net.html: create html parser module (#6076)

João Victor Oliveira Couto 2020-08-08 23:13:34 -03:00 committed by GitHub
parent 97fec78b40
commit f6a85d5305
No known key found for this signature in database
7 changed files with 894 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
A HTML parser made in V
## Usage
If description below isn't enought, see test files
### Parser
Responsible for read HTML in full strings or splited string and returns all Tag objets of it HTML or return a DocumentObjectModel, that will try to find how the HTML Tree is.
#### split_parse(data string)
This functions is the main function called by parse method to fragment parse your HTML
#### parse_html(data string, is_file bool)
This function is called passing a filename or a complete html data string to it
#### add_code_tag(name string)
This function is used to add a tag for the parser ignore it's content. For example, if you have an html or XML with a custom tag, like `<script>`, using this function, like `add_code_tag('script')` will make all `script` tags content be jumped, so you still have its content, but will not confuse the parser with it's `>` or `<`
#### finalize()
When using **split_parse** method, you must call this function to ends the parse completely
#### get_tags() []Tag_ptr
This functions returns a array with all tags and it's content
#### get_dom() DocumentObjectModel
Returns the DocumentObjectModel for current parsed tags
If you want to reuse parser object to parse another HTML, call `initialize_all()` function first
### DocumentObjectModel
A DOM object that will make easier to access some tags and search it
#### get_by_attribute_value(name string, value string) []Tag_ptr
This function retuns a Tag array with all tags in document that have a attribute with given name and given value
#### get_by_tag(name string) []Tag_ptr
This function retuns a Tag array with all tags in document that have a name with the given value
#### get_by_attribute(name string) []Tag_ptr
This function retuns a Tag array with all tags in document that have a attribute with given name
#### get_root() Tag_ptr
This function returns the root Tag
#### get_all_tags() []Tag_ptr
This function returns all important tags, removing close tags
### Tag
An object that holds tags information, such as `name`, `attributes`, `children`
#### get_children() []Tag_ptr
Returns all children as an array
#### get_parent() &Tag
Returns the parent of current tag
#### get_name() string
Returns tag name
#### get_content() string
Returns tag content
#### get_attributes() map[string]string
Returns all attributes and it value
#### text() string
Returns the content of the tag and all tags inside it. Also, any `<br>` tag will be converted into `\n`
## Some questions that can appear
### Q: Why in parser have a `builder_str() string` method that returns only the lexeme string?
A: Because in early stages of the project, strings.Builder are used, but for some bug existing somewhere, it was necessary to use string directly. Later, it's planned to use strings.Builder again
### Q: Why have a `compare_string(a string, b string) bool` method?
A: For some reason when using != and == in strings directly, it not working. So, this method is a workaround
### Q: Will be something like `XPath`?
A: Like XPath yes. Exactly equal to it, no.
## Roadmap
- [x] Parser
- [x] `<!-- Comments -->` detection
- [x] `Open Generic tags` detection
- [x] `Close Generic tags` detection
- [x] `verify string` detection
- [x] `tag attributes` detection
- [x] `attributes values` detection
- [x] `tag text` (on tag it is declared as content, maybe change for text in the future)
- [x] `text file for parse` support (open local files for parsing)
- [x] `open_code` verification
- [x] DocumentObjectModel
- [x] push elements that have a close tag into stack
- [x] remove elements from stack
- [x] ~~create a new document root if have some syntax error (deleted)~~
- [x] search tags in `DOM` by attributes
- [x] search tags in `DOM` by tag type
- [x] finish dom test
## License

View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
module html
#include <limits.h>
struct Stack {
null_element int = C.INT_MIN
elements []int
size int = 0
fn (stack Stack) is_null(data int) bool {
return data == stack.null_element
fn (stack Stack) is_empty() bool {
return stack.size <= 0
fn (stack Stack) peek() int {
if !stack.is_empty() {
return stack.elements[stack.size - 1]
return stack.null_element
fn (mut stack Stack) pop() int {
mut to_return := stack.null_element
if !stack.is_empty() {
to_return = stack.elements[stack.size - 1]
return to_return
fn (mut stack Stack) push(item int) {
if stack.elements.len > stack.size {
stack.elements[stack.size] = item
} else {
stack.elements << item
struct BTree {
all_tags []Tag
node_pointer int = 0
childrens [][]int
parents []int
fn (mut btree BTree) add_children(tag Tag) int {
btree.all_tags << tag
if btree.all_tags.len > 1 {
for btree.childrens.len <= btree.node_pointer {
// println("${btree.childrens.len} <= ${btree.node_pointer}")
mut temp_array := btree.childrens
temp_array << []int{}
btree.childrens = temp_array
btree.childrens[btree.node_pointer] << btree.all_tags.len - 1
for btree.parents.len < btree.all_tags.len {
mut temp_array := btree.parents
temp_array << 0
btree.parents = temp_array
btree.parents[btree.all_tags.len - 1] = btree.node_pointer
return btree.all_tags.len - 1
fn (btree BTree) get_children() []int {
return btree.childrens[btree.node_pointer]
fn (btree BTree) get_parent() int {
return btree.parents[btree.node_pointer]
fn (btree BTree) get_stored() Tag {
return btree.all_tags[btree.node_pointer]
fn (mut btree BTree) move_pointer(to int) {
if to < btree.all_tags.len {
btree.node_pointer = to

vlib/net/html/dom.v 100644
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@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
module html
import os
pub struct DocumentObjectModel {
root &Tag
constructed bool = false
btree BTree
all_tags []&Tag
all_attributes map[string][]&Tag
close_tags map[string]bool // add a counter to see count how many times is closed and parse correctly
attributes map[string][]string
tag_attributes map[string][][]&Tag
tag_type map[string][]&Tag
debug_file os.File
[if debug]
fn (mut dom DocumentObjectModel) print_debug(data string) {
$if debug {
if data.len > 0 {
fn (dom mut DocumentObjectModel) new_root(tag &Tag) {
mut new_tag := &Tag{} = "div"
new_tag.add_child(dom.root) new_tag.add_child(tag)
dom.root = new_tag
fn is_close_tag(tag &Tag) bool {
if > 0 {
return[0] == 47 // return if equals to /
return false
fn (mut dom DocumentObjectModel) where_is(item_name, attribute_name string) int {
if !(attribute_name in dom.attributes) {
temp_array := []string{}
dom.attributes[attribute_name] = temp_array
mut string_array := dom.attributes[attribute_name]
mut counter := 0
for value in string_array {
if value == item_name {
return counter
string_array << item_name
dom.attributes[attribute_name] = string_array
return string_array.len - 1
fn (mut dom DocumentObjectModel) add_tag_attribute(tag &Tag) {
for attribute_name in tag.attributes.keys() {
attribute_value := tag.attributes[attribute_name]
location := dom.where_is(attribute_value, attribute_name)
if !(attribute_name in dom.tag_attributes) {
dom.tag_attributes[attribute_name] = []
for {
mut temp_array := dom.tag_attributes[attribute_name]
temp_array << []&Tag{}
dom.tag_attributes[attribute_name] = temp_array
if location < dom.tag_attributes[attribute_name].len + 1 {
mut temp_array := dom.tag_attributes[attribute_name][location]
temp_array << tag
dom.tag_attributes[attribute_name][location] = temp_array
fn (mut dom DocumentObjectModel) add_tag_by_type(tag &Tag) {
tag_name :=
if !(tag_name in dom.tag_type) {
dom.tag_type[tag_name] = [tag]
} else {
mut temp_array := dom.tag_type[tag_name]
temp_array << tag
dom.tag_type[tag_name] = temp_array
fn (mut dom DocumentObjectModel) add_tag_by_attribute(tag &Tag) {
for attribute_name in tag.attributes.keys() {
if !(attribute_name in dom.all_attributes) {
dom.all_attributes[attribute_name] = [tag]
} else {
mut temp_array := dom.all_attributes[attribute_name]
temp_array << tag
dom.all_attributes[attribute_name] = temp_array
fn compare_string(a, b string) bool { // for some reason == doesn't work
if a.len != b.len {
return false
for i := 0; i < a.len; i++ {
if a[i] != b[i] {
return false
return true
fn (mut dom DocumentObjectModel) construct(tag_list []Tag_ptr) {
dom.constructed = true
mut temp_map := map[string]int{}
mut temp_int := C.INT_MIN
mut temp_string := ''
mut stack := Stack{}
dom.btree = BTree{}
dom.root = tag_list[0]
dom.all_tags = [tag_list[0]]
temp_map['0'] = dom.btree.add_children(tag_list[0])
root_index := 0
for index := 1; index < tag_list.len; index++ {
mut tag := tag_list[index]
if is_close_tag(tag) {
temp_int = stack.peek()
temp_string =[] // print(temp_string + " != " + tag_list[temp_int].name + " >> ") // println(temp_string != tag_list[temp_int].name)
for !stack.is_null(temp_int) &&
!compare_string(temp_string, tag_list[temp_int].name) && !tag_list[temp_int].closed {
dom.print_debug(temp_string + ' >> ' + tag_list[temp_int].name + ' ' +
compare_string(temp_string, tag_list[temp_int].name).str())
temp_int = stack.peek()
temp_int = stack.peek()
if !stack.is_null(temp_int) {
temp_int = stack.pop()
} else {
temp_int = root_index
if stack.is_null(temp_int) {
dom.print_debug('Removed ' + temp_string + ' -- ' + tag_list[temp_int].name)
} else if > 0 {
dom.add_tag_attribute(tag) // error here
dom.all_tags << tag
temp_int = stack.peek()
if !stack.is_null(temp_int) {
temp_map[index.str()] = dom.btree.add_children(tag)
mut temp_tag := tag_list[temp_int]
position_in_parent := temp_tag.add_child(tag) // tag_list[temp_int] = temp_tag
tag.add_parent(temp_tag, position_in_parent)
dom.print_debug("Added ${} as child of '" + tag_list[temp_int].name +
"' which now has ${dom.btree.get_children().len} childrens")
dom.print_debug("Added $ as child of '" + +
"' which now has $temp_tag.get_children().len childrens")
} else { // dom.new_root(tag)
temp_string = '/' +
if temp_string in dom.close_tags && !tag.closed { // if tag ends with />
dom.print_debug('Pushed ' + temp_string)
} // println(tag_list[root_index]) for debug purposes
dom.root = tag_list[0]
pub fn (mut dom DocumentObjectModel) get_by_attribute_value(name, value string) []Tag_ptr {
location := dom.where_is(value, name)
if dom.tag_attributes[name].len > location {
return dom.tag_attributes[name][location]
return []&Tag{}
pub fn (dom DocumentObjectModel) get_by_tag(name string) []Tag_ptr {
if name in dom.tag_type {
return dom.tag_type[name]
return []&Tag{}
pub fn (dom DocumentObjectModel) get_by_attribute(name string) []Tag_ptr {
if name in dom.all_attributes {
return dom.all_attributes[name]
return []&Tag{}
pub fn (dom DocumentObjectModel) get_root() &Tag {
return dom.root
pub fn (dom DocumentObjectModel) get_all_tags() []Tag_ptr {
return dom.all_tags
/*pub fn (dom DocumentObjectModel) get_xpath() XPath {
return XPath{
dom: dom

View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
module html
fn generate_temp_html() string {
mut temp_html := '<!doctype html><html><head><title>Giant String</title></head><body>'
for counter := 0; counter < 4; counter++ {
temp_html += "<div id='name_$counter' "
temp_html += "class='several-$counter'>Look at $counter</div>"
temp_html += '</body></html>'
return temp_html
fn generate_dom(temp_html string) DocumentObjectModel {
mut parser := Parser{}
parser.parse_html(temp_html, false)
dom := parser.get_dom()
return dom
fn test_search_by_tag_type() {
dom := generate_dom(generate_temp_html())
assert dom.get_by_tag('div').len == 4
assert dom.get_by_tag('head').len == 1
assert dom.get_by_tag('body').len == 1
fn test_search_by_attribute_value() {
mut dom := generate_dom(generate_temp_html())
// println(temp_html)
print('Amount ')
println(dom.get_by_attribute_value('id', 'name_0'))
assert dom.get_by_attribute_value('id', 'name_0').len == 1
fn test_access_parent() {
mut dom := generate_dom(generate_temp_html())
div_tags := dom.get_by_tag('div')[0]
assert div_tags.get_parent() != C.NULL
parent := div_tags.get_parent()
for div_tag in div_tags {
assert div_tag.get_parent() == parent
fn test_search_by_attributes() {
dom := generate_dom(generate_temp_html())
assert dom.get_by_attribute('id').len == 4
fn test_tags_used() {
dom := generate_dom(generate_temp_html())
assert dom.get_all_tags().len == 9
fn test_access_tag_fields() {
dom := generate_dom(generate_temp_html())
id_tags := dom.get_by_attribute('id')
assert id_tags[0].get_name() == "div"
assert id_tags[1].get_attributes()['class'] == "several-1"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
module html
import os
struct LexycalAttributes {
current_tag &Tag
open_tag bool = false
open_code bool = false
open_string int = 0
open_comment bool = false
is_attribute bool = false
opened_code_type string = ''
line_count int = 0
lexeme_builder string
code_tags map[string]bool = {
'script': true
'style': true
fn (mut lxa LexycalAttributes) write_lexeme(data byte) {
mut temp := lxa.lexeme_builder
temp += data.str()
lxa.lexeme_builder = temp
pub struct Parser {
dom DocumentObjectModel
lexycal_attributes LexycalAttributes = LexycalAttributes{
current_tag: &Tag{}
filename string = 'direct-parse'
initialized bool = false
tags []&Tag
debug_file os.File
pub fn (mut parser Parser) add_code_tag(name string) {
if parser.lexycal_attributes.code_tags.keys().len <= 0 {
parser.lexycal_attributes.code_tags = map[string]bool{}
parser.lexycal_attributes.code_tags['script'] = true
parser.lexycal_attributes.code_tags['style'] = true
if name.len > 0 {
parser.lexycal_attributes.code_tags[name] = true
fn (parser Parser) builder_str() string {
return parser.lexycal_attributes.lexeme_builder
[if debug]
fn (mut parser Parser) print_debug(data string) {
$if debug {
if data.len > 0 {
fn (mut parser Parser) verify_end_comment(remove bool) bool {
lexeme := parser.builder_str()
last := lexeme[lexeme.len - 1]
penultimate := lexeme[lexeme.len - 2]
mut is_end_comment := false
if last.str() == '-' && penultimate.str() == '-' {
is_end_comment = true
if is_end_comment && remove {
temp := parser.lexycal_attributes.lexeme_builder
parser.lexycal_attributes.lexeme_builder = temp[0..temp.len - 2]
return is_end_comment
fn blank_string(data string) bool {
mut count := 0
for word in data {
if word == 9 || word == 32 {
return count == data.len
fn (mut parser Parser) initialize_all() {
parser.dom = DocumentObjectModel{
debug_file: parser.debug_file
root: &Tag{}
parser.tags = []&Tag{}
parser.dom.close_tags['/!document'] = true
parser.lexycal_attributes.current_tag = &Tag{}
parser.initialized = true
fn (mut parser Parser) generate_tag() {
if !parser.lexycal_attributes.open_tag {
if > 0 ||
parser.lexycal_attributes.current_tag.content.len > 0 {
parser.tags << parser.lexycal_attributes.current_tag
parser.lexycal_attributes.current_tag = &Tag{}
pub fn (mut parser Parser) split_parse(data string) {
if !parser.initialized {
for word in data {
mut is_quotation := false // " or '
if word == 34 || word == 39 {
is_quotation = true
string_code := match word {
34 { 1 } // "
39 { 2 } // '
else { 0 }
if parser.lexycal_attributes.open_code { // here will verify all needed to know if open_code finishes and string in code
if parser.lexycal_attributes.open_string > 0 {
if parser.lexycal_attributes.open_string == string_code {
parser.lexycal_attributes.open_string = 0
} else if is_quotation {
parser.lexycal_attributes.open_string = string_code
} else if word == 62 { // only execute verification if is a > // here will verify < to know if code tag is finished
name_close_tag := '</' + parser.lexycal_attributes.opened_code_type + '>'
temp_string := parser.builder_str()
if temp_string.to_lower().ends_with(name_close_tag) {
parser.lexycal_attributes.open_code = false
// need to modify lexeme_builder to add script text as a content in next loop (not gave error in dom)
parser.lexycal_attributes.lexeme_builder = temp_string[0..temp_string.len -
parser.lexycal_attributes.current_tag.closed = true
parser.lexycal_attributes.current_tag.close_type = .new_tag
} else if parser.lexycal_attributes.open_comment {
if word == 62 && parser.verify_end_comment(false) { // close tag '>'
// parser.print_debug(parser.builder_str() + " >> " + parser.lexycal_attributes.line_count.str())
parser.lexycal_attributes.lexeme_builder = '' // strings.Builder{}
parser.lexycal_attributes.open_comment = false
parser.lexycal_attributes.open_tag = false
} else {
} else if parser.lexycal_attributes.open_string > 0 {
if parser.lexycal_attributes.open_string == string_code {
parser.lexycal_attributes.open_string = 0
temp_lexeme := parser.builder_str()
if parser.lexycal_attributes.current_tag.last_attribute != '' {
parser.lexycal_attributes.current_tag.attributes[parser.lexycal_attributes.current_tag.last_attribute] = temp_lexeme.substr(1,
temp_lexeme.len - 1) // parser.print_debug(parser.lexycal_attributes.current_tag.last_attribute + " = " + temp_lexeme)
parser.lexycal_attributes.current_tag.last_attribute = ''
} else {
parser.lexycal_attributes.current_tag.attributes[temp_lexeme.to_lower()] = '' // parser.print_debug(temp_lexeme)
parser.lexycal_attributes.lexeme_builder = ''
} else {
} else if parser.lexycal_attributes.open_tag {
if parser.lexycal_attributes.lexeme_builder.len == 0 && is_quotation {
parser.lexycal_attributes.open_string = string_code
} else if word == 62 { // close tag >
complete_lexeme := parser.builder_str().to_lower()
parser.lexycal_attributes.current_tag.closed = (complete_lexeme.len > 0 &&
complete_lexeme[complete_lexeme.len - 1] == 47) // if equals to /
if complete_lexeme.len > 0 && complete_lexeme[0] == 47 {
parser.dom.close_tags[complete_lexeme] = true
else if complete_lexeme.len > 0 && complete_lexeme[complete_lexeme.len - 1] == 47 { // if end tag like "/>"
parser.lexycal_attributes.current_tag.closed = true
if == '' { = complete_lexeme
} else if complete_lexeme != '/' {
parser.lexycal_attributes.current_tag.attributes[complete_lexeme] = ''
parser.lexycal_attributes.open_tag = false
parser.lexycal_attributes.lexeme_builder = '' // if tag name is code
if in parser.lexycal_attributes.code_tags {
parser.lexycal_attributes.open_code = true
parser.lexycal_attributes.opened_code_type =
// parser.print_debug(
} else if word != 9 && word != 32 && word != 61 && word != 10 { // Tab, space, = and \n
} else if word != 10 {
complete_lexeme := parser.builder_str().to_lower()
if == '' { = complete_lexeme
} else {
parser.lexycal_attributes.current_tag.attributes[complete_lexeme] = ''
parser.lexycal_attributes.current_tag.last_attribute = ''
if word == 61 { // if was a =
parser.lexycal_attributes.current_tag.last_attribute = complete_lexeme
parser.lexycal_attributes.lexeme_builder = '' // strings.Builder{}
if parser.builder_str() == '!--' {
parser.lexycal_attributes.open_comment = true
} else if word == 60 { // open tag '<'
temp_string := parser.builder_str()
if parser.lexycal_attributes.lexeme_builder.len >= 1 {
if > 1 &&[0] == 47 && !blank_string(temp_string) {
parser.tags << &Tag{
name: 'text'
content: temp_string
} else {
parser.lexycal_attributes.current_tag.content = temp_string // verify later who has this content
// parser.print_debug(parser.lexycal_attributes.current_tag.str())
parser.lexycal_attributes.lexeme_builder = ''
parser.lexycal_attributes.open_tag = true
} else {
pub fn (mut parser Parser) parse_html(data string, is_file bool) {
if !parser.initialized {
mut lines := []string{}
if is_file {
file_lines := os.read_lines(data) or {
eprintln('failed to read the file $data')
lines = file_lines
} else {
lines = data.split_into_lines()
for line in lines {
parser.dom.debug_file = parser.debug_file
parser.dom.construct(parser.tags) // println(parser.close_tags.keys())
pub fn (mut parser Parser) finalize() {
pub fn (parser Parser) get_tags() []Tag_ptr {
return parser.tags
pub fn (mut parser Parser) get_dom() DocumentObjectModel {
if !parser.dom.constructed {
return parser.dom
/*pub fn (mut parser Parser) get_xpath() XPath {
dom := parser.get_dom()
return XPath{
dom: dom

View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
module html
//import net.http
fn test_split_parse() {
mut parser := Parser{}
parser.split_parse('<!doctype htm')
parser.split_parse('l public')
parser.split_parse('itle> Hum... ')
parser.split_parse('A Tit')
parser.split_parse('Nice Test!</h3>')
assert parser.get_tags().len == 11
assert parser.get_tags()[3].get_content() == ' Hum... A Tit\nle'
fn test_giant_string() {
mut temp_html := '<!doctype html><html><head><title>Giant String</title></head><body>'
for counter := 0; counter < 2000; counter++ {
temp_html += "<div id='name_$counter' class='several-$counter'>Look at $counter</div>"
temp_html += '</body></html>'
mut parser := Parser{}
parser.parse_html(temp_html, false)
assert parser.get_tags().len == 4009
fn test_script_tag() {
temp_html := "<html><body><script>\nvar googletag = googletag || {};\n
googletag.cmd = googletag.cmd || [];if(3 > 5) {console.log('Birl');}\n</script></body></html>"
mut parser := Parser{}
parser.parse_html(temp_html, false)
assert parser.get_tags()[2].get_content().len == 101
/*fn test_download_source() {
println('Fetching github data in pastebin')
resp := http.get('') or {
println('failed to fetch data from the server')
println('Finalized fetching, start parsing')
mut parser := Parser{}
parser.parse_html(resp.text, false)
assert parser.get_tags().len == 2244

View File

@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
module html
enum CloseTagType {
pub struct Tag {
name string = ''
attributes map[string]string // attributes will be like map[name]value
last_attribute string = ''
content string = ''
children []&Tag
parent &Tag = C.NULL
position_in_parent int = 0
closed bool = false
close_type CloseTagType = .in_name
fn (mut tag Tag) add_parent(t &Tag, position int) {
tag.position_in_parent = position
tag.parent = t
fn (mut tag Tag) add_child(t &Tag) int {
mut children := tag.children
children << t
tag.children = children
return tag.children.len
pub fn (tag Tag) get_children() []Tag_ptr {
return tag.children
pub fn (tag Tag) get_parent() &Tag {
return tag.parent
pub fn (tag Tag) get_name() string {
pub fn (tag Tag) get_content() string {
return tag.content
pub fn (tag Tag) get_attributes() map[string]string {
return tag.attributes
pub fn (tag Tag) text() string {
if >= 2 &&[0..2] == 'br' {
return '\n'
mut to_return := tag.content.replace('\n', '')
for index := 0; index < tag.children.len; index++ {
to_return += tag.children[index].text()
return to_return
pub fn (tag &Tag) str() string {
mut to_return := '<$'
for key in tag.attributes.keys() {
to_return += ' $key'
value := tag.attributes[key]
if value.len > 0 {
to_return += '=' + '"${tag.attributes[key]}"'
to_return += if tag.closed && tag.close_type == .in_name { '/>' } else { '>' }
to_return += '$tag.content'
if tag.children.len > 0 {
// println('${} have ${tag.children.len} childrens')
for index := 0; index < tag.children.len; index++ {
to_return += tag.get_children()[index].str()
if !tag.closed || tag.close_type == .new_tag {
to_return += '</$>'
return to_return