tools/fast.v: small fixes

Alexander Medvednikov 2019-11-07 21:47:31 +03:00
parent f9e79cd73c
commit c93e51e92d
1 changed files with 26 additions and 16 deletions

View File

@ -8,15 +8,18 @@ import time
fn main() {
exe := os.executable()
dir := os.dir(exe)
vdir := os.dir(dir)
vdir := os.dir(os.dir(dir))
if !os.file_exists('$vdir/v') && !os.dir_exists('$vdir/vlib') {
println('fast.html generator needs to be located in `v/tools/`')
println('fast.html generator needs to be located in `v/tools/fast/`')
println('fast.html generator\n')
// Fetch the last commit's hash
mut commit_hash := exec('git rev-parse HEAD')
commit_hash = commit_hash[..7]
mut table := os.read_file('table.html') or { '' }
if !os.file_exists('table.html') {
os.create('table.html') or { panic(err) }
mut table := os.read_file('table.html') or { panic(err) }
// Do nothing if it's already been processed.
if table.contains(commit_hash) {
println('Commit $commit_hash has already been processed')
@ -25,16 +28,11 @@ fn main() {
// Build an optimized V
println('Building vprod...')
exec('v -o $vdir/vprod -prod $vdir/v.v')
cmd := '$vdir/vprod -o v.c $vdir/v.v'
println('Warming up...')
for i in 0..3 {
os.exec(cmd) or { panic(err) }
ticks := time.ticks()
os.exec(cmd) or { panic(err) }
diff := time.ticks() - ticks
println('Building V took ${diff}ms')
diff1 := measure('$vdir/vprod -o v.c $vdir/v.v')
diff2 := measure('$vdir/vprod -o v2 $vdir/v.v')
diff3 := measure('$vdir/vprod -o v2 -fast $vdir/v.v')
//println('Building V took ${diff}ms')
commit_date := exec('git log -n1 --pretty="format:%at"')
message := exec('git log -n1 --pretty="format:%s"')
date := time.unix(
@ -45,9 +43,9 @@ fn main() {
<td><a target=_blank href="$commit_hash">$commit_hash</a></td>
</tr>\n' +
@ -64,5 +62,17 @@ fn exec(s string) string {
e := os.exec(s) or { panic(err) }
return e.output
// returns milliseconds
fn measure(cmd string) int {
println('Warming up...')
for i in 0..3 {
ticks := time.ticks()
return int(time.ticks() - ticks)