// Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
module builtin

pub fn utf8_char_len(b byte) int {
	return ((0xe5000000>>((b>>3) & 0x1e)) & 3) + 1

// Convert utf32 to utf8
// utf32 == Codepoint
pub fn utf32_to_str(code u32) string {
	icode := int(code) // Prevents doing casts everywhere
	mut buffer := malloc(5)
	if icode <= 127/* 0x7F */ {
		buffer[0] = icode
		return tos(buffer, 1)
	if icode <= 2047/* 0x7FF */ {
		buffer[0] = 192/*0xC0*/ | (icode>>6)/* 110xxxxx */

		buffer[1] = 128/*0x80*/ | (icode & 63/*0x3F*/)/* 10xxxxxx */

		return tos(buffer, 2)
	if icode <= 65535/* 0xFFFF */ {
		buffer[0] = 224/*0xE0*/ | (icode>>12)/* 1110xxxx */

		buffer[1] = 128/*0x80*/ | ((icode>>6) & 63/*0x3F*/)/* 10xxxxxx */

		buffer[2] = 128/*0x80*/ | (icode & 63/*0x3F*/)/* 10xxxxxx */

		return tos(buffer, 3)
	if icode <= 1114111/* 0x10FFFF */ {
		buffer[0] = 240/*0xF0*/ | (icode>>18)/* 11110xxx */

		buffer[1] = 128/*0x80*/ | ((icode>>12) & 63/*0x3F*/)/* 10xxxxxx */

		buffer[2] = 128/*0x80*/ | ((icode>>6) & 63/*0x3F*/)/* 10xxxxxx */

		buffer[3] = 128/*0x80*/ | (icode & 63/*0x3F*/)/* 10xxxxxx */

		return tos(buffer, 4)
	return ''

// TODO copypasta
pub fn utf32_to_str_no_malloc(code u32, buf voidptr) string {
	icode := int(code) // Prevents doing casts everywhere
	mut buffer := byteptr(buf)
	if icode <= 127/* 0x7F */ {
		buffer[0] = icode
		return tos(buffer, 1)
	if icode <= 2047/* 0x7FF */ {
		buffer[0] = 192/*0xC0*/ | (icode>>6)/* 110xxxxx */

		buffer[1] = 128/*0x80*/ | (icode & 63/*0x3F*/)/* 10xxxxxx */

		return tos(buffer, 2)
	if icode <= 65535/* 0xFFFF */ {
		buffer[0] = 224/*0xE0*/ | (icode>>12)/* 1110xxxx */

		buffer[1] = 128/*0x80*/ | ((icode>>6) & 63/*0x3F*/)/* 10xxxxxx */

		buffer[2] = 128/*0x80*/ | (icode & 63/*0x3F*/)/* 10xxxxxx */

		return tos(buffer, 3)
	if icode <= 1114111/* 0x10FFFF */ {
		buffer[0] = 240/*0xF0*/ | (icode>>18)/* 11110xxx */

		buffer[1] = 128/*0x80*/ | ((icode>>12) & 63/*0x3F*/)/* 10xxxxxx */

		buffer[2] = 128/*0x80*/ | ((icode>>6) & 63/*0x3F*/)/* 10xxxxxx */

		buffer[3] = 128/*0x80*/ | (icode & 63/*0x3F*/)/* 10xxxxxx */

		return tos(buffer, 4)
	return ''

// Convert utf8 to utf32
pub fn (_rune string) utf32_code() int {
	if _rune.len == 0 {
		return 0
	// save ASC symbol as is
	if _rune.len == 1 {
		return int(_rune[0])
	mut b := byte(int(_rune[0]))
	// TODO should be
	// res := int( rune[0] << rune.len)
	b = b<<_rune.len
	mut res := int(b)
	mut shift := 6 - _rune.len
	for i := 1; i < _rune.len; i++ {
		c := int(_rune[i])
		res = res<<shift
		res |= c & 63 // 0x3f
		shift = 6
	return res

const (
	CP_UTF8 = 65001

pub fn (_str string) to_wide() &u16 {
	$if windows {
		num_chars := (C.MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, _str.str, _str.len, 0, 0))
		mut wstr := &u16(malloc((num_chars + 1) * 2)) // sizeof(wchar_t)
		if !isnil(wstr) {
			C.MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, _str.str, _str.len, wstr, num_chars)
			C.memset(&byte(wstr) + num_chars * 2, 0, 2)
		return wstr
	} $else {
		return 0

pub fn string_from_wide(_wstr &u16) string {
	$if windows {
		wstr_len := C.wcslen(_wstr)
		return string_from_wide2(_wstr, wstr_len)
	} $else {
		return ''

pub fn string_from_wide2(_wstr &u16, len int) string {
	$if windows {
		num_chars := C.WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, _wstr, len, 0, 0, 0, 0)
		mut str_to := malloc(num_chars + 1)
		if !isnil(str_to) {
			C.WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, _wstr, len, str_to, num_chars, 0, 0)
			C.memset(str_to + num_chars, 0, 1)
		return tos2(str_to)
	} $else {
		return ''

// Calculate length to read from the first byte
fn utf8_len(c byte) int {
	mut b := 0
	mut x := c
	if (x & 240) != 0 {
		// 0xF0
		x >>= 4
	else {
		b += 4
	if (x & 12) != 0 {
		// 0x0C
		x >>= 2
	else {
		b += 2
	if (x & 2) == 0 {
		// 0x02
	return b

// Reads an utf8 character from standard input
pub fn utf8_getchar() int {
	c := C.getchar()
	len := utf8_len(~c)
	if c < 0 {
		return 0
	else if len == 0 {
		return c
	else if len == 1 {
		return -1
	else {
		mut uc := c & ((1<<(7 - len)) - 1)
		for i := 0; i + 1 < len; i++ {
			c2 := C.getchar()
			if c2 != -1 && (c2>>6) == 2 {
				uc <<= 6
				uc |= (c2 & 63)
			else if c2 == -1 {
				return 0
			else {
				return -1
		return uc