// Copyright (c) 2019-2022 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license // that can be found in the LICENSE file. module sync import time #include <synchapi.h> #include <time.h> fn C.GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(lpSystemTimeAsFileTime &C._FILETIME) fn C.InitializeConditionVariable(voidptr) fn C.WakeConditionVariable(voidptr) fn C.SleepConditionVariableSRW(voidptr, voidptr, u32, u32) int // TODO: The suggestion of using CriticalSection instead of mutex // was discussed. Needs consideration. // Mutex HANDLE type MHANDLE = voidptr // Semaphore HANDLE type SHANDLE = voidptr //[init_with=new_mutex] // TODO: implement support for this struct attribute, and disallow Mutex{} from outside the sync.new_mutex() function. // `SRWLOCK` is much more performant that `Mutex` on Windows, so use that in both cases since we don't want to share with other processes [heap] pub struct Mutex { mut: mx C.SRWLOCK // mutex handle } [heap] pub struct RwMutex { mut: mx C.SRWLOCK // mutex handle } [heap] struct Semaphore { mtx C.SRWLOCK cond C.CONDITION_VARIABLE mut: count u32 } pub fn new_mutex() &Mutex { mut m := &Mutex{} m.init() return m } pub fn new_rwmutex() &RwMutex { mut m := &RwMutex{} m.init() return m } pub fn (mut m Mutex) init() { C.InitializeSRWLock(&m.mx) } pub fn (mut m RwMutex) init() { C.InitializeSRWLock(&m.mx) } pub fn (mut m Mutex) @lock() { C.AcquireSRWLockExclusive(&m.mx) } pub fn (mut m Mutex) unlock() { C.ReleaseSRWLockExclusive(&m.mx) } // RwMutex has separate read- and write locks pub fn (mut m RwMutex) @rlock() { C.AcquireSRWLockShared(&m.mx) } pub fn (mut m RwMutex) @lock() { C.AcquireSRWLockExclusive(&m.mx) } // Windows SRWLocks have different function to unlock // So provide two functions here, too, to have a common interface pub fn (mut m RwMutex) runlock() { C.ReleaseSRWLockShared(&m.mx) } pub fn (mut m RwMutex) unlock() { C.ReleaseSRWLockExclusive(&m.mx) } pub fn (mut m Mutex) destroy() { // nothing to do } [inline] pub fn new_semaphore() &Semaphore { return new_semaphore_init(0) } pub fn new_semaphore_init(n u32) &Semaphore { mut sem := &Semaphore{} sem.init(n) return sem } pub fn (mut sem Semaphore) init(n u32) { C.atomic_store_u32(&sem.count, n) C.InitializeSRWLock(&sem.mtx) C.InitializeConditionVariable(&sem.cond) } pub fn (mut sem Semaphore) post() { mut c := C.atomic_load_u32(&sem.count) for c > 1 { if C.atomic_compare_exchange_weak_u32(&sem.count, &c, c + 1) { return } } C.AcquireSRWLockExclusive(&sem.mtx) c = C.atomic_fetch_add_u32(&sem.count, 1) if c == 0 { C.WakeConditionVariable(&sem.cond) } C.ReleaseSRWLockExclusive(&sem.mtx) } pub fn (mut sem Semaphore) wait() { mut c := C.atomic_load_u32(&sem.count) for c > 0 { if C.atomic_compare_exchange_weak_u32(&sem.count, &c, c - 1) { return } } C.AcquireSRWLockExclusive(&sem.mtx) c = C.atomic_load_u32(&sem.count) outer: for { if c == 0 { C.SleepConditionVariableSRW(&sem.cond, &sem.mtx, C.INFINITE, 0) c = C.atomic_load_u32(&sem.count) } for c > 0 { if C.atomic_compare_exchange_weak_u32(&sem.count, &c, c - 1) { if c > 1 { C.WakeConditionVariable(&sem.cond) } break outer } } } C.ReleaseSRWLockExclusive(&sem.mtx) } pub fn (mut sem Semaphore) try_wait() bool { mut c := C.atomic_load_u32(&sem.count) for c > 0 { if C.atomic_compare_exchange_weak_u32(&sem.count, &c, c - 1) { return true } } return false } pub fn (mut sem Semaphore) timed_wait(timeout time.Duration) bool { mut c := C.atomic_load_u32(&sem.count) for c > 0 { if C.atomic_compare_exchange_weak_u32(&sem.count, &c, c - 1) { return true } } mut ft_start := C._FILETIME{} C.GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&ft_start) time_end := ((u64(ft_start.dwHighDateTime) << 32) | ft_start.dwLowDateTime) + u64(timeout / (100 * time.nanosecond)) mut t_ms := timeout.sys_milliseconds() C.AcquireSRWLockExclusive(&sem.mtx) mut res := 0 c = C.atomic_load_u32(&sem.count) outer: for { if c == 0 { res = C.SleepConditionVariableSRW(&sem.cond, &sem.mtx, t_ms, 0) if res == 0 { break outer } c = C.atomic_load_u32(&sem.count) } for c > 0 { if C.atomic_compare_exchange_weak_u32(&sem.count, &c, c - 1) { if c > 1 { C.WakeConditionVariable(&sem.cond) } break outer } } C.GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&ft_start) time_now := ((u64(ft_start.dwHighDateTime) << 32) | ft_start.dwLowDateTime) // in 100ns if time_now > time_end { break outer // timeout exceeded } t_ms = u32((time_end - time_now) / 10000) } C.ReleaseSRWLockExclusive(&sem.mtx) return res != 0 } pub fn (s Semaphore) destroy() { }