checker: fully exhaustive matches for sumtypes and enums
Also change the vlib/v/checker/tests/inout/match_expr_else.out to reflex the new error details.pull/4403/head
@ -395,8 +395,8 @@ mut:
pub struct MatchBranch {
exprs []Expr
stmts []Stmt
exprs []Expr // left side
stmts []Stmt // right side
pos token.Position
comment Comment // comment above `xxx {`
is_else bool
@ -1332,26 +1332,85 @@ pub fn (c mut Checker) match_expr(node mut ast.MatchExpr) table.Type {
if cond_type == 0 {
c.error('match 0 cond type', node.pos)
type_sym := c.table.get_type_symbol(cond_type)
// all_possible_left_subtypes is a histogram of
// type => how many times it was used in the match
mut all_possible_left_subtypes := map[string]int
// all_possible_left_enum_vals is a histogram of
// enum value name => how many times it was used in the match
mut all_possible_left_enum_vals := map[string]int
match {
table.SumType {
for v in it.variants {
all_possible_left_subtypes[ int(v).str() ] = 0
table.Enum {
for v in it.vals {
all_possible_left_enum_vals[v] = 0
else {}
if !node.branches[node.branches.len - 1].is_else {
mut used_values_count := 0
for branch in node.branches {
for bi, branch in node.branches {
used_values_count += branch.exprs.len
for bi_ei, bexpr in branch.exprs {
match bexpr {
ast.Type {
tidx := table.type_idx(it.typ)
stidx := tidx.str()
all_possible_left_subtypes[ stidx ] = all_possible_left_subtypes[ stidx ] + 1
ast.EnumVal {
all_possible_left_enum_vals[ it.val ] = all_possible_left_enum_vals[ it.val ] + 1
type_sym := c.table.get_type_symbol(cond_type)
mut err := false
mut err := false
mut err_details := 'match must be exhaustive'
unhandled := []string
match {
table.SumType {
err = used_values_count < it.variants.len
for k,v in all_possible_left_subtypes {
if v == 0 {
err = true
unhandled << '`' + c.table.type_to_str( table.new_type( ) ) + '`'
if v > 1 {
err = true
multiple_type_name := '`' + c.table.type_to_str( table.new_type( ) ) + '`'
c.error('a match case for $multiple_type_name is handled more than once', node.pos)
table.Enum {
err = used_values_count < it.vals.len
for k,v in all_possible_left_enum_vals {
if v == 0 {
err = true
unhandled << '`.$k`'
if v > 1 {
err = true
multiple_enum_val := '`.$k`'
c.error('a match case for $multiple_enum_val is handled more than once', node.pos)
else { err = false }
else { err = true }
if err {
c.error('match must be exhaustive', node.pos)
if unhandled.len > 0 {
err_details += ' (add match branches for: ' + unhandled.join(', ') + ' or an else{} branch)'
c.error(err_details, node.pos)
c.expected_type = cond_type
mut ret_type := table.void_type
for branch in node.branches {
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
vlib/v/checker/tests/inout/match_expr_else.v:5:9: error: match must be exhaustive
vlib/v/checker/tests/inout/match_expr_else.v:5:9: error: match must be exhaustive (add match branches for: `f64` or an else{} branch)
3| fn main() {
4| x := A('test')
5| res := match x {
6| int {
7| 'int'
7| 'int'
Reference in New Issue