/* printf/sprintf V implementation Copyright (c) 2020 Dario Deledda. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license that can be found in the LICENSE file. This file contains the printf/sprintf functions */ module strconv import strconv.ftoa import strings enum Char_parse_state { start norm_char field_char pad_ch len_set_start len_set_in check_type check_float check_float_in reset_params } enum Align_text { right = 0 left center } /* Float conversion utility */ const( // rounding value dec_round = [ f64(0.44), 0.044, 0.0044, 0.00044, 0.000044, 0.0000044, 0.00000044, 0.000000044, 0.0000000044, 0.00000000044, 0.000000000044, 0.0000000000044, 0.00000000000044, 0.000000000000044, 0.0000000000000044, 0.00000000000000044, 0.000000000000000044, 0.0000000000000000044, 0.00000000000000000044, 0.000000000000000000044, ] ) // max float 1.797693134862315708145274237317043567981e+308 pub fn f64_to_str_lnd(f f64, dec_digit int) string { // we add the rounding value s := ftoa.f64_to_str(f + dec_round[dec_digit], 18) // check for +inf -inf Nan if s.len > 2 && (s[0] == `n` || s[1] == `i`) { return s } m_sgn_flag := false mut sgn := 1 mut b := [26]byte mut d_pos := 1 mut i := 0 mut i1 := 0 mut exp := 0 mut exp_sgn := 1 mut dot_res_sp := -1 // get sign and deciaml parts for c in s { if c == `-` { sgn = -1 i++ } else if c == `+` { sgn = 1 i++ } else if c >= `0` && c <= `9` { b[i1++] = c i++ } else if c == `.` { if sgn > 0 { d_pos = i } else { d_pos = i-1 } i++ } else if c == `e` { i++ break } else { return "[Float conversion error!!]" } } b[i1] = 0 // get exponent if s[i] == `-` { exp_sgn = -1 i++ } else if s[i] == `+` { exp_sgn = 1 i++ } for c in s[i..] { exp = exp * 10 + int(c-`0`) } // allocate exp+32 chars for the return string //mut res := []byte{len:exp+32,init:`0`} mut res := [`0`].repeat(exp+32) // TODO: Slow!! is there other possibilities to allocate this? mut r_i := 0 // result string buffer index //println("s:${sgn} b:${b[0]} es:${exp_sgn} exp:${exp}") if sgn == 1 { if m_sgn_flag { res[r_i++] = `+` } } else { res[r_i++] = `-` } i = 0 if exp_sgn >= 0 { for b[i] != 0 { res[r_i++] = b[i] i++ if i >= d_pos && exp >= 0 { if exp == 0 { dot_res_sp = r_i res[r_i++] = `.` } exp-- } } for exp >= 0 { res[r_i++] = `0` exp-- } //println("exp: $exp $r_i $dot_res_sp") } else { mut dot_p := true for exp > 0 { res[r_i++] = `0` exp-- if dot_p { dot_res_sp = r_i res[r_i++] = `.` dot_p = false } } for b[i] != 0 { res[r_i++] = b[i] i++ } } //println("r_i-d_pos: ${r_i - d_pos}") if dot_res_sp >= 0 { if (r_i - dot_res_sp) > dec_digit { r_i = dot_res_sp + dec_digit + 1 } res[r_i] = 0 //println("result: [${tos(&res[0],r_i)}]") return tos(&res[0],r_i) } else { if dec_digit > 0 { mut c := 0 res[r_i++] = `.` for c < dec_digit { res[r_i++] = `0` c++ } res[r_i] = 0 } return tos(&res[0],r_i) } } /* Single format functions */ pub struct BF_param { pad_ch byte = ` ` // padding char len0 int = -1 // default len for whole the number or string len1 int = 6 // number of decimal digits, if needed positive bool = true // mandatory: the sign of the number passed sign_flag bool = false // flag for print sign as prefix in padding allign Align_text = .right // alignment of the string rm_tail_zero bool = false // remove the tail zeros from floats } pub fn format_str(s string, p BF_param) string { dif := p.len0 - s.len if dif <= 0 { return s } mut res := strings.new_builder(s.len + dif) if p.allign == .right { for i1 :=0; i1 < dif; i1++ { res.write_b(p.pad_ch) } } res.write(s) if p.allign == .left { for i1 :=0; i1 < dif; i1++ { res.write_b(p.pad_ch) } } return res.str() } // max int64 9223372036854775807 pub fn format_dec(d u64, p BF_param) string { mut s := "" mut res := strings.new_builder(20) mut sign_len_diff := 0 if p.pad_ch == `0` { if p.positive { if p.sign_flag { res.write_b(`+`) sign_len_diff = -1 } } else { res.write_b(`-`) sign_len_diff = -1 } s = d.str() } else { if p.positive { if p.sign_flag { s = "+" + d.str() } else { s = d.str() } } else { s = "-" + d.str() } } dif := p.len0 - s.len + sign_len_diff if p.allign == .right { for i1 :=0; i1 < dif; i1++ { res.write_b(p.pad_ch) } } res.write(s) if p.allign == .left { for i1 :=0; i1 < dif; i1++ { res.write_b(p.pad_ch) } } return res.str() } pub fn format_fl(f f64, p BF_param) string { mut s := "" mut fs := f64_to_str_lnd(if f >= 0.0 {f} else {-f}, p.len1) // error!! if fs[0] == `[` { return fs } if p.rm_tail_zero { fs = remove_tail_zeros(fs) } mut res := strings.new_builder( if p.len0 > fs.len { p.len0 } else { fs.len }) mut sign_len_diff := 0 if p.pad_ch == `0` { if p.positive { if p.sign_flag { res.write_b(`+`) sign_len_diff = -1 } } else { res.write_b(`-`) sign_len_diff = -1 } s = fs } else { if p.positive { if p.sign_flag { s = "+" + fs } else { s = fs } } else { s = "-" + fs } } dif := p.len0 - s.len + sign_len_diff if p.allign == .right { for i1 :=0; i1 < dif; i1++ { res.write_b(p.pad_ch) } } res.write(s) if p.allign == .left { for i1 :=0; i1 < dif; i1++ { res.write_b(p.pad_ch) } } return res.str() } pub fn format_es(f f64, p BF_param) string { mut s := "" mut fs := ftoa.f64_to_str_pad(if f> 0 {f} else {-f},p.len1) if p.rm_tail_zero { fs = remove_tail_zeros(fs) } mut res := strings.new_builder( if p.len0 > fs.len { p.len0 } else { fs.len }) mut sign_len_diff := 0 if p.pad_ch == `0` { if p.positive { if p.sign_flag { res.write_b(`+`) sign_len_diff = -1 } } else { res.write_b(`-`) sign_len_diff = -1 } s = fs } else { if p.positive { if p.sign_flag { s = "+" + fs } else { s = fs } } else { s = "-" + fs } } dif := p.len0 - s.len + sign_len_diff if p.allign == .right { for i1 :=0; i1 < dif; i1++ { res.write_b(p.pad_ch) } } res.write(s) if p.allign == .left { for i1 :=0; i1 < dif; i1++ { res.write_b(p.pad_ch) } } return res.str() } pub fn remove_tail_zeros(s string) string { mut i := 0 mut last_zero_start := -1 mut dot_pos := -1 mut in_decimal := false mut prev_ch := byte(0) for i < s.len { ch := unsafe {s.str[i]} if ch == `.` { in_decimal = true dot_pos = i } else if in_decimal { if ch == `0` && prev_ch != `0` { last_zero_start = i } else if ch >= `1` && ch <= `9` { last_zero_start = -1 } else if ch == `e` { break } } prev_ch = ch i++ } mut tmp := "" if last_zero_start > 0 { if last_zero_start == dot_pos+1 { tmp = s[..dot_pos] + s[i..] }else { tmp = s[..last_zero_start] + s[i..] } } else { tmp = s } if unsafe {tmp.str[tmp.len-1]} == `.` { return tmp[..tmp.len-1] } return tmp } /* Main functions */ pub fn v_printf(str string, pt ... voidptr) { print(v_sprintf(str, pt)) } pub fn v_sprintf(str string, pt ... voidptr) string{ mut res := strings.new_builder(pt.len * 16) mut i := 0 // main strign index mut p_index := 0 // parameter index mut sign := false // sign flag mut allign := Align_text.right mut len0 := -1 // forced length, if -1 free length mut len1 := -1 // decimal part for floats def_len1 := 6 // default value for len1 mut pad_ch := ` ` // pad char mut th_separator := false // thousands separator flag // prefix chars for Length field mut ch1 := `0` // +1 char if present else `0` mut ch2 := `0` // +2 char if present else `0` mut status := Char_parse_state.norm_char for i < str.len { if status == .reset_params { sign = false allign = .right len0 = -1 len1 = -1 pad_ch = ` ` th_separator = false status = .norm_char ch1 = `0` ch2 = `0` continue } ch := str[i] if ch != `%` && status == .norm_char { res.write_b(ch) i++ continue } if ch == `%` && status == .norm_char { status = .field_char i++ continue } // single char, manage it here if ch == `c` && status == .field_char { d1 := unsafe {*(&byte(pt[p_index]))} res.write_b(d1) status = .reset_params p_index++ i++ continue } // pointer, manage it here if ch == `p` && status == .field_char { res.write("0x") res.write(ptr_str(unsafe {pt[p_index]})) status = .reset_params p_index++ i++ continue } if status == .field_char { mut fc_ch1 := `0` mut fc_ch2 := `0` if (i + 1) < str.len { fc_ch1 = str[i+1] if (i + 2) < str.len { fc_ch2 = str[i+2] } } if ch == `+` { sign = true i++ continue } else if ch == `-` { allign = .left i++ continue } else if ch in [`0`,` `] { if allign == .right { pad_ch = ch } i++ continue } else if ch == `'` { th_separator = true i++ continue } else if ch == `.` && fc_ch1 >= `1` && fc_ch1 <= `9` { status = .check_float i++ continue } // manage "%.*s" precision field else if ch == `.` && fc_ch1 == `*` && fc_ch2 == `s` { len := unsafe {*(&int(pt[p_index]))} p_index++ mut s := unsafe {*(&string(pt[p_index]))} s = s[..len] p_index++ res.write(s) status = .reset_params i += 3 continue } status = .len_set_start continue } if status == .len_set_start { if ch >= `1` && ch <= `9` { len0 = int(ch - `0`) status = .len_set_in i++ continue } if ch == `.` { status = .check_float i++ continue } status = .check_type continue } if status == .len_set_in { if ch >= `0` && ch <= `9` { len0 *= 10 len0 += int(ch - `0`) i++ continue } if ch == `.` { status = .check_float i++ continue } status = .check_type continue } if status == .check_float { if ch >= `0` && ch <= `9` { len1 = int(ch - `0`) status = .check_float_in i++ continue } status = .check_type continue } if status == .check_float_in { if ch >= `0` && ch <= `9` { len1 *= 10 len1 += int(ch - `0`) i++ continue } status = .check_type continue } if status == .check_type { if ch == `l` { if ch1 == `0` { ch1 = `l` i++ continue } else { ch2 = `l` i++ continue } } else if ch == `h` { if ch1 == `0` { ch1 = `h` i++ continue } else { ch2 = `h` i++ continue } } // signed integer else if ch in [`d`,`i`] { mut d1 := u64(0) mut positive := true //println("$ch1 $ch2") match ch1 { // h for 16 bit int // hh fot 8 bit int `h` { if ch2 == `h` { x := unsafe {*(&i8(pt[p_index]))} positive = if x >= 0 { true } else { false } d1 = if positive { u64(x) } else { u64(-x) } } else { x := unsafe {*(&i16(pt[p_index]))} positive = if x >= 0 { true } else { false } d1 = if positive { u64(x) } else { u64(-x) } } } // l i64 // ll i64 for now `l` { // placeholder for future 128bit integer code /* if ch2 == `l` { x := *(&i128(pt[p_index])) positive = if x >= 0 { true } else { false } d1 = if positive { u128(x) } else { u128(-x) } } else { x := *(&i64(pt[p_index])) positive = if x >= 0 { true } else { false } d1 = if positive { u64(x) } else { u64(-x) } } */ x := unsafe {*(&i64(pt[p_index]))} positive = if x >= 0 { true } else { false } d1 = if positive { u64(x) } else { u64(-x) } } // default int else { x := unsafe {*(&int(pt[p_index]))} positive = if x >= 0 { true } else { false } d1 = if positive { u64(x) } else { u64(-x) } } } res.write(format_dec(d1,{pad_ch: pad_ch, len0: len0, len1: 0, positive: positive, sign_flag: sign, allign: allign})) status = .reset_params p_index++ i++ ch1 = `0` ch2 = `0` continue } // unsigned integer else if ch == `u` { mut d1 := u64(0) positive := true match ch1 { // h for 16 bit unsigned int // hh fot 8 bit unsigned int `h` { if ch2 == `h` { d1 = u64(unsafe {*(&byte(pt[p_index]))}) } else { d1 = u64(unsafe {*(&u16(pt[p_index]))}) } } // l u64 // ll u64 for now `l` { // placeholder for future 128bit integer code /* if ch2 == `l` { d1 = u128(*(&u128(pt[p_index]))) } else { d1 = u64(*(&u64(pt[p_index]))) } */ d1 = u64(unsafe {*(&u64(pt[p_index]))}) } // defualt int else { d1 = u64(unsafe {*(&u32(pt[p_index]))}) } } res.write(format_dec(d1,{pad_ch: pad_ch, len0: len0, len1: 0, positive: positive, sign_flag: sign, allign: allign})) status = .reset_params p_index++ i++ continue } // hex else if ch in [`x`, `X`] { mut s := "" match ch1 { // h for 16 bit int // hh fot 8 bit int `h` { if ch2 == `h` { x := unsafe {*(&i8(pt[p_index]))} s = x.hex() } else { x := unsafe {*(&i16(pt[p_index]))} s = x.hex() } } // l i64 // ll i64 for now `l` { // placeholder for future 128bit integer code /* if ch2 == `l` { x := *(&i128(pt[p_index])) s = x.hex() } else { x := *(&i64(pt[p_index])) s = x.hex() } */ x := unsafe {*(&i64(pt[p_index]))} s = x.hex() } else { x := unsafe {*(&int(pt[p_index]))} s = x.hex() } } if ch == `X` { s = s.to_upper() } res.write(format_str(s,{pad_ch: pad_ch, len0: len0, len1: 0, positive: true, sign_flag: false, allign: allign})) status = .reset_params p_index++ i++ continue } // float and double if ch in [`f`, `F`] { x := unsafe {*(&f64(pt[p_index]))} mut positive := x >= f64(0.0) len1 = if len1 >= 0 { len1 } else { def_len1 } s := format_fl(f64(x), {pad_ch: pad_ch, len0: len0, len1: len1, positive: positive, sign_flag: sign, allign: allign}) res.write(if ch == `F` {s.to_upper()} else {s}) status = .reset_params p_index++ i++ continue } else if ch in [`e`, `E`] { x := unsafe {*(&f64(pt[p_index]))} mut positive := x >= f64(0.0) len1 = if len1 >= 0 { len1 } else { def_len1 } s := format_es(f64(x), {pad_ch: pad_ch, len0: len0, len1: len1, positive: positive, sign_flag: sign, allign: allign}) res.write(if ch == `E` {s.to_upper()} else {s}) status = .reset_params p_index++ i++ continue } else if ch in [`g`, `G`] { x := unsafe {*(&f64(pt[p_index]))} mut positive := x >= f64(0.0) mut s := "" tx := fabs(x) if tx < 999_999.0 && tx >= 0.00001 { //println("Here g format_fl [$tx]") len1 = if len1 >= 0 { len1+1 } else { def_len1 } s = format_fl(x, {pad_ch: pad_ch, len0: len0, len1: len1, positive: positive, sign_flag: sign, allign: allign, rm_tail_zero: true}) } else { len1 = if len1 >= 0 { len1+1 } else { def_len1 } s = format_es(x, {pad_ch: pad_ch, len0: len0, len1: len1, positive: positive, sign_flag: sign, allign: allign, rm_tail_zero: true}) } res.write(if ch == `G` {s.to_upper()} else {s}) status = .reset_params p_index++ i++ continue } // string else if ch == `s` { s1 := unsafe{*(&string(pt[p_index]))} pad_ch = ` ` res.write(format_str(s1, {pad_ch: pad_ch, len0: len0, len1: 0, positive: true, sign_flag: false, allign: allign})) status = .reset_params p_index++ i++ continue } } status = .reset_params p_index++ i++ } return res.str() } fn fabs(x f64) f64 { if x < 0.0 { return -x } return x }