module net // Select represents a select operation enum Select { read write except } // SocketType are the available sockets pub enum SocketType { udp = C.SOCK_DGRAM tcp = C.SOCK_STREAM } // SocketFamily are the available address families pub enum SocketFamily { inet = C.AF_INET unix = C.AF_UNIX } struct C.in_addr { mut: s_addr int } struct C.sockaddr { sa_family u16 } struct C.sockaddr_in { mut: sin_family int sin_port int sin_addr C.in_addr } struct C.sockaddr_un { mut: sun_family int sun_path charptr } struct C.addrinfo { mut: ai_family int ai_socktype int ai_flags int ai_protocol int ai_addrlen int ai_addr voidptr ai_canonname voidptr ai_next voidptr } struct C.sockaddr_storage { } fn C.socket() int fn C.setsockopt() int fn C.htonl() int fn C.htons() int fn C.bind() int fn C.listen() int fn C.accept() int fn C.getaddrinfo() int fn C.connect() int fn C.send() int fn C.sendto() int fn C.recv() int fn C.recvfrom() int fn C.shutdown() int fn C.ntohs() int fn C.getpeername() int fn C.inet_ntop(af int, src voidptr, dst charptr, dst_size int) charptr fn C.WSAAddressToStringA() int fn C.getsockname() int // defined in builtin // fn int // fn C.close() int fn C.ioctlsocket() int fn C.fcntl() int fn C.@select() int fn C.FD_ZERO() fn C.FD_SET() fn C.FD_ISSET() bool [typedef] pub struct C.fd_set {}