fmt: remove space in front of ? and ! (#14366)
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ fn main() {
vexe := pref.vexe_path()
vroot := os.dir(vexe)
os.chdir(vroot) ?
cmd := diff.find_working_diff_command() or { '' }
mut app := App{
diff_cmd: cmd
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ const vdir = @VEXEROOT
fn main() {
os.chdir(fast_dir) ?
if !os.exists('$vdir/v') && !os.is_dir('$vdir/vlib') {
println('fast.html generator needs to be located in `v/cmd/tools/fast`')
@ -32,11 +32,11 @@ fn main() {
// fetch the last commit's hash
commit := exec('git rev-parse HEAD')[..8]
if !os.exists('table.html') {
os.create('table.html') ?
mut table := os.read_file('table.html') ?
mut table := os.read_file('table.html')?
if os.exists('website/index.html') {
uploaded_index := os.read_file('website/index.html') ?
uploaded_index := os.read_file('website/index.html')?
if uploaded_index.contains('>$commit<') {
println('nothing to benchmark')
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ fn main() {
// build an optimized V
println(' Building vprod...')
os.chdir(vdir) ?
if os.args.contains('-noprod') {
exec('./v -o vprod cmd/v') // for faster debugging
} else {
@ -82,8 +82,8 @@ fn main() {
commit_date := exec('git log -n1 --pretty="format:%at" $commit')
date := time.unix(
os.chdir(fast_dir) ?
mut out := os.create('table.html') ?
mut out := os.create('table.html')?
// place the new row on top
html_message := message.replace_each(['<', '<', '>', '>'])
@ -105,25 +105,25 @@ fn main() {
<td>${int(f64(vlines) / f64(diff1) * 1000.0)}</td>
</tr>\n' +
out.writeln(table) ?
// regenerate index.html
header := os.read_file('header.html') ?
footer := os.read_file('footer.html') ?
mut res := os.create('index.html') ?
res.writeln(header) ?
res.writeln(table) ?
res.writeln(footer) ?
header := os.read_file('header.html')?
footer := os.read_file('footer.html')?
mut res := os.create('index.html')?
// upload the result to github pages
if os.args.contains('-upload') {
os.chdir('website') ?
os.execute_or_exit('git checkout gh-pages')
os.cp('../index.html', 'index.html') ?
os.rm('../index.html') ?
os.cp('../index.html', 'index.html')?
os.system('git commit -am "update benchmark"')
os.system('git push origin gh-pages')
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ fn main() {
should_sync := fp.bool('cache-sync', `s`, false, 'Update the local cache')
context.is_bisect = fp.bool('bisect', `b`, false, 'Bisect mode. Use the current commit in the repo where oldv is.')
if !should_sync && !context.is_bisect {
fp.limit_free_args(1, 1) ?
fp.limit_free_args(1, 1)?
context.cleanup = fp.bool('clean', 0, false, 'Clean before running (slower).')
@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ fn main() {
fp.arguments_description('COMMIT_BEFORE [COMMIT_AFTER]')
fp.limit_free_args(1, 2) ?
fp.limit_free_args(1, 2)?
context.vflags = fp.string('vflags', 0, '', 'Additional options to pass to the v commands, for example "-cc tcc"')
context.hyperfineopts = fp.string('hyperfine_options', 0, '', 'Additional options passed to hyperfine.
${}For example on linux, you may want to pass:
@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ const (
fn main() {
mut context := Context{}
context.parse_options() ?
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ fn (mut context Context) parse_options() ? {
fp.description('Repeat command(s) and collect statistics. Note: you have to quote each command, if it contains spaces.')
fp.arguments_description('CMD1 CMD2 ...')
fp.limit_free_args_to_at_least(1) ?
context.count ='count', `c`, 10, 'Repetition count.')
context.series ='series', `s`, 2, 'Series count. `-s 2 -c 4 a b` => aaaabbbbaaaabbbb, while `-s 3 -c 2 a b` => aabbaabbaabb.')
context.warmup ='warmup', `w`, 2, 'Warmup runs. These are done *only at the start*, and are ignored.')
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ fn cleanup_tdir() {
fn create_test(tname string, tcontent string) ?string {
tpath := os.join_path(tdir, tname)
os.write_file(tpath, tcontent) ?
os.write_file(tpath, tcontent)?
eprintln('>>>>>>>> tpath: $tpath | tcontent: $tcontent')
return tpath
@ -52,17 +52,17 @@ fn main() {
os.chdir(os.wd_at_startup) or {}
println('> vroot: $vroot | vexe: $vexe | tdir: $tdir')
ok_fpath := create_test('a_single_ok_test.v', 'fn test_ok(){ assert true }') ?
ok_fpath := create_test('a_single_ok_test.v', 'fn test_ok(){ assert true }')?
check_ok('"$vexe" "$ok_fpath"')
check_ok('"$vexe" test "$ok_fpath"')
check_ok('"$vexe" test "$tdir"')
fail_fpath := create_test('a_single_failing_test.v', 'fn test_fail(){ assert 1 == 2 }') ?
fail_fpath := create_test('a_single_failing_test.v', 'fn test_fail(){ assert 1 == 2 }')?
check_fail('"$vexe" "$fail_fpath"')
check_fail('"$vexe" test "$fail_fpath"')
check_fail('"$vexe" test "$tdir"')
rel_dir := os.join_path(tdir, rand.ulid())
os.mkdir(rel_dir) ?
os.chdir(rel_dir) ?
check_ok('"$vexe" test "..${os.path_separator + os.base(ok_fpath)}"')
println('> all done')
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ fn main() {
for hf in hfields.split(',') {
ctx.hide_names[hf] = true
fp.limit_free_args_to_at_least(1) ?
rest_of_args := fp.remaining_parameters()
for vfile in rest_of_args {
file := get_abs_path(vfile)
@ -130,12 +130,12 @@ fn main() {
max_bname := context.max_bname_len(file_byte_map.keys())
if context.write_file.len > 0 {
mut out_file := os.create(context.write_file) ?
out_file.write_string(context.header()) ?
mut out_file := os.create(context.write_file)?
for bname, fbytes in file_byte_map {
out_file.write_string(context.file2v(bname, fbytes, max_bname)) ?
out_file.write_string(context.file2v(bname, fbytes, max_bname))?
out_file.write_string(context.footer()) ?
} else {
for bname, fbytes in file_byte_map {
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ fn main() {
args_string := os.args[1..].join(' ')
vexe := os.getenv('VEXE')
vroot := os.dir(vexe)
os.chdir(vroot) ?
folder := os.join_path('cmd', 'tools')
tfolder := os.join_path(vroot, 'cmd', 'tools')
main_label := 'Building $folder ...'
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ fn main() {
mut executables := ?
mut executables :=
for texe in executables {
tname := texe.replace(os.file_ext(texe), '')
@ -68,21 +68,21 @@ fn run_individual_test(case BumpTestCase) ? {
test_file := os.join_path_single(temp_dir, case.file_name)
os.rm(test_file) or {}
os.write_file(test_file, case.contents) ?
os.write_file(test_file, case.contents)?
os.execute_or_exit('${os.quoted_path(vexe)} bump --patch ${os.quoted_path(test_file)}')
patch_lines := os.read_lines(test_file) ?
patch_lines := os.read_lines(test_file)?
assert patch_lines[case.line] == case.expected_patch
os.execute_or_exit('${os.quoted_path(vexe)} bump --minor ${os.quoted_path(test_file)}')
minor_lines := os.read_lines(test_file) ?
minor_lines := os.read_lines(test_file)?
assert minor_lines[case.line] == case.expected_minor
os.execute_or_exit('${os.quoted_path(vexe)} bump --major ${os.quoted_path(test_file)}')
major_lines := os.read_lines(test_file) ?
major_lines := os.read_lines(test_file)?
assert major_lines[case.line] == case.expected_major
os.rm(test_file) ?
fn test_all_bump_cases() {
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ const test_path = 'vcreate_test'
fn init_and_check() ? {
os.execute_or_exit('${os.quoted_path(@VEXE)} init')
assert os.read_file('vcreate_test.v') ? == [
assert os.read_file('vcreate_test.v')? == [
'module main\n',
'fn main() {',
" println('Hello World!')",
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ fn init_and_check() ? {
assert os.read_file('v.mod') ? == [
assert os.read_file('v.mod')? == [
'Module {',
" name: 'vcreate_test'",
" description: ''",
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ fn init_and_check() ? {
assert os.read_file('.gitignore') ? == [
assert os.read_file('.gitignore')? == [
'# Binaries for programs and plugins',
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ fn init_and_check() ? {
assert os.read_file('.gitattributes') ? == [
assert os.read_file('.gitattributes')? == [
'*.v linguist-language=V text=auto eol=lf',
'*.vv linguist-language=V text=auto eol=lf',
'*.vsh linguist-language=V text=auto eol=lf',
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ fn init_and_check() ? {
assert os.read_file('.editorconfig') ? == [
assert os.read_file('.editorconfig')? == [
'charset = utf-8',
'end_of_line = lf',
@ -66,9 +66,9 @@ fn test_v_init() ? {
defer {
os.rmdir_all(dir) or {}
os.chdir(dir) ?
init_and_check() ?
fn test_v_init_in_git_dir() ? {
@ -78,24 +78,24 @@ fn test_v_init_in_git_dir() ? {
defer {
os.rmdir_all(dir) or {}
os.chdir(dir) ?
os.execute_or_exit('git init .')
init_and_check() ?
fn test_v_init_no_overwrite_gitignore() ? {
dir := os.join_path(os.temp_dir(), test_path)
os.rmdir_all(dir) or {}
os.mkdir(dir) or {}
os.write_file('$dir/.gitignore', 'blah') ?
os.write_file('$dir/.gitignore', 'blah')?
defer {
os.rmdir_all(dir) or {}
os.chdir(dir) ?
os.execute_or_exit('${os.quoted_path(@VEXE)} init')
assert os.read_file('.gitignore') ? == 'blah'
assert os.read_file('.gitignore')? == 'blah'
fn test_v_init_no_overwrite_gitattributes_and_editorconfig() ? {
@ -114,15 +114,15 @@ indent_size = 4
dir := os.join_path(os.temp_dir(), test_path)
os.rmdir_all(dir) or {}
os.mkdir(dir) or {}
os.write_file('$dir/.gitattributes', git_attributes_content) ?
os.write_file('$dir/.editorconfig', editor_config_content) ?
os.write_file('$dir/.gitattributes', git_attributes_content)?
os.write_file('$dir/.editorconfig', editor_config_content)?
defer {
os.rmdir_all(dir) or {}
os.chdir(dir) ?
os.execute_or_exit('${os.quoted_path(@VEXE)} init')
assert os.read_file('.gitattributes') ? == git_attributes_content
assert os.read_file('.editorconfig') ? == editor_config_content
assert os.read_file('.gitattributes')? == git_attributes_content
assert os.read_file('.editorconfig')? == editor_config_content
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ fn find_diff_cmd() string {
fn test_vet() ? {
os.setenv('VCOLORS', 'never', true)
os.chdir(vroot) ?
test_dir := 'cmd/tools/vdoc/tests/testdata'
main_files := get_main_files_in_dir(test_dir)
fails := check_path(vexe, test_dir, main_files)
@ -142,11 +142,11 @@ fn main() {
opt.config = new_config(opt.root_path, toml_conf) ?
opt.config = new_config(opt.root_path, toml_conf)?
gen_in_path := arg_paths[0]
if arg_paths.len >= 1 {
generate_screenshots(mut opt, gen_in_path) ?
generate_screenshots(mut opt, gen_in_path)?
if arg_paths.len > 1 {
target_path := arg_paths[1]
@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ fn generate_screenshots(mut opt Options, output_path string) ? {
if opt.verbose {
eprintln('Creating output path `$dst_path`')
os.mkdir_all(dst_path) ?
screenshot_path := os.join_path(dst_path, rel_out_path)
@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ fn take_screenshots(opt Options, app AppConfig) ?[]string {
// ensure_env returns nothing if everything is okay.
fn ensure_env(opt Options) ? {
if !os.exists(tmp_dir) {
os.mkdir_all(tmp_dir) ?
if runtime_os !in supported_hosts {
@ -355,9 +355,9 @@ fn vexe() string {
fn new_config(root_path string, toml_config string) ?Config {
doc := if os.is_file(toml_config) {
toml.parse_file(toml_config) ?
} else {
toml.parse_text(toml_config) ?
path := os.real_path(root_path).trim_right('/')
@ -12,11 +12,11 @@ fn main() {
fp.description('\nScan .v source files, and print the V tokens contained in them.')
fp.arguments_description('PATH [PATH]...')
fp.limit_free_args_to_at_least(1) ?
pref := pref.new_preferences()
mut all_paths := fp.remaining_parameters()
for path in all_paths {
mut scanner := scanner.new_scanner_file(path, .parse_comments, pref) ?
mut scanner := scanner.new_scanner_file(path, .parse_comments, pref)?
mut tok := token.Token{}
for tok.kind != .eof {
tok = scanner.scan()
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ fn main() {
short_v_name := vexe_name.all_before('.')
recompilation.must_be_enabled(vroot, 'Please install V from source, to use `$vexe_name self` .')
os.chdir(vroot) ?
os.setenv('VCOLORS', 'always', true)
args := os.args[1..].filter(it != 'self')
jargs := args.join(' ')
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ fn main() {
$if windows {
println('Setup freetype...')
vroot := os.dir(pref.vexe_path())
os.chdir(vroot) ?
if os.is_dir(freetype_folder) {
println('Thirdparty "freetype" is already installed.')
} else {
@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ fn compile_shaders(opt Options, input_path string) ? {
// Currently sokol-shdc allows for multiple --input flags
// - but it's only the last entry that's actually compiled/used
// Given this fact - we can only compile one '.glsl' file to one C '.h' header
compile_shader(co, shader_file) ?
compile_shader(co, shader_file)?
@ -233,10 +233,10 @@ fn collect(path string, mut list []string) {
// tools can be setup or is already in place.
fn ensure_external_tools(opt Options) ? {
if !os.exists(cache_dir) {
os.mkdir_all(cache_dir) ?
if opt.force_update {
download_shdc(opt) ?
@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ fn ensure_external_tools(opt Options) ? {
download_shdc(opt) ?
// shdc_exe returns an absolute path to the `sokol-shdc` tool.
@ -277,26 +277,26 @@ fn download_shdc(opt Options) ? {
if os.exists(file) {
os.rm(file) ?
mut dtmp_file, dtmp_path := util.temp_file(util.TempFileOptions{ path: os.dir(file) }) ?
mut dtmp_file, dtmp_path := util.temp_file(util.TempFileOptions{ path: os.dir(file) })?
if opt.verbose {
eprintln('$tool_name downloading sokol-shdc from $download_url')
http.download_file(download_url, dtmp_path) or {
os.rm(dtmp_path) ?
return error('$tool_name failed to download sokol-shdc needed for shader compiling: $err')
// Make it executable
os.chmod(dtmp_path, 0o775) ?
os.chmod(dtmp_path, 0o775)?
// Move downloaded file in place
||||, file) ?
||||, file)?
if runtime_os in ['linux', 'macos'] {
// Use the .exe file ending to minimize platform friction.
||||, shdc) ?
||||, shdc)?
// Update internal version file
os.write_file(shdc_version_file, update_to_shdc_version) ?
os.write_file(shdc_version_file, update_to_shdc_version)?
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ fn main() {
context.pref = &pref.Preferences{
output_mode: .silent
mut source := os.read_file(context.path) ?
mut source := os.read_file(context.path)?
source = source[..context.cut_index]
go fn (ms int) {
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import v.pref
fn main() {
vexe := pref.vexe_path()
vroot := os.dir(vexe)
os.chdir(vroot) ?
os.setenv('VCOLORS', 'always', true)
self_idx := os.args.index('tracev')
args := os.args[1..self_idx]
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ fn new_app() App {
fn main() {
app := new_app()
recompilation.must_be_enabled(app.vroot, 'Please install V from source, to use `v up` .')
os.chdir(app.vroot) ?
println('Updating V...')
v_hash := version.githash(false)
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ fn find_diff_cmd() string {
fn test_vet() ? {
vexe := os.getenv('VEXE')
vroot := os.dir(vexe)
os.chdir(vroot) ?
test_dir := 'cmd/tools/vvet/tests'
tests := get_tests_in_dir(test_dir)
fails := check_path(vexe, test_dir, tests)
@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ fn main() {
fp.description('Collect all .v files needed for a compilation, then re-run the compilation when any of the source changes.')
fp.arguments_description('[--silent] [--clear] [--ignore .db] [--add /path/to/a/file.v] [run] program.v')
fp.limit_free_args_to_at_least(1) ?
context.is_worker = fp.bool('vwatchworker', 0, false, 'Internal flag. Used to distinguish vwatch manager and worker processes.')
context.silent = fp.bool('silent', `s`, false, 'Be more silent; do not print the watch timestamp before each re-run.')
context.clear_terminal = fp.bool('clear', `c`, false, 'Clears the terminal before each re-run.')
@ -1303,7 +1303,7 @@ large_index := 999
val := arr[large_index] or { panic('out of bounds') }
// you can also do this, if you want to *propagate* the access error:
val2 := arr[333] ?
val2 := arr[333]?
@ -1893,7 +1893,7 @@ enum State {
// write log file and return number of bytes written
fn write_log(s State) ?int {
mut f := os.create('log.txt') ?
mut f := os.create('log.txt')?
defer {
@ -3419,7 +3419,7 @@ propagate the error:
import net.http
fn f(url string) ?string {
resp := http.get(url) ?
resp := http.get(url)?
return resp.text
@ -3937,7 +3937,7 @@ println(user.last_name)
// You can also decode JSON arrays:
sfoos := '[{"x":123},{"x":456}]'
foos := json.decode([]Foo, sfoos) ?
foos := json.decode([]Foo, sfoos)?
@ -4042,8 +4042,8 @@ If a test function has an error return type, any propagated errors will fail the
import strconv
fn test_atoi() ? {
assert strconv.atoi('1') ? == 1
assert strconv.atoi('one') ? == 1 // test will fail
assert strconv.atoi('1')? == 1
assert strconv.atoi('one')? == 1 // test will fail
@ -4435,7 +4435,7 @@ struct Customer {
country string [nonull]
db := sqlite.connect('customers.db') ?
db := sqlite.connect('customers.db')?
// you can create tables:
@ -5356,7 +5356,7 @@ Full list of builtin options:
import os
fn main() {
embedded_file := $embed_file('v.png')
os.write_file('exported.png', embedded_file.to_string()) ?
os.write_file('exported.png', embedded_file.to_string())?
@ -5380,7 +5380,7 @@ Currently only one compression type is supported: `zlib`
import os
fn main() {
embedded_file := $embed_file('v.png', .zlib) // compressed using zlib
os.write_file('exported.png', embedded_file.to_string()) ?
os.write_file('exported.png', embedded_file.to_string())?
@ -5833,7 +5833,7 @@ fn sh(cmd string){
rmdir_all('build') or { }
// Create build/, never fails as build/ does not exist
mkdir('build') ?
// Move *.v files to build/
result := execute('mv *.v build/')
@ -5844,7 +5844,7 @@ if result.exit_code != 0 {
// Similar to:
// files := ls('.') ?
// files := ls('.')?
// mut count := 0
// if files.len > 0 {
// for file in files {
@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ import io
fn main() {
// Make a new connection
mut conn := net.dial_tcp('') ?
mut conn := net.dial_tcp('')?
// Simple http HEAD request for a file
conn.write_string('GET /index.html HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n') ?
conn.write_string('GET /index.html HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n')?
// Wrap in a buffered reader
mut r := io.new_buffered_reader(reader: conn)
for {
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import time
fn vlang_time(mut wg sync.WaitGroup) ?string {
start := time.ticks()
data := http.get('') ?
data := http.get('')?
finish := time.ticks()
println('Finish getting time ${finish - start} ms')
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ fn vlang_time(mut wg sync.WaitGroup) ?string {
fn remote_ip(mut wg sync.WaitGroup) ?string {
start := time.ticks()
data := http.get('') ?
data := http.get('')?
finish := time.ticks()
println('Finish getting ip ${finish - start} ms')
@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ fn main() {
password: ''
dbname: 'mysql'
conn.connect() ?
res := conn.query('show tables') ?
res := conn.query('show tables')?
for row in res.rows() {
println(row.vals.join(', '))
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import sqlite
fn main() {
db := sqlite.connect(':memory:') ?
db := sqlite.connect(':memory:')?
db.exec("create table users (id integer primary key, name text default '');")
db.exec("insert into users (name) values ('Sam')")
@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ type FNAdder = fn (int, int) int
fn main() {
library_file_path := os.join_path(os.getwd(), dl.get_libname('library'))
handle := dl.open_opt(library_file_path, dl.rtld_lazy) ?
handle := dl.open_opt(library_file_path, dl.rtld_lazy)?
eprintln('handle: ${ptr_str(handle)}')
f := FNAdder(dl.sym_opt(handle, 'add_1') ?)
f := FNAdder(dl.sym_opt(handle, 'add_1')?)
eprintln('f: ${ptr_str(f)}')
res := f(1, 2)
eprintln('res: $res')
@ -34,5 +34,5 @@ fn main() {
mut server := Server{
handler: ExampleHandler{}
server.listen_and_serve() ?
@ -348,19 +348,19 @@ fn animate(mut state State, time f64) {
fn main() {
canvas, gl := get_webgl()
vertex_buffer := gl.createBuffer() ?
vertex_buffer := gl.createBuffer()?
gl.bindBuffer(dom.gl_array_buffer(), vertex_buffer)
gl.bufferData(dom.gl_array_buffer(), float32_array(vertices), dom.gl_static_draw())
color_buffer := gl.createBuffer() ?
color_buffer := gl.createBuffer()?
gl.bindBuffer(dom.gl_array_buffer(), color_buffer)
gl.bufferData(dom.gl_array_buffer(), float32_array(colors), dom.gl_static_draw())
index_buffer := gl.createBuffer() ?
index_buffer := gl.createBuffer()?
gl.bindBuffer(dom.gl_element_array_buffer(), index_buffer)
gl.bufferData(dom.gl_element_array_buffer(), uint16_array(indices), dom.gl_static_draw())
vert_shader := gl.createShader(dom.gl_vertex_shader()) ?
vert_shader := gl.createShader(dom.gl_vertex_shader())?
gl.shaderSource(vert_shader, vert_code.str)
@ -368,14 +368,14 @@ fn main() {
panic('An error occurred when compiling vertex shader: ${string(gl.getShaderInfoLog(vert_shader))}')
frag_shader := gl.createShader(dom.gl_fragment_shader()) ?
frag_shader := gl.createShader(dom.gl_fragment_shader())?
gl.shaderSource(frag_shader, frag_code.str)
if !bool(JS.Boolean(gl.getShaderParameter(frag_shader, dom.gl_compile_status()))) {
panic('An error occurred when compiling fragment shader: ${string(gl.getShaderInfoLog(frag_shader))}')
shader_program := gl.createProgram() ?
shader_program := gl.createProgram()?
gl.attachShader(shader_program, vert_shader)
gl.attachShader(shader_program, frag_shader)
@ -384,9 +384,9 @@ fn main() {
panic('unable to initialize the shader program: ${string(gl.getProgramInfoLog(shader_program))}')
pmatrix := gl.getUniformLocation(shader_program, 'Pmatrix'.str) ?
vmatrix := gl.getUniformLocation(shader_program, 'Vmatrix'.str) ?
mmatrix := gl.getUniformLocation(shader_program, 'Mmatrix'.str) ?
pmatrix := gl.getUniformLocation(shader_program, 'Pmatrix'.str)?
vmatrix := gl.getUniformLocation(shader_program, 'Vmatrix'.str)?
mmatrix := gl.getUniformLocation(shader_program, 'Mmatrix'.str)?
gl.bindBuffer(dom.gl_array_buffer(), vertex_buffer)
position := gl.getAttribLocation(shader_program, 'position'.str)
@ -32,10 +32,10 @@ mut:
fn main() {
window := dom.window()
document := dom.document
clear_btn := document.getElementById('clearButton'.str) ?
canvas_elem := document.getElementById('canvas'.str) ?
clear_btn := document.getElementById('clearButton'.str)?
canvas_elem := document.getElementById('canvas'.str)?
canvas := get_canvas(canvas_elem)
ctx := canvas.getContext('2d'.str, js_undefined()) ?
ctx := canvas.getContext('2d'.str, js_undefined())?
context := match ctx {
JS.CanvasRenderingContext2D {
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import net
conn := net.dial_tcp('') ?
peer_addr := conn.peer_addr() ?
conn := net.dial_tcp('')?
peer_addr := conn.peer_addr()?
@ -3,18 +3,18 @@ import io
fn main() {
// Make a new connection
mut conn := net.dial_tcp('') ?
mut conn := net.dial_tcp('')?
defer {
conn.close() or {}
println(' peer: ${conn.peer_addr() ?}')
println('local: ${conn.addr() ?}')
println(' peer: ${conn.peer_addr()?}')
println('local: ${conn.addr()?}')
// Simple http HEAD request for a file
conn.write_string('HEAD /index.html HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n') ?
conn.write_string('HEAD /index.html HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n')?
// Read all the data that is waiting
result := io.read_all(reader: conn) ?
result := io.read_all(reader: conn)?
// Cast to string and print result
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import time
fn send_request(mut wg sync.WaitGroup) ?string {
start := time.ticks()
data := http.get('') ?
data := http.get('')?
finish := time.ticks()
println('Finish getting time ${finish - start} ms')
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ fn main() {
mut buf := []u8{len: 100}
if is_server {
println('UDP echo server, listening for udp packets on port: $port')
mut c := net.listen_udp(':$port') ?
mut c := net.listen_udp(':$port')?
for {
read, addr := buf) or { continue }
println('received $read bytes from $addr')
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ fn main() {
} else {
println('UDP client, sending packets to port: ${port}.\nType `exit` to exit.')
mut c := net.dial_udp('localhost:$port') ?
mut c := net.dial_udp('localhost:$port')?
for {
mut line := os.input('client > ')
match line {
@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ fn main() {
else {}
c.write_string(line) ?
read, _ := buf) ?
read, _ := buf)?
println('server : ' + buf[].bytestr())
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import sim.anim
import sim.args as simargs
fn main() {
args := simargs.parse_args(extra_workers: 1) ? as simargs.ParallelArgs
args := simargs.parse_args(extra_workers: 1)? as simargs.ParallelArgs
mut app := anim.new_app(args)
mut workers := []thread{cap: args.workers}
@ -7,11 +7,11 @@ import sim.args as simargs
import sim.img
fn main() {
args := simargs.parse_args(extra_workers: 2) ? as simargs.ParallelArgs
args := simargs.parse_args(extra_workers: 2)? as simargs.ParallelArgs
img_settings := img.image_settings_from_grid(args.grid)
mut writer := img.ppm_writer_for_fname(args.filename, img_settings) ?
mut writer := img.ppm_writer_for_fname(args.filename, img_settings)?
mut app := anim.new_app(args)
mut workers := []thread{cap: args.workers + 1}
@ -33,10 +33,10 @@ pub type SimArgs = ParallelArgs | SequentialArgs
pub fn parse_args(config ParserSettings) ?SimArgs {
if config.sequential {
args := parse_sequential_args() ?
args := parse_sequential_args()?
return SimArgs(args)
} else {
args := parse_parallel_args(config.extra_workers) ?
args := parse_parallel_args(config.extra_workers)?
return SimArgs(args)
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ fn parse_sequential_args() ?SequentialArgs {
mut fp := flag.new_flag_parser(os.args)
fp.limit_free_args(0, 0) ?
fp.limit_free_args(0, 0)?
fp.description('This is a pendulum simulation written in pure V')
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ fn parse_parallel_args(extra_workers int) ?ParallelArgs {
mut fp := flag.new_flag_parser(os.args)
fp.limit_free_args(0, 0) ?
fp.limit_free_args(0, 0)?
fp.description('This is a pendulum simulation written in pure V')
@ -44,19 +44,19 @@ pub fn ppm_writer_for_fname(fname string, settings ImageSettings) ?&PPMWriter {
cache_size: settings.cache_size
cache: []u8{cap: settings.cache_size}
writer.start_for_file(fname, settings) ?
writer.start_for_file(fname, settings)?
return writer
pub fn (mut writer PPMWriter) start_for_file(fname string, settings ImageSettings) ? {
writer.file = os.create(fname) ?
writer.file.writeln('P6 $settings.width $settings.height 255') ?
writer.file = os.create(fname)?
writer.file.writeln('P6 $settings.width $settings.height 255')?
pub fn (mut writer PPMWriter) handle_pixel(p gx.Color) ? {
if writer.cache.len >= writer.cache_size {
writer.write() ?
writer.flush() ?
writer.cache << [p.r, p.g, p.b]
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ pub fn (mut writer PPMWriter) flush() ? {
pub fn (mut writer PPMWriter) write() ? {
writer.file.write(writer.cache) ?
pub fn (mut writer PPMWriter) close() {
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import sim.args as simargs
import sim.img
fn main() {
args := simargs.parse_args() ? as simargs.ParallelArgs
args := simargs.parse_args()? as simargs.ParallelArgs
img_settings := img.image_settings_from_grid(args.grid)
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ fn main() {
request_chan := chan &sim.SimRequest{cap: args.workers}
result_chan := chan &sim.SimResult{cap: args.workers}
mut writer := img.ppm_writer_for_fname(args.filename, img_settings) ?
mut writer := img.ppm_writer_for_fname(args.filename, img_settings)?
mut image_writer := img.new_image_writer(mut writer, img_settings)
mut workers := []thread{cap: args.workers}
@ -6,14 +6,14 @@ import sim.args as simargs
import sim.img
fn main() {
args := simargs.parse_args(extra_workers: 1) ? as simargs.ParallelArgs
args := simargs.parse_args(extra_workers: 1)? as simargs.ParallelArgs
img_settings := img.image_settings_from_grid(args.grid)
request_chan := chan &sim.SimRequest{cap: args.workers}
result_chan := chan &sim.SimResult{cap: args.workers}
mut writer := img.ppm_writer_for_fname(args.filename, img_settings) ?
mut writer := img.ppm_writer_for_fname(args.filename, img_settings)?
mut workers := []thread{cap: args.workers + 1}
mut bmark := benchmark.start()
@ -6,14 +6,14 @@ import sim.args as simargs
import sim.img
fn main() {
args := simargs.parse_args(sequential: true) ? as simargs.SequentialArgs
args := simargs.parse_args(sequential: true)? as simargs.SequentialArgs
mut bmark := benchmark.start()
defer {
mut writer := img.ppm_writer_for_fname(args.filename, img.image_settings_from_grid(args.grid)) ?
mut writer := img.ppm_writer_for_fname(args.filename, img.image_settings_from_grid(args.grid))?
defer {
@ -26,5 +26,5 @@ fn main() {
||||, grid: args.grid, on_request: sim.SimRequestHandler(handle_request))
writer.write() ?
@ -2,6 +2,6 @@ import rand
fn main() {
for _ in 0 .. 10 {
println('${rand.intn(255) ?}.${rand.intn(255) ?}.${rand.intn(255) ?}.${rand.intn(255) ?}')
@ -12,10 +12,10 @@ mut:
fn main() {
if os.args.len < 2 {
eprintln('Usage: play_wav file1.wav file2.wav ...')
play_sounds([os.resource_abs_path('uhoh.wav')]) ?
play_sounds(os.args[1..]) ?
fn play_sounds(files []string) ? {
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ fn play_sounds(files []string) ? {
eprintln('skipping "$f" (not a .wav file)')
player.play_wav_file(f) ?
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ fn (mut p Player) stop() {
fn (mut p Player) play_wav_file(fpath string) ? {
println('> play_wav_file: $fpath')
samples := read_wav_file_samples(fpath) ?
samples := read_wav_file_samples(fpath)?
p.finished = true
p.samples << samples
p.finished = false
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ struct RIFFFormat {
fn read_wav_file_samples(fpath string) ?[]f32 {
mut res := []f32{}
// eprintln('> read_wav_file_samples: $fpath -------------------------------------------------')
mut bytes := os.read_bytes(fpath) ?
mut bytes := os.read_bytes(fpath)?
mut pbytes := &u8(
mut offset := u32(0)
rh := unsafe { &RIFFHeader(pbytes) }
@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ import net
// telnet 12345
fn main() {
mut server := net.listen_tcp(.ip6, ':12345') ?
laddr := server.addr() ?
mut server := net.listen_tcp(.ip6, ':12345')?
laddr := server.addr()?
eprintln('Listen on $laddr ...')
for {
mut socket := server.accept() ?
mut socket := server.accept()?
go handle_client(mut socket)
@ -14,21 +14,21 @@ fn main() {
// create TCP listener
mut listener := net.listen_tcp(.ip, 'localhost:9001') ?
mut listener := net.listen_tcp(.ip, 'localhost:9001')?
defer {
listener.close() or {}
addr := listener.addr() ?
addr := listener.addr()?
eprintln('Listening on $addr')
eprintln('Type `stop` to stop the server')
// create file descriptor notifier
mut notifier := ?
mut notifier :=
defer {
notifier.close() or {}
notifier.add(os.stdin().fd, .read) ?
notifier.add(listener.sock.handle, .read) ?
notifier.add(os.stdin().fd, .read)?
notifier.add(listener.sock.handle, .read)?
for {
for event in notifier.wait(time.infinite) {
@ -96,5 +96,5 @@ fn main() {
event_fn: event
hide_cursor: true
|||| ?
@ -43,5 +43,5 @@ fn main() {
use_alternate_buffer: false
println('V term.ui event viewer (press `esc` to exit)\n\n')
|||| ?
@ -495,5 +495,5 @@ fn main() {
hide_cursor: true
frame_rate: 60
|||| ?
@ -93,5 +93,5 @@ fn main() {
hide_cursor: true
frame_rate: 60
|||| ?
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ fn main() {
app.mouse_pos.x = 40
app.mouse_pos.y = 15
|||| ?
fn frame(x voidptr) {
@ -649,5 +649,5 @@ fn main() {
event_fn: event
capture_events: true
|||| ?
@ -471,5 +471,5 @@ fn main() {
hide_cursor: true
frame_rate: 10
|||| ?
@ -9,24 +9,24 @@ for _ in 0 .. 3 {
println('\nMaking dir "v_script_dir".')
mkdir('v_script_dir') ?
println("\nEntering into v_script_dir and listing it's files.")
chdir('v_script_dir') ?
files := ls('.') or { panic(err) }
println('\nCreating foo.txt')
create('foo.txt') ?
again_ls := ls('.') or { panic(err) }
println('\nRemoving foo.txt and v_script_dir')
rm('foo.txt') ?
chdir('../') ?
rmdir('v_script_dir') ?
print('\nDoes v_script_dir still exist? ')
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ fn (item_list Item_list) get_file_path() string {
fn (mut item_list Item_list) scan_folder(path string, in_index int) ? {
println('Scanning [$path]')
mut folder_list := []string{}
lst := ?
lst :=
// manage the single files
for c, x in lst {
@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ fn (mut item_list Item_list) scan_folder(path string, in_index int) ? {
if ext == .zip {
item.i_type = .zip
item_list.lst << item
item_list.scan_zip(pt, item_list.lst.len - 1) ?
item_list.scan_zip(pt, item_list.lst.len - 1)?
if is_image(ext) == true {
@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ fn (mut item_list Item_list) scan_folder(path string, in_index int) ? {
i_type: .folder
item_list.lst << item
item_list.scan_folder(pt, item_list.lst.len - 1) ?
item_list.scan_folder(pt, item_list.lst.len - 1)?
// println(item_list.lst.len)
// println("==================================")
@ -13,12 +13,12 @@ import szip
fn (mut il Item_list) scan_zip(path string, in_index int) ? {
println('Scanning ZIP [$path]')
mut zp :=, szip.CompressionLevel.no_compression, szip.OpenMode.read_only) ?
n_entries := ?
mut zp :=, szip.CompressionLevel.no_compression, szip.OpenMode.read_only)?
n_entries :=
// println(n_entries)
for index in 0 .. n_entries {
zp.open_entry_by_index(index) ?
is_dir := zp.is_dir() ?
is_dir := zp.is_dir()?
name :=
size := zp.size()
// println("$index ${name} ${size:10} $is_dir")
@ -58,15 +58,15 @@ fn (mut app App) load_texture_from_zip() ?(gfx.Image, int, int) {
app.zip_index = item.container_index
// println("Opening the zip [${item.path}]")
|||| =, szip.CompressionLevel.no_compression, szip.OpenMode.read_only) ?
|||| =, szip.CompressionLevel.no_compression, szip.OpenMode.read_only)?
// println("Now get the image")
|||| ?
zip_entry_size := int(item.size)
||||, app.mem_buf_size) ?
||||, app.mem_buf_size)?
return app.load_texture_from_buffer(app.mem_buf, zip_entry_size)
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ fn main() {
for _ in 0 .. repeats {
mut sb := strings.new_builder(blocksize)
for {
x := ?
x :=
for c in x {
if c >= `0` && c <= `~` {
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ fn main() {
mut app := &App{}
app.serve_static('/favicon.ico', 'favicon.ico')
// Automatically make available known static mime types found in given directory.
os.chdir(os.dir(os.executable())) ?
app.handle_static('assets', true)
||||, port)
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import term
// it connects to the server who will broadcast your messages
// to all other connected clients
fn main() {
mut ws := start_client() ?
mut ws := start_client()?
println('client $ ready'))
println('Write message and enter to send...')
for {
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ fn main() {
if line == '' {
ws.write_string(line) ?
ws.close(1000, 'normal') or { println('panicing $err')) }
unsafe {
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ fn main() {
fn start_client() ?&websocket.Client {
mut ws := websocket.new_client('ws://localhost:30000') ?
mut ws := websocket.new_client('ws://localhost:30000')?
// mut ws := websocket.new_client('wss://')?
// use on_open_ref if you want to send any reference object
ws.on_open(fn (mut ws websocket.Client) ? {
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import term
// this server accepts client connections and broadcast all messages to other connected clients
fn main() {
println('press ctrl-c to quit...')
start_server() ?
fn start_server() ? {
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ fn start_server() ? {
return false
return true
}) ?
// on_message_ref, broadcast all incoming messages to all clients except the one sent it
s.on_message_ref(fn (mut ws websocket.Client, msg &websocket.Message, mut m websocket.Server) ? {
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ fn start_server() ? {
return false
return true
}) ?
s.on_message(fn (mut ws websocket.Client, msg &websocket.Message) ? {
ws.write(msg.payload, msg.opcode) or { panic(err) }
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ fn start_server() ? {
// start_client starts the websocket client, it writes a message to
// the server and prints all the messages received
fn start_client() ? {
mut ws := websocket.new_client('ws://localhost:30000') ?
mut ws := websocket.new_client('ws://localhost:30000')?
// mut ws := websocket.new_client('wss://')?
// use on_open_ref if you want to send any reference object
ws.on_open(fn (mut ws websocket.Client) ? {
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ fn start_client() ? {
// you can add any pointer reference to use in callback
// t := TestRef{count: 10}
// ws.on_message_ref(fn (mut ws websocket.Client, msg &websocket.Message, r &SomeRef)? {
// ws.on_message_ref(fn (mut ws websocket.Client, msg &websocket.Message, r &SomeRef) ? {
// // println('type: $msg.opcode payload:\n$msg.payload ref: $r')
// }, &r)
ws.connect() or { println('error on connect: $err') }
@ -85,15 +85,15 @@ fn find_file(search_paths []string, file string) ?string {
fn patch_atomic(outfile string, infile string) ? {
lines := os.read_file(infile) ?.split('\n')
lines := os.read_file(infile)?.split('\n')
outlines := lines.filter(!it.contains('atomic(const atomic&) = delete;'))
outtext := outlines.join('\n').replace('#include <bits/atomic_base.h>', '#include "bitsatomicbase.h"')
os.write_file(outfile, outtext) ?
os.write_file(outfile, outtext)?
fn patch_bitsatomicbase(outfile string, infile string) ? {
lines := os.read_file(infile) ?.split('\n')
lines := os.read_file(infile)?.split('\n')
outlines := lines.filter(!it.contains('__atomic_base(const __atomic_base&) = delete;'))
outtext := outlines.join('\n').replace('#include <bits/atomic_base.h>', '#include "bitsatomicbase.h"')
os.write_file(outfile, outtext) ?
os.write_file(outfile, outtext)?
@ -5,21 +5,21 @@ Hello,
In this guide, we'll build a simple web blog in V.
The benefits of using V for web:
- A safe, fast, language with the development agility of Python or Ruby and
the performance of C.
the performance of C.
- Zero dependencies: everything you need for web development comes with the language
in a 1 MB package.
in a 1 MB package.
- Very small resulting binaries: the blog we'll create in this tutorial is about 150 KB.
- Easy deployments: a single binary file that even includes the precompiled templates.
- Easy deployments: a single binary file that even includes the precompiled templates.
- Runs on the cheapest hardware with minimum footprint: for most apps a $3 instance
is enough.
is enough.
- Fast development without any boilerplate.
*Please note that V and Vweb are at a very early stage and are changing rapidly.*
_Please note that V and Vweb are at a very early stage and are changing rapidly._
The code is available <a href=''>here</a>.
### Installing V
@ -32,17 +32,15 @@ sudo ./v symlink
Now V should be globally available on your system.
> On macOS use ``, on Windows - ``.
If you use a BSD system, Solaris, Android, or simply want to install V
from source, follow the simple instructions here:
> If you use a BSD system, Solaris, Android, or simply want to install V
> from source, follow the simple instructions here:
### Install SQLite development dependency
If you don't have it already installed, look at the
[`sqlite` README](../../vlib/sqlite/ for instructions.
### Creating a new Vweb project
V projects can be created anywhere and don't need to have a certain structure:
@ -94,7 +92,6 @@ with an MVC web framework, you can think of it as a controller. (Vweb is
not an MVC framework however.) It embeds the vweb Context object, that's why we get access
to methods like `.text()`.
As you can see, there are no routing rules. The `index()` action handles the `/` request by default.
Vweb often uses convention over configuration and adding a new action requires
no routing rules either:
@ -109,29 +106,27 @@ fn (mut app App) time() vweb.Result {
<img width=662 src="">
>TIP: run the following command to live-reload the server: `v watch run blog.v`
> TIP: run the following command to live-reload the server: `v watch run blog.v`
The `.text(string)` method returns a plain text document with the provided
text, which isn't frequently used in websites.
### HTML View
Let's return an HTML view instead. Create `index.html` in the same directory:
<title>V Blog</title>
<img src='' width=100>
<title>V Blog</title>
<br />
<img src="" width="100" />
@ -169,14 +164,13 @@ that's done by the `$vweb.html()` line.
(`$` always means compile time actions in V.) offering the following benefits:
- Great performance, since the templates don't need to be compiled
on every request, like in almost every major web framework.
on every request, like in almost every major web framework.
- Easier deployment, since all your HTML templates are compiled
into a single binary file together with the web application itself.
- Easier deployment, since all your HTML templates are compiled
into a single binary file together with the web application itself.
- All errors in the templates are guaranteed to be caught during compilation.
### Fetching data with V ORM
Now let's display some articles!
@ -184,7 +178,6 @@ Now let's display some articles!
We'll be using V's builtin ORM and a SQLite database.
(V ORM will also support MySQL, Postgre, and SQL Server soon.)
Add a SQLite handle to `App`:
```v oksyntax
@ -199,14 +192,11 @@ pub mut:
In `fn main()` we'll connect to a database.
Code in the `main()` function is run only once during app's startup, so we are going
to have one DB connection for all requests. This improves the performance of the web application,
since a DB connection doesn't have to be set up for each request.
```v oksyntax
// blog.v
fn main() {
@ -268,17 +258,16 @@ pub fn (app &App) index() vweb.Result {
Finally, let's update our view:
@for article in articles
<b>@article.title</b> <br>
@for article in articles
<b>@article.title</b> <br />
@ -323,23 +312,22 @@ article := app.retrieve_article(10) or {
### Adding new articles
Create `new.html`:
<title>V Blog</title>
<form action='/new_article' method='post'>
<input type='text' placeholder='Title' name='title'> <br>
<textarea placeholder='Text' name='text'></textarea>
<input type='submit'>
<title>V Blog</title>
<form action="/new_article" method="post">
<input type="text" placeholder="Title" name="title" /> <br />
<textarea placeholder="Text" name="text"></textarea>
<input type="submit" />
@ -373,7 +361,7 @@ not necessary).
We need to update `index.html` to add a link to the "new article" page:
<a href='/new'>New article</a>
<a href="/new">New article</a>
Next we need to add the HTML endpoint to our code like we did with `index.html`:
@ -387,7 +375,6 @@ pub fn (mut app App) new() vweb.Result {
Re-running this code will now allow us to add new posts to our blog endpoint
### JSON endpoints
This tutorial used the traditional server-side rendering. If you prefer
@ -406,10 +393,10 @@ pub fn (mut app App) articles() vweb.Result {
<img width=662 src="">
### Persistent data
If one wants to persist data they need to use a file instead of memory SQLite Database.
Replace the db setup code with this instead:
@ -422,7 +409,6 @@ If the database file doesn't exist it will create it. The second command will
create the table `Article` if none exists already. Now every time the
app is run you will see the articles created from the previous executions
To be continued...
For an example of a more sophisticated web app written in V, check out Vorum:
@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ import arrays
fn main() {
a := [1, 5, 7, 0, 9]
assert arrays.min(a) ? == 0
assert arrays.max(a) ? == 9
assert arrays.idx_min(a) ? == 3
assert arrays.min(a)? == 0
assert arrays.max(a)? == 9
assert arrays.idx_min(a)? == 3
@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ pub fn upper_bound<T>(arr []T, val T) ?T {
// binary search, requires `arr` to be sorted, returns index of found item or error.
// Binary searches on sorted lists can be faster than other array searches because at maximum
// the algorithm only has to traverse log N elements
// Example: arrays.binary_search([1, 2, 3, 4], 4) ? // => 3
// Example: arrays.binary_search([1, 2, 3, 4], 4)? // => 3
pub fn binary_search<T>(arr []T, target T) ?int {
mut left := 0
mut right := arr.len - 1
@ -2,61 +2,61 @@ module arrays
fn test_min() ? {
a := [8, 2, 6, 4]
mut ri := min(a) ?
mut ri := min(a)?
assert ri == 2
ri = min(a[2..]) ?
ri = min(a[2..])?
assert ri == 4
b := [f32(5.1), 3.1, 1.1, 9.1]
mut rf := min(b) ?
mut rf := min(b)?
assert rf == f32(1.1)
rf = min(b[..2]) ?
rf = min(b[..2])?
assert rf == f32(3.1)
c := [u8(4), 9, 3, 1]
mut rb := min(c) ?
mut rb := min(c)?
assert rb == u8(1)
rb = min(c[..3]) ?
rb = min(c[..3])?
assert rb == u8(3)
fn test_max() ? {
a := [8, 2, 6, 4]
mut ri := max(a) ?
mut ri := max(a)?
assert ri == 8
ri = max(a[1..]) ?
ri = max(a[1..])?
assert ri == 6
b := [f32(5.1), 3.1, 1.1, 9.1]
mut rf := max(b) ?
mut rf := max(b)?
assert rf == f32(9.1)
rf = max(b[..3]) ?
rf = max(b[..3])?
assert rf == f32(5.1)
c := [u8(4), 9, 3, 1]
mut rb := max(c) ?
mut rb := max(c)?
assert rb == u8(9)
rb = max(c[2..]) ?
rb = max(c[2..])?
assert rb == u8(3)
fn test_idx_min() ? {
a := [8, 2, 6, 4]
ri := idx_min(a) ?
ri := idx_min(a)?
assert ri == 1
b := [f32(5.1), 3.1, 1.1, 9.1]
rf := idx_min(b) ?
rf := idx_min(b)?
assert rf == 2
c := [u8(4), 9, 3, 1]
rb := idx_min(c) ?
rb := idx_min(c)?
assert rb == 3
fn test_idx_max() ? {
a := [8, 2, 6, 4]
ri := idx_max(a) ?
ri := idx_max(a)?
assert ri == 0
b := [f32(5.1), 3.1, 1.1, 9.1]
rf := idx_max(b) ?
rf := idx_max(b)?
assert rf == 3
c := [u8(4), 9, 3, 1]
rb := idx_max(c) ?
rb := idx_max(c)?
assert rb == 1
@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ fn test_concat_string() {
fn test_binary_search() ? {
a := [1, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10]
assert binary_search(a, 3) ? == 1
assert binary_search(a, 3)? == 1
assert (binary_search(a, 0) or { -1 }) == -1
@ -205,18 +205,18 @@ fn test_lower_bound() ? {
a := [1, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10]
b := []int{}
c := [1, 2, 3]
assert lower_bound(a, 2) ? == 3
assert lower_bound(a, 2)? == 3
assert (lower_bound(b, 4) or { -1 }) == -1
assert lower_bound(c, 3) ? == 3
assert lower_bound(c, 3)? == 3
fn test_upper_bound() ? {
a := [1, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10]
b := []int{}
c := [1, 2, 3]
assert upper_bound(a, 9) ? == 8
assert upper_bound(a, 9)? == 8
assert (upper_bound(b, 4) or { -1 }) == -1
assert upper_bound(c, 2) ? == 2
assert upper_bound(c, 2)? == 2
fn test_rotate_right() {
@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ pub fn (b []u8) bytestr() string {
// it will produce an error if there are more than
// four bytes in the array.
pub fn (b []u8) byterune() ?rune {
r := b.utf8_to_utf32() ?
r := b.utf8_to_utf32()?
return rune(r)
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ fn JS.moveBy(int, int)
fn JS.moveTo(int, int)
fn JS.msWriteProfilerMark(string)
// fn, string, string, bool) ?Window
// fn, string, string, bool)?Window
// fn JS.postMessage(any, string, []Transferable)
fn JS.print()
fn JS.prompt(string, string) ?string
@ -145,15 +145,15 @@ fn test_ranges() {
fn ranges_propagate_first(s string) ?string {
return s[10..] ?
return s[10..]?
fn ranges_propagate_last(s string) ?string {
return s[..20] ?
return s[..20]?
fn ranges_propagate_both(s string) ?string {
return s[1..20] ?
return s[1..20]?
fn test_split_nth() {
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ fn test_if_command_has_default_version_subcommand_if_version_is_set() {
fn flag_should_be_set(cmd cli.Command) ? {
flag := cmd.flags.get_string('flag') ?
flag := cmd.flags.get_string('flag')?
assert flag == 'value'
@ -96,9 +96,9 @@ fn test_if_flag_gets_set_with_long_arg() {
fn flag_should_have_value_of_42(cmd cli.Command) ? {
flag := cmd.flags.get_string('flag') ?
flag := cmd.flags.get_string('flag')?
assert flag == 'value'
value := cmd.flags.get_int('value') ?
value := cmd.flags.get_int('value')?
assert value == 42
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ pub fn (flag Flag) get_bool() ?bool {
// get_bool returns `true` if the flag specified in `name` is set.
// get_bool returns an error if the `FlagType` is not boolean.
pub fn (flags []Flag) get_bool(name string) ?bool {
flag := flags.get(name) ?
flag := flags.get(name)?
return flag.get_bool()
@ -100,14 +100,14 @@ pub fn (flag Flag) get_ints() ?[]int {
// get_int returns the `int` value argument of the flag specified in `name`.
// get_int returns an error if the `FlagType` is not integer.
pub fn (flags []Flag) get_int(name string) ?int {
flag := flags.get(name) ?
flag := flags.get(name)?
return flag.get_int()
// get_ints returns the array of `int` value argument of the flag specified in `name`.
// get_ints returns an error if the `FlagType` is not integer.
pub fn (flags []Flag) get_ints(name string) ?[]int {
flag := flags.get(name) ?
flag := flags.get(name)?
return flag.get_ints()
@ -152,14 +152,14 @@ pub fn (flag Flag) get_floats() ?[]f64 {
// get_float returns the `f64` value argument of the flag specified in `name`.
// get_float returns an error if the `FlagType` is not floating point.
pub fn (flags []Flag) get_float(name string) ?f64 {
flag := flags.get(name) ?
flag := flags.get(name)?
return flag.get_float()
// get_floats returns the array of `f64` value argument of the flag specified in `name`.
// get_floats returns an error if the `FlagType` is not floating point.
pub fn (flags []Flag) get_floats(name string) ?[]f64 {
flag := flags.get(name) ?
flag := flags.get(name)?
return flag.get_floats()
@ -198,14 +198,14 @@ pub fn (flag Flag) get_strings() ?[]string {
// get_string returns the `string` value argument of the flag specified in `name`.
// get_string returns an error if the `FlagType` is not string.
pub fn (flags []Flag) get_string(name string) ?string {
flag := flags.get(name) ?
flag := flags.get(name)?
return flag.get_string()
// get_strings returns the `string` value argument of the flag specified in `name`.
// get_strings returns an error if the `FlagType` is not string.
pub fn (flags []Flag) get_strings(name string) ?[]string {
flag := flags.get(name) ?
flag := flags.get(name)?
return flag.get_strings()
@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ pub fn (flags []Flag) get_strings(name string) ?[]string {
fn (mut flag Flag) parse(args []string, posix_mode bool) ?[]string {
if flag.matches(args, posix_mode) {
if flag.flag == .bool {
new_args := flag.parse_bool(args) ?
new_args := flag.parse_bool(args)?
return new_args
} else {
if flag.value.len > 0 && flag.flag != .int_array && flag.flag != .float_array
@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ fn (mut flag Flag) parse(args []string, posix_mode bool) ?[]string {
return error('The argument `$` accept only one value!')
new_args := flag.parse_raw(args) ?
new_args := flag.parse_raw(args)?
return new_args
} else {
@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ import compress.zlib
fn main() {
uncompressed := 'Hello world!'
compressed := zlib.compress(uncompressed.bytes()) ?
decompressed := zlib.decompress(compressed) ?
compressed := zlib.compress(uncompressed.bytes())?
decompressed := zlib.decompress(compressed)?
assert decompressed == uncompressed.bytes()
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ fn C.tdefl_compress_mem_to_heap(source_buf voidptr, source_buf_len usize, out_le
fn C.tinfl_decompress_mem_to_heap(source_buf voidptr, source_buf_len usize, out_len &usize, flags int) voidptr
// compresses an array of bytes using zlib and returns the compressed bytes in a new array
// Example: compressed := zlib.compress(b) ?
// Example: compressed := zlib.compress(b)?
pub fn compress(data []u8) ?[]u8 {
if u64(data.len) > zlib.max_size {
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ pub fn compress(data []u8) ?[]u8 {
// decompresses an array of bytes using zlib and returns the decompressed bytes in a new array
// Example: decompressed := zlib.decompress(b) ?
// Example: decompressed := zlib.decompress(b)?
pub fn decompress(data []u8) ?[]u8 {
mut out_len := usize(0)
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ module zlib
fn test_zlib() ? {
uncompressed := 'Hello world!'
compressed := compress(uncompressed.bytes()) ?
decompressed := decompress(compressed) ?
compressed := compress(uncompressed.bytes())?
decompressed := decompress(compressed)?
assert decompressed == uncompressed.bytes()
@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ fn parent_cancel_context(mut parent Context) ?&CancelContext {
if done.closed {
return none
mut p := parent.value(cancel_context_key) ?
mut p := parent.value(cancel_context_key)?
match mut p {
CancelContext {
pdone := p.done()
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import crypto.rand
fn main() {
// remember to save this key somewhere if you ever want to decrypt your data
key := rand.bytes(32) ?
key := rand.bytes(32)?
println('KEY: $key')
// this data is one block (16 bytes) big
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ pub fn (priv PrivateKey) sign(message []u8) ?[]u8 {
// sign`signs the message with privatekey and returns a signature
pub fn sign(privatekey PrivateKey, message []u8) ?[]u8 {
mut signature := []u8{len: ed25519.signature_size}
sign_generic(mut signature, privatekey, message) ?
sign_generic(mut signature, privatekey, message)?
return signature
@ -74,31 +74,31 @@ fn sign_generic(mut signature []u8, privatekey []u8, message []u8) ? {
mut h := sha512.sum512(seed)
mut s := edwards25519.new_scalar()
s.set_bytes_with_clamping(h[..32]) ?
mut prefix := h[32..]
mut mh :=
mh.write(prefix) ?
mh.write(message) ?
mut msg_digest := []u8{cap: sha512.size}
msg_digest = mh.sum(msg_digest)
mut r := edwards25519.new_scalar()
r.set_uniform_bytes(msg_digest) ?
mut rr := edwards25519.Point{}
rr.scalar_base_mult(mut r)
mut kh :=
kh.write(rr.bytes()) ?
kh.write(publickey) ?
kh.write(message) ?
mut hram_digest := []u8{cap: sha512.size}
hram_digest = kh.sum(hram_digest)
mut k := edwards25519.new_scalar()
k.set_uniform_bytes(hram_digest) ?
mut ss := edwards25519.new_scalar()
ss.multiply_add(k, s, r)
@ -118,21 +118,21 @@ pub fn verify(publickey PublicKey, message []u8, sig []u8) ?bool {
mut aa := edwards25519.Point{}
aa.set_bytes(publickey) ?
mut kh :=
kh.write(sig[..32]) ?
kh.write(publickey) ?
kh.write(message) ?
mut hram_digest := []u8{cap: sha512.size}
hram_digest = kh.sum(hram_digest)
mut k := edwards25519.new_scalar()
k.set_uniform_bytes(hram_digest) ?
mut ss := edwards25519.new_scalar()
ss.set_canonical_bytes(sig[32..]) ?
// [S]B = R + [k]A --> [k](-A) + [S]B = R
mut minus_a := edwards25519.Point{}
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ pub fn verify(publickey PublicKey, message []u8, sig []u8) ?bool {
// generate_key generates a public/private key pair entropy using `crypto.rand`.
pub fn generate_key() ?(PublicKey, PrivateKey) {
mut seed := rand.bytes(ed25519.seed_size) ?
mut seed := rand.bytes(ed25519.seed_size)?
privatekey := new_key_from_seed(seed)
mut publickey := []u8{len: ed25519.public_key_size}
@ -8,11 +8,11 @@ import crypto.ed25519
fn main() {
msg := 'Hello Girl'
publ, priv := ed25519.generate_key() ?
publ, priv := ed25519.generate_key()?
m := msg.bytes()
sig := ed25519.sign(priv, m) ?
sig := ed25519.sign(priv, m)?
println('=== Message ===')
println('Msg: $msg \nHash: $m')
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ fn main() {
println('signature: R=${sig[0..32].hex()} s=${sig[32..64].hex()}')
println(' signature (Base64)=${base64.encode(sig)}')
rtn := ed25519.verify(publ, m, sig) ?
rtn := ed25519.verify(publ, m, sig)?
if rtn {
println('Signature verified :$rtn')
@ -29,20 +29,20 @@ fn (z ZeroReader) read(mut buf []u8) ?int {
fn test_sign_verify() ? {
// mut zero := ZeroReader{}
public, private := ed25519.generate_key() ?
public, private := ed25519.generate_key()?
message := 'test message'.bytes()
sig := ed25519.sign(private, message) ?
sig := ed25519.sign(private, message)?
res := ed25519.verify(public, message, sig) or { false }
assert res == true
wrongmessage := 'wrong message'.bytes()
res2 := ed25519.verify(public, wrongmessage, sig) ?
res2 := ed25519.verify(public, wrongmessage, sig)?
assert res2 == false
fn test_equal() ? {
public, private := ed25519.generate_key() ?
public, private := ed25519.generate_key()?
assert public.equal(public) == true
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ fn test_equal() ? {
assert private.equal(private) == true
otherpub, otherpriv := ed25519.generate_key() ?
otherpub, otherpriv := ed25519.generate_key()?
assert public.equal(otherpub) == false
assert private.equal(otherpriv) == false
@ -174,10 +174,10 @@ fn test_input_from_djb_ed25519_crypto_sign_input_without_syncpool() ? {
lg.fatal('not contains len 5')
assert parts.len == 5
privbytes := hex.decode(parts[0]) ?
pubkey := hex.decode(parts[1]) ?
msg := hex.decode(parts[2]) ?
mut sig := hex.decode(parts[3]) ?
privbytes := hex.decode(parts[0])?
pubkey := hex.decode(parts[1])?
msg := hex.decode(parts[2])?
mut sig := hex.decode(parts[3])?
assert pubkey.len == public_key_size
sig = sig[..signature_size]
@ -185,10 +185,10 @@ fn test_input_from_djb_ed25519_crypto_sign_input_without_syncpool() ? {
copy(mut priv[..], privbytes)
copy(mut priv[32..], pubkey)
sig2 := ed25519.sign(priv[..], msg) ?
sig2 := ed25519.sign(priv[..], msg)?
assert sig == sig2[..]
res := ed25519.verify(pubkey, msg, sig2) ?
res := ed25519.verify(pubkey, msg, sig2)?
assert res == true
priv2 := new_key_from_seed(priv[..32])
@ -188,9 +188,9 @@ fn test_sqrt_ratio() ? {
mut elw := Element{}
mut elg := Element{}
u := elu.set_bytes(hex.decode(tt.u) ?) ?
v := elv.set_bytes(hex.decode(tt.v) ?) ?
want := elw.set_bytes(hex.decode(tt.r) ?) ?
u := elu.set_bytes(hex.decode(tt.u)?)?
v := elv.set_bytes(hex.decode(tt.v)?)?
want := elw.set_bytes(hex.decode(tt.r)?)?
mut got, was_square := elg.sqrt_ratio(u, v)
assert got.equal(want) != 0
@ -204,9 +204,9 @@ fn test_sqrt_ratio() ? {
fn test_set_bytes_normal() ? {
for i in 0 .. 15 {
mut el := Element{}
mut random_inp := rand.bytes(32) ?
mut random_inp := rand.bytes(32)?
el = el.set_bytes(random_inp.clone()) ?
el = el.set_bytes(random_inp.clone())?
random_inp[random_inp.len - 1] &= (1 << 7) - 1
// assert f1(random_inp, el) == true
@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ fn test_set_bytes_from_dalek_test_vectors() ? {
for _, mut tt in tests {
b := tt.fe.bytes()
mut el := Element{}
mut fe := el.set_bytes(tt.b) ?
mut fe := el.set_bytes(tt.b)?
assert b == tt.b
assert fe.equal(tt.fe) == 1
@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ fn test_invert() ? {
assert one == r
bytes := rand.bytes(32) or { return err }
x.set_bytes(bytes) ?
r.multiply(x, xinv)
@ -369,20 +369,20 @@ fn (mut v Element) from_big_integer(n big.Integer) ?Element {
mut bytes, _ := n.bytes()
swap_endianness(mut bytes) // SHOULD I SWAP IT?
v.set_bytes(bytes) ?
return v
fn (mut v Element) from_decimal_string(s string) ?Element {
num := big.integer_from_string(s) ?
num := big.integer_from_string(s)?
v = v.from_big_integer(num) ?
v = v.from_big_integer(num)?
return v
fn test_bytes_big_equivalence() ? {
mut inp := rand.bytes(32) ?
mut inp := rand.bytes(32)?
el := Element{}
mut fe := el.generate_element()
mut fe1 := el.generate_element()
@ -407,12 +407,12 @@ fn test_bytes_big_equivalence() ? {
fn test_decimal_constants() ? {
sqrtm1string := '19681161376707505956807079304988542015446066515923890162744021073123829784752'
mut el := Element{}
mut exp := el.from_decimal_string(sqrtm1string) ?
mut exp := el.from_decimal_string(sqrtm1string)?
assert sqrt_m1.equal(exp) == 1
dstring := '37095705934669439343138083508754565189542113879843219016388785533085940283555'
exp = el.from_decimal_string(dstring) ?
exp = el.from_decimal_string(dstring)?
mut d := d_const
assert d.equal(exp) == 1
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ fn test_bytes_montgomery_sodium() ? {
// crypto_sign_keypair().pubkey
pubkey := '3bf918ffc2c955dc895bf145f566fb96623c1cadbe040091175764b5fde322c0'
mut p := Point{}
p.set_bytes(hex.decode(pubkey) ?) ?
// crypto_sign_ed25519_pk_to_curve25519(pubkey)
want := 'efc6c9d0738e9ea18d738ad4a2653631558931b0f1fde4dd58c436d19686dc28'
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ fn fn_cofactor(mut data []u8) bool {
fn test_mult_by_cofactor() ? {
mut loworder := Point{}
mut data := rand.bytes(64) ?
mut data := rand.bytes(64)?
assert fn_cofactor(mut data) == true
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ const (
fn d_const_generate() ?Element {
mut v := Element{}
v.set_bytes(edwards25519.d_bytes) ?
return v
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ fn d2_const_generate() ?Element {
// id_point_generate is the point at infinity.
fn id_point_generate() ?Point {
mut p := Point{}
p.set_bytes(edwards25519.id_bytes) ?
return p
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ fn id_point_generate() ?Point {
// correspondence of this encoding with the values in RFC 8032.
fn generator() ?Point {
mut p := Point{}
p.set_bytes(edwards25519.gen_bytes) ?
return p
@ -96,11 +96,11 @@ fn test_non_canonical_points() ? {
// t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
// p1, err := new(Point).SetBytes(decodeHex(tt.encoding))
mut p1 := Point{}
p1.set_bytes(hex.decode(tt.encoding) ?) ?
// p2, err := new(Point).SetBytes(decodeHex(tt.canonical))
mut p2 := Point{}
p2.set_bytes(hex.decode(tt.canonical) ?) ?
assert p1.equal(p2) == 1
assert p1.bytes() == p2.bytes()
@ -1115,7 +1115,7 @@ fn generate_scalar(size int) ?Scalar {
// rand.Read(s.s[:16]) // read random bytes and fill buf
// using builtin[]buf)
|||| s.s[..16])
// buf :=[..16].len) ?
// buf :=[..16].len)?
// copy(mut s.s[..16], buf)
@ -1132,7 +1132,7 @@ fn generate_scalar(size int) ?Scalar {
// Read generates len(p) random bytes and writes them into p
// rand.Read(s.s[:16])
|||| s.s[..16])
// buf :=[..16].len) ?
// buf :=[..16].len)?
// copy(mut s.s[..16], buf)
@ -1148,7 +1148,7 @@ fn generate_scalar(size int) ?Scalar {
// of being out of the latter range).
// rand.Read(s.s[:])
|||| s.s[..])
// buf := ?
// buf :=
// copy(mut s.s[..], buf)
@ -1167,7 +1167,7 @@ type NotZeroScalar = Scalar
fn generate_notzero_scalar(size int) ?NotZeroScalar {
mut s := Scalar{}
for s == edwards25519.sc_zero {
s = generate_scalar(size) ?
s = generate_scalar(size)?
return NotZeroScalar(s)
@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ fn negate_aliasing(mut v Scalar, x Scalar) Scalar {
fn test_check_aliasing_oneargs() ? {
x := generate_notzero_scalar(10) ?
mut v := generate_notzero_scalar(10) ?
x := generate_notzero_scalar(10)?
mut v := generate_notzero_scalar(10)?
out := check_aliasing_onearg(negate_aliasing, mut v, x)
assert out == true
@ -46,9 +46,9 @@ fn subtract_aliasing(mut v Scalar, x Scalar, y Scalar) Scalar {
fn test_check_aliasing_twoargs() ? {
fn_with_twoargs := [add_aliasing, multiply_aliasing, subtract_aliasing]
for f in fn_with_twoargs {
mut v := generate_notzero_scalar(10) ?
x := generate_notzero_scalar(10) ?
y := generate_notzero_scalar(10) ?
mut v := generate_notzero_scalar(10)?
x := generate_notzero_scalar(10)?
y := generate_notzero_scalar(10)?
out := check_aliasing_twoargs(f, mut v, x, y)
assert out == true
@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ fn test_scalar_set_canonical_bytes() ? {
fn test_scalar_set_canonical_bytes_round_trip() ? {
for i in 0 .. 10 {
mut sc1 := generate_scalar(2) ?
mut sc2 := generate_scalar(6) ?
mut sc1 := generate_scalar(2)?
mut sc2 := generate_scalar(6)?
sc2.set_canonical_bytes(sc1.bytes()) or { panic(err) }
assert sc1 == sc2
@ -117,14 +117,14 @@ fn test_scalar_set_canonical_bytes_on_noncanonical_value() ? {
fn test_scalar_set_uniform_bytes() ? {
// mod, _ := new(big.Integer).SetString("27742317777372353535851937790883648493", 10)
mut mod := big.integer_from_string('27742317777372353535851937790883648493') ?
mut mod := big.integer_from_string('27742317777372353535851937790883648493')?
// mod.Add(mod, new(big.Integer).Lsh(big.NewInt(1), 252))
mod = mod + big.integer_from_i64(1).lshift(252)
mut sc := generate_scalar(100) ?
inp := rand.bytes(64) ?
mut sc := generate_scalar(100)?
inp := rand.bytes(64)?
sc.set_uniform_bytes(inp[..]) ?
assert is_reduced(sc) == true
scbig := bigint_from_le_bytes(sc.s[..])
@ -190,9 +190,9 @@ fn test_scalar_set_bytes_with_clamping() {
fn test_scalar_multiply_distributes_over_add() ? {
x := generate_scalar(100) ?
y := generate_scalar(100) ?
z := generate_scalar(100) ?
x := generate_scalar(100)?
y := generate_scalar(100)?
z := generate_scalar(100)?
// Compute t1 = (x+y)*z
mut t1 := Scalar{}
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ fn test_scalarmult_non_identity_point() ? {
// Check whether p.ScalarMult and q.ScalaBaseMult give the same,
// when p and q are originally set to the base point.
mut x := generate_scalar(5000) ?
mut x := generate_scalar(5000)?
mut p := Point{}
mut q := Point{}
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import crypto.rand
fn test_reading() ? {
a := ?
a :=
// dump(a.hex())
assert a.len == 32
mut histogram := [256]int{}
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ pub fn int_u64(max u64) ?u64 {
mut n := u64(0)
for {
mut bytes := read(k) ?
mut bytes := read(k)?
bytes[0] &= u8(int(u64(1) << b) - 1)
x := bytes_to_u64(bytes)
n = x[0]
@ -12,16 +12,16 @@ fn test_len() ? {
assert list.len() == 0
assert list.len() == 1
list.pop_back() ?
assert list.len() == 0
fn test_first() ? {
mut list := DoublyLinkedList<int>{}
assert list.first() ? == 1
assert list.first()? == 1
assert list.first() ? == 1
assert list.first()? == 1
list = DoublyLinkedList<int>{}
list.first() or { return }
assert false
@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ fn test_first() ? {
fn test_last() ? {
mut list := DoublyLinkedList<int>{}
assert list.last() ? == 1
assert list.last()? == 1
assert list.last() ? == 2
assert list.last()? == 2
list = DoublyLinkedList<int>{}
list.last() or { return }
assert false
@ -41,11 +41,11 @@ fn test_last() ? {
fn test_push() ? {
mut list := DoublyLinkedList<int>{}
assert list.last() ? == 1
assert list.last()? == 1
assert list.last() ? == 2
assert list.last()? == 2
assert list.last() ? == 3
assert list.last()? == 3
fn test_pop() ? {
@ -53,10 +53,10 @@ fn test_pop() ? {
assert list.pop_back() ? == 3
assert list.pop_back()? == 3
assert list.pop_back() ? == 4
assert list.pop_back() ? == 2
assert list.pop_back()? == 4
assert list.pop_back()? == 2
list = DoublyLinkedList<int>{}
list.pop_back() or { return }
assert false
@ -67,10 +67,10 @@ fn test_pop_front() ? {
assert list.pop_front() ? == 1
assert list.pop_front()? == 1
assert list.pop_front() ? == 2
assert list.pop_front() ? == 3
assert list.pop_front()? == 2
assert list.pop_front()? == 3
list = DoublyLinkedList<int>{}
list.pop_front() or { return }
assert false
@ -82,14 +82,14 @@ fn test_insert() ? {
// [1, 2, 3]
list.insert(1, 111) ?
list.insert(1, 111)?
// [1, 111, 2, 3]
list.insert(3, 222) ?
list.insert(3, 222)?
// [1, 111, 2, 222, 3]
assert list.pop_back() ? == 3
assert list.pop_back() ? == 222
assert list.pop_front() ? == 1
assert list.pop_front() ? == 111
assert list.pop_back()? == 3
assert list.pop_back()? == 222
assert list.pop_front()? == 1
assert list.pop_front()? == 111
fn test_push_front() ? {
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ fn test_push_front() ? {
assert list.first() ? == 111
assert list.first()? == 111
fn test_delete() ? {
@ -107,12 +107,12 @@ fn test_delete() ? {
assert list.first() ? == 0
assert list.last() ? == 2
assert list.first()? == 0
assert list.last()? == 2
assert list.len() == 2
assert list.first() ? == 0
assert list.last() ? == 0
assert list.first()? == 0
assert list.last()? == 0
assert list.len() == 1
assert list.len() == 0
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ fn test_index() ? {
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
assert list.index(i * 10) ? == i
assert list.index(i * 10)? == i
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ fn default_setup() (MyReceiver, fsm.StateMachine) {
fn test_statemachine_number_of_callbacks_correct_when_single_transition() ? {
mut receiver, mut s := default_setup()
|||| ?
assert == 3
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ fn test_statemachine_number_of_callbacks_correct_when_single_transition() ? {
fn test_statemachine_sequence_works_when_typical() ? {
mut receiver, mut s := default_setup()
|||| ?
assert[0] == 'on_state_exit: A -> B'
assert[1] == 'on_state_entry: A -> B'
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ fn test_statemachine_works_when_final_state() ? {
mut receiver, mut s := default_setup()
// current state `A`, with a possible transition to `B`:
|||| ? // run should not error here
|||| // run should not error here
// Note: run will now return error, because for state `B`,
// there are no more transitions:
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ pub fn read_file(file string) ?[]string {
pub fn extract_transitions(line string) ?string {
mut result := ' '
first_comma := line.index(',') ?
first_comma := line.index(',')?
second_comma := line.index_after(',', first_comma + 1)
from := line[..first_comma]
@ -32,11 +32,11 @@ pub fn get_transitions(line string) ?string {
pub fn main() {
mut fp := flag.new_flag_parser(os.args)
file := fp.string('file', `f`, '', 'input V file with transitions to generate graph from.')
lines := read_file(file) ?
lines := read_file(file)?
println('digraph fsm {')
for line in lines {
if line.contains('add_transition') {
println(get_transitions(line) ?)
@ -8,11 +8,11 @@ fn test_min_heap() ? {
assert heap.pop() ? == 0
assert heap.pop() ? == 1
assert heap.pop() ? == 2
assert heap.pop() ? == 4
assert heap.pop() ? == 8
assert heap.pop()? == 0
assert heap.pop()? == 1
assert heap.pop()? == 2
assert heap.pop()? == 4
assert heap.pop()? == 8
if _ := heap.pop() {
panic('expected none')
@ -35,11 +35,11 @@ fn test_min_heap_custom() ? {
heap.insert(Item{'foo', 100})
heap.insert(Item{'bar', 80})
assert heap.pop() ?.data == 'foo'
assert heap.pop() ?.data == 'bar'
assert heap.pop() ?.data == 'baz'
assert heap.pop() ?.data == 'buz'
assert heap.pop() ?.data == 'qux'
assert heap.pop()?.data == 'foo'
assert heap.pop()?.data == 'bar'
assert heap.pop()?.data == 'baz'
assert heap.pop()?.data == 'buz'
assert heap.pop()?.data == 'qux'
if _ := heap.pop() {
panic('expected none')
@ -56,12 +56,12 @@ fn test_heap_len() ? {
assert heap.len() == 5
heap.pop() ?
heap.pop() ?
heap.pop() ?
assert heap.len() == 2
heap.pop() ?
heap.pop() ?
assert heap.len() == 0
heap.pop() or {}
assert heap.len() == 0
@ -12,16 +12,16 @@ fn test_len() ? {
assert list.len() == 0
assert list.len() == 1
list.pop() ?
assert list.len() == 0
fn test_first() ? {
mut list := LinkedList<int>{}
assert list.first() ? == 1
assert list.first()? == 1
assert list.first() ? == 1
assert list.first()? == 1
list = LinkedList<int>{}
list.first() or { return }
assert false
@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ fn test_first() ? {
fn test_last() ? {
mut list := LinkedList<int>{}
assert list.last() ? == 1
assert list.last()? == 1
assert list.last() ? == 2
assert list.last()? == 2
list = LinkedList<int>{}
list.last() or { return }
assert false
@ -41,10 +41,10 @@ fn test_last() ? {
fn test_index() ? {
mut list := LinkedList<int>{}
assert list.index(0) ? == 1
assert list.index(0)? == 1
assert list.index(1) ? == 2
list.pop() ?
assert list.index(1)? == 2
list.index(1) or { return }
assert false
@ -52,11 +52,11 @@ fn test_index() ? {
fn test_push() ? {
mut list := LinkedList<int>{}
assert list.last() ? == 1
assert list.last()? == 1
assert list.last() ? == 2
assert list.last()? == 2
assert list.last() ? == 3
assert list.last()? == 3
fn test_pop() ? {
@ -64,10 +64,10 @@ fn test_pop() ? {
assert list.pop() ? == 3
assert list.pop()? == 3
assert list.pop() ? == 4
assert list.pop() ? == 2
assert list.pop()? == 4
assert list.pop()? == 2
list = LinkedList<int>{}
list.pop() or { return }
assert false
@ -78,10 +78,10 @@ fn test_shift() ? {
assert list.shift() ? == 1
assert list.shift()? == 1
assert list.shift() ? == 2
assert list.shift() ? == 3
assert list.shift()? == 2
assert list.shift()? == 3
list = LinkedList<int>{}
list.shift() or { return }
assert false
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ fn test_prepend() ? {
assert list.first() ? == 111
assert list.first()? == 111
fn test_str() ? {
@ -12,16 +12,16 @@ fn test_len() ? {
assert queue.len() == 0
assert queue.len() == 1
queue.pop() ?
assert queue.len() == 0
fn test_peek() ? {
mut queue := Queue<int>{}
assert queue.peek() ? == 1
assert queue.peek()? == 1
assert queue.peek() ? == 1
assert queue.peek()? == 1
queue = Queue<int>{}
queue.peek() or { return }
assert false
@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ fn test_peek() ? {
fn test_last() ? {
mut queue := Queue<int>{}
assert queue.last() ? == 1
assert queue.last()? == 1
assert queue.last() ? == 2
assert queue.last()? == 2
queue = Queue<int>{}
queue.last() or { return }
assert false
@ -41,10 +41,10 @@ fn test_last() ? {
fn test_index() ? {
mut queue := Queue<int>{}
assert queue.index(0) ? == 1
assert queue.index(0)? == 1
assert queue.index(1) ? == 2
queue.pop() ?
assert queue.index(1)? == 2
queue.index(1) or { return }
assert false
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ fn test_push() ? {
mut queue := Queue<int>{}
assert queue.peek() ? == 1
assert queue.peek()? == 1
fn test_pop() ? {
@ -61,10 +61,10 @@ fn test_pop() ? {
assert queue.pop() ? == 1
assert queue.pop()? == 1
assert queue.pop() ? == 2
assert queue.pop() ? == 3
assert queue.pop()? == 2
assert queue.pop()? == 3
queue = Queue<int>{}
queue.pop() or { return }
assert false
@ -12,16 +12,16 @@ fn test_len() ? {
assert stack.len() == 0
assert stack.len() == 1
stack.pop() ?
assert stack.len() == 0
fn test_peek() ? {
mut stack := dt.Stack<int>{}
assert stack.peek() ? == 1
assert stack.peek()? == 1
assert stack.peek() ? == 2
assert stack.peek()? == 2
stack = dt.Stack<int>{}
stack.peek() or { return }
assert false
@ -30,11 +30,11 @@ fn test_peek() ? {
fn test_push() ? {
mut stack := dt.Stack<int>{}
assert stack.peek() ? == 1
assert stack.peek()? == 1
assert stack.peek() ? == 2
assert stack.peek()? == 2
assert stack.peek() ? == 3
assert stack.peek()? == 3
fn test_pop() ? {
@ -42,10 +42,10 @@ fn test_pop() ? {
assert stack.pop() ? == 3
assert stack.pop()? == 3
assert stack.pop() ? == 4
assert stack.pop() ? == 2
assert stack.pop()? == 4
assert stack.pop()? == 2
stack = dt.Stack<int>{}
stack.pop() or { return }
assert false
@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ fn main() {
fn test_encode_int() ? {
a := 0x24 // should be 'd' in base58
assert encode_int(a) ? == 'd'
assert encode_int(a)? == 'd'
test_encode_int_walpha() ?
fn test_encode_int_walpha() ? {
@ -20,14 +20,14 @@ fn test_encode_int_walpha() ? {
panic(@MOD + '.' + @FN + ': this should never happen')
a := 0x24 // should be '_' in base58 with our custom alphabet
assert encode_int_walpha(a, abc) ? == '_'
assert encode_int_walpha(a, abc)? == '_'
fn test_decode_int() ? {
a := 'd'
assert decode_int(a) ? == 0x24
assert decode_int(a)? == 0x24
test_decode_int_walpha() ?
fn test_decode_int_walpha() ? {
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ fn test_decode_int_walpha() ? {
panic(@MOD + '.' + @FN + ': this should never happen')
a := '_'
assert decode_int_walpha(a, abc) ? == 0x24
assert decode_int_walpha(a, abc)? == 0x24
fn test_encode_string() {
@ -51,13 +51,13 @@ fn test_encode_string() {
fn test_decode_string() ? {
a := 'TtaR6twpTGu8VpY'
assert decode(a) ? == 'lorem ipsum'
assert decode(a)? == 'lorem ipsum'
abc := new_alphabet('abcdefghij\$lmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_ABCDEFGHIJLMNOPQRSTUV') or {
panic(@MOD + '.' + @FN + ': this should never happen')
b := '0P7yfPSL0pQh2L5'
assert decode_walpha(b, abc) ? == 'lorem ipsum'
assert decode_walpha(b, abc)? == 'lorem ipsum'
fn test_fails() ? {
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ pub fn new_reader(data string, config ReaderConfig) &Reader {
// read reads a row from the CSV data.
// If successful, the result holds an array of each column's data.
pub fn (mut r Reader) read() ?[]string {
l := r.read_record() ?
l := r.read_record()?
return l
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ fn (mut r Reader) read_record() ?[]string {
mut i := -1
for {
if need_read {
l := r.read_line() ?
l := r.read_line()?
if l.len <= 0 {
if keep_raw {
line += '\n'
@ -15,24 +15,24 @@ pub fn decode(s string) ?[]u8 {
if hex_str.len == 0 {
return []u8{}
} else if hex_str.len == 1 {
return [char2nibble(hex_str[0]) ?]
return [char2nibble(hex_str[0])?]
} else if hex_str.len == 2 {
n1 := char2nibble(hex_str[0]) ?
n0 := char2nibble(hex_str[1]) ?
n1 := char2nibble(hex_str[0])?
n0 := char2nibble(hex_str[1])?
return [(n1 << 4) | n0]
// calculate the first byte depending on if hex_str.len is odd
mut val := char2nibble(hex_str[0]) ?
mut val := char2nibble(hex_str[0])?
if hex_str.len & 1 == 0 {
val = (val << 4) | char2nibble(hex_str[1]) ?
val = (val << 4) | char2nibble(hex_str[1])?
// set cap to hex_str.len/2 rounded up
mut bytes := []u8{len: 1, cap: (hex_str.len + 1) >> 1, init: val}
// iterate over every 2 bytes
// the start index depends on if hex_str.len is odd
for i := 2 - (hex_str.len & 1); i < hex_str.len; i += 2 {
n1 := char2nibble(hex_str[i]) ?
n0 := char2nibble(hex_str[i + 1]) ?
n1 := char2nibble(hex_str[i])?
n0 := char2nibble(hex_str[i + 1])?
bytes << (n1 << 4) | n0
return bytes
@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
module hex
fn test_decode() ? {
assert decode('') ? == []
assert decode('0') ? == [u8(0x0)]
assert decode('f') ? == [u8(0xf)]
assert decode('0f') ? == [u8(0x0f)]
assert decode('ff') ? == [u8(0xff)]
assert decode('123') ? == [u8(0x1), 0x23]
assert decode('1234') ? == [u8(0x12), 0x34]
assert decode('12345') ? == [u8(0x1), 0x23, 0x45]
assert decode('0123456789abcdef') ? == [u8(0x01), 0x23, 0x45, 0x67, 0x89, 0xab, 0xcd, 0xef]
assert decode('123456789ABCDEF') ? == [u8(0x01), 0x23, 0x45, 0x67, 0x89, 0xab, 0xcd, 0xef]
assert decode('')? == []
assert decode('0')? == [u8(0x0)]
assert decode('f')? == [u8(0xf)]
assert decode('0f')? == [u8(0x0f)]
assert decode('ff')? == [u8(0xff)]
assert decode('123')? == [u8(0x1), 0x23]
assert decode('1234')? == [u8(0x12), 0x34]
assert decode('12345')? == [u8(0x1), 0x23, 0x45]
assert decode('0123456789abcdef')? == [u8(0x01), 0x23, 0x45, 0x67, 0x89, 0xab, 0xcd, 0xef]
assert decode('123456789ABCDEF')? == [u8(0x01), 0x23, 0x45, 0x67, 0x89, 0xab, 0xcd, 0xef]
fn test_decode_fails() ? {
@ -32,23 +32,23 @@ fn test_decode_fails() ? {
fn test_encode() ? {
assert encode(decode('') ?) == ''
assert encode(decode('0') ?) == '00'
assert encode(decode('f') ?) == '0f'
assert encode(decode('0f') ?) == '0f'
assert encode(decode('ff') ?) == 'ff'
assert encode(decode('123') ?) == '0123'
assert encode(decode('1234') ?) == '1234'
assert encode(decode('12345') ?) == '012345'
assert encode(decode('abcdef') ?) == 'abcdef'
assert encode(decode('ABCDEF') ?) == 'abcdef'
assert encode(decode('')?) == ''
assert encode(decode('0')?) == '00'
assert encode(decode('f')?) == '0f'
assert encode(decode('0f')?) == '0f'
assert encode(decode('ff')?) == 'ff'
assert encode(decode('123')?) == '0123'
assert encode(decode('1234')?) == '1234'
assert encode(decode('12345')?) == '012345'
assert encode(decode('abcdef')?) == 'abcdef'
assert encode(decode('ABCDEF')?) == 'abcdef'
fn test_decode_0x() ? {
assert decode('0x') ? == []
assert decode('0x0') ? == [u8(0x0)]
assert decode('0X1234') ? == [u8(0x12), 0x34]
assert decode('0x12345') ? == [u8(0x1), 0x23, 0x45]
assert decode('0x0123456789abcdef') ? == [u8(0x01), 0x23, 0x45, 0x67, 0x89, 0xab, 0xcd, 0xef]
assert decode('0X123456789ABCDEF') ? == [u8(0x01), 0x23, 0x45, 0x67, 0x89, 0xab, 0xcd, 0xef]
assert decode('0x')? == []
assert decode('0x0')? == [u8(0x0)]
assert decode('0X1234')? == [u8(0x12), 0x34]
assert decode('0x12345')? == [u8(0x1), 0x23, 0x45]
assert decode('0x0123456789abcdef')? == [u8(0x01), 0x23, 0x45, 0x67, 0x89, 0xab, 0xcd, 0xef]
assert decode('0X123456789ABCDEF')? == [u8(0x01), 0x23, 0x45, 0x67, 0x89, 0xab, 0xcd, 0xef]
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