builtin: fix sorting arrays of primitives (#8204)
@ -18,6 +18,25 @@ fn test_sorting_with_condition_expression() {
assert a == sorted_desc
fn test_sorting_primitives_with_condition_expression() {
mut x := ['9', '87', '3210', '654']
x.sort(a.len < b.len)
assert x == ['9', '87', '654', '3210']
fn get_score(word string) int {
mut total := 0
for letter in word {
total += int(letter) - 97
return total
fn test_sorting_with_fn_call_in_condition_expression() {
mut words := ['aaaa', 'a', 'b', 'foo', 'bar']
words.sort(get_score(a) < get_score(b))
fn mysort(mut a []int) {
@ -2700,13 +2700,13 @@ fn scope_register_ab(mut s ast.Scope, pos token.Position, typ table.Type) {
name: 'a'
pos: pos
typ: typ
typ: typ.to_ptr()
is_used: true
name: 'b'
pos: pos
typ: typ
typ: typ.to_ptr()
is_used: true
@ -219,81 +219,75 @@ fn (mut g Gen) gen_array_sort(node ast.CallExpr) {
// No arguments means we are sorting an array of builtins (e.g. `numbers.sort()`)
// The type for the comparison fns is the type of the element itself.
mut typ := info.elem_type
mut is_default := false
mut is_reverse := false
// `users.sort(a.age > b.age)`
if node.args.len > 0 {
// Get the type of the field that's being compared
// `a.age > b.age` => `age int` => int
mut compare_fn := ''
if node.args.len == 0 {
is_default = true
} else {
infix_expr := node.args[0].expr as ast.InfixExpr
// typ = infix_expr.left_type
is_default = '$infix_expr.left' in ['a', 'b'] && '$infix_expr.right' in ['a', 'b']
is_reverse = infix_expr.op == .gt
mut compare_fn := ''
match typ {
table.int_type {
compare_fn = 'compare_ints'
if is_default {
// users.sort() or users.sort(a > b)
compare_fn = match typ {
table.int_type, table.int_type.to_ptr() { 'compare_ints' }
table.u64_type, table.u64_type.to_ptr() { 'compare_u64s' }
table.string_type, table.string_type.to_ptr() { 'compare_strings' }
table.f64_type, table.f64_type.to_ptr() { 'compare_floats' }
else { '' }
table.u64_type {
compare_fn = 'compare_u64s'
if compare_fn != '' && is_reverse {
compare_fn += '_reverse'
table.string_type {
compare_fn = 'compare_strings'
if compare_fn == '' {
// `users.sort(a.age > b.age)`
// Generate a comparison function for a custom type
tmp_name := g.new_tmp_var()
compare_fn = 'compare_${tmp_name}_' + g.typ(typ)
if is_reverse {
compare_fn += '_reverse'
table.f64_type {
compare_fn = 'compare_floats'
else {
// Generate a comparison function for a custom type
if node.args.len == 0 {
verror('usage: .sort(a.field < b.field)')
// verror('sort(): unhandled type $typ $q.name')
tmp_name := g.new_tmp_var()
compare_fn = 'compare_${tmp_name}_' + g.typ(typ)
if is_reverse {
compare_fn += '_reverse'
// Register a new custom `compare_xxx` function for qsort()
g.table.register_fn(name: compare_fn, return_type: table.int_type)
infix_expr := node.args[0].expr as ast.InfixExpr
styp := g.typ(typ)
// Variables `a` and `b` are used in the `.sort(a < b)` syntax, so we can reuse them
// when generating the function as long as the args are named the same.
g.definitions.writeln('int $compare_fn ($styp* a, $styp* b) {')
sym := g.table.get_type_symbol(typ)
if !is_reverse && sym.has_method('<') && infix_expr.left.str().len == 1 {
g.definitions.writeln('\tif (${styp}__lt(*a, *b)) { return -1; } else { return 1; }}')
} else if is_reverse && sym.has_method('>') && infix_expr.left.str().len == 1 {
g.definitions.writeln('\tif (${styp}__gt(*a, *b)) { return -1; } else { return 1; }}')
} else {
field_type := g.typ(infix_expr.left_type)
left_expr_str := g.write_expr_to_string(infix_expr.left).replace_once('.',
right_expr_str := g.write_expr_to_string(infix_expr.right).replace_once('.',
g.definitions.writeln('$field_type a_ = $left_expr_str;')
g.definitions.writeln('$field_type b_ = $right_expr_str;')
mut op1, mut op2 := '', ''
if infix_expr.left_type == table.string_type {
if is_reverse {
op1 = 'string_gt(a_, b_)'
op2 = 'string_lt(a_, b_)'
} else {
op1 = 'string_lt(a_, b_)'
op2 = 'string_gt(a_, b_)'
// Register a new custom `compare_xxx` function for qsort()
g.table.register_fn(name: compare_fn, return_type: table.int_type)
infix_expr := node.args[0].expr as ast.InfixExpr
styp := g.typ(typ)
// Variables `a` and `b` are used in the `.sort(a < b)` syntax, so we can reuse them
// when generating the function as long as the args are named the same.
g.definitions.writeln('int $compare_fn ($styp* a, $styp* b) {')
sym := g.table.get_type_symbol(typ)
if !is_reverse && sym.has_method('<') && infix_expr.left.str().len == 1 {
g.definitions.writeln('\tif (${styp}__lt(*a, *b)) { return -1; } else { return 1; }}')
} else if is_reverse && sym.has_method('>') && infix_expr.left.str().len == 1 {
g.definitions.writeln('\tif (${styp}__gt(*a, *b)) { return -1; } else { return 1; }}')
} else {
field_type := g.typ(infix_expr.left_type)
left_expr_str := g.write_expr_to_string(infix_expr.left)
right_expr_str := g.write_expr_to_string(infix_expr.right)
g.definitions.writeln('$field_type a_ = $left_expr_str;')
g.definitions.writeln('$field_type b_ = $right_expr_str;')
mut op1, mut op2 := '', ''
if infix_expr.left_type == table.string_type {
if is_reverse {
op1 = 'string_gt(a_, b_)'
op2 = 'string_lt(a_, b_)'
} else {
if is_reverse {
op1 = 'a_ > b_'
op2 = 'a_ < b_'
} else {
op1 = 'a_ < b_'
op2 = 'a_ > b_'
op1 = 'string_lt(a_, b_)'
op2 = 'string_gt(a_, b_)'
} else {
if is_reverse {
op1 = 'a_ > b_'
op2 = 'a_ < b_'
} else {
op1 = 'a_ < b_'
op2 = 'a_ > b_'
g.definitions.writeln('if ($op1) return -1;')
g.definitions.writeln('if ($op2) return 1; return 0; }\n')
g.definitions.writeln('if ($op1) return -1;')
g.definitions.writeln('if ($op2) return 1; return 0; }\n')
if is_reverse && !compare_fn.ends_with('_reverse') {
Reference in New Issue