module builtin // <string.h> fn C.memcpy(byteptr, byteptr, int) voidptr fn C.memmove(byteptr, byteptr, int) voidptr fn C.calloc(int) byteptr fn C.malloc(int) byteptr fn C.realloc(a byteptr, b int) byteptr fn voidptr) fn C.exit(code int) fn C.qsort(voidptr, int, int, voidptr) fn C.sprintf(a ...voidptr) int fn C.strlen(s byteptr) int fn C.isdigit(s byteptr) bool // stdio.h fn C.popen(c byteptr, t byteptr) voidptr // <execinfo.h> // backtrace functions are not #included, that's why they have to be defined without C. fn backtrace(a voidptr, b int) int fn backtrace_symbols(voidptr, int) &byteptr fn backtrace_symbols_fd(voidptr, int, int) // <libproc.h> fn proc_pidpath(int, voidptr, int) int fn C.realpath(byteptr, byteptr) &char fn C.chmod(byteptr, int) int fn C.printf(byteptr, ...byteptr) int fn C.fputs(byteptr) int fn C.fflush(byteptr) int // TODO define args in these functions fn C.fseek() int fn C.fopen() voidptr fn C.fwrite() int fn C.fclose() int fn C.pclose() int fn C.system() int fn C.setenv() int fn C.unsetenv() int fn C.access() int fn C.remove() int fn C.rmdir() int fn C.chdir() int fn C.fread() int fn C.rewind() int fn C.stat() int fn C.lstat() int fn C.rename() int fn C.fgets() int fn C.memset() int fn C.sigemptyset() int fn C.getcwd() int fn C.signal() int fn C.mktime() int fn C.gettimeofday() int fn C.sleep() int fn C.usleep() int fn C.opendir() voidptr fn C.closedir() int fn C.mkdir() int fn C.srand() int fn C.atof() int fn C.tolower() int fn C.toupper() int fn C.getchar() int fn C.strerror(int) charptr fn C.snprintf() int fn C.fprintf(byteptr, ...byteptr) fn C.WIFEXITED() bool fn C.WEXITSTATUS() int fn C.WIFSIGNALED() bool fn C.WTERMSIG() int fn C.DEFAULT_LE() bool fn C.DEFAULT_EQ() bool fn C.DEFAULT_GT() bool fn C.DEFAULT_EQUAL() bool fn C.DEFAULT_NOT_EQUAL() bool fn C.DEFAULT_LT() bool fn C.DEFAULT_GE() bool fn C.isatty() int fn C.syscall() int fn C.sysctl() int fn C._fileno(int) int fn C._get_osfhandle(fd int) C.intptr_t fn C.GetModuleFileNameW(hModule voidptr, lpFilename &u16, nSize u32) u32 fn C.CreatePipe(hReadPipe &voidptr, hWritePipe &voidptr, lpPipeAttributes voidptr, nSize u32) bool fn C.SetHandleInformation(hObject voidptr, dwMask u32, dwFlags u32) bool fn C.ExpandEnvironmentStringsW(lpSrc &u16, lpDst &u16, nSize u32) u32 fn C.CreateProcessW(lpApplicationName &u16, lpCommandLine &u16, lpProcessAttributes voidptr, lpThreadAttributes voidptr, bInheritHandles bool, dwCreationFlags u32, lpEnvironment voidptr, lpCurrentDirectory &u16, lpStartupInfo voidptr, lpProcessInformation voidptr) bool fn C.ReadFile(hFile voidptr, lpBuffer voidptr, nNumberOfBytesToRead u32, lpNumberOfBytesRead voidptr, lpOverlapped voidptr) bool fn C.GetFileAttributesW(lpFileName byteptr) u32 fn C.RegQueryValueExW(hKey voidptr, lpValueName &u16, lpReserved &u32, lpType &u32, lpData byteptr, lpcbData &u32) int fn C.RegOpenKeyExW(hKey voidptr, lpSubKey &u16, ulOptions u32, samDesired u32, phkResult voidptr) int fn C.RegCloseKey() fn C.RegQueryValueEx() voidptr fn C.RemoveDirectory() int //fn C.GetStdHandle() voidptr fn C.GetStdHandle(u32) voidptr //fn C.SetConsoleMode() fn C.SetConsoleMode(voidptr, u32) //fn C.GetConsoleMode() int fn C.GetConsoleMode(voidptr, &u32) int fn C.wprintf() //fn C.setbuf() fn C.setbuf(voidptr, charptr) fn C.SymCleanup() fn C.MultiByteToWideChar() int fn C.wcslen() int fn C.WideCharToMultiByte() int fn C._wstat() fn C._wrename() fn C._wfopen() voidptr fn C._wpopen() voidptr fn C._pclose() int fn C._wsystem() int fn C._wgetenv() voidptr fn C._putenv() int fn C._waccess() int fn C._wremove() fn C.ReadConsole() voidptr fn C.WriteConsole() voidptr fn C.WriteFile() voidptr fn C.GetModuleFileName() int fn C._wchdir() fn C._wgetcwd() int fn C._fullpath() int fn C.GetCommandLine() voidptr fn C.LocalFree() fn C.FindFirstFileW() voidptr fn C.FindFirstFile() voidptr fn C.FindNextFile() int fn C.FindClose() fn C.MAKELANGID() int fn C.FormatMessage() voidptr fn C.CloseHandle() fn C.GetExitCodeProcess() fn C.RegOpenKeyEx() voidptr fn C.GetTickCount() i64 fn C.Sleep() fn C.WSAStartup(u16, &voidptr) int fn C.WSAGetLastError() int fn C.closesocket(int) int fn C.vschannel_init(&C.TlsContext) fn C.request(&C.TlsContext, int, &u16, byteptr, &byteptr) fn C.vschannel_cleanup(&C.TlsContext) fn C.URLDownloadToFile(int, &u16, &u16, int, int) fn C.GetLastError() u32 fn C.CreateDirectory(byteptr, int) bool fn C.BCryptGenRandom(int, voidptr, int, int) int fn C.CreateMutex(int, bool, byteptr) voidptr fn C.WaitForSingleObject(voidptr, int) int fn C.ReleaseMutex(voidptr) bool