print_backtrace_skipping_top_frames: Implementation for MSVC

Steven Gay 2019-11-11 03:34:53 +11:00 committed by Alexander Medvednikov
parent f8ab629986
commit d1e7a54f3a
7 changed files with 226 additions and 46 deletions

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@ -31,55 +31,20 @@ fn on_panic(f fn (int) int) {
pub fn print_backtrace_skipping_top_frames(skipframes int) {
$if mac {
buffer := [100]byteptr
nr_ptrs := C.backtrace(*voidptr(buffer), 100)
C.backtrace_symbols_fd(*voidptr(&buffer[skipframes]), nr_ptrs-skipframes, 1)
$if windows {
$if msvc {
if print_backtrace_skipping_top_frames_msvc(skipframes) { return }
$if linux {
$if !android {
$if glibc {
// backtrace is not available on Android.
//if C.backtrace_symbols_fd != 0 {
buffer := [100]byteptr
nr_ptrs := C.backtrace(*voidptr(buffer), 100)
nr_actual_frames := nr_ptrs-skipframes
mut sframes := []string
csymbols := *byteptr(C.backtrace_symbols(*voidptr(&buffer[skipframes]), nr_actual_frames))
for i in 0..nr_actual_frames { sframes << tos2(csymbols[i]) }
for sframe in sframes {
executable := sframe.all_before('(')
addr := sframe.all_after('[').all_before(']')
cmd := 'addr2line -e $executable $addr'
// taken from os, to avoid depending on the os module inside builtin.v
f := C.popen(cmd.str, 'r')
if isnil(f) {
println(sframe) continue
$if mingw {
if print_backtrace_skipping_top_frames_mingw(skipframes) { return }
buf := [1000]byte
mut output := ''
for C.fgets(voidptr(buf), 1000, f) != 0 {
output += tos(buf, vstrlen(buf))
output = output.trim_space()+':'
if 0 != int(C.pclose(f)) {
println(sframe) continue
println( '${output:-45s} | $sframe')
//C.backtrace_symbols_fd(*voidptr(&buffer[skipframes]), nr_actual_frames, 1)
C.printf('backtrace_symbols_fd is missing, so printing backtraces is not available.\n')
C.printf('Some libc implementations like musl simply do not provide it.\n')
if print_backtrace_skipping_top_frames_nix(skipframes) { return }
println('print_backtrace_skipping_top_frames is not implemented on this platform for now...\n')
pub fn print_backtrace(){
// at the time of backtrace_symbols_fd call, the C stack would look something like this:
// 1 frame for print_backtrace_skipping_top_frames

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@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
// Copyright (c) 2019 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
module builtin
fn print_backtrace_skipping_top_frames_msvc(skipframes int) bool {
println('not implemented, see builtin_windows.v')
return false
fn print_backtrace_skipping_top_frames_mingw(skipframes int) bool {
println('not implemented, see builtin_windows.v')
return false
fn print_backtrace_skipping_top_frames_nix(xskipframes int) bool {
skipframes := xskipframes + 2
$if mac { return print_backtrace_skipping_top_frames_mac(skipframes) }
$if linux { return print_backtrace_skipping_top_frames_linux(skipframes) }
return false
// the functions below are not called outside this file,
// so there is no need to have their twins in builtin_windows.v
fn print_backtrace_skipping_top_frames_mac(skipframes int) bool {
buffer := [100]byteptr
nr_ptrs := C.backtrace(*voidptr(buffer), 100)
C.backtrace_symbols_fd(*voidptr(&buffer[skipframes]), nr_ptrs-skipframes, 1)
return true
fn print_backtrace_skipping_top_frames_linux(skipframes int) bool {
$if tinyc {
println('TODO: print_backtrace_skipping_top_frames_linux $skipframes with tcc fails tests with "stack smashing detected" .')
return false
$if !android {
$if glibc {
// backtrace is not available on Android.
//if C.backtrace_symbols_fd != 0 {
buffer := [100]byteptr
nr_ptrs := C.backtrace(*voidptr(buffer), 100)
nr_actual_frames := nr_ptrs-skipframes
mut sframes := []string
csymbols := *byteptr(C.backtrace_symbols(*voidptr(&buffer[skipframes]), nr_actual_frames))
for i in 0..nr_actual_frames { sframes << tos2(csymbols[i]) }
for sframe in sframes {
executable := sframe.all_before('(')
addr := sframe.all_after('[').all_before(']')
cmd := 'addr2line -e $executable $addr'
// taken from os, to avoid depending on the os module inside builtin.v
f := C.popen(cmd.str, 'r')
if isnil(f) {
println(sframe) continue
buf := [1000]byte
mut output := ''
for C.fgets(voidptr(buf), 1000, f) != 0 {
output += tos(buf, vstrlen(buf))
output = output.trim_space()+':'
if 0 != int(C.pclose(f)) {
println(sframe) continue
println( '${output:-45s} | $sframe')
//C.backtrace_symbols_fd(*voidptr(&buffer[skipframes]), nr_actual_frames, 1)
return true
C.printf('backtrace_symbols_fd is missing, so printing backtraces is not available.\n')
C.printf('Some libc implementations like musl simply do not provide it.\n')
return false

View File

@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
// Copyright (c) 2019 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
module builtin
#include <dbghelp.h>
#flag windows -l dbghelp
pub struct SymbolInfo {
pub mut:
f_size_of_struct u32 // must be 88 to be recognised by SymFromAddr
f_type_index u32 // Type Index of symbol
f_reserved [2]u64
f_index u32
f_size u32
f_mod_base u64 // Base Address of module comtaining this symbol
f_flags u32
f_value u64 // Value of symbol, ValuePresent should be 1
f_address u64 // Address of symbol including base address of module
f_register u32 // register holding value or pointer to value
f_scope u32 // scope of the symbol
f_tag u32 // pdb classification
f_name_len u32 // Actual length of name
f_max_name_len u32 // must be manually set
f_name byte // must be calloc(f_max_name_len)
pub struct SymbolInfoContainer {
pub mut:
syminfo SymbolInfo
f_name_rest [254]char
pub struct Line64 {
f_size_of_struct u32
f_key voidptr
f_line_number u32
f_file_name byteptr
f_address u64
fn C.SymSetOptions(symoptions u32) u32 // returns the current options mask
fn C.GetCurrentProcess() voidptr // returns handle
fn C.SymInitialize(h_process voidptr, p_user_search_path byteptr, b_invade_process int) int
fn C.CaptureStackBackTrace(frames_to_skip u32, frames_to_capture u32, p_backtrace voidptr, p_backtrace_hash voidptr) u16
fn C.SymFromAddr(h_process voidptr, address u64, p_displacement voidptr, p_symbol voidptr) int
fn C.SymGetLineFromAddr64(h_process voidptr, address u64, p_displacement voidptr, p_line &Line64) int
// Ref -
const (
SYMOPT_UNDNAME = 0x00000002
SYMOPT_NO_CPP = 0x00000008
SYMOPT_LOAD_LINES = 0x00000010
SYMOPT_DEBUG = 0x80000000
fn print_backtrace_skipping_top_frames_msvc(skipframes int) bool {
mut offset := u64(0)
backtraces := [100]voidptr
sic := SymbolInfoContainer{}
mut si := &sic.syminfo
si.f_size_of_struct = sizeof(SymbolInfo) // Note: C.SYMBOL_INFO is 88
si.f_max_name_len = sizeof(SymbolInfoContainer) - sizeof(SymbolInfo) - 1
fname := *char( &si.f_name )
mut sline64 := Line64{}
sline64.f_size_of_struct = sizeof(Line64)
handle := C.GetCurrentProcess()
defer { C.SymCleanup(handle) }
syminitok := C.SymInitialize( handle, 0, 1)
if syminitok != 1 {
println('Failed getting process: Aborting backtrace.\n')
return true
frames := int( C.CaptureStackBackTrace(skipframes + 1, 100, backtraces, 0) )
for i:=0; i < frames; i++ {
// fugly pointer arithmetics follows ...
s := *voidptr( u64(backtraces) + u64(i*sizeof(voidptr)) )
symfa_ok := C.SymFromAddr( handle, *s, &offset, si )
if symfa_ok == 1 {
nframe := frames - i - 1
mut lineinfo := ''
symglfa_ok := C.SymGetLineFromAddr64(handle, *s, &offset, &sline64)
if symglfa_ok == 1 {
lineinfo = ' ${sline64.f_file_name}:${sline64.f_line_number}'
else {
//cerr := int(C.GetLastError()) println('SymGetLineFromAddr64 failure: $cerr ')
lineinfo = ' ?? : address= $s'
sfunc := tos3(fname)
println('${nframe:-2d}: ${sfunc:-25s} $lineinfo')
else {
cerr := int(C.GetLastError())
if (cerr == 87) {
println('SymFromAddr failure: $cerr = The parameter is incorrect)')
else if (cerr == 487) {
// probably caused because the .pdb isn't in the executable folder
println('SymFromAddr failure: $cerr = Attempt to access invalid address (Verify that you have the .pdb file in the right folder.)')
else {
println('SymFromAddr failure: $cerr (see')
return true
fn print_backtrace_skipping_top_frames_mingw(skipframes int) bool {
println('TODO: print_backtrace_skipping_top_frames_mingw($skipframes)')
return false
fn print_backtrace_skipping_top_frames_nix(skipframes int) bool {
println('not implemented, see builtin_nix.v')
return false

View File

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ CommonCHeaders = '
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <unistd.h> // sleep
#pragma comment(lib, "Dbghelp.lib")
#if defined(__MSVCRT_VERSION__) && __MSVCRT_VERSION__ < __MSVCR90_DLL
#error Please upgrade your MinGW distribution to use msvcr90.dll or later.

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ module compiler
import os
#flag windows -l shell32
#flag windows -l dbghelp
// RegOpenKeyExA etc
#flag windows -l advapi32

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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
Test for backtrace capability
fn a_method() {
fn test_backtrace() {

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@ -86,7 +86,6 @@ fn init_os_args(argc int, argv &byteptr) []string {
return args
pub fn ls(path string) ?[]string {
mut find_file_data := Win32finddata{}
mut dir_files := []string