os.v: remove duplicate read_lines() functions, replace C code with V

Alexander Medvednikov 2019-06-23 02:28:29 +02:00
parent ac66d49c51
commit e9776ff7b2
1 changed files with 24 additions and 44 deletions

View File

@ -100,17 +100,34 @@ pub fn file_last_mod_time(path string) time.Time {
return time.convert_ctime(q)
// `read_lines` reads the file in `path` into an array of lines.
// read_lines reads the file in `path` into an array of lines.
// TODO return `?[]string` TODO implement `?[]` support
pub fn read_lines(path string) []string {
return read_file_lines(path)
mut res := []string
mut buf := [1000]byte
cpath := path.cstr()
fp := C.fopen(cpath, 'rb')
if isnil(fp) {
// return error('failed to open file "$path"')
return res
fn read_file_into_lines(path string) []string {
return read_file_lines(path)
for C.fgets(buf, 1000, fp) != 0 {
mut val := ''
buf[C.strlen(buf) - 1] = `\0` // eat the newline fgets() stores
$if windows {
if buf[strlen(buf)-2] == 13 {
buf[strlen(buf) - 2] = `\0`
res << tos_clone(buf)
return res
fn read_file_into_ulines(path string) []ustring {
lines := read_file_into_lines(path)
lines := read_lines(path)
// mut ulines := new_array(0, lines.len, sizeof(ustring))
mut ulines := []ustring
for myline in lines {
@ -124,43 +141,6 @@ const (
BUF_SIZE = 5000
fn read_file_lines(path string) []string {
// println('read file $path into lines')
mut res := []string
# char buf[os__BUF_SIZE];
# FILE *fp = fopen(path.str, "rb");
# if (!fp)
println('failed to open file "$path"')
return res
# while (fgets(buf, os__BUF_SIZE, fp) != NULL)
mut val := ''
# buf[strlen(buf) - 1] = '\0'; // eat the newline fgets() stores
#ifdef windows
# if (buf[strlen(buf)-2] == 13)
# buf[strlen(buf) - 2] = '\0'; // eat the newline fgets() stores
// # printf("%s\n", buf);
# val=tos_clone(buf) ;
// for i := 0; i < val.len; i++ {
// C.printf('%d) %c %d\n', i, val.str[i], val.str[i])
// }
#ifdef windows
// if val.str[val.len - 1] == 13 {
if val[val.len - 1] == 13 {
// val.len--
// println('QQQ read line="$val"')
res << val
# fclose(fp);
return res
fn append_to_file(file, s string) {
# FILE* fp = fopen(file.str, "a");
# fputs(s.str, fp);