compiler: compile thirdparty object files using module specific flags

Delyan Angelov 2019-09-23 00:51:59 +03:00 committed by Alexander Medvednikov
parent 7aaf4012e4
commit a585c8c22c
5 changed files with 211 additions and 135 deletions

View File

@ -147,15 +147,10 @@ fn (v mut V) cc() {
cflags := v.get_os_cflags()
// add .o files
for flag in cflags {
if !flag.value.ends_with('.o') { continue }
a << flag.format()
a << cflags.c_options_only_object_files()
// add all flags (-I -l -L etc) not .o files
for flag in cflags {
if flag.value.ends_with('.o') { continue }
a << flag.format()
a << cflags.c_options_without_object_files()
a << libs
// Without these libs compilation will fail on Linux
@ -274,12 +269,7 @@ fn (c mut V) cc_windows_cross() {
mut args := '-o $c.out_name -w -L. '
cflags := c.get_os_cflags()
// -I flags
for flag in cflags {
if != '-l' {
args += flag.format()
args += ' '
args += cflags.c_options_before_target()
mut libs := ''
if c.pref.build_mode == .default_mode {
libs = '"$ModPath/vlib/builtin.o"'
@ -292,13 +282,7 @@ fn (c mut V) cc_windows_cross() {
args += ' $c.out_name_c '
// -l flags (libs)
for flag in cflags {
if == '-l' {
args += flag.format()
args += ' '
args += cflags.c_options_after_target()
println('Cross compiling for Windows...')
winroot := '$ModPath/winroot'
if !os.dir_exists(winroot) {
@ -339,14 +323,15 @@ fn (c mut V) cc_windows_cross() {
fn (c V) build_thirdparty_obj_files() {
fn (c &V) build_thirdparty_obj_files() {
for flag in c.get_os_cflags() {
if flag.value.ends_with('.o') {
if flag.value.ends_with('.o') {
rest_of_module_flags := c.get_rest_of_module_cflags( flag )
if c.os == .msvc {
build_thirdparty_obj_file_with_msvc(flag.value, rest_of_module_flags)
else {
build_thirdparty_obj_file(flag.value, rest_of_module_flags)

View File

@ -8,13 +8,18 @@ import os
// parsed cflag
struct CFlag{
mod string // the module in which the flag was given
os string // eg. windows | darwin | linux
name string // eg. -I
value string // eg. /path/to/include
fn (c &CFlag) str() string {
return 'CFlag{ name: "$" value: "$c.value" mod: "$c.mod" os: "$c.os" }'
// get flags for current os
fn (v V) get_os_cflags() []CFlag {
fn (v &V) get_os_cflags() []CFlag {
mut flags := []CFlag
for flag in v.table.cflags {
if flag.os == ''
@ -27,6 +32,18 @@ fn (v V) get_os_cflags() []CFlag {
return flags
fn (v &V) get_rest_of_module_cflags(c &CFlag) []CFlag {
mut flags := []CFlag
cflags := v.get_os_cflags()
for flag in cflags {
if c.mod == flag.mod {
if == && c.value == flag.value && c.os == flag.os { continue }
flags << flag
return flags
// format flag
fn (cf &CFlag) format() string {
mut value := cf.value
@ -52,7 +69,7 @@ fn (table &Table) has_cflag(cflag CFlag) bool {
// parse the flags to (table.cflags) []CFlag
// Note: clean up big time (joe-c)
fn (table mut Table) parse_cflag(cflag string) {
fn (table mut Table) parse_cflag(cflag string, mod string) {
allowed_flags := [
@ -107,6 +124,7 @@ fn (table mut Table) parse_cflag(cflag string) {
index = -1
cf := CFlag{
mod: mod,
os: fos,
name: name,
value: value
@ -119,3 +137,53 @@ fn (table mut Table) parse_cflag(cflag string) {
//TODO: implement msvc specific c_options_before_target and c_options_after_target ...
fn (cflags []CFlag) c_options_before_target() string {
$if msvc {
return ''
// -I flags, optimization flags and so on
mut args:=[]string
for flag in cflags {
if != '-l' {
args << flag.format()
return args.join(' ')
fn (cflags []CFlag) c_options_after_target() string {
$if msvc {
return ''
// -l flags (libs)
mut args:=[]string
for flag in cflags {
if == '-l' {
args << flag.format()
return args.join(' ')
fn (cflags []CFlag) c_options_without_object_files() string {
mut args:=[]string
for flag in cflags {
if flag.value.ends_with('.o') || flag.value.ends_with('.obj') {
args << flag.format()
return args.join(' ')
fn (cflags []CFlag) c_options_only_object_files() string {
mut args:=[]string
for flag in cflags {
if flag.value.ends_with('.o') || flag.value.ends_with('.obj') {
args << flag.format()
return args.join(' ')

View File

@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ fn (g mut CGen) add_to_main(s string) {
fn build_thirdparty_obj_file(path string) {
fn build_thirdparty_obj_file(path string, moduleflags []CFlag) {
obj_path := os.realpath(path)
if os.file_exists(obj_path) {
@ -255,7 +255,9 @@ fn build_thirdparty_obj_file(path string) {
cc := find_c_compiler()
cc_thirdparty_options := find_c_compiler_thirdparty_options()
cmd := '$cc $cc_thirdparty_options -c -o "$obj_path" $cfiles'
btarget := moduleflags.c_options_before_target()
atarget := moduleflags.c_options_after_target()
cmd := '$cc $cc_thirdparty_options $btarget -c -o "$obj_path" $cfiles $atarget '
res := os.exec(cmd) or {
println('failed thirdparty object build cmd: $cmd')

View File

@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ fn (p mut Parser) chash() {
flag = flag.replace('@VROOT', p.vroot)
flag = flag.replace('@VMOD', ModPath)
p.log('adding flag "$flag"')
p.table.parse_cflag(flag, p.mod)
if hash.starts_with('include') {

View File

@ -295,13 +295,131 @@ pub fn (v mut V) cc_msvc() {
mut inc_paths := []string{}
mut lib_paths := []string{}
mut other_flags := []string{}
sflags := v.get_os_cflags().msvc_string_flags()
real_libs << sflags.real_libs
inc_paths := sflags.inc_paths
lib_paths := sflags.lib_paths
other_flags := sflags.other_flags
for flag in v.get_os_cflags() {
//println('fl: $ | flag arg: $flag.value')
// Include the base paths
a << '-I "$r.ucrt_include_path"'
a << '-I "$r.vs_include_path"'
a << '-I "$r.um_include_path"'
a << '-I "$r.shared_include_path"'
a << inc_paths
a << other_flags
// Libs are passed to cl.exe which passes them to the linker
a << real_libs.join(' ')
a << '/link'
a << '/NOLOGO'
a << '/OUT:"$v.out_name"'
a << '/LIBPATH:"$r.ucrt_lib_path"'
a << '/LIBPATH:"$r.um_lib_path"'
a << '/LIBPATH:"$r.vs_lib_path"'
a << '/INCREMENTAL:NO' // Disable incremental linking
if !v.pref.is_prod {
a << '/DEBUG:FULL'
} else {
a << '/DEBUG:NONE'
a << lib_paths
args := a.join(' ')
cmd := '""$r.full_cl_exe_path" $args"'
// It is hard to see it at first, but the quotes above ARE balanced :-| ...
// Also the double quotes at the start ARE needed.
if v.pref.show_c_cmd || v.pref.is_verbose {
println('\n========== cl cmd line:')
// println('$cmd')
res := os.exec(cmd) or {
cerror('msvc error')
if res.exit_code != 0 {
// println(res)
// println('C OUTPUT:')
if !v.pref.is_debug && v.out_name_c != 'v.c' && v.out_name_c != 'v_macos.c' {
// Always remove the object file - it is completely unnecessary
fn build_thirdparty_obj_file_with_msvc(path string, moduleflags []CFlag) {
msvc := find_msvc() or {
println('Could not find visual studio')
// msvc expects .obj not .o
mut obj_path := '${path}bj'
obj_path = os.realpath(obj_path)
if os.file_exists(obj_path) {
println('$obj_path already build.')
println('$obj_path not found, building it (with msvc)...')
parent := os.dir(obj_path)
files :=
mut cfiles := ''
for file in files {
if file.ends_with('.c') {
cfiles += '"' + os.realpath( parent + os.PathSeparator + file ) + '" '
include_string := '-I "$msvc.ucrt_include_path" -I "$msvc.vs_include_path" -I "$msvc.um_include_path" -I "$msvc.shared_include_path"'
//println('cfiles: $cfiles')
btarget := moduleflags.c_options_before_target()
atarget := moduleflags.c_options_after_target()
cmd := '""$msvc.full_cl_exe_path" /volatile:ms /Z7 $include_string /c $btarget $cfiles $atarget /Fo"$obj_path""'
//NB: the quotes above ARE balanced.
println('thirdparty cmd line: $cmd')
res := os.exec(cmd) or {
struct MsvcStringFlags {
real_libs []string
inc_paths []string
lib_paths []string
other_flags []string
fn (cflags []CFlag) msvc_string_flags() MsvcStringFlags {
mut real_libs := []string
mut inc_paths := []string
mut lib_paths := []string
mut other_flags := []string
for flag in cflags {
//println('fl: $ | flag arg: $flag.value')
// We need to see if the flag contains -l
// -l isnt recognised and these libs will be passed straight to the linker
// by the compiler
@ -335,107 +453,10 @@ pub fn (v mut V) cc_msvc() {
// Include the base paths
a << '-I "$r.ucrt_include_path"'
a << '-I "$r.vs_include_path"'
a << '-I "$r.um_include_path"'
a << '-I "$r.shared_include_path"'
a << inc_paths
a << other_flags
// Libs are passed to cl.exe which passes them to the linker
a << real_libs.join(' ')
a << '/link'
a << '/NOLOGO'
a << '/OUT:"$v.out_name"'
a << '/LIBPATH:"$r.ucrt_lib_path"'
a << '/LIBPATH:"$r.um_lib_path"'
a << '/LIBPATH:"$r.vs_lib_path"'
a << '/INCREMENTAL:NO' // Disable incremental linking
mut lpaths := []string
for l in lib_paths {
a << '/LIBPATH:"' + os.realpath(l) + '"'
lpaths << '/LIBPATH:"' + os.realpath(l) + '"'
if !v.pref.is_prod {
a << '/DEBUG:FULL'
} else {
a << '/DEBUG:NONE'
args := a.join(' ')
cmd := '""$r.full_cl_exe_path" $args"'
// It is hard to see it at first, but the quotes above ARE balanced :-| ...
// Also the double quotes at the start ARE needed.
if v.pref.show_c_cmd || v.pref.is_verbose {
println('\n========== cl cmd line:')
// println('$cmd')
res := os.exec(cmd) or {
cerror('msvc error')
if res.exit_code != 0 {
// println(res)
// println('C OUTPUT:')
if !v.pref.is_debug && v.out_name_c != 'v.c' && v.out_name_c != 'v_macos.c' {
// Always remove the object file - it is completely unnecessary
return MsvcStringFlags{ real_libs, inc_paths, lpaths, other_flags }
fn build_thirdparty_obj_file_with_msvc(path string) {
msvc := find_msvc() or {
println('Could not find visual studio')
// msvc expects .obj not .o
mut obj_path := '${path}bj'
obj_path = os.realpath(obj_path)
if os.file_exists(obj_path) {
println('$obj_path already build.')
println('$obj_path not found, building it (with msvc)...')
parent := os.dir(obj_path)
files :=
mut cfiles := ''
for file in files {
if file.ends_with('.c') {
cfiles += '"' + os.realpath( parent + os.PathSeparator + file ) + '" '
include_string := '-I "$msvc.ucrt_include_path" -I "$msvc.vs_include_path" -I "$msvc.um_include_path" -I "$msvc.shared_include_path"'
//println('cfiles: $cfiles')
cmd := '""$msvc.full_cl_exe_path" /volatile:ms /Z7 $include_string /c $cfiles /Fo"$obj_path""'
//NB: the quotes above ARE balanced.
println('thirdparty cmd line: $cmd')
res := os.exec(cmd) or {