set exiterror=0 @echo off echo Building V for Windows... if exist "vc" ( rd /s /q vc ) git version git clone --depth 1 --quiet echo Building v.c... gcc -std=gnu11 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -w -o v2.exe vc/v_win.c 2>&1 if %ERRORLEVEL% GEQ 1 ( echo gcc failed to compile - Create an issue at '' exit /b 1 ) echo Building v.v... v2.exe -o v.exe compiler if %ERRORLEVEL% GEQ 1 ( echo v.exe failed to compile itself - Create an issue at '' exit /b 1 ) echo Cleaning up... rem del v2.exe rd /s /q vc if exist "v.exe" ( echo V has been successfully built ) else ( echo v.exe was not generated - Create an issue at '' exit /b 1 )