module vweb struct RoutePair { url string route string } fn (rp RoutePair) test() ?[]string { url := rp.url.split('/').filter(it != '') route := rp.route.split('/').filter(it != '') return route_matches(url, route) } fn (rp RoutePair) test_match() { rp.test() or { panic('should match: $rp') } } fn (rp RoutePair) test_no_match() { rp.test() or { return } panic('should not match: $rp') } fn (rp RoutePair) test_param(expected []string) { res := rp.test() or { panic('should match: $rp') } assert res == expected } fn test_route_no_match() { tests := [ RoutePair{ url: '/a' route: '/a/b/c' }, RoutePair{ url: '/a/' route: '/a/b/c' }, RoutePair{ url: '/a/b' route: '/a/b/c' }, RoutePair{ url: '/a/b/' route: '/a/b/c' }, RoutePair{ url: '/a/c/b' route: '/a/b/c' }, RoutePair{ url: '/a/c/b/' route: '/a/b/c' }, RoutePair{ url: '/a/b/c/d' route: '/a/b/c' }, RoutePair{ url: '/a/b/c' route: '/' }, ] for test in tests { test.test_no_match() } } fn test_route_exact_match() { tests := [ RoutePair{ url: '/a/b/c' route: '/a/b/c' }, RoutePair{ url: '/a/b/c/' route: '/a/b/c' }, RoutePair{ url: '/a' route: '/a' }, RoutePair{ url: '/' route: '/' }, ] for test in tests { test.test_match() } } fn test_route_params_match() { RoutePair{ url: '/a/b/c' route: '/:a/b/c' }.test_match() RoutePair{ url: '/a/b/c' route: '/a/:b/c' }.test_match() RoutePair{ url: '/a/b/c' route: '/a/b/:c' }.test_match() RoutePair{ url: '/a/b/c' route: '/:a/b/:c' }.test_match() RoutePair{ url: '/a/b/c' route: '/:a/:b/:c' }.test_match() RoutePair{ url: '/one/two/three' route: '/:a/:b/:c' }.test_match() RoutePair{ url: '/one/b/c' route: '/:a/b/c' }.test_match() RoutePair{ url: '/one/two/three' route: '/:a/b/c' }.test_no_match() RoutePair{ url: '/one/two/three' route: '/:a/:b/c' }.test_no_match() RoutePair{ url: '/one/two/three' route: '/:a/b/:c' }.test_no_match() RoutePair{ url: '/a/b/c/d' route: '/:a/:b/:c' }.test_no_match() RoutePair{ url: '/1/2/3/4' route: '/:a/:b/:c' }.test_no_match() RoutePair{ url: '/a/b' route: '/:a/:b/:c' }.test_no_match() RoutePair{ url: '/1/2' route: '/:a/:b/:c' }.test_no_match() } fn test_route_params() { RoutePair{ url: '/a/b/c' route: '/:a/b/c' }.test_param(['a']) RoutePair{ url: '/one/b/c' route: '/:a/b/c' }.test_param(['one']) RoutePair{ url: '/one/two/c' route: '/:a/:b/c' }.test_param(['one', 'two']) RoutePair{ url: '/one/two/three' route: '/:a/:b/:c' }.test_param(['one', 'two', 'three']) RoutePair{ url: '/one/b/three' route: '/:a/b/:c' }.test_param(['one', 'three']) } fn test_route_params_array_match() { // array can only be used on the last word (TODO: add parsing / tests to ensure this) RoutePair{ url: '/a/b/c' route: '/a/b/:c...' }.test_match() RoutePair{ url: '/a/b/c/d' route: '/a/b/:c...' }.test_match() RoutePair{ url: '/a/b/c/d/e' route: '/a/b/:c...' }.test_match() RoutePair{ url: '/one/b/c/d/e' route: '/:a/b/:c...' }.test_match() RoutePair{ url: '/one/two/c/d/e' route: '/:a/:b/:c...' }.test_match() RoutePair{ url: '/one/two/three/four/five' route: '/:a/:b/:c...' }.test_match() RoutePair{ url: '/a/b' route: '/:a/:b/:c...' }.test_no_match() RoutePair{ url: '/a/b/' route: '/:a/:b/:c...' }.test_no_match() } fn test_route_params_array() { RoutePair{ url: '/a/b/c' route: '/a/b/:c...' }.test_param(['c']) RoutePair{ url: '/a/b/c/d' route: '/a/b/:c...' }.test_param(['c/d']) RoutePair{ url: '/a/b/c/d/' route: '/a/b/:c...' }.test_param(['c/d']) RoutePair{ url: '/a/b/c/d/e' route: '/a/b/:c...' }.test_param(['c/d/e']) RoutePair{ url: '/one/b/c/d/e' route: '/:a/b/:c...' }.test_param(['one', 'c/d/e']) RoutePair{ url: '/one/two/c/d/e' route: '/:a/:b/:c...' }.test_param(['one', 'two', 'c/d/e']) RoutePair{ url: '/one/two/three/d/e' route: '/:a/:b/:c...' }.test_param(['one', 'two', 'three/d/e']) } fn test_route_index_path() { RoutePair{ url: '/' route: '/:path...' }.test_param(['/']) RoutePair{ url: '/foo/bar' route: '/:path...' }.test_param(['/foo/bar']) }