module vweb import ( os strings net http ) struct Context { pub: req http.Request conn net.Socket post_form map[string]string static_files map[string]string // TODO Response headers []string // response headers } pub fn (ctx Context) text(s string) { h := ctx.headers.join('\n') ctx.conn.write('HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/plain $h $s ') } pub fn (ctx Context) json(s string) { h := ctx.headers.join('\n') ctx.conn.write('HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json $h $s ') } pub fn (ctx Context) redirect(url string) { h := ctx.headers.join('\n') ctx.conn.write(' HTTP/1.1 302 Found Location: $url $h ') } pub fn (ctx mut Context) set_cookie(key, val string) { ctx.set_header('Set-Cookie', '$key=$val') } pub fn (ctx Context) get_cookie(key string) string { cookie := ctx.req.headers['Cookie'] return cookie.find_between('$key=', ';') } fn (ctx mut Context) set_header(key, val string) { // ctx.resp.headers[key] = val ctx.headers << '$key: $val' } pub fn (ctx Context) html(html string) { //tmpl := os.read_file(path) or {return} ctx.conn.write('HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/html $html ') } pub fn run(port int) { l := net.listen(port) or { panic('failed to listen') return } for { conn := l.accept() or { panic('accept() failed') return } // TODO move this to handle_conn(conn, app) s := conn.read_line() // Parse the first line // "GET / HTTP/1.1" first_line := s.all_before('\n') vals := first_line.split(' ') mut action := vals[1].right(1).all_before('/') if action == '' { action = 'index' } req := http.Request{ headers: map[string]string{} ws_func: 0 user_ptr: 0 method: vals[0] url: vals[1] } mut app := T{ vweb: Context{ req: req conn: conn post_form: map[string]string{} static_files: map[string]string{} } } println('calling init') app.init() if req.method == 'POST' { app.vweb.parse_form(s) } println('vweb action = "$action"') if vals.len < 2 { println('no vals for http') return } // Serve a static file if it's one if app.vweb.handle_static() { conn.close() continue } // Call the right action app.$action() conn.close() } } fn (ctx mut Context) parse_form(s string) { if ctx.req.method != 'POST' { return } pos := s.index('\r\n\r\n') if pos > -1 { mut str_form := s.substr(pos, s.len) str_form = str_form.replace('+', ' ') words := str_form.split('&') for word in words { keyval := word.split('=') key := keyval[0] val := keyval[1] //println('http form $key => $val') ctx.post_form[key] = http.unescape(val) } } } fn (ctx mut Context) handle_static() bool { static_file := ctx.static_files[ctx.req.url] if static_file != '' { data := os.read_file(static_file) or { return false } ctx.conn.write('HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/css $data ') return true } return false } pub fn (ctx mut Context) serve_static(url, file_path string) { ctx.static_files[url] = file_path }