// Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
module strings

pub struct Builder {
	buf          []byte
pub mut:
	len          int
	initial_size int=1

pub fn new_builder(initial_size int) Builder {
	return Builder{
		buf: make(0, initial_size, 1)
		initial_size: initial_size

pub fn (b mut Builder) write_bytes(bytes byteptr, howmany int) {
	b.buf.push_many(bytes, howmany)
	b.len += howmany

pub fn (b mut Builder) write_b(data byte) {
	b.buf << data

pub fn (b mut Builder) write(s string) {
	if s == '' {
	b.buf.push_many(s.str, s.len)
	// for c in s {
	// b.buf << c
	// }
	// b.buf << []byte(s)  // TODO
	b.len += s.len

pub fn (b mut Builder) writeln(s string) {
	// for c in s {
	// b.buf << c
	// }
	b.buf.push_many(s.str, s.len)
	// b.buf << []byte(s)  // TODO
	b.buf << `\n`
	b.len += s.len + 1

pub fn (b mut Builder) str() string {
	b.buf << `\0`
	return string(b.buf,b.len)

pub fn (b mut Builder) free() {
	b.buf = make(0, b.initial_size, 1)
	b.len = 0