cgen: use c_name() while generating code for `or {}`

Delyan Angelov 2020-05-05 19:28:25 +03:00
parent ff88906e9a
commit 9e715b8701
1 changed files with 5 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -2654,18 +2654,19 @@ fn (mut g Gen) insert_before(s string) {
// to access its fields (`.ok`, `.error` etc)
// `os.cp(...)` => `Option bool tmp = os__cp(...); if (!tmp.ok) { ... }`
fn (mut g Gen) or_block(var_name string, stmts []ast.Stmt, return_type table.Type) {
cvar_name := c_name(var_name)
mr_styp := g.base_type(return_type)
g.writeln(';') // or')
g.writeln('if (!${var_name}.ok) {')
g.writeln('\tstring err = ${var_name}.v_error;')
g.writeln('\tint errcode = ${var_name}.ecode;')
g.writeln('if (!${cvar_name}.ok) {')
g.writeln('\tstring err = ${cvar_name}.v_error;')
g.writeln('\tint errcode = ${cvar_name}.ecode;')
last_type, type_of_last_expression := g.type_of_last_statement(stmts)
if last_type == 'v.ast.ExprStmt' && type_of_last_expression != 'void' {
for i, stmt in stmts {
if i == stmts.len - 1 {
g.write('\t*(${mr_styp}*) ${var_name}.data = ')
g.write('\t*(${mr_styp}*) ${cvar_name}.data = ')