module gen import ( strings v.ast v.table v.depgraph term ) struct Gen { out strings.Builder typedefs strings.Builder definitions strings.Builder // typedefs, defines etc (everything that goes to the top of the file) table &table.Table mut: fn_decl &ast.FnDecl // pointer to the FnDecl we are currently inside otherwise 0 tmp_count int } pub fn cgen(files []ast.File, table &table.Table) string { println('start cgen2') mut g := Gen{ out: strings.new_builder(100) typedefs: strings.new_builder(100) definitions: strings.new_builder(100) table: table fn_decl: 0 } g.init() for file in files { g.stmts(file.stmts) } return g.typedefs.str() + g.definitions.str() + g.out.str() } pub fn (g mut Gen) init() { g.definitions.writeln('// Generated by the V compiler') g.definitions.writeln('#include ') // int64_t etc g.definitions.writeln(c_builtin_types) g.definitions.writeln(c_headers) g.write_array_types() g.write_sorted_types() g.write_multi_return_types() g.definitions.writeln('// end of definitions #endif') } // V type to C type pub fn (g &Gen) typ(t table.Type) string { nr_muls := table.type_nr_muls(t) sym := g.table.get_type_symbol(t) mut styp :=['.', '__']) if nr_muls > 0 { styp += strings.repeat(`*`, nr_muls) } return styp } /* pub fn (g &Gen) styp(t string) string { return t.replace_each(['.', '__']) } */ pub fn (g mut Gen) write_array_types() { for typ in g.table.types { if typ.kind != .array { continue } styp :='.', '__') g.definitions.writeln('typedef array $styp;') } } pub fn (g mut Gen) write_multi_return_types() { g.definitions.writeln('// multi return structs') for typ in g.table.types { // sym := g.table.get_type_symbol(typ) if typ.kind != .multi_return { continue } name :='.', '__') info := as table.MultiReturn g.definitions.writeln('typedef struct {') // TODO copy pasta StructDecl // for field in struct_info.fields { for i, mr_typ in info.types { field_type_sym := g.table.get_type_symbol(mr_typ) type_name :='.', '__') g.definitions.writeln('\t$type_name arg${i};') } g.definitions.writeln('} $name;\n') // g.typedefs.writeln('typedef struct $name $name;') } } pub fn (g &Gen) save() {} pub fn (g mut Gen) write(s string) { g.out.write(s) } pub fn (g mut Gen) writeln(s string) { g.out.writeln(s) } pub fn (g mut Gen) new_tmp_var() string { g.tmp_count++ return 'tmp$g.tmp_count' } pub fn (g mut Gen) reset_tmp_count() { g.tmp_count = 0 } fn (g mut Gen) stmts(stmts []ast.Stmt) { for stmt in stmts { g.stmt(stmt) g.writeln('') } } fn (g mut Gen) stmt(node ast.Stmt) { // println('cgen.stmt()') // g.writeln('//// stmt start') match node { ast.AssignStmt { // ident0 := it.left[0] // info0 := ident0.var_info() // for i, ident in it.left { // info := ident.var_info() // if info0.typ.typ.kind == .multi_return { // if i == 0 { // g.write('$ $ = ') // g.expr(it.right[0]) // } else { // arg_no := i-1 // g.write('$ $ = $>arg[$arg_no]') // } // } // g.writeln(';') // } g.write('') // /*assign*/') } ast.AssertStmt { g.write('// assert') // TODO } ast.Attr { g.writeln('//[$]') } ast.BranchStmt { // continue or break g.write(it.tok.kind.str()) g.writeln(';') } ast.ConstDecl { g.const_decl(it) } ast.CompIf { // TODO g.writeln('//#ifdef ') g.expr(it.cond) g.stmts(it.stmts) g.writeln('//#endif') } ast.DeferStmt { g.writeln('// defer') } ast.EnumDecl { g.writeln('typedef enum {') for i, val in it.vals { g.writeln('\t${}_$val, // $i') } g.writeln('} $;') } ast.ExprStmt { g.expr(it.expr) match it.expr { // no ; after an if expression ast.IfExpr {} else { g.writeln(';') } } } ast.FnDecl { g.fn_decl = it // &it g.gen_fn_decl(it) } ast.ForCStmt { g.write('for (') g.stmt(it.init) // g.write('; ') g.expr(it.cond) g.write('; ') // g.stmt( g.expr( g.writeln(') {') for stmt in it.stmts { g.stmt(stmt) } g.writeln('}') } ast.ForInStmt { if it.is_range { i := g.new_tmp_var() g.write('for (int $i = ') g.expr(it.cond) g.write('; $i < ') g.expr(it.high) g.writeln('; $i++) { ') // g.stmts(it.stmts) TODO g.writeln('}') } } ast.ForStmt { g.write('while (') g.expr(it.cond) g.writeln(') {') for stmt in it.stmts { g.stmt(stmt) } g.writeln('}') } ast.GlobalDecl { styp := g.typ(it.typ) g.definitions.writeln('$styp $; // global') } ast.GotoLabel { g.writeln('$') } ast.HashStmt { // #include etc g.writeln('#$it.val') } ast.Import {} ast.Return { g.write('return') // multiple returns if it.exprs.len > 1 { type_sym := g.table.get_type_symbol(g.fn_decl.typ) g.write(' (${') for i, expr in it.exprs { g.write('.arg$i=') g.expr(expr) if i < it.exprs.len - 1 { g.write(',') } } g.write('}') } // normal return else if it.exprs.len == 1 { g.write(' ') g.expr(it.exprs[0]) } g.writeln(';') } ast.StructDecl { name :='.', '__') // g.writeln('typedef struct {') // for field in it.fields { // field_type_sym := g.table.get_type_symbol(field.typ) // g.writeln('\t$ $;') // } // g.writeln('} $name;') g.typedefs.writeln('typedef struct $name $name;') } ast.TypeDecl { g.writeln('// type') } ast.UnsafeStmt { g.stmts(it.stmts) } ast.VarDecl { styp := g.typ(it.typ) g.write('$styp $ = ') g.expr(it.expr) g.writeln(';') } else { verror('cgen.stmt(): unhandled node ' + typeof(node)) } } } fn (g mut Gen) gen_fn_decl(it ast.FnDecl) { if it.is_c || == 'malloc' || it.no_body { return } g.reset_tmp_count() is_main := == 'main' if is_main { g.write('int ${}(') } else { mut name := if it.is_method { name = g.table.get_type_symbol(it.receiver.typ).name + '_' + name } name = name.replace('.', '__') // type_name := g.table.type_to_str(it.typ) type_name := g.typ(it.typ) g.write('$type_name ${name}(') g.definitions.write('$type_name ${name}(') } // Receiver is the first argument if it.is_method { // styp := g.table.type_to_str(it.receiver.typ) sym := g.table.get_type_symbol(it.receiver.typ) styp :='.', '__') g.write('$styp $') g.definitions.write('$styp $') if it.args.len > 0 { g.write(', ') g.definitions.write(', ') } } // no_names := it.args.len > 0 && it.args[0].name == 'arg_1' for i, arg in it.args { arg_type_sym := g.table.get_type_symbol(arg.typ) mut arg_type_name :='.', '__') if i == it.args.len - 1 && it.is_variadic { arg_type_name = 'variadic_$arg_type_name' } if no_names { g.write(arg_type_name) g.definitions.write(arg_type_name) } else { nr_muls := table.type_nr_muls(arg.typ) mut s := arg_type_name + ' ' + if nr_muls > 0 { s = arg_type_name + strings.repeat(`*`, nr_muls) + ' ' + } g.write(s) g.definitions.write(s) } if i < it.args.len - 1 { g.write(', ') g.definitions.write(', ') } } g.writeln(') { ') if !is_main { g.definitions.writeln(');') } for stmt in it.stmts { g.stmt(stmt) } if is_main { g.writeln('return 0;') } g.writeln('}') g.fn_decl = 0 } fn (g mut Gen) expr(node ast.Expr) { // println('cgen expr() line_nr=$node.pos.line_nr') match node { ast.ArrayInit { type_sym := g.table.get_type_symbol(it.typ) elem_sym := g.table.get_type_symbol(it.elem_type) g.write('new_array_from_c_array($it.exprs.len, $it.exprs.len, sizeof($, ') g.writeln('(${}[]){\t') for expr in it.exprs { g.expr(expr) g.write(', ') } g.write('\n})') } ast.AsCast { g.write('/* as */') } ast.AssignExpr { g.expr(it.left) g.write(' $it.op.str() ') g.expr(it.val) } ast.Assoc { g.write('/* assoc */') } ast.BoolLiteral { g.write(it.val.str()) } ast.CallExpr { mut name :='.', '__') if it.is_c { // Skip "C__" name = name[3..] } g.write('${name}(') g.call_args(it.args) g.write(')') /* for i, expr in it.args { g.expr(expr) if i != it.args.len - 1 { g.write(', ') } } */ } ast.CastExpr { styp := g.table.type_to_str(it.typ) g.write('($styp)(') g.expr(it.expr) g.write(')') } ast.CharLiteral { g.write("'$it.val'") } ast.EnumVal { g.write('${it.enum_name}_$it.val') } ast.FloatLiteral { g.write(it.val) } ast.Ident { name :='.', '__') g.write(name) } ast.IfExpr { // If expression? Assign the value to a temp var. // Previously ?: was used, but it's too unreliable. type_sym := g.table.get_type_symbol(it.typ) mut tmp := '' if type_sym.kind != .void { tmp = g.new_tmp_var() // g.writeln('$ $tmp;') } // one line ?: // TODO clean this up once `is` is supported if it.stmts.len == 1 && it.else_stmts.len == 1 && type_sym.kind != .void { cond := it.cond stmt1 := it.stmts[0] else_stmt1 := it.else_stmts[0] match stmt1 { ast.ExprStmt { g.expr(cond) g.write(' ? ') expr_stmt := stmt1 as ast.ExprStmt g.expr(expr_stmt.expr) g.write(' : ') g.stmt(else_stmt1) } else {} } } else { g.write('if (') g.expr(it.cond) g.writeln(') {') for i, stmt in it.stmts { // Assign ret value if i == it.stmts.len - 1 && type_sym.kind != .void {} // g.writeln('$tmp =') g.stmt(stmt) } g.writeln('}') if it.else_stmts.len > 0 { g.writeln('else { ') for stmt in it.else_stmts { g.stmt(stmt) } g.writeln('}') } } } ast.IfGuardExpr { g.write('/* guard */') } ast.IndexExpr { g.index_expr(it) } ast.InfixExpr { g.expr(it.left) // if it.op == .dot { // println('!! dot') // } g.write(' $it.op.str() ') g.expr(it.right) // if != { // verror('bad types $ $') // } } ast.IntegerLiteral { g.write(it.val.str()) } ast.MatchExpr { // println('match expr typ=$it.expr_type') // TODO if it.expr_type == 0 { g.writeln('// match 0') return } type_sym := g.table.get_type_symbol(it.expr_type) mut tmp := '' if type_sym.kind != .void { tmp = g.new_tmp_var() } g.write('$ $tmp = ') g.expr(it.cond) g.writeln(';') // $it.blocks.len') for branch in it.branches { g.write('if ') for i, expr in branch.exprs { g.write('$tmp == ') g.expr(expr) if i < branch.exprs.len - 1 { g.write(' || ') } } g.writeln('{') g.stmts(branch.stmts) g.writeln('}') } } ast.MethodCallExpr { mut receiver_name := 'TODO' // TODO: there are still due to unchecked exprs (opt/some fn arg) if it.typ != 0 { typ_sym := g.table.get_type_symbol(it.typ) receiver_name = } name := '${receiver_name}_$'.replace('.', '__') g.write('${name}(') g.expr(it.expr) if it.args.len > 0 { g.write(', ') } g.call_args(it.args) g.write(')') } ast.None { g.write('0') } ast.ParExpr { g.write('(') g.expr(it.expr) g.write(')') } ast.PostfixExpr { g.expr(it.expr) g.write(it.op.str()) } ast.PrefixExpr { g.write(it.op.str()) // g.write('/*pref*/') g.expr(it.right) } /* ast.UnaryExpr { // probably not :D if it.op in [.inc, .dec] { g.expr(it.left) g.write(it.op.str()) } else { g.write(it.op.str()) g.expr(it.left) } } */ ast.SizeOf { g.write('sizeof($it.type_name)') } ast.StringLiteral { g.write('tos3("$it.val")') } // `user := User{name: 'Bob'}` ast.StructInit { styp := g.typ(it.typ) g.writeln('($styp){') for i, field in it.fields { g.write('\t.$field = ') g.expr(it.exprs[i]) g.writeln(', ') } g.write('}') } ast.SelectorExpr { g.expr(it.expr) g.write('.') g.write(it.field) } ast.Type { g.write('/* Type */') } else { // #printf("node=%d\n", node.typ); println('cgen.expr(): bad node ' + typeof(node))) } } } fn (g mut Gen) index_expr(node ast.IndexExpr) { // TODO else doesn't work with sum types mut is_range := false match node.index { ast.RangeExpr { is_range = true g.write('array_slice(') g.expr(node.left) g.write(', ') if it.has_low { g.expr(it.low) } else { g.write('0') } g.write(', ') if it.has_high { g.expr(it.high) } else { g.expr(node.left) g.write('.len') } g.write(')') return } else {} } // if !is_range && node.container_type == 0 { // } if !is_range && node.container_type != 0 { sym := g.table.get_type_symbol(node.container_type) if sym.kind == .array { g.write('array_get(') g.expr(node.left) g.write(', ') g.expr(node.index) g.write(')') } else if sym.kind == .string { g.write('string_at(') g.expr(node.left) g.write(', ') g.expr(node.index) g.write(')') } // g.write('[') // g.write(']') } } fn (g mut Gen) const_decl(node ast.ConstDecl) { for i, field in node.fields { name :='.', '__') expr := node.exprs[i] match expr { // Simple expressions should use a #define // so that we don't pollute the binary with unnecessary global vars // Do not do this when building a module, otherwise the consts // will not be accessible. ast.CharLiteral, ast.IntegerLiteral { g.write('#define $name ') g.expr(expr) g.writeln('') } else { styp := g.typ(field.typ) g.definitions.writeln('$styp $name; // inited later') // = ') // TODO // g.expr(node.exprs[i]) } } } } fn (g mut Gen) call_args(args []ast.Expr) { for i, expr in args { g.expr(expr) if i != args.len - 1 { g.write(', ') } } } fn verror(s string) { println('cgen error: $s') // exit(1) } // C struct definitions, ordered // Sort the types, make sure types that are referenced by other types // are added before them. fn (g mut Gen) write_sorted_types() { mut types := []table.TypeSymbol // structs that need to be sorted // builtin_types := [ mut builtin_types := []table.TypeSymbol // builtin types // builtin types need to be on top builtins := ['string', 'array', 'KeyValue', 'map', 'Option'] // everything except builtin will get sorted for builtin_name in builtins { builtin_types << g.table.types[g.table.type_idxs[builtin_name]] } for typ in g.table.types { if !( in builtins) { types << typ } } // sort structs types_sorted := g.sort_structs(types) // Generate C code g.definitions.writeln('// builtin types:') g.write_types(builtin_types) g.definitions.writeln('//------------------ #endbuiltin') g.write_types(types_sorted) } fn (g mut Gen) write_types(types []table.TypeSymbol) { for typ in types { // sym := g.table.get_type_symbol(typ) match { table.Struct { info := as table.Struct name :='.', '__') // g.definitions.writeln('typedef struct {') g.definitions.writeln('struct $name {') for field in info.fields { field_type_sym := g.table.get_type_symbol(field.typ) type_name :='.', '__') g.definitions.writeln('\t$type_name $;') } // g.definitions.writeln('} $name;\n') // g.definitions.writeln('};\n') } else {} } } } // sort structs by dependant fields fn (g &Gen) sort_structs(types []table.TypeSymbol) []table.TypeSymbol { mut dep_graph := depgraph.new_dep_graph() // types name list mut type_names := []string for typ in types { type_names << } // loop over types for t in types { // create list of deps mut field_deps := []string match { table.Struct { info := as table.Struct for field in info.fields { // Need to handle fixed size arrays as well (`[10]Point`) // ft := if field.typ.starts_with('[') { field.typ.all_after(']') } else { field.typ } dep := g.table.get_type_symbol(field.typ).name // skip if not in types list or already in deps if !(dep in type_names) || dep in field_deps || table.type_is_ptr(field.typ) { continue } field_deps << dep } } else {} } // add type and dependant types to graph dep_graph.add(, field_deps) } // sort graph dep_graph_sorted := dep_graph.resolve() if !dep_graph_sorted.acyclic { verror('cgen.sort_structs(): the following structs form a dependency cycle:\n' + dep_graph_sorted.display_cycles() + '\nyou can solve this by making one or both of the dependant struct fields references, eg: field &MyStruct' + '\nif you feel this is an error, please create a new issue here: and tag @joe-conigliaro') } // sort types mut types_sorted := []table.TypeSymbol for node in dep_graph_sorted.nodes { types_sorted << g.table.types[g.table.type_idxs[]] } return types_sorted }