// Channel Benchmark // // `nobj` integers are sent thru a channel with queue length`buflen` // using `nsend` sender threads and `nrec` receiver threads. // // The receive threads add all received numbers and send them to the // main thread where the total sum is compare to the expected value. import sync import time import os fn do_rec(mut ch sync.Channel, mut resch sync.Channel, n int) { mut sum := i64(0) for _ in 0 .. n { mut a := 0 ch.pop(&a) sum += a } println(sum) resch.push(&sum) } fn do_send(mut ch sync.Channel, start, end int) { for i in start .. end { ch.push(&i) } } fn main() { if os.args.len != 5 { eprintln('usage:\n\t${os.args[0]} ') exit(1) } nsend := os.args[1].int() nrec := os.args[2].int() buflen := os.args[3].int() nobj := os.args[4].int() stopwatch := time.new_stopwatch({}) mut ch := sync.new_channel(buflen) mut resch := sync.new_channel(0) mut no := nobj for i in 0 .. nrec { n := no / (nrec - i) go do_rec(mut ch, mut resch, n) no -= n } assert no == 0 no = nobj for i in 0 .. nsend { n := no / (nsend - i) end := no no -= n go do_send(mut ch, no, end) } assert no == 0 mut sum := i64(0) for _ in 0 .. nrec { mut r := i64(0) resch.pop(&r) sum += r } elapsed := stopwatch.elapsed() rate := f64(nobj)/elapsed*time.microsecond println('$nobj objects in ${f64(elapsed)/time.second} s (${rate:.2f} objs/µs)') // use sum formula by Gauß to calculate the expected result expected_sum := i64(nobj)*(nobj-1)/2 println('got: $sum, expected: $expected_sum') assert sum == expected_sum }