flag: implement *_opt() and *_multi()
It's very often that someone will need to process values that were not provided separately (eg. generating a complex default value like in V). This commit allows the user to call the *_opt() functions instead of forcing them to provide some magical default values. * flag: Implement int_multi(), float_multi() and string_multi() These 3 functions are useful when the application expects a flag to be repeated more than once. A sample would be: v -cflags someflag -cflags secondflag This feature exposes the raw array that the flag parser internally keeps and allow the application to parse it however they want instead of dropping everything except the first element. * flag: Add documentation Add comments describing what *_opt() and *_multi() do.pull/3119/head
@ -121,24 +121,47 @@ fn (fs mut FlagParser) add_flag(n string, a byte, u, vd string) {
// - the name, usage are registered
// - found arguments and corresponding values are removed from args list
fn (fs mut FlagParser) parse_value(n string, ab byte) ?string {
c := '--$n'
for i, a in fs.args {
if a == c || (a.len == 2 && a[1] == ab) {
if i+1 > fs.args.len { panic('Missing argument for \'$n\'') }
fn (fs mut FlagParser) parse_value(longhand string, shorthand byte) []string {
full := '--$longhand'
mut found_entries := []string
mut to_delete := []int
mut should_skip_one := false
for i, arg in fs.args {
if should_skip_one {
should_skip_one = false
if arg == '--' {
//End of input. We're done here.
if arg == full || (arg[0] == `-` && arg[1] == shorthand && arg.len == 2) {
if i+1 > fs.args.len {
panic("Missing argument for '$longhand'")
nextarg := fs.args[i+1]
if nextarg.limit(2) == '--' { panic('Missing argument for \'$n\'') }
val := fs.args[i+1]
return val
} else if a.len > c.len && c == a[..c.len] && a[c.len..c.len+1] == '=' {
val := a[c.len+1..]
return val
if nextarg.len > 2 && nextarg[..2] == '--' {
//It could be end of input (--) or another argument (--abc).
//Both are invalid so die.
panic("Missing argument for '$longhand'")
found_entries << fs.args[i+1]
to_delete << i
to_delete << i+1
should_skip_one = true
if arg.len > full.len+1 && arg[..full.len+1] == '$full=' {
found_entries << arg[full.len+1..]
to_delete << i
return error('parameter \'$n\' not found')
for i, del in to_delete {
//i entrys are deleted so it's shifted left i times.
fs.args.delete(del - i)
return found_entries
// special parsing for bool values
@ -147,27 +170,46 @@ fn (fs mut FlagParser) parse_value(n string, ab byte) ?string {
// special: it is allowed to define bool flags without value
// -> '--flag' is parsed as true
// -> '--flag' is equal to '--flag=true'
fn (fs mut FlagParser) parse_bool_value(n string, ab byte) ?string {
c := '--$n'
for i, a in fs.args {
if a == c || (a.len == 2 && a[1] == ab) {
fn (fs mut FlagParser) parse_bool_value(longhand string, shorthand byte) ?string {
full := '--$longhand'
for i, arg in fs.args {
if arg == '--' {
//End of input. We're done.
if arg == full || (arg[0] == `-` && arg[1] == shorthand && arg.len == 2) {
if fs.args.len > i+1 && (fs.args[i+1] in ['true', 'false']) {
val := fs.args[i+1]
return val
} else {
val := 'true'
return 'true'
if arg.len > full.len+1 && arg[..full.len+1] == '$full=' {
// Flag abc=true
val := arg[full.len+1..]
return val
} else if a.len > c.len && c == a[..c.len] && a[c.len..c.len+1] == '=' {
val := a[c.len+1..]
return val
if arg[0] == `-` && arg.index_byte(shorthand) != -1 {
// -abc is equivalent to -a -b -c
return 'true'
return error('parameter \'$n\' not found')
return error("parameter '$longhand' not found")
// bool_opt returns an optional that returns the value associated with the flag.
// In the situation that the flag was not provided, it returns null.
pub fn (fs mut FlagParser) bool_opt(n string, a byte, u string) ?bool {
fs.add_flag(n, a, u, '<bool>')
parsed := fs.parse_bool_value(n, a) or {
return error("parameter '$n' not provided")
return parsed == 'true'
// defining and parsing a bool flag
@ -178,11 +220,10 @@ fn (fs mut FlagParser) parse_bool_value(n string, ab byte) ?string {
// version with abbreviation
//TODO error handling for invalid string to bool conversion
pub fn (fs mut FlagParser) bool_(n string, a byte, v bool, u string) bool {
fs.add_flag(n, a, u, '<bool>:'+v.str())
parsed := fs.parse_bool_value(n, a) or {
value := fs.bool_opt(n, a, u) or {
return v
return parsed == 'true'
return value
// defining and parsing a bool flag
@ -195,6 +236,29 @@ pub fn (fs mut FlagParser) bool(n string, v bool, u string) bool {
return fs.bool_(n, `\0`, v, u)
// int_multi returns all instances of values associated with the flags provided
// In the case that none were found, it returns an empty array.
pub fn (fs mut FlagParser) int_multi(n string, a byte, u string) []int {
fs.add_flag(n, a, u, '<multiple ints>')
parsed := fs.parse_value(n, a)
mut value := []int
for val in parsed {
value << val.int()
return value
// int_opt returns an optional that returns the value associated with the flag.
// In the situation that the flag was not provided, it returns null.
pub fn (fs mut FlagParser) int_opt(n string, a byte, u string) ?int {
fs.add_flag(n, a, u, '<int>')
parsed := fs.parse_value(n, a)
if parsed.len == 0 {
return error("parameter '$n' not provided")
return parsed[0].int()
// defining and parsing an int flag
// if defined
// the value is returned (int)
@ -203,11 +267,10 @@ pub fn (fs mut FlagParser) bool(n string, v bool, u string) bool {
// version with abbreviation
//TODO error handling for invalid string to int conversion
pub fn (fs mut FlagParser) int_(n string, a byte, i int, u string) int {
fs.add_flag(n, a, u, '<int>:$i')
parsed := fs.parse_value(n, a) or {
value := fs.int_opt(n, a, u) or {
return i
return parsed.int()
return value
// defining and parsing an int flag
@ -220,6 +283,29 @@ pub fn (fs mut FlagParser) int(n string, i int, u string) int {
return fs.int_(n, `\0`, i, u)
// float_multi returns all instances of values associated with the flags provided
// In the case that none were found, it returns an empty array.
pub fn (fs mut FlagParser) float_multi(n string, a byte, u string) []f32 {
fs.add_flag(n, a, u, '<multiple floats>')
parsed := fs.parse_value(n, a)
mut value := []f32
for val in parsed {
value << val.f32()
return value
// float_opt returns an optional that returns the value associated with the flag.
// In the situation that the flag was not provided, it returns null.
pub fn (fs mut FlagParser) float_opt(n string, a byte, u string) ?f32 {
fs.add_flag(n, a, u, '<float>')
parsed := fs.parse_value(n, a)
if parsed.len == 0 {
return error("parameter '$n' not provided")
return parsed[0].f32()
// defining and parsing a float flag
// if defined
// the value is returned (float)
@ -228,11 +314,10 @@ pub fn (fs mut FlagParser) int(n string, i int, u string) int {
// version with abbreviation
//TODO error handling for invalid string to float conversion
pub fn (fs mut FlagParser) float_(n string, a byte, f f32, u string) f32 {
fs.add_flag(n, a, u, '<float>:$f')
parsed := fs.parse_value(n, a) or {
value := fs.float_opt(n, a, u) or {
return f
return parsed.f32()
return value
// defining and parsing a float flag
@ -245,6 +330,24 @@ pub fn (fs mut FlagParser) float(n string, f f32, u string) f32 {
return fs.float_(n, `\0`, f, u)
// string_multi returns all instances of values associated with the flags provided
// In the case that none were found, it returns an empty array.
pub fn (fs mut FlagParser) string_multi(n string, a byte, u string) []string {
fs.add_flag(n, a, u, '<multiple floats>')
return fs.parse_value(n, a)
// string_opt returns an optional that returns the value associated with the flag.
// In the situation that the flag was not provided, it returns null.
pub fn (fs mut FlagParser) string_opt(n string, a byte, u string) ?string {
fs.add_flag(n, a, u, '<string>')
parsed := fs.parse_value(n, a)
if parsed.len == 0 {
return error("parameter '$n' not provided")
return parsed[0]
// defining and parsing a string flag
// if defined
// the value is returned (string)
@ -252,11 +355,10 @@ pub fn (fs mut FlagParser) float(n string, f f32, u string) f32 {
// the default value is returned
// version with abbreviation
pub fn (fs mut FlagParser) string_(n string, a byte, v, u string) string {
fs.add_flag(n, a, u, '<string>:$v')
parsed := fs.parse_value(n, a) or {
value := fs.string_opt(n, a, u) or {
return v
return parsed
return value
// defining and parsing a string flag
@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
import flag
fn test_if_flag_not_given_return_default_values() {
@ -159,7 +158,7 @@ fn test_allow_to_build_usage_message() {
usage := fp.usage()
mut all_strings_found := true
for s in ['flag_tool', 'v0.0.0',
'an_int <int>', 'a_bool', 'bool_without', 'a_float <float>', 'a_string <string>:not_stuff',
'an_int <int>', 'a_bool', 'bool_without', 'a_float <float>', 'a_string <string>',
'some int to define',
'some bool to define',
'this should appear on the next line',
@ -264,3 +263,57 @@ fn test_allow_kebab_options() {
assert u.contains(' --my-long-flag')
assert u.contains(' --my-long-option')
fn test_not_provided_option_is_not_returned() {
mut fp := flag.new_flag_parser([])
fp.bool_opt('some-flag', `a`, '') or {
fp.int_opt('some-flag', `a`, '') or {
fp.float_opt('some-flag', `a`, '') or {
fp.string_opt('some-flag', `a`, '') or {
//Everything should not return
//If we reach here, one of them returned a value.
assert false
fn test_provided_option_is_returned() {
mut fp := flag.new_flag_parser(['-a', '-b', '3', '-c', 'hello', '-d', '3.14'])
a := fp.bool_opt('some-flag', `a`, '') or {
panic('bool_opt did not return a bool')
b := fp.int_opt('some-flag', `b`, '') or {
panic('int_opt did not return an int')
c := fp.string_opt('some-flag', `c`, '') or {
panic('string_opt did not return a string')
d := fp.float_opt('some-flag', `d`, '') or {
panic('float_opt did not return a float')
assert a && b == 3 && c == 'hello' && d == 3.14
fn test_multiple_arguments() {
mut fp := flag.new_flag_parser([
'-a', '2', '-a', '3', '-a', '5',
'-b', 'a', '-b', 'c', '-b', 'b',
'-c', '1.23', '-c', '2.34', '-c', '3.45'
//TODO Move to array comparison once it's implemented
//assert fp.int_multi('some-flag', `a`, '') == [2, 3, 5] &&
// fp.string_multi('some-flag', `b`, '') == ['a', 'c', 'b'] &&
// fp.float_multi('some-flag', `c`, '') == [1.23, 2.34, 3.45]
a := fp.int_multi('some-flag', `a`, '')
b := fp.string_multi('some-flag', `b`, '')
c := fp.float_multi('some-flag', `c`, '')
assert a.len == 3 && b.len == 3 && c.len == 3
assert a[0] == 2 && a[1] == 3 && a[2] == 5
assert b[0] == 'a' && b[1] == 'c' && b[2] == 'b'
assert c[0] == 1.23 && c[1] == 2.34 && c[2] == 3.45
Reference in New Issue