module datatypes // Make an insert of one element and check if // the bst is able to fin it. fn test_insert_into_bst_one() { mut bst := BSTree{} assert bst.insert(10) == true assert bst.contains(10) == true assert bst.contains(20) == false } // Make the insert of more element inside the BST // and check if the BST is able to find all the values fn test_insert_into_bst_two() { mut bst := BSTree{} assert bst.insert(10) assert bst.insert(20) assert bst.insert(9) assert bst.contains(9) assert bst.contains(10) assert bst.contains(20) assert bst.contains(11) == false } // Test if the in_order_traversals list return the correct // result array fn test_in_order_bst_visit_one() { mut bst := BSTree{} assert bst.insert(10) assert bst.insert(20) assert bst.insert(21) assert bst.insert(1) assert bst.in_order_traversal() == [1, 10, 20, 21] } // Test if the post_order_bst_visit return the correct // result array fn test_post_order_bst_visit_one() { mut bst := BSTree{} assert bst.insert(10) assert bst.insert(20) assert bst.insert(21) assert bst.insert(1) assert bst.post_order_traversal() == [1, 21, 20, 10] } // Test if the pre_order_traversal return the correct result array fn test_pre_order_bst_visit_one() { mut bst := BSTree{} assert bst.insert(10) assert bst.insert(20) assert bst.insert(21) assert bst.insert(1) assert bst.pre_order_traversal() == [10, 1, 20, 21] } // After many insert check if we are abe to get the correct // right and left value of the root. fn test_get_left_root() { mut bst := BSTree{} assert bst.insert(10) assert bst.insert(20) assert bst.insert(21) assert bst.insert(1) left_val := bst.to_left(10) or { -1 } assert left_val == 1 right_val := bst.to_right(10) or { -1 } assert right_val == 20 } // Check if BST panic if we call some operation on an empty BST. fn test_get_left_on_empty_bst() { mut bst := BSTree{} left_val := bst.to_left(10) or { -1 } assert left_val == -1 right_val := bst.to_right(10) or { -1 } assert right_val == -1 } // Check the remove operation if it is able to remove // all elements required, and mantains the BST propriety. fn test_remove_from_bst_one() { mut bst := BSTree{} assert bst.insert(10) assert bst.insert(20) assert bst.insert(21) assert bst.insert(1) assert bst.in_order_traversal() == [1, 10, 20, 21] assert bst.remove(21) assert bst.in_order_traversal() == [1, 10, 20] } // Another test n the remove BST, this remove an intermidia node // that it is a triky operation. fn test_remove_from_bst_two() { mut bst := BSTree{} assert bst.insert(10) assert bst.insert(20) assert bst.insert(21) assert bst.insert(1) assert bst.in_order_traversal() == [1, 10, 20, 21] assert bst.remove(20) assert bst.in_order_traversal() == [1, 10, 21] } // check if we are able to get the max from the BST. fn test_get_max_in_bst() { mut bst := BSTree{} assert (bst.max() or { -1 }) == -1 assert bst.insert(10) assert bst.insert(20) assert bst.insert(21) assert bst.insert(1) max := bst.max() or { -1 } assert max == 21 } // check if we are able to get the min from the BST. fn test_get_min_in_bst() { mut bst := BSTree{} assert (bst.min() or { -1 }) == -1 assert bst.insert(10) assert bst.insert(20) assert bst.insert(21) assert bst.insert(1) min := bst.min() or { -1 } assert min == 1 }