module os import strings import strings.textscanner // Collection of useful functions for manipulation, validation and analysis of system paths. // The following functions handle paths depending on the operating system, // therefore results may be different for certain operating systems. const ( fslash = `/` bslash = `\\` dot = `.` qmark = `?` dot_dot = '..' empty_str = '' dot_str = '.' ) // is_abs_path returns `true` if the given `path` is absolute. pub fn is_abs_path(path string) bool { if path.len == 0 { return false } $if windows { return is_unc_path(path) || is_drive_rooted(path) || is_normal_path(path) } return path[0] == os.fslash } // abs_path joins the current working directory // with the given `path` (if the `path` is relative) // and returns the absolute path representation. pub fn abs_path(path string) string { wd := getwd() if path.len == 0 { return wd } npath := norm_path(path) if npath == os.dot_str { return wd } if !is_abs_path(npath) { mut sb := strings.new_builder(npath.len) sb.write_string(wd) sb.write_string(path_separator) sb.write_string(npath) return norm_path(sb.str()) } return npath } // norm_path returns the normalized version of the given `path` // by resolving backlinks (..), turning forward slashes into // back slashes on a Windows system and eliminating: // - references to current directories (.) // - redundant path separators // - the last path separator [direct_array_access] pub fn norm_path(path string) string { if path.len == 0 { return os.dot_str } rooted := is_abs_path(path) volume := get_volume(path) volume_len := volume.len cpath := clean_path(path[volume_len..]) if cpath.len == 0 && volume_len == 0 { return os.dot_str } spath := cpath.split(path_separator) if os.dot_dot !in spath { return if volume_len != 0 { volume + cpath } else { cpath } } // resolve backlinks (..) spath_len := spath.len mut sb := strings.new_builder(cpath.len) if rooted { sb.write_string(path_separator) } mut new_path := []string{cap: spath_len} mut backlink_count := 0 for i := spath_len - 1; i >= 0; i-- { part := spath[i] if part == os.empty_str { continue } if part == os.dot_dot { backlink_count++ continue } if backlink_count != 0 { backlink_count-- continue } new_path.prepend(part) } // append backlink(s) to the path if backtracking // is not possible and the given path is not rooted if backlink_count != 0 && !rooted { for i in 0 .. backlink_count { sb.write_string(os.dot_dot) if new_path.len == 0 && i == backlink_count - 1 { break } sb.write_string(path_separator) } } sb.write_string(new_path.join(path_separator)) res := sb.str() if res.len == 0 { if volume_len != 0 { return volume } if !rooted { return os.dot_str } return path_separator } if volume_len != 0 { return volume + res } return res } // clean_path returns the "cleaned" version of the given `path` // by turning forward slashes into back slashes // on a Windows system and eliminating: // - references to current directories (.) // - redundant separators // - the last path separator fn clean_path(path string) string { if path.len == 0 { return os.empty_str } mut sb := strings.new_builder(path.len) mut sc := for != -1 { curr := u8(sc.current()) back := sc.peek_back() peek := sc.peek() // skip current path separator if last byte was a path separator if back != -1 && is_slash(u8(back)) && is_slash(curr) { continue } // skip reference to current dir (.) if (back == -1 || is_slash(u8(back))) && curr == && (peek == -1 || is_slash(u8(peek))) { // skip if the next byte is a path separator if peek != -1 && is_slash(u8(peek)) { sc.skip_n(1) } continue } // turn foward slash into a back slash on a Windows system $if windows { if curr == os.fslash { sb.write_u8(os.bslash) continue } } sb.write_u8(u8(sc.current())) } res := sb.str() // eliminate the last path separator if res.len > 1 && is_slash(res[res.len - 1]) { return res[..res.len - 1] } return res } // win_volume_len returns the length of the // Windows volume/drive from the given `path`. fn win_volume_len(path string) int { plen := path.len if plen < 2 { return 0 } if has_drive_letter(path) { return 2 } // its UNC path / DOS device path? if plen >= 5 && starts_w_slash_slash(path) && !is_slash(path[2]) { for i := 3; i < plen; i++ { if is_slash(path[i]) { if i + 1 >= plen || is_slash(path[i + 1]) { break } i++ for ; i < plen; i++ { if is_slash(path[i]) { return i } } return i } } } return 0 } fn get_volume(path string) string { $if !windows { return os.empty_str } volume := path[..win_volume_len(path)] if volume.len == 0 { return os.empty_str } if volume[0] == os.fslash { return volume.replace('/', '\\') } return volume } fn is_slash(b u8) bool { $if windows { return b == os.bslash || b == os.fslash } return b == os.fslash } fn is_unc_path(path string) bool { return win_volume_len(path) >= 5 && starts_w_slash_slash(path) } fn has_drive_letter(path string) bool { return path.len >= 2 && path[0].is_letter() && path[1] == `:` } fn starts_w_slash_slash(path string) bool { return path.len >= 2 && is_slash(path[0]) && is_slash(path[1]) } fn is_drive_rooted(path string) bool { return path.len >= 3 && has_drive_letter(path) && is_slash(path[2]) } // is_normal_path returns `true` if the given // `path` is NOT a network or Windows device path. fn is_normal_path(path string) bool { plen := path.len if plen == 0 { return false } return (plen == 1 && is_slash(path[0])) || (plen >= 2 && is_slash(path[0]) && !is_slash(path[1])) }