vlib/v/checker/tests/immutable_map.vv:3:2: error: `m` is immutable, declare it with `mut` to make it mutable 1 | fn main() { 2 | m := map[string]int 3 | m['test']++ | ^ 4 | m['test']-- 5 | _ = m.move() vlib/v/checker/tests/immutable_map.vv:4:2: error: `m` is immutable, declare it with `mut` to make it mutable 2 | m := map[string]int 3 | m['test']++ 4 | m['test']-- | ^ 5 | _ = m.move() 6 | m.delete('s') vlib/v/checker/tests/immutable_map.vv:5:6: error: `m` is immutable, declare it with `mut` to make it mutable 3 | m['test']++ 4 | m['test']-- 5 | _ = m.move() | ^ 6 | m.delete('s') 7 | } vlib/v/checker/tests/immutable_map.vv:6:2: error: `m` is immutable, declare it with `mut` to make it mutable 4 | m['test']-- 5 | _ = m.move() 6 | m.delete('s') | ^ 7 | }