module websocket // On linux, prefer a localy build openssl, because it is // much more likely for it to be newer, than the system // openssl from libssl-dev. If there is no local openssl, // the next flag is harmless, since it will still use the // (older) system openssl. #flag linux -I/usr/local/include/openssl -L/usr/local/lib #flag -lssl // MacPorts #flag darwin -I/opt/local/include #flag darwin -L/opt/local/lib // Brew #flag darwin -I/usr/local/opt/openssl/include #flag darwin -L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib #include <openssl/rand.h> #include <openssl/ssl.h> #include <openssl/err.h> struct SSL_CTX { } struct SSL { } struct SSL_METHOD { } fn C.SSL_load_error_strings() fn C.SSL_library_init() fn C.SSLv23_client_method() &C.SSL_METHOD fn C.SSL_CTX_new() &C.SSL_CTX fn C.SSL_new() &C.SSL fn C.SSL_set_fd() int fn C.SSL_connect() int fn C.SSL_shutdown() fn C.SSL_free() fn C.SSL_CTX_free() fn C.SSL_write() int fn C.SSL_read() int fn (mut ws Client) connect_ssl() { l.i('Using secure SSL connection') C.SSL_load_error_strings() C.SSL_library_init() ws.sslctx = C.SSL_CTX_new(C.SSLv23_client_method()) if ws.sslctx == 0 { l.f("Couldn't get ssl context") } ws.ssl = C.SSL_new(ws.sslctx) if ws.ssl == 0 { l.f("Couldn't create OpenSSL instance.") } if C.SSL_set_fd(ws.ssl, ws.socket.sockfd) != 1 { l.f("Couldn't assign ssl to socket.") } if C.SSL_connect(ws.ssl) != 1 { l.f("Couldn't connect using SSL.") } }