// Creator: nedimf (07/2020) import os import net.smtp fn main() { println('Hi, this is sample of how to send email trough net.smtp library in V, which is really easy using the net.smtp module.') println('We are going to create a simple email client, that takes some arguments. and then sends email with an HTML body.') println('To fully test email sending, I suggest using the mailtrap.io service, which is free and acts like a really nice mail server sandbox.') println('') println('V Email client') println('') mailserver := os.input('Mail server: ') mailport := os.input('Mail server port: ').int() println('Login') username := os.input('Username: ') password := os.input('Password: ') from := os.input('From: ') to := os.input('To: ') subject := os.input('Subject: ') body := os.input('Body: ') client_cfg := smtp.Client{ server: mailserver from: from port: mailport username: username password: password } send_cfg := smtp.Mail{ to: to subject: subject body_type: .html body: body } mut client := smtp.new_client(client_cfg) or { panic('Error configuring smtp') } client.send(send_cfg) or { panic('Error resolving email address') } }