module executable import os import time import dl import strconv import pub const ( is_used = 1 ) // The live reloader code is implemented here. // Note: new_live_reload_info will be called by generated C code inside main() pub fn new_live_reload_info(original string, vexe string, vopts string, live_fn_mutex voidptr, live_linkfn live.FNLinkLiveSymbols) &live.LiveReloadInfo { file_base := os.file_name(original).replace('.v', '') so_dir := os.cache_dir() mut so_extension := dl.dl_ext $if macos { so_extension = '.dylib' } // $if msvc { so_extension = '.dll' } $else { so_extension = '.so' } return &live.LiveReloadInfo{ original: original vexe: vexe vopts: vopts live_fn_mutex: live_fn_mutex live_linkfn: live_linkfn so_extension: so_extension so_name_template: '$so_dir/tmp.%d.$file_base' live_lib: 0 reloads: 0 reload_time_ms: 0 } } // Note: start_reloader will be called by generated code inside main(), to start // the hot code reloader thread. start_reloader is executed in the context of // the original main thread. pub fn start_reloader(mut r live.LiveReloadInfo) { // The shared library should be loaded once in the main thread // If that fails, the program would crash anyway, just provide // an error message to the user and exit: r.reloads++ compile_and_reload_shared_lib(mut r) or { eprintln(err) exit(1) } go reloader(mut r) } fn elog(r &live.LiveReloadInfo, s string) { $if debuglive ? { eprintln(s) } } fn compile_and_reload_shared_lib(mut r live.LiveReloadInfo) ?bool { sw := time.new_stopwatch() new_lib_path := compile_lib(mut r) or { return error('errors while compiling $r.original') } elog(r, '> compile_and_reload_shared_lib compiled: $new_lib_path') load_lib(mut r, new_lib_path) r.reload_time_ms = int(sw.elapsed().milliseconds()) return true } fn compile_lib(mut r live.LiveReloadInfo) ?string { new_lib_path, new_lib_path_with_extension := current_shared_library_path(mut r) cmd := '${os.quoted_path(r.vexe)} $r.vopts -o ${os.quoted_path(new_lib_path)} ${os.quoted_path(r.original)}' elog(r, '> compilation cmd: $cmd') cwatch := time.new_stopwatch() recompilation_result := os.execute(cmd) elog(r, 'compilation took: ${cwatch.elapsed().milliseconds()}ms') if recompilation_result.exit_code != 0 { eprintln('recompilation error:') eprintln(recompilation_result.output) return none } if !os.exists(new_lib_path_with_extension) { eprintln('new_lib_path: $new_lib_path_with_extension does not exist') return none } return new_lib_path_with_extension } fn current_shared_library_path(mut r live.LiveReloadInfo) (string, string) { lib_path := strconv.v_sprintf(r.so_name_template.replace('\\', '\\\\'), r.reloads) lib_path_with_extension := lib_path + r.so_extension return lib_path, lib_path_with_extension } fn load_lib(mut r live.LiveReloadInfo, new_lib_path string) { elog(r, 'live mutex locking...') C.pthread_mutex_lock(r.live_fn_mutex) elog(r, 'live mutex locked') // if r.cb_locked_before != voidptr(0) { r.cb_locked_before(r) } // protected_load_lib(mut r, new_lib_path) // r.reloads_ok++ if r.cb_locked_after != voidptr(0) { r.cb_locked_after(r) } // elog(r, 'live mutex unlocking...') C.pthread_mutex_unlock(r.live_fn_mutex) elog(r, 'live mutex unlocked') } fn protected_load_lib(mut r live.LiveReloadInfo, new_lib_path string) { if r.live_lib != 0 { dl.close(r.live_lib) r.live_lib = C.NULL } r.live_lib =, dl.rtld_lazy) if r.live_lib == 0 { eprintln('opening $new_lib_path failed') exit(1) } r.live_linkfn(r.live_lib) elog(r, '> load_lib OK, new live_lib: $r.live_lib') // removing the .so file from the filesystem after dlopen-ing // it is safe, since it will still be mapped in memory os.rm(new_lib_path) or {} } // Note: r.reloader() is executed in a new, independent thread fn reloader(mut r live.LiveReloadInfo) { // elog(r,'reloader, r: $r') mut last_ts := os.file_last_mod_unix(r.original) for { if r.cb_recheck != voidptr(0) { r.cb_recheck(r) } now_ts := os.file_last_mod_unix(r.original) if last_ts != now_ts { r.reloads++ last_ts = now_ts r.last_mod_ts = last_ts if r.cb_before != voidptr(0) { r.cb_before(r) } compile_and_reload_shared_lib(mut r) or { if r.cb_compile_failed != voidptr(0) { r.cb_compile_failed(r) } if r.cb_after != voidptr(0) { r.cb_after(r) } continue } if r.cb_after != voidptr(0) { r.cb_after(r) } } if r.recheck_period_ms > 0 { time.sleep(r.recheck_period_ms * time.millisecond) } } }