
if it.is_method {
// example: foo.bar.baz()
for i, arg in it.args {
if i != it.args.len - 1 {
g.write(', ')
} }
ast.EnumVal { ast.EnumVal {
styp := g.typ(it.typ) styp := g.typ(it.typ)
@ -1093,6 +1076,32 @@ fn (mut g JsGen) gen_ident(node ast.Ident) {
g.write(name) g.write(name)
} }
fn (mut g JsGen) gen_call_expr(it ast.CallExpr) {
mut name := ''
if it.name.starts_with('JS.') {
name = it.name[3..]
} else {
name = g.js_name(it.name)
if it.is_method {
// example: foo.bar.baz()
} else {
if name in builtin_globals {
for i, arg in it.args {
if i != it.args.len - 1 {
g.write(', ')
fn (mut g JsGen) gen_selector_expr(it ast.SelectorExpr) { fn (mut g JsGen) gen_selector_expr(it ast.SelectorExpr) {
g.expr(it.expr) g.expr(it.expr)
g.write('.$it.field_name') g.write('.$it.field_name')

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@ -1,105 +1,44 @@
// V_COMMIT_HASH 74686d0 // V_COMMIT_HASH 0de70e8
// Generated by the V compiler // Generated by the V compiler
"use strict"; "use strict";
/* namespace: hello */ /* namespace: builtin */
const hello = (function () { const builtin = (function () {
class A {
/** /**
* @param {{foo?: string}} values - values for this class fields * @param {string} s
* @constructor * @returns {void}
*/ */
constructor(values) { function println(s) {
this.foo = values.foo console.log(s);
} }
/** /**
* @param {string} s * @param {string} s
* @returns {void} * @returns {void}
*/ */
update(s) { function print(s) {
const a = this; process.stdout.write(s);
a.foo = s;
class B {
* @param {{}} values - values for this class fields
* @constructor
constructor(values) {
const C = Object.freeze({
* @returns {string}
function v_debugger() {
const v = new B({
return "Hello";
* @returns {string}
function excited() {
return v_debugger() + "!";
} }
/* module exports */ /* module exports */
return { return {
A, println,
C, print,
}; };
})(); })();
/* namespace: main */ /* namespace: main */
const main = (function (hello) { const main = (function () {
class D {
* @param {{a?: hello["A"]["prototype"]}} values - values for this class fields
* @constructor
constructor(values) {
this.a = values.a
* @param {hello["A"]["prototype"]} arg
* @returns {void}
function struct_arg(arg) {
/* program entry point */ /* program entry point */
(function() { (function() {
struct_arg(new hello.A({ builtin.println("hello world");
foo: "hello"
/** @type {number} - a */
let a = 1;
a += 2;
const b = new hello.A({
})(); })();
/* module exports */ /* module exports */
return { return {
}; };
})(hello); })();

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@ -1,25 +1,5 @@
import hello module main
// import hello.hello1
// TODO: Uncomment once nested modules work
fn JS.console.log()
struct D {
a hello.A
fn struct_arg (arg hello.A) {
fn main() { fn main() {
println("hello world")
struct_arg(hello.A{ 'hello' })
mut a := 1
a += 2
b := hello.A{}
// hello1.nested()
} }