// Copyright (c) 2019-2021 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.

module builtin

fn (a any) toString()

pub fn println(s any) {
	// Quickfix to properly print basic types
	// TODO: Add proper detection code for this

pub fn print(s any) {
	// TODO
	// $if js.node {
	// } $else {
	//	panic('Cannot `print` in a browser, use `println` instead')
	// }

pub fn eprintln(s any) {

pub fn eprint(s any) {
	// TODO
	// $if js.node {
	// } $else {
	//	panic('Cannot `eprint` in a browser, use `eprintln` instead')
	// }

// Exits the process in node, and halts execution in the browser
// because `process.exit` is undefined. Workaround for not having
// a 'real' way to exit in the browser.
pub fn exit(c int) {

pub fn unwrap(opt any) any {
	o := &Option(opt)
	if o.not_ok {
	return opt

pub fn panic(s string) {
	eprintln('V panic: $s')

struct Option {
	not_ok  bool
	is_none bool
	error   string
	ecode   int
	data    any

pub fn (o Option) str() string {
   if !o.not_ok {
	  return 'Option{ ok }'
   if o.is_none {
	  return 'Option{ none }'
   return 'Option{ error: "${o.error}" }'

pub fn error(s string) Option {
	return Option{
		not_ok: true
		is_none: false
		error: s

pub fn error_with_code(s string, code int) Option {
	return Option{
		not_ok: true
		is_none: false
		error: s
		ecode: code