// Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license // that can be found in the LICENSE file. module time // parse returns time from a date string in "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" format. pub fn parse(s string) ?Time { pos := s.index(' ') or { return error('Invalid time format: $s') } symd := s[..pos] ymd := symd.split('-') if ymd.len != 3 { return error('Invalid time format: $s') } shms := s[pos..] hms := shms.split(':') hour := hms[0][1..] minute := hms[1] second := hms[2] res := new_time(Time{ year: ymd[0].int() month: ymd[1].int() day: ymd[2].int() hour: hour.int() minute: minute.int() second: second.int() }) return res } // parse_rfc2822 returns time from a date string in RFC 2822 datetime format. pub fn parse_rfc2822(s string) ?Time { fields := s.split(' ') if fields.len < 5 { return error('Invalid time format: $s') } pos := months_string.index(fields[2]) or { return error('Invalid time format: $s') } mm := pos / 3 + 1 mut tmstr := byteptr(0) unsafe { tmstr = malloc(s.len * 2) } count := unsafe {C.snprintf(charptr(tmstr), (s.len * 2), '%s-%02d-%s %s', fields[3].str, mm, fields[1].str, fields[4].str)} return parse(tos(tmstr, count)) } // parse_iso8601 parses rfc8601 time format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.dddddd+dd:dd as local time // the fraction part is difference in milli seconds and the last part is offset // from UTC time and can be both +/- HH:mm // remarks: not all iso8601 is supported // also checks and support for leapseconds should be added in future PR pub fn parse_iso8601(s string) ?Time { year := 0 month := 0 day := 0 hour := 0 minute := 0 second := 0 mic_second := 0 time_char := `a` plus_min_z := `a` offset_hour := 0 offset_min := 0 mut count := unsafe {C.sscanf(charptr(s.str), '%4d-%2d-%2d%c%2d:%2d:%2d.%6d%c%2d:%2d', &year, &month, &day, charptr(&time_char), &hour, &minute, &second, &mic_second, charptr(&plus_min_z), &offset_hour, &offset_min)} // Missread microsec ([Year Month Day T Sec Hour Minute].len == 7 < 8) if count < 8 { count = unsafe {C.sscanf(charptr(s.str), '%4d-%2d-%2d%c%2d:%2d:%2d%c%2d:%2d', &year, &month, &day, charptr(&time_char), &hour, &minute, &second, charptr(&plus_min_z), &offset_hour, &offset_min)} count++ // Increment count because skipped microsec } is_local_time := plus_min_z == `a` && count == 8 is_utc := plus_min_z == `Z` && count == 9 if count != 11 && !is_local_time && !is_utc { return error('Invalid 8601 format') } if time_char != `T` && time_char != ` ` { return error('Invalid 8601 format, expected space or `T` as time separator') } if plus_min_z != `+` && plus_min_z != `-` && plus_min_z != `Z` && !is_local_time { return error('Invalid 8601 format, expected `Z` or `+` or `-` as time separator') } mut t := new_time(Time{ year: year month: month day: day hour: hour minute: minute second: second microsecond: mic_second }) if is_local_time { return to_local_time(t) } mut unix_time := t.unix mut unix_offset := int(0) if offset_hour > 0 { unix_offset += 3600 * offset_hour } if offset_min > 0 { unix_offset += 60 * offset_min } if unix_offset != 0 { if plus_min_z == `+` { unix_time -= u64(unix_offset) } else { unix_time += u64(unix_offset) } t = unix2(int(unix_time), t.microsecond) } // Convert the time to local time return to_local_time(t) }