module sync import time import rand #flag windows -I @VROOT/thirdparty/stdatomic/win #flag linux -I @VROOT/thirdparty/stdatomic/nix #flag darwin -I @VROOT/thirdparty/stdatomic/nix #flag freebsd -I @VROOT/thirdparty/stdatomic/nix #flag solaris -I @VROOT/thirdparty/stdatomic/nix $if linux { $if tinyc { // most Linux distributions have /usr/lib/, but Ubuntu uses gcc version specific dir #flag -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/8 -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9 -latomic } } #include // the following functions are actually generic in C fn C.atomic_load_ptr(voidptr) voidptr fn C.atomic_store_ptr(voidptr, voidptr) fn C.atomic_compare_exchange_weak_ptr(voidptr, voidptr, voidptr) bool fn C.atomic_compare_exchange_strong_ptr(voidptr, voidptr, voidptr) bool fn C.atomic_exchange_ptr(voidptr, voidptr) voidptr fn C.atomic_fetch_add_ptr(voidptr, voidptr) voidptr fn C.atomic_fetch_sub_ptr(voidptr, voidptr) voidptr fn C.atomic_load_u16(voidptr) u16 fn C.atomic_store_u16(voidptr, u16) fn C.atomic_compare_exchange_weak_u16(voidptr, voidptr, u16) bool fn C.atomic_compare_exchange_strong_u16(voidptr, voidptr, u16) bool fn C.atomic_exchange_u16(voidptr, u16) u16 fn C.atomic_fetch_add_u16(voidptr, u16) u16 fn C.atomic_fetch_sub_u16(voidptr, u16) u16 fn C.atomic_load_u32(voidptr) u32 fn C.atomic_store_u32(voidptr, u32) fn C.atomic_compare_exchange_weak_u32(voidptr, voidptr, u32) bool fn C.atomic_compare_exchange_strong_u32(voidptr, voidptr, u32) bool fn C.atomic_exchange_u32(voidptr, u32) u32 fn C.atomic_fetch_add_u32(voidptr, u32) u32 fn C.atomic_fetch_sub_u32(voidptr, u32) u32 fn C.atomic_load_u64(voidptr) u64 fn C.atomic_store_u64(voidptr, u64) fn C.atomic_compare_exchange_weak_u64(voidptr, voidptr, u64) bool fn C.atomic_compare_exchange_strong_u64(voidptr, voidptr, u64) bool fn C.atomic_exchange_u64(voidptr, u64) u64 fn C.atomic_fetch_add_u64(voidptr, u64) u64 fn C.atomic_fetch_sub_u64(voidptr, u64) u64 const ( // how often to try to get data without blocking before to wait for semaphore spinloops = 750 spinloops_sem = 4000 ) enum BufferElemStat { unused = 0 writing written reading } struct Subscription { mut: sem Semaphore prev &&Subscription nxt &Subscription } enum Direction { pop push } enum TransactionState { success not_ready // push()/pop() would have to wait, but no_block was requested closed } struct Channel { writesem Semaphore // to wake thread that wanted to write, but buffer was full readsem Semaphore // to wake thread that wanted to read, but buffer was empty writesem_im Semaphore readsem_im Semaphore ringbuf byteptr // queue for buffered channels statusbuf byteptr // flags to synchronize write/read in ringbuf objsize u32 queue_length u32 // in #objects mut: // atomic write_adr C.atomic_uintptr_t // if != NULL the next obj can be written here without wait read_adr C.atomic_uintptr_t // if != NULL an obj can be read from here without wait adr_read C.atomic_uintptr_t // used to identify origin of writesem adr_written C.atomic_uintptr_t // used to identify origin of readsem write_free u32 // for queue state read_avail u32 buf_elem_write_idx u32 buf_elem_read_idx u32 // for select write_subscriber &Subscription read_subscriber &Subscription write_sub_mtx u16 read_sub_mtx u16 closed u16 } pub fn new_channel(n u32) &Channel { st := sizeof(T) return &Channel{ writesem: new_semaphore_init(if n > 0 { n + 1 } else { 1 }) readsem: new_semaphore_init(if n > 0 { u32(0) } else { 1 }) writesem_im: new_semaphore() readsem_im: new_semaphore() objsize: st queue_length: n write_free: n read_avail: 0 ringbuf: if n > 0 { malloc(int(n * st)) } else { byteptr(0) } statusbuf: if n > 0 { vcalloc(int(n * 2)) } else { byteptr(0) } write_subscriber: 0 read_subscriber: 0 } } pub fn (mut ch Channel) close() { C.atomic_store_u16(&ch.closed, 1) mut nulladr := voidptr(0) for !C.atomic_compare_exchange_weak_ptr(&ch.adr_written, &nulladr, voidptr(-1)) { nulladr = voidptr(0) } mut null16 := u16(0) for !C.atomic_compare_exchange_weak_u16(&ch.read_sub_mtx, &null16, u16(1)) { null16 = u16(0) } if ch.read_subscriber != voidptr(0) { } C.atomic_store_u16(&ch.read_sub_mtx, u16(0)) null16 = u16(0) for !C.atomic_compare_exchange_weak_u16(&ch.write_sub_mtx, &null16, u16(1)) { null16 = u16(0) } if ch.write_subscriber != voidptr(0) { } C.atomic_store_u16(&ch.write_sub_mtx, u16(0)) } [inline] pub fn (mut ch Channel) push(src voidptr) { if ch.try_push_priv(src, false) == .closed { panic('push on closed channel') } } [inline] pub fn (mut ch Channel) try_push(src voidptr) TransactionState { return ch.try_push_priv(src, false) } fn (mut ch Channel) try_push_priv(src voidptr, no_block bool) TransactionState { if C.atomic_load_u16(&ch.closed) != 0 { return .closed } mut spinloops_sem_, spinloops_ := if no_block { spinloops, spinloops_sem } else { 1, 1 } $if macos { spinloops_sem_ = 1 } mut have_swapped := false for { mut got_sem := false mut wradr := C.atomic_load_ptr(&ch.write_adr) for wradr != C.NULL { if C.atomic_compare_exchange_strong_ptr(&ch.write_adr, &wradr, voidptr(0)) { // there is a reader waiting for us unsafe { C.memcpy(wradr, src, ch.objsize) } mut nulladr := voidptr(0) for !C.atomic_compare_exchange_weak_ptr(&ch.adr_written, &nulladr, wradr) { nulladr = voidptr(0) } return .success } } if no_block && ch.queue_length == 0 { return .not_ready } // get token to read for _ in 0 .. spinloops_sem_ { if got_sem { break } got_sem = ch.writesem.try_wait() } if !got_sem { ch.writesem.wait() } if ch.queue_length == 0 { // try to advertise current object as readable mut read_in_progress := false C.atomic_store_ptr(&ch.read_adr, src) wradr = C.atomic_load_ptr(&ch.write_adr) if wradr != C.NULL { mut src2 := src if C.atomic_compare_exchange_strong_ptr(&ch.read_adr, &src2, voidptr(0)) { continue } else { read_in_progress = true } } if !read_in_progress { mut null16 := u16(0) for !C.atomic_compare_exchange_weak_u16(&ch.read_sub_mtx, &null16, u16(1)) { null16 = u16(0) } if ch.read_subscriber != voidptr(0) { } C.atomic_store_u16(&ch.read_sub_mtx, u16(0)) } mut src2 := src for sp := u32(0); sp < spinloops_ || read_in_progress; sp++ { if C.atomic_compare_exchange_strong_ptr(&ch.adr_read, &src2, voidptr(0)) { have_swapped = true read_in_progress = true break } src2 = src } mut got_im_sem := false for sp := u32(0); sp < spinloops_sem_ || read_in_progress; sp++ { got_im_sem = ch.writesem_im.try_wait() if got_im_sem { break } } for { if got_im_sem { got_im_sem = false } else { ch.writesem_im.wait() } if have_swapped || C.atomic_compare_exchange_strong_ptr(&ch.adr_read, &src2, voidptr(0)) { break } else { // this semaphore was not for us - repost in if src2 == voidptr(-1) { return .closed } src2 = src } } return .success } else { // buffered channel mut space_in_queue := false mut wr_free := C.atomic_load_u32(&ch.write_free) for wr_free > 0 { space_in_queue = C.atomic_compare_exchange_weak_u32(&ch.write_free, &wr_free, wr_free-1) if space_in_queue { break } } if space_in_queue { mut wr_idx := C.atomic_load_u32(&ch.buf_elem_write_idx) for { mut new_wr_idx := wr_idx + 1 for new_wr_idx >= ch.queue_length { new_wr_idx -= ch.queue_length } if C.atomic_compare_exchange_strong_u32(&ch.buf_elem_write_idx, &wr_idx, new_wr_idx) { break } } mut wr_ptr := ch.ringbuf mut status_adr := ch.statusbuf unsafe { wr_ptr += wr_idx * ch.objsize status_adr += wr_idx * sizeof(u16) } mut expected_status := u16(BufferElemStat.unused) for !C.atomic_compare_exchange_weak_u16(status_adr, &expected_status, u16(BufferElemStat.writing)) { expected_status = u16(BufferElemStat.unused) } unsafe { C.memcpy(wr_ptr, src, ch.objsize) } C.atomic_store_u16(status_adr, u16(BufferElemStat.written)) old_read_avail := C.atomic_fetch_add_u32(&ch.read_avail, 1) if old_read_avail == 0 { mut null16 := u16(0) for !C.atomic_compare_exchange_weak_u16(&ch.read_sub_mtx, &null16, u16(1)) { null16 = u16(0) } if ch.read_subscriber != voidptr(0) { } C.atomic_store_u16(&ch.read_sub_mtx, u16(0)) } return .success } else { } } } } [inline] pub fn (mut ch Channel) pop(dest voidptr) bool { return ch.try_pop_priv(dest, false) == .success } [inline] pub fn (mut ch Channel) try_pop(dest voidptr) TransactionState { return ch.try_pop_priv(dest, false) } fn (mut ch Channel) try_pop_priv(dest voidptr, no_block bool) TransactionState { mut spinloops_sem_, spinloops_ := if no_block { spinloops, spinloops_sem } else { 1, 1 } $if macos { spinloops_sem_ = 1 } mut have_swapped := false mut write_in_progress := false for { mut got_sem := false if ch.queue_length == 0 { // unbuffered channel - first see if a `push()` has adversized mut rdadr := C.atomic_load_ptr(&ch.read_adr) for rdadr != C.NULL { if C.atomic_compare_exchange_strong_ptr(&ch.read_adr, &rdadr, voidptr(0)) { // there is a writer waiting for us unsafe { C.memcpy(dest, rdadr, ch.objsize) } mut nulladr := voidptr(0) for !C.atomic_compare_exchange_weak_ptr(&ch.adr_read, &nulladr, rdadr) { nulladr = voidptr(0) } return .success } } if no_block { return if C.atomic_load_u16(&ch.closed) == 0 { TransactionState.not_ready } else { TransactionState.closed } } } // get token to read for _ in 0 .. spinloops_sem_ { if got_sem { break } got_sem = ch.readsem.try_wait() } if !got_sem { if no_block { return if C.atomic_load_u16(&ch.closed) == 0 { TransactionState.not_ready } else { TransactionState.closed } } ch.readsem.wait() } if ch.queue_length > 0 { // try to get buffer token mut obj_in_queue := false mut rd_avail := C.atomic_load_u32(&ch.read_avail) for rd_avail > 0 { obj_in_queue = C.atomic_compare_exchange_weak_u32(&ch.read_avail, &rd_avail, rd_avail-1) if obj_in_queue { break } } if obj_in_queue { mut rd_idx := C.atomic_load_u32(&ch.buf_elem_read_idx) for { mut new_rd_idx := rd_idx + 1 for new_rd_idx >= ch.queue_length { new_rd_idx -= ch.queue_length } if C.atomic_compare_exchange_weak_u32(&ch.buf_elem_read_idx, &rd_idx, new_rd_idx) { break } } mut rd_ptr := ch.ringbuf mut status_adr := ch.statusbuf unsafe { rd_ptr += rd_idx * ch.objsize status_adr += rd_idx * sizeof(u16) } mut expected_status := u16(BufferElemStat.written) for !C.atomic_compare_exchange_weak_u16(status_adr, &expected_status, u16(BufferElemStat.reading)) { expected_status = u16(BufferElemStat.written) } unsafe { C.memcpy(dest, rd_ptr, ch.objsize) } C.atomic_store_u16(status_adr, u16(BufferElemStat.unused)) old_write_free := C.atomic_fetch_add_u32(&ch.write_free, 1) if old_write_free == 0 { mut null16 := u16(0) for !C.atomic_compare_exchange_weak_u16(&ch.write_sub_mtx, &null16, u16(1)) { null16 = u16(0) } if ch.write_subscriber != voidptr(0) { } C.atomic_store_u16(&ch.write_sub_mtx, u16(0)) } return .success } } // try to advertise `dest` as writable C.atomic_store_ptr(&ch.write_adr, dest) if ch.queue_length == 0 { mut rdadr := C.atomic_load_ptr(&ch.read_adr) if rdadr != C.NULL { mut dest2 := dest if C.atomic_compare_exchange_strong_ptr(&ch.write_adr, &dest2, voidptr(0)) { continue } else { write_in_progress = true } } } if ch.queue_length == 0 && !write_in_progress { mut null16 := u16(0) for !C.atomic_compare_exchange_weak_u16(&ch.write_sub_mtx, &null16, u16(1)) { null16 = u16(0) } if ch.write_subscriber != voidptr(0) { } C.atomic_store_u16(&ch.write_sub_mtx, u16(0)) } mut dest2 := dest for sp := u32(0); sp < spinloops_ || write_in_progress; sp++ { if C.atomic_compare_exchange_strong_ptr(&ch.adr_written, &dest2, voidptr(0)) { have_swapped = true break } else if dest2 == voidptr(-1) { return .closed } dest2 = dest } mut got_im_sem := false for sp := u32(0); sp < spinloops_sem_ || write_in_progress; sp++ { got_im_sem = ch.readsem_im.try_wait() if got_im_sem { break } } for { if got_im_sem { got_im_sem = false } else { ch.readsem_im.wait() } if have_swapped || C.atomic_compare_exchange_strong_ptr(&ch.adr_written, &dest2, voidptr(0)) { break } else { // this semaphore was not for us - repost in if dest2 == voidptr(-1) { return .closed } dest2 = dest } } return .success } } // Wait `timeout` on any of `channels[i]` until one of them can push (`is_push[i] = true`) or pop (`is_push[i] = false`) // object referenced by `objrefs[i]`. `timeout < 0` means wait unlimited time. `timeout == 0` means return immediately // if no transaction can be performed without waiting. // return value: the index of the channel on which a transaction has taken place // -1 if waiting for a transaction has exceeded timeout // -2 if all channels are closed pub fn channel_select(mut channels []&Channel, dir []Direction, mut objrefs []voidptr, timeout time.Duration) int { assert channels.len == dir.len assert dir.len == objrefs.len mut subscr := []Subscription{len: channels.len} sem := new_semaphore() for i, ch in channels { if dir[i] == .push { mut null16 := u16(0) for !C.atomic_compare_exchange_weak_u16(&ch.write_sub_mtx, &null16, u16(1)) { null16 = u16(0) } subscr[i].sem = sem subscr[i].prev = &ch.write_subscriber subscr[i].nxt = C.atomic_exchange_ptr(&ch.write_subscriber, &subscr[i]) if voidptr(subscr[i].nxt) != voidptr(0) { subscr[i].nxt.prev = &subscr[i] } C.atomic_store_u16(&ch.write_sub_mtx, u16(0)) } else { mut null16 := u16(0) for !C.atomic_compare_exchange_weak_u16(&ch.read_sub_mtx, &null16, u16(1)) { null16 = u16(0) } subscr[i].sem = sem subscr[i].prev = &ch.read_subscriber subscr[i].nxt = C.atomic_exchange_ptr(&ch.read_subscriber, &subscr[i]) if voidptr(subscr[i].nxt) != voidptr(0) { subscr[i].nxt.prev = &subscr[i] } C.atomic_store_u16(&ch.read_sub_mtx, u16(0)) } } stopwatch := if timeout <= 0 { time.StopWatch{} } else { time.new_stopwatch({}) } mut event_idx := -1 // negative index means `timed out` for { rnd := rand.u32_in_range(0, u32(channels.len)) mut num_closed := 0 for j, _ in channels { mut i := j + int(rnd) if i >= channels.len { i -= channels.len } if dir[i] == .push { stat := channels[i].try_push_priv(objrefs[i], true) if stat == .success { event_idx = i goto restore } else if stat == .closed { num_closed++ } } else { stat := channels[i].try_pop_priv(objrefs[i], true) if stat == .success { event_idx = i goto restore } else if stat == .closed { num_closed++ } } } if num_closed == channels.len { event_idx = -2 goto restore } if timeout == 0 { goto restore } else if timeout > 0 { remaining := timeout - stopwatch.elapsed() if !sem.timed_wait(remaining) { goto restore } } else { sem.wait() } } restore: // reset subscribers for i, ch in channels { if dir[i] == .push { mut null16 := u16(0) for !C.atomic_compare_exchange_weak_u16(&ch.write_sub_mtx, &null16, u16(1)) { null16 = u16(0) } subscr[i].prev = subscr[i].nxt if subscr[i].nxt != 0 { // just in case we have missed a semaphore during restore subscr[i] } C.atomic_store_u16(&ch.write_sub_mtx, u16(0)) } else { mut null16 := u16(0) for !C.atomic_compare_exchange_weak_u16(&ch.read_sub_mtx, &null16, u16(1)) { null16 = u16(0) } subscr[i].prev = subscr[i].nxt if subscr[i].nxt != 0 { subscr[i] } C.atomic_store_u16(&ch.read_sub_mtx, u16(0)) } } sem.destroy() return event_idx }