import szip import os const ( test_out_zip = '' test_dir_zip = '' test_path = 'zip files' test_path2 = '.zip folder' test_path3 = 'test zip folder' test_path3_1 = os.join_path(test_path3, '1', '1') test_path3_2 = os.join_path(test_path3, '2', '1') test_path3_3 = os.join_path(test_path3, '3', '1') test_path3_4 = os.join_path(test_path3, '4', '1') fname1 = 'file_1.txt' fpath1 = os.join_path(test_path, fname1) fname2 = 'file_2.txt' fpath2 = os.join_path(test_path, fname2) fname3 = '.New Text Document.txt' fpath3 = os.join_path(test_path2, fname3) fname4 = 'file.txt' fpath4 = os.join_path(test_path3_1, fname4) fpath5 = os.join_path(test_path3_2, fname4) fpath6 = os.join_path(test_path3_4, fname4) ) fn cleanup() { os.chdir(os.temp_dir()) or {} os.rmdir_all(test_path) or {} os.rmdir_all(test_path2) or {} os.rmdir_all(test_path3) or {} os.rm(test_out_zip) or {} os.rm(test_dir_zip) or {} } fn testsuite_begin() ? { cleanup() } fn testsuite_end() ? { cleanup() } fn test_szip_create_temp_files() ? { os.mkdir(test_path) ? os.mkdir(test_path2) ? os.write_file(fpath1, 'file one') ? os.write_file(fpath2, 'file two') ? os.write_file(fpath3, 'file three') ? assert os.exists(fpath1) assert os.exists(fpath2) assert os.exists(fpath3) } fn test_zipping_files() ? { mut files := ( ?).map(os.join_path(test_path, it)) files << ( ?).map(os.join_path(test_path2, it)) szip.zip_files(files, test_out_zip) ? assert os.exists(test_out_zip) os.rm(fpath1) ? os.rm(fpath2) ? os.rm(fpath3) ? } fn test_extract_zipped_files() ? { szip.extract_zip_to_dir(test_out_zip, test_path) ? szip.extract_zip_to_dir(test_out_zip, test_path2) ? assert os.exists(fpath1) assert os.exists(fpath2) assert os.exists(fpath3) assert (os.read_file(fpath1) ?) == 'file one' assert (os.read_file(fpath2) ?) == 'file two' assert (os.read_file(fpath3) ?) == 'file three' cleanup() } fn test_reading_zipping_files() ? { n_files := 2 mut file_name_list := []string{} for i in 0 .. n_files { file_name_list << 'file_${i:02}.txt' } cleanup() os.mkdir(test_path) ? os.mkdir(test_path2) ? os.write_file(fpath3, 'file three') ? for c, f_name in file_name_list { tmp_path := os.join_path(test_path, f_name) os.write_file(tmp_path, 'file ${c:02}') ? assert os.exists(tmp_path) } files := ( ?).map(os.join_path(test_path, it)) szip.zip_files(files, test_out_zip) ? assert os.exists(test_out_zip) mut zp :=, szip.CompressionLevel.no_compression, szip.OpenMode.read_only) ? n_entries := ? assert n_entries == n_files unsafe { data_len := 'file XX'.len buf_size := 32 buf := malloc(data_len * 2) for _ in 0 .. n_files { zp.open_entry_by_index(0) ? name := assert name in file_name_list zp.read_entry_buf(buf, buf_size) ? buf[data_len] = 0 tmp_str := tos(buf, data_len) assert tmp_str[0..4] == 'file' assert tmp_str[5..7] == name[5..7] zp.close_entry() } free(buf) } zp.close() } fn test_zip_folder() ? { cleanup() os.mkdir_all(test_path3_1) ? os.mkdir_all(test_path3_2) ? os.mkdir_all(test_path3_3) ? os.mkdir_all(test_path3_4) ? os.write_file(fpath4, '4') ? os.write_file(fpath5, '5') ? os.write_file(fpath6, '6') ? szip.zip_folder(test_path3, test_dir_zip) ? assert os.exists(test_dir_zip) os.rmdir_all(test_path3) ? os.mkdir_all(test_path3) ? szip.extract_zip_to_dir(test_dir_zip, test_path3) ? assert os.exists(test_path3_1) assert os.exists(test_path3_2) assert os.exists(test_path3_3) // This is the empty dir assert os.exists(test_path3_4) assert (os.read_file(fpath4) ?) == '4' assert (os.read_file(fpath5) ?) == '5' assert (os.read_file(fpath6) ?) == '6' } fn test_zip_folder_omit_empty_directories() ? { cleanup() os.mkdir_all(test_path3_1) ? os.mkdir_all(test_path3_2) ? os.mkdir_all(test_path3_3) ? os.mkdir_all(test_path3_4) ? os.write_file(fpath4, '4') ? os.write_file(fpath5, '5') ? os.write_file(fpath6, '6') ? szip.zip_folder(test_path3, test_dir_zip, omit_empty_folders: true) ? assert os.exists(test_dir_zip) os.rmdir_all(test_path3) ? os.mkdir_all(test_path3) ? szip.extract_zip_to_dir(test_dir_zip, test_path3) ? assert os.exists(test_path3_1) assert os.exists(test_path3_2) assert !os.exists(test_path3_3) // This is the empty dir, should be omitted with `omit_empty_folders` assert os.exists(test_path3_4) assert (os.read_file(fpath4) ?) == '4' assert (os.read_file(fpath5) ?) == '5' assert (os.read_file(fpath6) ?) == '6' }