// Copyright (c) 2019-2022 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
module strings

// strings.Builder is used to efficiently append many strings to a large
// dynamically growing buffer, then use the resulting large string. Using
// a string builder is much better for performance/memory usage than doing
// constantly string concatenation.
pub type Builder = []u8

// new_builder returns a new string builder, with an initial capacity of `initial_size`
pub fn new_builder(initial_size int) Builder {
	mut res := Builder([]u8{cap: initial_size})
	unsafe { res.flags.set(.noslices) }
	return res

// write_ptr writes `len` bytes provided byteptr to the accumulated buffer
pub fn (mut b Builder) write_ptr(ptr &u8, len int) {
	if len == 0 {
	unsafe { b.push_many(ptr, len) }

// write_rune appends a single rune to the accumulated buffer
pub fn (mut b Builder) write_rune(r rune) {
	mut buffer := [5]u8{}
	res := unsafe { utf32_to_str_no_malloc(u32(r), &buffer[0]) }
	if res.len == 0 {
	unsafe { b.push_many(res.str, res.len) }

// write_runes appends all the given runes to the accumulated buffer
pub fn (mut b Builder) write_runes(runes []rune) {
	mut buffer := [5]u8{}
	for r in runes {
		res := unsafe { utf32_to_str_no_malloc(u32(r), &buffer[0]) }
		if res.len == 0 {
		unsafe { b.push_many(res.str, res.len) }

// write_b appends a single `data` byte to the accumulated buffer
[deprecated: 'Use write_u8() instead']
[deprecated_after: '2022-02-11']
pub fn (mut b Builder) write_b(data u8) {
	b << data

// write_byte appends a single `data` byte to the accumulated buffer
pub fn (mut b Builder) write_u8(data u8) {
	b << data

// write_byte appends a single `data` byte to the accumulated buffer
pub fn (mut b Builder) write_byte(data byte) {
	b << data

// write implements the Writer interface
pub fn (mut b Builder) write(data []u8) ?int {
	if data.len == 0 {
		return 0
	b << data
	return data.len

// drain_builder writes all of the `other` builder content, then re-initialises
// `other`, so that the `other` strings builder is ready to receive new content.
pub fn (mut b Builder) drain_builder(mut other Builder, other_new_cap int) {
	b.write(other) or { panic(err) }
	unsafe { other.free() }
	other = new_builder(other_new_cap)

// byte_at returns a byte, located at a given index `i`.
// Note: it can panic, if there are not enough bytes in the strings builder yet.
pub fn (b &Builder) byte_at(n int) u8 {
	return unsafe { (&[]u8(b))[n] }

// write appends the string `s` to the buffer
pub fn (mut b Builder) write_string(s string) {
	if s.len == 0 {
	unsafe { b.push_many(s.str, s.len) }
	// for c in s {
	// b.buf << c
	// }
	// b.buf << []u8(s)  // TODO

// go_back discards the last `n` bytes from the buffer
pub fn (mut b Builder) go_back(n int) {
	b.trim(b.len - n)

fn (b &Builder) spart(start_pos int, n int) string {
	unsafe {
		mut x := malloc_noscan(n + 1)
		vmemcpy(x, &u8(b.data) + start_pos, n)
		x[n] = 0
		return tos(x, n)

// cut_last cuts the last `n` bytes from the buffer and returns them
pub fn (mut b Builder) cut_last(n int) string {
	cut_pos := b.len - n
	res := b.spart(cut_pos, n)
	return res

// cut_to cuts the string after `pos` and returns it.
// if `pos` is superior to builder length, returns an empty string
// and cancel further operations
pub fn (mut b Builder) cut_to(pos int) string {
	if pos > b.len {
		return ''
	return b.cut_last(b.len - pos)

// go_back_to resets the buffer to the given position `pos`
// Note: pos should be < than the existing buffer length.
pub fn (mut b Builder) go_back_to(pos int) {

// writeln appends the string `s`, and then a newline character.
pub fn (mut b Builder) writeln(s string) {
	// for c in s {
	// b.buf << c
	// }
	if s.len > 0 {
		unsafe { b.push_many(s.str, s.len) }
	// b.buf << []u8(s)  // TODO
	b << u8(`\n`)

// last_n(5) returns 'world'
// buf == 'hello world'
pub fn (b &Builder) last_n(n int) string {
	if n > b.len {
		return ''
	return b.spart(b.len - n, n)

// after(6) returns 'world'
// buf == 'hello world'
pub fn (b &Builder) after(n int) string {
	if n >= b.len {
		return ''
	return b.spart(n, b.len - n)

// str returns a copy of all of the accumulated buffer content.
// Note: after a call to b.str(), the builder b should not be
// used again, you need to call b.free() first, or just leave
// it to be freed by -autofree when it goes out of scope.
// The returned string *owns* its own separate copy of the
// accumulated data that was in the string builder, before the
// .str() call.
pub fn (mut b Builder) str() string {
	b << u8(0)
	bcopy := unsafe { &u8(memdup_noscan(b.data, b.len)) }
	s := unsafe { bcopy.vstring_with_len(b.len - 1) }
	return s

// ensure_cap ensures that the buffer has enough space for at least `n` bytes by growing the buffer if necessary
pub fn (mut b Builder) ensure_cap(n int) {
	// code adapted from vlib/builtin/array.v
	if n <= b.cap {

	new_data := vcalloc(n * b.element_size)
	if b.data != voidptr(0) {
		unsafe { vmemcpy(new_data, b.data, b.len * b.element_size) }
		// TODO: the old data may be leaked when no GC is used (ref-counting?)
		if b.flags.has(.noslices) {
			unsafe { free(b.data) }
	unsafe {
		b.data = new_data
		b.offset = 0
		b.cap = n

// free is for manually freeing the contents of the buffer
pub fn (mut b Builder) free() {
	if b.data != 0 {
		unsafe { free(b.data) }
		unsafe {
			b.data = voidptr(0)