/* basic ftp module RFC-959 https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc959 Methods: ftp.connect(host) ftp.login(user, passw) pwd := ftp.pwd() ftp.cd(folder) dtp := ftp.pasv() ftp.dir() ftp.get(file) dtp.read() dtp.close() ftp.close() */ module ftp import net const ( Connected = 220 SpecifyPassword = 331 LoggedIn = 230 LoginFirst = 503 Anonymous = 530 OpenDataConnection = 150 CloseDataConnection = 226 CommandOk = 200 Denied = 550 PassiveMode = 227 Complete = 226 ) struct DTP { mut: sock net.Socket ip string port int } fn (dtp DTP) read() []byte { mut data := []byte{} for { buf, len := dtp.sock.recv(1024) if len == 0 { break } for i in 0..len { data << buf[i] } unsafe { free(buf) } } return data } fn (dtp DTP) close() { dtp.sock.close() or {} } struct FTP { mut: sock net.Socket buffer_size int } pub fn new() FTP { mut f := FTP{} f.buffer_size = 1024 return f } fn (ftp FTP) write(data string) ?int { $if debug { println('FTP.v >>> $data') } n := ftp.sock.send_string('$data\r\n') or { return error('Cannot send data') } return n } fn (ftp FTP) read() (int, string) { mut data := ftp.sock.read_line() $if debug { println('FTP.v <<< $data') } if data.len < 5 { return 0, '' } code := data[..3].int() if data[3] == `-` { for { data = ftp.sock.read_line() if data[..3].int() == code && data[3] != `-` { break } } } return code, data } pub fn (ftp mut FTP) connect(ip string) bool { sock := net.dial(ip, 21) or { return false } ftp.sock = sock code, _ := ftp.read() if code == Connected { return true } return false } pub fn (ftp FTP) login(user, passwd string) bool { ftp.write('USER $user') or { $if debug { println('ERROR sending user') } return false } mut code, data := ftp.read() if code == LoggedIn { return true } if code != SpecifyPassword { return false } ftp.write('PASS $passwd') or { $if debug { println('ERROR sending password') } return false } code, data = ftp.read() if code == LoggedIn { return true } return false } pub fn (ftp FTP) close() { send_quit := 'QUIT\r\n' ftp.sock.send_string(send_quit) or {} ftp.sock.close() or {} } pub fn (ftp FTP) pwd() string { ftp.write('PWD') or { return '' } _, data := ftp.read() spl := data.split('"') if spl.len >= 2 { return spl[1] } return data } pub fn (ftp FTP) cd(dir string) { ftp.write('CWD $dir') or { return } mut code, mut data := ftp.read() match code { Denied { $if debug { println('CD $dir denied!') } } Complete { code, data = ftp.read() } else {} } $if debug { println('CD $data') } } fn new_dtp(msg string) ?DTP { if !is_dtp_message_valid(msg) { return error('Bad message') } ip, port := get_host_ip_from_dtp_message(msg) sock := net.dial(ip, port) or { return error('Cannot connect to the data channel') } dtp := DTP { sock: sock ip: ip port: port } return dtp } fn (ftp FTP) pasv() ?DTP { ftp.write('PASV') or {} code, data := ftp.read() $if debug { println('pass: $data') } if code != PassiveMode { return error('pasive mode not allowed') } dtp := new_dtp(data) or { return error(err) } return dtp } pub fn (ftp FTP) dir() ?[]string { dtp := ftp.pasv() or { return error('cannot establish data connection') } ftp.write('LIST') or {} code, _ := ftp.read() if code == Denied { return error('LIST denied') } if code != OpenDataConnection { return error('data channel empty') } list_dir := dtp.read() result, _ := ftp.read() if result != CloseDataConnection { println('LIST not ok') } dtp.close() mut dir := []string{} sdir := string(byteptr(list_dir.data)) for lfile in sdir.split('\n') { if lfile.len >1 { spl := lfile.split(' ') dir << spl[spl.len-1] } } return dir } pub fn (ftp FTP) get(file string) ?[]byte { dtp := ftp.pasv() or { return error('Cannot stablish data connection') } ftp.write('RETR $file') or {} code, _ := ftp.read() if code == Denied { return error('Permission denied') } if code != OpenDataConnection { return error('Data connection not ready') } blob := dtp.read() dtp.close() return blob } fn is_dtp_message_valid(msg string) bool { // An example of message: // '227 Entering Passive Mode (209,132,183,61,48,218)' return msg.contains('(') && msg.contains(')') && msg.contains(',') } fn get_host_ip_from_dtp_message(msg string) (string, int) { mut par_start_idx := -1 mut par_end_idx := -1 for i, c in msg { if c == `(` { par_start_idx = i + 1 } else if c == `)` { par_end_idx = i } } data := msg[par_start_idx..par_end_idx].split(',') ip := data[0..4].join('.') port := data[4].int() * 256 + data[5].int() return ip, port }