import os fn main() { if os.args.len <= 1 { eprintln('please specify a C++ compiler') exit(1) } cc := os.args[1] if os.execute('${os.quoted_path(cc)} -v').exit_code != 0 { eprintln('please specify a valid C++ compiler') exit(1) } cc_type, cc_version, cc_os := get_cc_info(cc) triple := '$cc_type-$cc_version-$cc_os' println('compiler: $triple') search_paths := get_search_paths(cc) atomic_path := find_file(search_paths, 'atomic') or { eprintln(err) exit(2) } bitsatomicbase_path := find_file(search_paths, 'bits/atomic_base.h') or { if cc_os == 'linux' { eprintln(err) exit(2) } 'no_file' // bits/atomic_base.h is only used on linux } patch_atomic(os.join_path(os.dir(@FILE), 'atomic.h'), atomic_path) or { eprintln(err) exit(2) } if bitsatomicbase_path != 'no_file' { patch_bitsatomicbase(os.join_path(os.dir(@FILE), 'bitsatomicbase.h'), bitsatomicbase_path) or { eprintln(err) exit(2) } } println('$atomic_path:::$bitsatomicbase_path') } fn get_cc_info(cc string) (string, string, string) { cc_type := if cc.contains('clang') { 'clang' } else if cc.contains('g') { 'gcc' } else { eprintln('only gcc and clang are supported') exit(1) 'none' } lines := os.execute('${os.quoted_path(cc)} -v').output.split('\n') // gcc and clang both have the same way way to say what version they have and what the host target triple is cc_version := lines.filter(it.contains('$cc_type version '))[0].all_after('$cc_type version ').all_before('.') cc_os := lines.filter(it.starts_with('Target: '))[0].all_after('Target: ').split('-')[2] return cc_type, cc_version, if cc_os.contains('darwin') { 'darwin' // remove 20.6.0 from darwin20.6.0 } else { cc_os } } fn get_search_paths(cc string) []string { result := os.execute('${os.quoted_path(cc)} -v -x c++ /dev/null').output lines := result.split('\n') search_path := lines[lines.index('#include <...> search starts here:') + 1..lines.index('End of search list.')] return'(').trim_space())) } fn find_file(search_paths []string, file string) ?string { for search_path in search_paths { if os.exists(os.join_path(search_path, file)) { return os.join_path(search_path, file) } } return error('$file not found') } fn patch_atomic(outfile string, infile string) ? { lines := os.read_file(infile)?.split('\n') outlines := lines.filter(!it.contains('atomic(const atomic&) = delete;')) outtext := outlines.join('\n').replace('#include <bits/atomic_base.h>', '#include "bitsatomicbase.h"') os.write_file(outfile, outtext)? } fn patch_bitsatomicbase(outfile string, infile string) ? { lines := os.read_file(infile)?.split('\n') outlines := lines.filter(!it.contains('__atomic_base(const __atomic_base&) = delete;')) outtext := outlines.join('\n').replace('#include <bits/atomic_base.h>', '#include "bitsatomicbase.h"') os.write_file(outfile, outtext)? }