module builtin // fn C.memcpy(dest voidptr, const_src voidptr, n size_t) voidptr fn C.memcmp(const_s1 voidptr, const_s2 voidptr, n size_t) int fn C.memmove(dest voidptr, const_src voidptr, n size_t) voidptr fn C.memset(str voidptr, c int, n size_t) voidptr [trusted] fn C.calloc(int, int) &byte fn C.malloc(int) &byte fn C.realloc(a &byte, b int) &byte fn voidptr) [noreturn; trusted] fn C.exit(code int) fn C.qsort(base voidptr, items size_t, item_size size_t, cb qsort_callback_func) fn C.sprintf(a ...voidptr) int fn C.strlen(s &char) int fn C.sscanf(&byte, &byte, ...&byte) int [trusted] fn C.isdigit(c int) bool // stdio.h fn C.popen(c &char, t &char) voidptr // fn C.backtrace(a &voidptr, size int) int fn C.backtrace_symbols(a &voidptr, size int) &&char fn C.backtrace_symbols_fd(a &voidptr, size int, fd int) // pub fn proc_pidpath(int, voidptr, int) int fn C.realpath(&char, &char) &char // fn C.chmod(byteptr, mode_t) int fn C.chmod(&char, u32) int fn C.printf(&char, ...voidptr) int fn C.puts(&char) int fn C.fputs(str &char, stream &C.FILE) int fn C.fflush(&C.FILE) int // TODO define args in these functions fn C.fseek(stream &C.FILE, offset int, whence int) int fn C.fopen(filename &char, mode &char) &C.FILE fn C.fileno(&C.FILE) int fn C.fread(ptr voidptr, item_size size_t, items size_t, stream &C.FILE) size_t fn C.fwrite(ptr voidptr, item_size size_t, items size_t, stream &C.FILE) size_t fn C.fclose(stream &C.FILE) int fn C.pclose(stream &C.FILE) int // process execution, os.process: [trusted] fn C.getpid() int fn C.getuid() int fn C.geteuid() int fn C.system(cmd &char) int fn C.posix_spawn(child_pid &int, path &char, file_actions voidptr, attrp voidptr, argv &&char, envp &&char) int fn C.posix_spawnp(child_pid &int, exefile &char, file_actions voidptr, attrp voidptr, argv &&char, envp &&char) int fn C.execve(cmd_path &char, args voidptr, envs voidptr) int fn C.execvp(cmd_path &char, args &&char) int fn C._execve(cmd_path &char, args voidptr, envs voidptr) int fn C._execvp(cmd_path &char, args &&char) int [trusted] fn C.fork() int fn C.wait(status &int) int fn C.waitpid(pid int, status &int, options int) int [trusted] fn C.kill(pid int, sig int) int fn C.setenv(&char, &char, int) int fn C.unsetenv(&char) int fn C.access(path &char, amode int) int fn C.remove(filename &char) int fn C.rmdir(path &char) int fn C.chdir(path &char) int fn C.rewind(stream &C.FILE) int fn C.stat(&char, voidptr) int fn C.lstat(path &char, buf &C.stat) int fn C.rename(old_filename &char, new_filename &char) int fn C.fgets(str &char, n int, stream &C.FILE) int [trusted] fn C.sigemptyset() int fn C.getcwd(buf &char, size size_t) &char [trusted] fn C.mktime() int fn C.gettimeofday(tv &C.timeval, tz &C.timezone) int [trusted] fn C.sleep(seconds u32) u32 // fn C.usleep(usec useconds_t) int [trusted] fn C.usleep(usec u32) int fn C.opendir(&char) voidptr fn C.closedir(dirp &C.DIR) int // fn C.mkdir(path &char, mode mode_t) int fn C.mkdir(path &char, mode u32) int // C.rand returns a pseudorandom integer from 0 (inclusive) to C.RAND_MAX (exclusive) [trusted] fn C.rand() int // C.srand seeds the internal PRNG with the given value. [trusted] fn C.srand(seed u32) fn C.atof(str &char) f64 [trusted] fn C.tolower(c int) int [trusted] fn C.toupper(c int) int [trusted] fn C.getchar() int [trusted] fn C.strerror(int) &char fn C.snprintf(str &char, size size_t, format &char, opt ...voidptr) int fn C.fprintf(voidptr, &char, ...voidptr) [trusted] fn C.WIFEXITED(status int) bool [trusted] fn C.WEXITSTATUS(status int) int [trusted] fn C.WIFSIGNALED(status int) bool [trusted] fn C.WTERMSIG(status int) int [trusted] fn C.isatty(fd int) int fn C.syscall(number int, va ...voidptr) int fn C.sysctl(name &int, namelen u32, oldp voidptr, oldlenp voidptr, newp voidptr, newlen size_t) int [trusted] fn C._fileno(int) int fn C._get_osfhandle(fd int) C.intptr_t fn C.GetModuleFileName(hModule voidptr, lpFilename &u16, nSize u32) int fn C.GetModuleFileNameW(hModule voidptr, lpFilename &u16, nSize u32) u32 fn C.CreateFile(lpFilename &u16, dwDesiredAccess u32, dwShareMode u32, lpSecurityAttributes &u16, dwCreationDisposition u32, dwFlagsAndAttributes u32, hTemplateFile voidptr) voidptr fn C.CreateFileW(lpFilename &u16, dwDesiredAccess u32, dwShareMode u32, lpSecurityAttributes &u16, dwCreationDisposition u32, dwFlagsAndAttributes u32, hTemplateFile voidptr) u32 fn C.GetFinalPathNameByHandleW(hFile voidptr, lpFilePath &u16, nSize u32, dwFlags u32) int fn C.CreatePipe(hReadPipe &voidptr, hWritePipe &voidptr, lpPipeAttributes voidptr, nSize u32) bool fn C.SetHandleInformation(hObject voidptr, dwMask u32, dw_flags u32) bool fn C.ExpandEnvironmentStringsW(lpSrc &u16, lpDst &u16, nSize u32) u32 fn C.GetComputerNameW(&u16, &u32) bool fn C.GetUserNameW(&u16, &u32) bool [trusted] fn C.SendMessageTimeout() u32 fn C.SendMessageTimeoutW(hWnd voidptr, Msg u32, wParam &u16, lParam &u32, fuFlags u32, uTimeout u32, lpdwResult &u64) u32 fn C.CreateProcessW(lpApplicationName &u16, lpCommandLine &u16, lpProcessAttributes voidptr, lpThreadAttributes voidptr, bInheritHandles bool, dwCreationFlags u32, lpEnvironment voidptr, lpCurrentDirectory &u16, lpStartupInfo voidptr, lpProcessInformation voidptr) bool fn C.ReadFile(hFile voidptr, lpBuffer voidptr, nNumberOfBytesToRead u32, lpNumberOfBytesRead C.LPDWORD, lpOverlapped voidptr) bool fn C.GetFileAttributesW(lpFileName &byte) u32 fn C.RegQueryValueEx(hKey voidptr, lpValueName &u16, lp_reserved &u32, lpType &u32, lpData &byte, lpcbData &u32) voidptr fn C.RegQueryValueExW(hKey voidptr, lpValueName &u16, lp_reserved &u32, lpType &u32, lpData &byte, lpcbData &u32) int fn C.RegOpenKeyEx(hKey voidptr, lpSubKey &u16, ulOptions u32, samDesired u32, phkResult voidptr) voidptr fn C.RegOpenKeyExW(hKey voidptr, lpSubKey &u16, ulOptions u32, samDesired u32, phkResult voidptr) int fn C.RegSetValueEx() voidptr fn C.RegSetValueExW(hKey voidptr, lpValueName &u16, Reserved u32, dwType u32, lpData &byte, lpcbData u32) int fn C.RegCloseKey(hKey voidptr) fn C.RemoveDirectory(lpPathName &u16) int // fn C.GetStdHandle() voidptr fn C.GetStdHandle(u32) voidptr // fn C.SetConsoleMode() fn C.SetConsoleMode(voidptr, u32) int // fn C.GetConsoleMode() int fn C.GetConsoleMode(voidptr, &u32) int [trusted] fn C.GetCurrentProcessId() int fn C.wprintf() // fn C.setbuf() fn C.setbuf(voidptr, &char) fn C.SymCleanup(hProcess voidptr) fn C.MultiByteToWideChar(codePage u32, dwFlags u32, lpMultiMyteStr &char, cbMultiByte int, lpWideCharStr &u16, cchWideChar int) int fn C.wcslen(str &u16) int fn C.WideCharToMultiByte(codePage u32, dwFlags u32, lpWideCharStr &u16, cchWideChar int, lpMultiByteStr &char, cbMultiByte int, lpDefaultChar &char, lpUsedDefaultChar &int) int fn C._wstat(path &u16, buffer &C._stat) int fn C._wrename(oldname &u16, newname &u16) int fn C._wfopen(filename &u16, mode &u16) voidptr fn C._wpopen(command &u16, mode &u16) voidptr fn C._pclose(stream &C.FILE) int fn C._wsystem(command &u16) int fn C._wgetenv(varname &u16) voidptr fn C._putenv(envstring &char) int fn C._waccess(path &u16, mode int) int fn C._wremove(path &u16) int fn C.ReadConsole(in_input_handle voidptr, out_buffer voidptr, in_chars_to_read u32, out_read_chars &u32, in_input_control voidptr) bool fn C.WriteConsole() voidptr fn C.WriteFile() voidptr fn C._wchdir(dirname &u16) fn C._wgetcwd(buffer &u16, maxlen int) int fn C._fullpath() int fn C.GetFullPathName(voidptr, u32, voidptr, voidptr) u32 [trusted] fn C.GetCommandLine() voidptr fn C.LocalFree() fn C.FindFirstFileW(lpFileName &u16, lpFindFileData voidptr) voidptr fn C.FindFirstFile(lpFileName &byte, lpFindFileData voidptr) voidptr fn C.FindNextFile(hFindFile voidptr, lpFindFileData voidptr) int fn C.FindClose(hFindFile voidptr) // macro fn C.MAKELANGID(lgid voidptr, srtid voidptr) int fn C.FormatMessage(dwFlags u32, lpSource voidptr, dwMessageId u32, dwLanguageId u32, lpBuffer voidptr, nSize int, Arguments ...voidptr) voidptr fn C.CloseHandle(voidptr) int fn C.GetExitCodeProcess(hProcess voidptr, lpExitCode &u32) [trusted] fn C.GetTickCount() i64 [trusted] fn C.Sleep(dwMilliseconds u32) fn C.WSAStartup(u16, &voidptr) int fn C.WSAGetLastError() int fn C.closesocket(int) int fn C.vschannel_init(&C.TlsContext) fn C.request(&C.TlsContext, int, &u16, &byte, &&byte) int fn C.vschannel_cleanup(&C.TlsContext) fn C.URLDownloadToFile(int, &u16, &u16, int, int) fn C.GetLastError() u32 fn C.CreateDirectory(&byte, int) bool // win crypto fn C.BCryptGenRandom(int, voidptr, int, int) int // win synchronization fn C.CreateMutex(int, bool, &byte) voidptr fn C.WaitForSingleObject(voidptr, int) int fn C.ReleaseMutex(voidptr) bool fn C.CreateEvent(int, bool, bool, &byte) voidptr fn C.SetEvent(voidptr) int fn C.CreateSemaphore(voidptr, int, int, voidptr) voidptr fn C.ReleaseSemaphore(voidptr, int, voidptr) voidptr fn C.InitializeSRWLock(voidptr) fn C.AcquireSRWLockShared(voidptr) fn C.AcquireSRWLockExclusive(voidptr) fn C.ReleaseSRWLockShared(voidptr) fn C.ReleaseSRWLockExclusive(voidptr) // pthread.h fn C.pthread_mutex_init(voidptr, voidptr) int fn C.pthread_mutex_lock(voidptr) int fn C.pthread_mutex_unlock(voidptr) int fn C.pthread_mutex_destroy(voidptr) int fn C.pthread_rwlockattr_init(voidptr) int fn C.pthread_rwlockattr_setkind_np(voidptr, int) int fn C.pthread_rwlockattr_setpshared(voidptr, int) int fn C.pthread_rwlock_init(voidptr, voidptr) int fn C.pthread_rwlock_rdlock(voidptr) int fn C.pthread_rwlock_wrlock(voidptr) int fn C.pthread_rwlock_unlock(voidptr) int fn C.pthread_condattr_init(voidptr) int fn C.pthread_condattr_setpshared(voidptr, int) int fn C.pthread_condattr_destroy(voidptr) int fn C.pthread_cond_init(voidptr, voidptr) int fn C.pthread_cond_signal(voidptr) int fn C.pthread_cond_wait(voidptr, voidptr) int fn C.pthread_cond_timedwait(voidptr, voidptr, voidptr) int fn C.pthread_cond_destroy(voidptr) int fn C.sem_init(voidptr, int, u32) int fn C.sem_post(voidptr) int fn C.sem_wait(voidptr) int fn C.sem_trywait(voidptr) int fn C.sem_timedwait(voidptr, voidptr) int fn C.sem_destroy(voidptr) int // MacOS semaphore functions fn C.dispatch_semaphore_create(i64) voidptr fn C.dispatch_semaphore_signal(voidptr) i64 fn C.dispatch_semaphore_wait(voidptr, u64) i64 fn C.dispatch_time(u64, i64) u64 fn C.dispatch_release(voidptr) // file descriptor based reading/writing fn int, buf voidptr, count size_t) int fn C.write(fd int, buf voidptr, count size_t) int fn C.close(fd int) int // pipes fn C.pipe(pipefds &int) int fn C.dup2(oldfd int, newfd int) int // used by gl, stbi, freetype fn C.glTexImage2D() // used by ios for println fn C.WrappedNSLog(str &byte)