math.big: add a new greatest-common-divisor-algo for big.Integer, also add a benchmark for it (#12261)
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ vdbg.exe
@ -761,3 +761,71 @@ pub fn (a Integer) isqrt() Integer {
return result
fn bi_min(a Integer, b Integer) Integer {
return if a < b { a } else { b }
fn bi_max(a Integer, b Integer) Integer {
return if a > b { a } else { b }
fn (bi Integer) msb() u32 {
for idx := 0; idx < bi.digits.len; idx += 1 {
word := bi.digits[idx]
if word > 0 {
return u32((idx * 32) + bits.trailing_zeros_32(word))
return u32(32)
// Greatest-Common-Divisor
// The code below follows the 2013-christmas-special by D. Lemire & R. Corderoy
// discussion & further info
pub fn (x Integer) gcd_binary(y Integer) Integer {
// Since standard-euclid-gcd is much faster on smaller sizes 4-8-Byte.
// In such a case, one could delegate back to big.Integer.gcd()
// Uncomment below and a all long-long goes to euclid-gcd.
// if x.digits.len + y.digits.len <= 4 {
// return x.gcd( y )
// }
if x.signum == 0 {
return y.abs()
if y.signum == 0 {
return x.abs()
if x.signum < 0 {
return x.neg().gcd(y)
if y.signum < 0 {
return x.gcd(y.neg())
mut a := x
mut b := y
mut az := a.msb()
bz := b.msb()
shift := util.umin(az, bz)
b = b.rshift(bz)
for a.signum != 0 {
a = a.rshift(az)
diff := b - a
az = diff.msb()
b = bi_min(a, b)
a = diff.abs()
return b.lshift(shift)
@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
module main
// NB: this benchmark is preferable to be compiled with: `v -prod -cg -gc boehm bench_euclid.v`
import math.big
import benchmark
import os
import {
interface TestDataI {
r big.Integer
aa big.Integer
bb big.Integer
type GCDSet = PrimeSet
type Clocks = map[string]benchmark.Benchmark
const (
empty_set = GCDSet{'1', '1', '1'}
with_dots = false
fn main() {
fp := os.join_path(@VROOT, prime.toml_path)
if !prime_file_exists(fp) {
panic('expected file |$fp| - not found.')
mut clocks := Clocks(map[string]benchmark.Benchmark{})
for algo in [
] {
clocks[algo] = benchmark.new_benchmark()
// any test-prime-set needs to pass this predicate
// before used in the benchmark.
predicate_fn := fn (ps PrimeSet) bool {
cast_bi := bi_from_decimal_string
r := cast_bi(ps.r)
aa := r * cast_bi(ps.a)
bb := r * cast_bi(ps.b)
gcd := aa.gcd(bb)
return if [
gcd != big.one_int,
gcd == bb.gcd(aa),
gcd == r,
aa != bb,
(aa % gcd) == big.zero_int,
(bb % gcd) == big.zero_int,
].all(it == true)
{ true } else { false }
cfgs := [
// root-prime a-prime b-prime
['s.3', 'xs.3', 's'],
['s.10', 's.10', 'm.all'],
['m.9', 's.10', 'xs'],
['l.40', 'xs.10', 's.5'],
['ml.20', 'm', 's.15'],
['xl', 's.10', 'l.15'],
['xxl', 'l.10', 'xl'],
['l.30', 'm.10', 'xxl'],
['xxl', 'xl', 'm.15'],
['mega', 'xl.6', 's'],
['xxl', 'xxxl.10', 'm.30'],
['mega', 'xxxl', 'mega'],
['giga.5', 'mega', 'giga'],
['crazy', 'mega', 'giga'],
['s', 'biggest', 'crazy'],
['biggest', 'crazy', 'giga'],
].map(PrimeCfg{it[0], it[1], it[2]})
println('\n$cfgs.len x Tests')
for i, prime_cfg in cfgs {
println('\n#-${i + 1}(Stack) "$prime_cfg"')
bench_euclid_vs_binary(prime_cfg, false, predicate_fn, mut clocks)
// just-to-be-sure, but makes no difference in this test.
// println('\n#-${i + 1}(Heap) "$prime_cfg"')
// bench_euclid_vs_binary(prime_cfg, true, predicate_fn, mut clocks)
for _, mut clock in clocks {
println(clocks['euclid'].total_message('both algorithms '))
msg := [
'Seems to me as if euclid in big.Integer.gcd() performs better on ',
'very-small-integers up to 8-byte/u64. The tests #-1..5 show this.',
'The gcd_binary-algo seems to be perform better, the larger the numbers/buffers get.',
'On my machine, i see consistent gains between ~10-30-percent with :',
'v -prod -cg -gc boehm bench_euclid.v',
'This test covers multiplied primes up-to a length of 300-char-digits in ',
'a decimal-string. This equals (188-byte) == 47 x u32-values.',
'edit/change primes in $prime.toml_path',
'Improvements & critique are welcome : \n',
fn run_benchmark(data []DataI, heap bool, mut clocks Clocks) bool {
mut testdata := []TestDataI{}
for elem in data {
// if elem is StackData || elem is HeapData{
// testdata << elem
// }
// TODO: this reads strange
if elem is StackData {
testdata << elem
if elem is HeapData {
testdata << elem
// some statistics
mut tmp := []int{cap: testdata.len * 3}
for set in testdata {
for prime in [set.r, set.aa,] {
bi, _ := prime.bytes()
tmp << bi_buffer_len(bi)
min_byte := tmp.first() * 4
max_byte := tmp.last() * 4
mut buffer_space := 0
for tmp.len != 0 {
buffer_space += tmp.pop()
// trying to balance prime-size and item-count
// minimum rounds is 100-times
mut rounds := 2000 / ((3 * buffer_space) / testdata.len)
rounds = if rounds < 100 { 100 } else { rounds }
ratio := (buffer_space * 4) / (testdata.len * 3)
msg := [
'avg-$ratio-byte/Prime, $min_byte-byte < Prime < $max_byte-byte \n',
'~${buffer_space * 4 / 1024}-Kb-',
if heap { 'Heap' } else { 'Stack' },
'-space for $testdata.len-items x ',
mut cycles := 0
for algo, mut clock in clocks {
cycles = 0
for cycles < rounds {
for set in testdata {
match algo {
'euclid' {
if set.r != set.aa.gcd( {
eprintln('$algo failed ?')
'gcd_binary' {
if set.r != set.aa.gcd_binary( {
eprintln('$algo failed ?')
else {
eprintln('unknown algo was "$algo"')
} // eo-for over testdata
if with_dots {
cycles += 1
} // eo-for cycles
if with_dots {
} // eo-for-loop over algo, clock
return true
fn bench_euclid_vs_binary(test_config PrimeCfg, heap bool, predicate_fn fn (ps PrimeSet) bool, mut clocks Clocks) bool {
testprimes := prime.random_set(test_config) or { panic(err) }
// validate the test-data
gcd_primes :=, predicate_fn)).filter(it != empty_set)
// just to make sure all generated primes are sane
assert gcd_primes.len == testprimes.len
// casting the decimal-strings into big.Integers
// here to avoid measuring string-parsing-cycles
// during later testing.
mut casted_sets := if heap { {
}) } else { {
}) }
// ready use the primes in the benchmark
return run_benchmark(casted_sets, heap, mut clocks)
fn prepare_and_test_gcd(primeset PrimeSet, test fn (ps PrimeSet) bool) GCDSet {
if !primeset.predicate(test) {
eprintln('? Corrupt Testdata was ?')
return empty_set // {'1', '1', '1'}
cast_bi := bi_from_decimal_string
r := cast_bi(primeset.r)
aa := cast_bi(primeset.a) * r
bb := cast_bi(primeset.b) * r
gcd := aa.gcd(bb)
return GCDSet{'$gcd', '$aa', '$bb'}
fn prime_file_exists(path string) bool {
return os.is_readable(path)
// bi_from_decimal_string converts a string-of-decimals into
// a math.big.Integer using the big.Integers 'from_radix-fn'
pub fn bi_from_decimal_string(s string) big.Integer {
return big.integer_from_radix(s, u32(10)) or {
msg := [
'Cannot convert prime from decimal-string.',
'prime was : "$s"\n',
// need the bi.digits.len - during test only - to calculate
// the size of big.Integers-buffer
fn bi_buffer_len(input []byte) int {
if input.len == 0 {
return 0
// pad input
mut padded_input := []byte{len: ((input.len + 3) & ~0x3) - input.len, cap: (input.len + 3) & ~0x3, init: 0x0}
padded_input << input
mut digits := []u32{len: padded_input.len / 4}
// combine every 4 bytes into a u32 and insert into n.digits
for i := 0; i < padded_input.len; i += 4 {
x3 := u32(padded_input[i])
x2 := u32(padded_input[i + 1])
x1 := u32(padded_input[i + 2])
x0 := u32(padded_input[i + 3])
val := (x3 << 24) | (x2 << 16) | (x1 << 8) | x0
digits[(padded_input.len - i) / 4 - 1] = val
return digits.len
pub struct HeapData {
pub mut:
r big.Integer
aa big.Integer
bb big.Integer
pub fn (hd HeapData) to_primeset() PrimeSet {
return PrimeSet{
r: '$hd.r'
a: '$hd.aa'
b: '$'
pub fn (hd HeapData) from_primeset(p PrimeSet) DataI {
return DataI(HeapData{
r: bi_from_decimal_string(p.r)
aa: bi_from_decimal_string(p.a)
bb: bi_from_decimal_string(p.b)
pub struct StackData {
pub mut:
r big.Integer
aa big.Integer
bb big.Integer
pub fn (sd StackData) to_primeset() PrimeSet {
return PrimeSet{
r: '$sd.r'
a: '$sd.aa'
b: '$'
pub fn (sd StackData) from_primeset(p PrimeSet) DataI {
return DataI(StackData{
r: bi_from_decimal_string(p.r)
aa: bi_from_decimal_string(p.a)
bb: bi_from_decimal_string(p.b)
@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
module prime
import rand
import toml
import os
pub const toml_path = 'vlib/v/tests/bench/math_big_gcd/primes.toml'
pub interface DataI {
to_primeset() PrimeSet
from_primeset(PrimeSet) DataI
pub fn (di DataI) cast<T>() DataI {
return T{}.from_primeset(di.to_primeset())
pub type PrimeCfg = PrimeSet
pub fn (pc PrimeCfg) short() string {
return "r: '$pc.r' a: '$pc.a' b: '$pc.b'"
pub struct PrimeSet {
pub mut:
r string [required]
a string [required]
b string [required]
pub fn (p PrimeSet) to_primeset() PrimeSet {
return p
pub fn (p PrimeSet) from_primeset(ps PrimeSet) DataI {
return ps
pub fn (p PrimeSet) predicate(pred fn (data PrimeSet) bool) bool {
return pred(p)
pub fn (p PrimeSet) key() string {
return [p.r, p.a, p.b].join('.')
pub fn (p PrimeSet) str() string {
return [p.r, p.a, p.b].join(' ')
fn extract_count(s string) int {
digits := '0123456789'.split('')
if (s == '') || !s.split('').any(it in digits) {
return 0
ds := s.split('').filter(it in digits)
return ds.join('').int()
// sizes lists the available names for prime-number sections.
pub fn sizes() []string {
primes := read_toml_file()
return primes.keys()
// usage returns section-names and the count of available primes
pub fn usage() string {
primes := read_toml_file()
return sizes().map('$it[..${primes[it].len}]').join('\n\t')
// reads the Map[string] []string from disk
// and returns the parsed content
fn read_toml_file() map[string][]string {
fp := os.join_path(@VROOT, prime.toml_path)
tm_doc := toml.parse_file(fp) or {
err_msg := 'expected $fp'
// TODO what happens if this goes wrong ?
tm_primes := tm_doc.value('primes') as map[string]toml.Any
msg := 'expected a map[string][]string in TOML-data ? corrupt ?'
mut p := map[string][]string{}
for k in tm_primes.keys() {
p[k] = []string{}
arr := tm_primes[k] or { panic(msg) }
for _, elem in arr.array() {
p[k] << elem as string
return p
pub fn random_list(cfg []string) []string {
primes := read_toml_file()
mut p_list := []string{}
match cfg.len {
1 { // prime-size e.g. 'xs' given
if cfg[0] !in primes {
return p_list
} else {
return primes[cfg[0]]
2 { // prime-size and limiter given e.g 'xs.15'
prime_size := cfg[0]
if prime_size !in primes {
return p_list
mut prime_count := extract_count(cfg[1])
if prime_count == 0 {
return primes[prime_size]
mut num := ''
for prime_count != 0 {
num = primes[prime_size][rand.int_in_range(0, primes[prime_size].len - 1)]
if num in p_list {
p_list << num
prime_count -= 1
if prime_count >= primes[prime_size].len {
p_list = primes[prime_size]
} // eo-for
return p_list
} // cfg not understood
else {
return p_list
return p_list
pub fn random_set(cfg PrimeCfg) ?[]PrimeSet {
p_lists := [
// test for empty lists
if p_lists.any(it.len == 0) {
msg := [
'bad config was :\n\n"$cfg"',
"maybe try e.g { r: 'l.5' a: 'xxl.5 b: 'xl.10' } makes a set of 250",
'your config was { $cfg.short() }',
'sizes $usage()\n',
return error(msg)
// filter unique combinations thru map
mut tmp := map[string]PrimeSet{}
for r in p_lists[0] {
for a in p_lists[1] {
for b in p_lists[2] {
d := PrimeSet{r, a, b}
if d.key() in tmp {
tmp[d.key()] = d
return tmp.keys().map(tmp[it])
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
xs = [
"3", "5", "7", "11", "13", "17", "19", "21", "23", "27", "29", "31", "37", "41", "43"
s = [
"7823", "5419", "1889", "7213", "9817", "6521", "3299", "3709", "4217", "5737", "8753", "9187", "7013", "7951", "8647", "2089", "9241", "4993", "2819", "6469", "7879", "2341", "4733", "3259", "9697", "4373", "4231", "3001", "6577", "6449", "8783", "3947", "7687", "3221", "3449", "5527", "7411", "4339", "9461", "2909", "5449", "5843", "9007", "9461", "5419", "3571", "4133", "5417", "9043"
m = [
"55399", "57287", "53609", "13397", "53051", "95009", "44257", "15263", "47149", "53791", "67219", "35339", "92789", "40751", "27827", "89867", "45953", "81041", "34847", "66359", "73291", "31397", "19577", "31081", "73613", "57413", "42331", "61057", "68399", "21937", "15559", "31667", "39161", "12011", "32237", "28411", "43207", "17957", "60611", "61781", "61363", "92779", "87671", "68711", "59419"
ml = [
"3197239", "4777723", "5634029", "5345227", "3775663", "2577733", "2484731", "9489157", "9795311", "8807549", "4211929", "2192143", "1790611", "6124379", "7110449", "3423877", "3104219", "7823597", "4007569", "9538877", "9973409", "1337753", "2981431", "2052977", "3881461", "3107569", "6681733", "7208623", "6121067", "7024543", "7781927", "1355129", "3668941", "6326527", "8262383", "9656587", "8881111", "8026561", "8561011", "2398367", "8479967", "9903059"
l = [
"912325499", "724443641", "385137293", "926358929", "890097763", "130750339", "116017079", "144416561", "407856209", "410030717", "197927203", "202551331", "977001847", "538242283", "257127457", "818698583", "752243881", "596336339", "557356187", "240508001", "387269011", "456025643", "877258717", "369868633", "362001583", "864195281", "599680687", "215741453", "804623063", "938568131", "404699117", "255340313", "888734827"
xl = [
"4574666035183", "8417547875059", "4570443646591", "5048274773407", "7164005295869", "4518845199877", "5614561710673", "5260860119369", "7543626839449", "7276541368879", "7214431178011"
xxl = [
"835105110050347323134847370069", "143404874801173091148814190773", "201127251710413955312944973641", "404730213474815811826728006169", "667169667959358791072930585279", "501481765763667164242641192419", "446412154680934394834729305967", "460686874458826922684722184083", "830222457872535605976269306419", "185066433124965184224530740781"
xxxl = [
"41538632149409670203875645951895100583020903271493", "55019010857476970540160613582574368926321997435229", "80761049172599658440341257254896253118458575469719", "92617063636548016967671406179456164264446680329889", "40758128168942353395091585296464433019876977918493", "17036082713942833563217660171659128981053237307867"
mega = [
giga = [
crazy = [
biggest = [
Reference in New Issue