module embed import os // // EmbeddedData encapsulates functionality for the `$embed_file()` compile time call. pub struct EmbeddedData { path string apath string mut: compressed byteptr uncompressed byteptr free_compressed bool free_uncompressed bool pub: len int } pub fn (ed EmbeddedData) str() string { return 'embed.EmbeddedData{ len: $ed.len, path: "$ed.path", path: "$ed.apath", uncompressed: ${ptr_str(ed.uncompressed)} }' } [unsafe] pub fn (mut ed EmbeddedData) free() { unsafe { if ed.free_compressed { free(ed.compressed) } if ed.free_uncompressed { free(ed.uncompressed) } } } pub fn (mut ed EmbeddedData) data() byteptr { if !isnil(ed.uncompressed) { return ed.uncompressed } else { if isnil(ed.uncompressed) && !isnil(ed.compressed) { // TODO implement uncompression // See also C Gen.gen_embedded_data() where the compression should occur. ed.uncompressed = ed.compressed } else { mut path := os.resource_abs_path(ed.path) if !os.is_file(path) { path = ed.apath if !os.is_file(path) { panic('EmbeddedData error: files "$ed.path" and "$ed.apath" do not exist') } } bytes := os.read_bytes(path) or { panic('EmbeddedData error: "$path" could not be read: $err') } ed.uncompressed = ed.free_uncompressed = true } } return ed.uncompressed }