// Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license // that can be found in the LICENSE file. module pref pub enum BuildMode { // `v program.v' // Build user code only, and add pre-compiled vlib (`cc program.o builtin.o os.o...`) default_mode // `v -lib ~/v/os` // build any module (generate os.o + os.vh) build_module } pub enum Backend { c // The (default) C backend js // The JavaScript backend x64 // The x64 backend } pub struct Preferences { pub mut: os OS // the OS to compile for backend Backend build_mode BuildMode //verbosity VerboseLevel is_verbose bool // nofmt bool // disable vfmt is_test bool // `v test string_test.v` is_script bool // single file mode (`v program.v`), main function can be skipped is_livemain bool // main program that contains live/hot code is_liveshared bool // a shared library, that will be used in a -live main program is_shared bool // an ordinary shared library, -shared, no matter if it is live or not is_prof bool // benchmark every function profile_file string // the profile results will be stored inside profile_file profile_no_inline bool // when true, [inline] functions would not be profiled translated bool // `v translate doom.v` are we running V code translated from C? allow globals, ++ expressions, etc is_prod bool // use "-O2" obfuscate bool // `v -obf program.v`, renames functions to "f_XXX" is_repl bool is_run bool sanitize bool // use Clang's new "-fsanitize" option is_debug bool // false by default, turned on by -g or -cg, it tells v to pass -g to the C backend compiler. is_vlines bool // turned on by -g, false by default (it slows down .tmp.c generation slightly). keep_c bool // -keepc , tell v to leave the generated .tmp.c alone (since by default v will delete them after c backend finishes) show_cc bool // -showcc, print cc command // NB: passing -cg instead of -g will set is_vlines to false and is_g to true, thus making v generate cleaner C files, // which are sometimes easier to debug / inspect manually than the .tmp.c files by plain -g (when/if v line number generation breaks). use_cache bool // turns on v usage of the module cache to speed up compilation. is_stats bool // `v -stats file_test.v` will produce more detailed statistics for the tests that were run no_auto_free bool // `v -nofree` disable automatic `free()` insertion for better performance in some applications (e.g. compilers) // TODO Convert this into a []string cflags string // Additional options which will be passed to the C compiler. // For example, passing -cflags -Os will cause the C compiler to optimize the generated binaries for size. // You could pass several -cflags XXX arguments. They will be merged with each other. // You can also quote several options at the same time: -cflags '-Os -fno-inline-small-functions'. ccompiler string // the name of the used C compiler third_party_option string building_v bool autofree bool compress bool // skip_builtin bool // Skips re-compilation of the builtin module // to increase compilation time. // This is on by default, since a vast majority of users do not // work on the builtin module itself. // generating_vh bool fast bool // use tcc/x64 codegen enable_globals bool // allow __global for low level code is_fmt bool is_bare bool lookup_path []string output_cross_c bool prealloc bool vroot string out_name string path string // Path to file/folder to compile // -d vfmt and -d another=0 for `$if vfmt { will execute }` and `$if another { will NOT get here }` compile_defines []string // just ['vfmt'] compile_defines_all []string // contains both: ['vfmt','another'] mod string run_args []string // `v run x.v 1 2 3` => `1 2 3` printfn_list []string // a list of generated function names, whose source should be shown, for debugging print_v_files bool // when true, just print the list of all parsed .v files then stop. } pub fn backend_from_string(s string) ?Backend { match s { 'c' { return .c } 'js' { return .js } 'x64' { return .x64 } else { return error('Unknown backend type $s') } } }