## V 0.1.21
*30 Sep 2019*

- `none` keyword for optionals.
- Solaris support.
- All table lookup functions now use `none`.
- varargs: `fn foo(bar int, params ...string) {`
- Double quotes (`"`) can now also be used to denote strings.
- GitHub Actions CI in addition to Travis.
- `-compress` option. The V binary built with `-compress` is only ~90 KB!
- More memory management.
- Unused modules result in an error.
- "Unused variable/module" errors are now warnings in non-production builds.
- Duplicate methods with the same name can no longer be defined.
- Struct names must be capitalized, variable/function names must use snake_case.
- Error messages are now even nicer!
- Lots of fixes in automatic `.str()` method generation for structs and arrays.
- ~30% faster parser (files are no longer parsed separately for each pass).
- `_` is no longer a variable, but an actual syntax construct to skip unused values, like in Go.
- Multiple returns (`fn foo() (int, string) {`).
- `!` can now only be used with booleans.

## V 0.1.20
*17 Sep 2019*

- JavaScript backend!
- Hundreds of C warnings were fixed. `gcc v.c` now builds without
any warnings.
- The mutability check now applies to function args (mutable
receivers that are not modified result in a compilation error).
- V tests now show how long each test took.
- Official Android support (only console applications via Termux for now).
- Typo check. If a variable/function/module etc is misspelled,
V will suggest the correct name.
- Lots of Microsoft C fixes, and a separate Travis instance for
this backend.
- Bitwise operators `|`, `^`, `&` no longer work with booleans.

## V 0.1.19
*12 Sep 2019*

- Lots of refactoring, simplifications, and optimizations in the compiler.
- Experimental memory management at compilation (only for the V compiler itself for now).
- Lots of ORM fixes.
- Functions can now be inlined via the `[inline]` attribute.
- New `mysql` module.
- Better error format that is supported by all major editors (go to error).
- Error messages now point to the actual place where the error happened.
- Custom json field names: `struct User { last_name string [json:lastName] }`.
- Raw json fields via the `[raw]` attribute.
- All C code was removed from the `freetype` module.
- `gg` module can now render all Unicode characters.
- `[typedef]` attribute for imported C struct typedefs.
- Support of Objective C interfaces (primarily for using Cocoa).
- REPL: clear command and custom functions.
- REPL tests (which are also used for testing certain compiler errors).
- Syntax bug fixed: `foo[0] += 10` is now possible.
- http: support plain HTTP protocol and follow redirects.
- http: header data is now processed correctly.
- net: basic UDP support.
- `import const` was removed from the language.
- `array.contains()` was removed from the language (`in` should be used instead).
- `[0; len]` syntax was removed (replaced with a simpler `[0].repeat(len)`)
- Primitive aliases were removed to simplify the language.
- GitHub supports V now!
- Backtraces are now printed on panics.
- A new awesome `readline` module.
- V.c is now regenerated automatically after every commit.
- A bug with struct ordering was fixed, now structs can be declared in any order.
- V modules can now be built with `v build module`.
- `@FILE, @LINE, @FN, @COLUMN` for debugging.

## V 0.1.18
*16 Aug 2019*

- Built-in ORM (`uk_customers = db.select from Customer where country == 'uk' && nr_orders > 0`)
- Map initialization syntax: `m := { ‘foo’: ‘bar’, ‘baz’: ‘foo’ }`
- `map.delete(key)`.
- `libcurl` dependency was removed from the `http` module.
- All function arguments are now immutable by default (previously they could be
  modifed inside the function).
- `http` functions now return optionals.
- `sync.WaitGroup`.
- `vweb` static files serving.
- `crypto.rand` module.
- `v up` to update V.
- SChannel support on Windows.
- `net.urllib` module.
- vpm package manager, `v install`.
- `()` are now required in complex bool expressions: `(a && b) || c` instead of `a && b || c
- All arrays now have a default `.str()` method.
- Bootstrapping V with MSVC.
- Experimental `≠` etc support.
- `encoding.csv` module.
- `$if debug {` for running code in debug mode only.
- Map struct fields are now initialized automatically, just like arrays.
- Maps now support array values.
- `json` functions can no longer be used if the `json` module is not imported.

## V 0.1.17
*29 Jul 2019*
- `vweb` module for developing web apps in V.
- vtalk, open source V forum software.
- Generics (very limited right now, but they will be gradually improved).
- Comptime codegen (`foo.$method()` where `method` is a string).
- @ for escaping keywords (e.g. `struct Foo { @type string }`).
- Windows Unicode fixes (V can now work with non-ASCII paths etc on Windows).
- Fix mutable args bugs + don't allow primitive arguments to be modified.
- Declaring a mutable variable and never modifying it results in a compilation error.
- Interactive debugging support.
- `sync` module for Windows.
- `#!` support on Unix systems (V scripts).
- Lots of Visual Studio fixes.
- `crypto.aes` and `crypto.rc4` modules.
- Internal modules.

## V 0.1.16
*23 Jul 2019*
- V can now be used with Visual Studio!
- Hot code reloading now works with graphical applications (e.g. graph.v, bounce.v).
- Compile time memory management for arrays.
- High order functions.
- `match` expression (replacing `switch`).
- Import cycle detection.
- `crypto/md5`, `crypto/sha256`, and `crypro/sha512` modules.
- `os.executable()` - a cross platform function that returns full path to current executable.
- `~/.vlang` and `VROOT` were removed entirely. The installation is a lot cleaner now.
- V can now be packaged for all Linux distros.
- Arch Linux package.
- `string(bytes_buffer, len)`, `string(bytes_array)` casts.
- Multiple `defer`s.
- `key in map` syntax (replacing `map.exists(key)`).

## V 0.1.15
*15 Jul 2019*
- FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, DragonFly support.
- Hot code reloading now works with graphical applications: [bounce.v](https://github.com/vlang/v/blob/master/examples/hot_code_reloading/bounce.v)
- VROOT was removed, the installation process is now much simpler.
- `defer` statement.
- map.v was re-written. It's now much faster.
- `for key, val in map` syntax.
- `flag` module for parsing command line arguments.
- `zip` module.
- `crypto/sha1` module.
- Submodules and module aliases (`import encoding.base64 as b64`).

## V 0.1.14
*12 Jul 2019*
- `gg` module Windows support, V Tetris runs on Windows.
- `glad` and `cJSON` are now compiled only once, this makes compilation of programs using `gg` and `json
  a bit faster.
- `v.c` has been cleaned up and minimized (~16k => ~10k lines of code).
- `type` aliases can now have methods.
- Const overflow check during compilation (`byte(1000)` will no longer compile)

## V 0.1.13
*10 Jul 2019*
- New enum syntax (`token == .name`), enum values are no longer global consts.
- Submodules (`import encoding.base64`).
- Hot code reloading.
- Special `err` variable for getting error values.
- Complex numbers.
- `<<` can now append arrays (`numbers << [1, 2, 3]`).
- Lots of Windows fixes (Windows still needs some work).
- Lots of REPL improvements (e.g. `>> 2 + 3` works now, no `println` required).
- The website was made easily translatable, it's now partially available in several languages.

## V 0.1.12
*4 Jul 2019*
- V can finally compile itself on Windows. (https://github.com/vlang/v#mingw-w64)
- `os` module now uses optionals in all functions that return `File`. Lots of  bugs with optionals fixed.
- `println` was optimized. It no longer results in allocations. Now it also works correctly with all integer types.
- Lots of `vfmt` fixes, it will be enabled tomorrow.
- New `strings` module.
- Lots of other fixes and improvements, thanks to all the contributors.

## V 0.1.11
*1 Jul 2019*
- Cross compilation for Windows!
- Lots of Windows fixes
- socket.v
- maps fixed

## V 0.1.9 - 0.1.10
*29 Jun 2019*
- Windows support via MinGW-w64. Pre-built Windows binary.
- File structure has been simplified: all vlib modules were moved to the vlib/ directory,
  makefile was moved to the root.
- One single archive with pre-built binaries for all operating systems.
- `mut var := val` was fixed (previously `mut var = val` was allowed as well).

## V 0.1.8
*28 Jun 2019*
- Single file programs without `fn main` now work as expected.
- REPL has been fixed: it now supports imports, consts, function definitions, etc.

## V 0.1.7
*27 Jun 2019*
- All C code in the compiler and vlib has been replaced with V.
- `#` syntax for embedding C code has been removed.
- Exported functions now need to be marked with `pub`, all public vlib functions have been updated.
- CI has been set up (Travis + Azure). On every commit and PR it is made sure that V
  can compile itself, all tests pass, and all examples compile.
- More tests have been uploaded.
- Cleaner bytes to string conversion: `tos2(bytes)` => `string(bytes)`.
- The home page has 3 more examples next to 'hello world' that show the features of the language.
- Lots of bugs and issues fixed.