module time import rand #include struct Time { pub: year int day int month int hour int minute int second int uni int // TODO it's safe to use "unix" now } fn asfd() { } struct { tm_year int tm_mon int tm_mday int tm_hour int tm_min int tm_sec int } pub fn now() Time { # time_t t = time(0); // t := C.time(0) # struct tm * now = localtime(&t); res := Time{} # res.year = now->tm_year + 1900; # res.month = now->tm_mon + 1; # = now->tm_mday; # res.hour = now->tm_hour; # res.minute = now->tm_min; # res.second = now->tm_sec; # res.uni = (int)t; // # = now->tm_msec; return res } // fn now() Time { // t := C.time(0) // now := localtime(&t) // return Time{ // year: now.tm_year + 1900 // month : now.tm_mon + 1 // day : now.tm_mday // hour : now.tm_hour // minute : now.tm_min // second : now.tm_sec // uni : int(t) // } // } pub fn random() Time { return Time { year: + 201 month: + 1 day: + 1 hour: minute: second: } } pub fn unix(u string) Time { // println('unix time($u)') // # int aa = atoi(u.str); // #printf("!!!! %d\n", aa); # int uni = atoi(u.str); # time_t t = (time_t)uni; # struct tm * now = localtime(&t); // println('got tm') // TODO COPY PASTA res := Time{} # res.year = now->tm_year + 1900; # res.month = now->tm_mon + 1; # = now->tm_mday; # res.hour = now->tm_hour; # res.minute = now->tm_min; # res.second = now->tm_sec; # res.uni = uni; // println('end unix') return res } pub fn convert_ctime(t tm) Time { return Time { year: t.tm_year + 1900 month: t.tm_mon + 1 day: t.tm_mday hour: t.tm_hour minute: t.tm_min second: t.tm_sec } // uni = uni; } pub fn unixn(uni int) Time { // println('unix time($u)') // # int aa = atoi(u.str); // #printf("!!!! %d\n", aa); # time_t t = (time_t)uni; # struct tm * now = localtime(&t); // println('got tm') // TODO COPY PASTA res := Time{} # res.year = now->tm_year + 1900; # res.month = now->tm_mon + 1; # = now->tm_mday; # res.hour = now->tm_hour; # res.minute = now->tm_min; # res.second = now->tm_sec; # res.uni = uni; // println('end unix') return res } fn (t Time) format_ss() string { return '${t.year}-${t.month:02d}-${} ${t.hour:02d}:${t.minute:02d}:${t.second:02d}' } pub fn (t Time) format() string { return '${t.year}-${t.month:02d}-${} ${t.hour:02d}:${t.minute:02d}' } const ( Months = 'JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec' ) pub fn (t Time) smonth() string { i := t.month - 1 return Months.substr(i * 3, (i + 1) * 3) } // 21:04 pub fn (t Time) hhmm() string { return '${t.hour:02d}:${t.minute:02d}' } fn (t Time) hhmm_tmp() string { return '${t.hour:02d}:${t.minute:02d}' } // 21:04 pub fn (t Time) hhmm12() string { mut am := 'am' mut hour = t.hour if t.hour > 11 { am = 'pm' } if t.hour > 12 { hour = hour - 12 } if t.hour == 0 { hour = 12 } return '$hour:${t.minute:02d} $am' } // 21:04:03 fn (t Time) hhmmss() string { return '${t.hour:02d}:${t.minute:02d}:${t.second:02d}' } // 2012-01-05 fn (t Time) ymmdd() string { return '${t.year}-${t.month:02d}-${}' } // Jul 3 fn (t Time) md() string { // jl := t.smonth() s := '${t.smonth()} $' return s } fn (t Time) clean() string { nowe := // if amtime { // hm = t.Format("3:04 pm") // } // Today if t.month == nowe.month && t.year == nowe.year && == { return t.hhmm() } // This week // if time.Since(t) < 24*7*time.Hour { // return t.Weekday().String()[:3] + " " + hm // } // This year if t.year == nowe.year { return '${t.smonth()} ${} ${t.hhmm()}' } return t.format() // return fmt.Sprintf("%4d/%02d/%02d", t.Year(), t.Month(), t.Day()) + " " + hm } fn (t Time) clean12() string { nowe := // if amtime { // hm = t.Format("3:04 pm") // } // Today if t.month == nowe.month && t.year == nowe.year && == { return t.hhmm12() } // This week // if time.Since(t) < 24*7*time.Hour { // return t.Weekday().String()[:3] + " " + hm // } // This year if t.year == nowe.year { return '${t.smonth()} ${} ${t.hhmm12()}' } return t.format() // return fmt.Sprintf("%4d/%02d/%02d", t.Year(), t.Month(), t.Day()) + " " + hm } /* // in ms fn ticks() double { # struct timeval tv; # gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); # double time_in_mill = (tv.tv_sec) * 1000 + (tv.tv_usec) / 1000 ; // convert tv_sec & tv_usec to millisecond // # printf("!!!%f\n", time_in_mill); // # return (int)time_in_mill; // # return (int)(time_in_mill - 1521561736529); # return (long)(time_in_mill - 1523777913000); return double(0) // return int64(0) } */ // `parse` parses time in the following format: "2018-01-27 12:48:34" pub fn parse(s string) Time { // println('parse="$s"') pos := s.index(' ') if pos <= 0 { println('bad time format') return now() } symd := s.left(pos) ymd := symd.split('-') if ymd.len != 3 { println('bad time format') return now() } shms := s.right(pos) hms := shms.split(':') hour := hms[0] minute := hms[1] second := hms[2] // ////////// return new_time(Time { year: ymd[0].to_i() month: ymd[1].to_i() day: ymd[2].to_i() hour: hour.to_i() minute: minute.to_i() second: second.to_i() }) } fn new_time(t Time) Time { return{t | uni: t.calc_unix()} } fn (t &Time) calc_unix() int { # struct tm lDate; # lDate.tm_sec = t->second; # lDate.tm_min = t->minute; # lDate.tm_hour = t->hour; # lDate.tm_mday = t->day; # lDate.tm_mon = t->month-1; # lDate.tm_year = t->year - 1900; # time_t kek = mktime(&lDate); // # t->uni = (int)kek; # return (int)kek; return 0 } // TODO add(d time.Duration) pub fn (t Time) add_seconds(seconds int) Time { return unixn(t.uni + seconds) } // TODO use time.Duration instead of seconds fn since(t Time) int { return 0 } pub fn (t Time) relative() string { now := secs := now.uni - t.uni if secs <= 30 { // right now or in the future // TODO handle time in the future return 'now' } if secs < 60 { return '1m' } if secs < 3600 { return '${secs/60}m' } if secs < 3600 * 24 { return '${secs/3600}h' } if secs < 3600 * 24 * 5 { return '${secs/3600/24}d' } if secs > 3600 * 24 * 10000 { return '' } return } fn day_of_week(y, m, d int) int { // TODO please no # return (d += m < 3 ? y-- : y - 2, 23*m/9 + d + 4 + y/4- y/100 + y/400)%7; return 0 } pub fn (t Time) day_of_week() int { return day_of_week(t.year, t.month, }