// Copyright (c) 2019 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license // that can be found in the LICENSE file. module main import ( os filepath compiler ) struct FormatOptions { is_w bool is_diff bool is_verbose bool is_all bool } fn main() { foptions := FormatOptions{ is_w: '-w' in os.args is_diff: '-diff' in os.args is_verbose: '-verbose' in os.args || '--verbose' in os.args is_all: '-all' in os.args || '--all' in os.args } toolexe := os.executable() compiler.set_vroot_folder(filepath.dir(filepath.dir(toolexe))) args := compiler.env_vflags_and_os_args() if foptions.is_verbose { eprintln('vfmt toolexe: $toolexe') eprintln('vfmt args: ' + os.args.str()) eprintln('vfmt env_vflags_and_os_args: ' + args.str()) } mut files := []string for i := 1; i < args.len; i++ { a := args[i] if a == 'fmt' { continue } if !a.starts_with('-') { file := a if !os.exists(file) { compiler.verror('"$file" does not exist.') } if !file.ends_with('.v') { compiler.verror('v fmt can only be used on .v files.\nOffending file: "$file" .') } files << a } } if files.len == 0 { usage() exit(0) } if foptions.is_all { os.setenv('VFMT_OPTION_ALL', 'yes', true) } for file in files { format_file(file, foptions) } } fn format_file(file string, foptions FormatOptions) { mut v := compiler.new_v_compiler_with_args([file]) if foptions.is_verbose { eprintln('vfmt format_file: $file | v.dir: $v.dir') } v.compile() formatted_file_path := os.getenv('VFMT_FILE_RESULT') // eprintln('File: $file .') // eprintln('Formatted file is: $formatted_file_path .') if foptions.is_diff { if find_diff:=os.exec('diff -v'){ os.system('diff "$formatted_file_path" "$file" ') return } eprintln('No working "diff" CLI command found.') return } if foptions.is_w { os.mv_by_cp(formatted_file_path, file) or { panic(err) } eprintln('Reformatted file in place: $file .') } else { content := os.read_file(formatted_file_path) or { panic(err) } print(content) } } fn usage() { print('Usage: tools/vfmt [flags] path_to_source.v [path_to_other_source.v] Formats the given V source files, and prints their formatted source to stdout. Options: -diff display only diffs between the formatted source and the original source. -w write result to (source) file(s) instead of to stdout. ') }