// Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license // that can be found in the LICENSE file. module token pub struct Token { pub: kind Kind // the token number/enum; for quick comparisons lit string // literal representation of the token line_nr int // the line number in the source where the token occured // name_idx int // name table index for O(1) lookup pos int // the position of the token in scanner text len int // length of the literal tidx int // the index of the token } pub enum Kind { unknown eof name // user number // 123 string // 'foo' str_inter // 'name=$user.name' chartoken // `A` - rune plus minus mul div mod xor // ^ pipe // | inc // ++ dec // -- and // && logical_or not bit_not question comma semicolon colon arrow // <- amp hash dollar at // @ str_dollar left_shift right_shift not_in // !in not_is // !is assign // = decl_assign // := plus_assign // += minus_assign // -= div_assign mult_assign xor_assign mod_assign or_assign and_assign right_shift_assign left_shift_assign // {} () [] lcbr rcbr lpar rpar lsbr rsbr // == != <= < >= > eq ne gt lt ge le comment nl dot dotdot ellipsis // keywords keyword_beg key_as key_asm key_assert key_atomic key_break key_const key_continue key_defer key_else key_enum key_false key_for key_fn key_global key_go key_goto key_if key_import key_in key_interface key_is // key_it key_match key_module key_mut key_shared key_lock key_rlock key_none key_return key_select key_sizeof key_likely key_unlikely key_offsetof key_struct key_true key_type key_typeof key_orelse key_union key_pub key_static key_unsafe keyword_end _end_ } const ( assign_tokens = [Kind.assign, .plus_assign, .minus_assign, .mult_assign, .div_assign, .xor_assign, .mod_assign, .or_assign, .and_assign, .right_shift_assign, .left_shift_assign] nr_tokens = int(Kind._end_) ) // @FN => will be substituted with the name of the current V function // @MOD => will be substituted with the name of the current V module // @STRUCT => will be substituted with the name of the current V struct // @VEXE => will be substituted with the path to the V compiler // @FILE => will be substituted with the path of the V source file // @LINE => will be substituted with the V line number where it appears (as a string). // @COLUMN => will be substituted with the column where it appears (as a string). // @VHASH => will be substituted with the shortened commit hash of the V compiler (as a string). // @VMOD_FILE => will be substituted with the contents of the nearest v.mod file (as a string). // This allows things like this: // println( 'file: ' + @FILE + ' | line: ' + @LINE + ' | fn: ' + @MOD + '.' + @FN) // ... which is useful while debugging/tracing // // @VROOT is special and handled in places like '#include ...' // @ is allowed for keyword variable names. E.g. 'type' pub enum AtKind { unknown fn_name mod_name struct_name vexe_path file_path line_nr column_nr vhash vmod_file } const ( valid_at_tokens = ['@FN', '@MOD', '@STRUCT', '@VEXE', '@FILE', '@LINE', '@COLUMN', '@VHASH', '@VMOD_FILE', ] ) // build_keys genereates a map with keywords' string values: // Keywords['return'] == .key_return fn build_keys() map[string]Kind { mut res := map[string]Kind{} for t in int(Kind.keyword_beg) + 1 .. int(Kind.keyword_end) { key := token_str[t] res[key] = Kind(t) } return res } // TODO remove once we have `enum Kind { name('name') if('if') ... }` fn build_token_str() []string { mut s := []string{len: nr_tokens} s[Kind.unknown] = 'unknown' s[Kind.eof] = 'eof' s[Kind.name] = 'name' s[Kind.number] = 'number' s[Kind.string] = 'string' s[Kind.chartoken] = 'char' s[Kind.plus] = '+' s[Kind.minus] = '-' s[Kind.mul] = '*' s[Kind.div] = '/' s[Kind.mod] = '%' s[Kind.xor] = '^' s[Kind.bit_not] = '~' s[Kind.pipe] = '|' s[Kind.hash] = '#' s[Kind.amp] = '&' s[Kind.inc] = '++' s[Kind.dec] = '--' s[Kind.and] = '&&' s[Kind.logical_or] = '||' s[Kind.not] = '!' s[Kind.dot] = '.' s[Kind.dotdot] = '..' s[Kind.ellipsis] = '...' s[Kind.comma] = ',' s[Kind.not_in] = '!in' s[Kind.not_is] = '!is' s[Kind.semicolon] = ';' s[Kind.colon] = ':' s[Kind.arrow] = '<-' s[Kind.assign] = '=' s[Kind.decl_assign] = ':=' s[Kind.plus_assign] = '+=' s[Kind.minus_assign] = '-=' s[Kind.mult_assign] = '*=' s[Kind.div_assign] = '/=' s[Kind.xor_assign] = '^=' s[Kind.mod_assign] = '%=' s[Kind.or_assign] = '|=' s[Kind.and_assign] = '&=' s[Kind.right_shift_assign] = '>>=' s[Kind.left_shift_assign] = '<<=' s[Kind.lcbr] = '{' s[Kind.rcbr] = '}' s[Kind.lpar] = '(' s[Kind.rpar] = ')' s[Kind.lsbr] = '[' s[Kind.rsbr] = ']' s[Kind.eq] = '==' s[Kind.ne] = '!=' s[Kind.gt] = '>' s[Kind.lt] = '<' s[Kind.ge] = '>=' s[Kind.le] = '<=' s[Kind.question] = '?' s[Kind.left_shift] = '<<' s[Kind.right_shift] = '>>' s[Kind.comment] = 'comment' s[Kind.nl] = 'NLL' s[Kind.dollar] = '$' s[Kind.at] = '@' s[Kind.str_dollar] = '$2' s[Kind.key_assert] = 'assert' s[Kind.key_struct] = 'struct' s[Kind.key_if] = 'if' // s[Kind.key_it] = 'it' s[Kind.key_else] = 'else' s[Kind.key_asm] = 'asm' s[Kind.key_return] = 'return' s[Kind.key_module] = 'module' s[Kind.key_sizeof] = 'sizeof' s[Kind.key_likely] = '_likely_' s[Kind.key_unlikely] = '_unlikely_' s[Kind.key_go] = 'go' s[Kind.key_goto] = 'goto' s[Kind.key_const] = 'const' s[Kind.key_mut] = 'mut' s[Kind.key_shared] = 'shared' s[Kind.key_lock] = 'lock' s[Kind.key_rlock] = 'rlock' s[Kind.key_type] = 'type' s[Kind.key_for] = 'for' s[Kind.key_fn] = 'fn' s[Kind.key_true] = 'true' s[Kind.key_false] = 'false' s[Kind.key_continue] = 'continue' s[Kind.key_break] = 'break' s[Kind.key_import] = 'import' s[Kind.key_unsafe] = 'unsafe' s[Kind.key_typeof] = 'typeof' s[Kind.key_enum] = 'enum' s[Kind.key_interface] = 'interface' s[Kind.key_pub] = 'pub' s[Kind.key_in] = 'in' s[Kind.key_atomic] = 'atomic' s[Kind.key_orelse] = 'or' s[Kind.key_global] = '__global' s[Kind.key_union] = 'union' s[Kind.key_static] = 'static' s[Kind.key_as] = 'as' s[Kind.key_defer] = 'defer' s[Kind.key_match] = 'match' s[Kind.key_select] = 'select' s[Kind.key_none] = 'none' s[Kind.key_offsetof] = '__offsetof' s[Kind.key_is] = 'is' return s } const ( token_str = build_token_str() keywords = build_keys() ) pub fn key_to_token(key string) Kind { return Kind(keywords[key]) } pub fn is_key(key string) bool { return int(key_to_token(key)) > 0 } pub fn is_decl(t Kind) bool { return t in [.key_enum, .key_interface, .key_fn, .key_struct, .key_type, .key_const, .key_pub, .eof] } pub fn (t Kind) is_assign() bool { return t in assign_tokens } pub fn (t Kind) str() string { return token_str[int(t)] } pub fn (t Token) str() string { return '$t.kind.str() "$t.lit"' } // Representation of highest and lowest precedence /* pub const ( lowest_prec = 0 highest_prec = 8 ) */ pub enum Precedence { lowest cond // OR or AND in_as assign // = eq // == or != // less_greater // > or < sum // + - | ^ product // * / << >> & // mod // % prefix // -X or !X postfix // ++ or -- call // func(X) or foo.method(X) index // array[index], map[key] } pub fn build_precedences() []Precedence { mut p := []Precedence{len: int(Kind._end_)} p[Kind.lsbr] = .index p[Kind.dot] = .call // `++` | `--` | `?` p[Kind.inc] = .postfix p[Kind.dec] = .postfix p[Kind.question] = .postfix // `*` | `/` | `%` | `<<` | `>>` | `&` p[Kind.mul] = .product p[Kind.div] = .product p[Kind.mod] = .product p[Kind.left_shift] = .product p[Kind.right_shift] = .product p[Kind.amp] = .product p[Kind.arrow] = .product // `+` | `-` | `|` | `^` p[Kind.plus] = .sum p[Kind.minus] = .sum p[Kind.pipe] = .sum p[Kind.xor] = .sum // `==` | `!=` | `<` | `<=` | `>` | `>=` p[Kind.eq] = .eq p[Kind.ne] = .eq p[Kind.lt] = .eq p[Kind.le] = .eq p[Kind.gt] = .eq p[Kind.ge] = .eq // `=` | `+=` | ... p[Kind.assign] = .assign p[Kind.plus_assign] = .assign p[Kind.minus_assign] = .assign p[Kind.div_assign] = .assign p[Kind.mod_assign] = .assign p[Kind.or_assign] = .assign p[Kind.and_assign] = .assign // <<= | *= | ... p[Kind.left_shift_assign] = .assign p[Kind.right_shift_assign] = .assign p[Kind.mult_assign] = .assign p[Kind.xor_assign] = .assign p[Kind.key_in] = .in_as p[Kind.not_in] = .in_as p[Kind.key_as] = .in_as p[Kind.key_is] = .in_as p[Kind.not_is] = .in_as p[Kind.logical_or] = .cond p[Kind.and] = .cond return p } const ( precedences = build_precedences() ) // precedence returns a tokens precedence if defined, otherwise lowest_prec pub fn (tok Token) precedence() int { return int(precedences[tok.kind]) } // is_scalar returns true if the token is a scalar pub fn (tok Token) is_scalar() bool { return tok.kind in [.number, .string] } // is_unary returns true if the token can be in a unary expression pub fn (tok Token) is_unary() bool { return tok.kind in [ /* `+` | `-` | `!` | `~` | `*` | `&` */.plus, .minus, .not, .bit_not, .mul, .amp, .arrow] } pub fn (tok Kind) is_relational() bool { return tok in [ /* `<` | `<=` | `>` | `>=` */.lt, .le, .gt, .ge, .eq, .ne] } pub fn (k Kind) is_start_of_type() bool { return k in [.name, .lpar, .amp, .lsbr, .question] } pub fn (kind Kind) is_prefix() bool { return kind in [.minus, .amp, .mul, .not, .bit_not] } pub fn (kind Kind) is_infix() bool { return kind in [.plus, .minus, .mod, .mul, .div, .eq, .ne, .gt, .lt, .key_in, /* */.key_as, .ge, .le, .logical_or, .xor, .not_in, .key_is, .not_is, /* */.and, .dot, .pipe, .amp, .left_shift, .right_shift, .arrow] } // Pass table.builtin_type_names // Note: can't import table here due to circular module dependency pub fn (tok &Token) can_start_type(builtin_type_names []string) bool { match tok.kind { .name { return tok.lit[0].is_capital() || tok.lit in builtin_type_names } // Note: return type (T1, T2) should be handled elsewhere .amp, .key_fn, .lsbr, .question { return true } else {} } return false }