module builtin import dlmalloc __global global_allocator dlmalloc.Dlmalloc [unsafe] pub fn memcpy(dest &C.void, src &C.void, n usize) &C.void { dest_ := unsafe { &byte(dest) } src_ := unsafe { &byte(src) } unsafe { for i in 0 .. int(n) { dest_[i] = src_[i] } } return unsafe { dest } } [export: 'malloc'] [unsafe] fn __malloc(n usize) &C.void { return unsafe { global_allocator.malloc(n) } } [unsafe] fn strlen(_s &C.void) usize { s := unsafe { &byte(_s) } mut i := 0 for ; unsafe { s[i] } != 0; i++ {} return usize(i) } [unsafe] fn realloc(old_area &C.void, new_size usize) &C.void { if old_area == 0 { return unsafe { malloc(int(new_size)) } } if new_size == usize(0) { unsafe { free(old_area) } return 0 } old_size := unsafe { *(&u64(old_area - sizeof(u64))) } if u64(new_size) <= old_size { return unsafe { old_area } } else { new_area := unsafe { malloc(int(new_size)) } unsafe { memmove(new_area, old_area, usize(old_size)) } unsafe { free(old_area) } return new_area } } [unsafe] fn memset(s &C.void, c int, n usize) &C.void { mut s_ := unsafe { &char(s) } for i in 0 .. int(n) { unsafe { s_[i] = char(c) } } return unsafe { s } } [unsafe] fn memmove(dest &C.void, src &C.void, n usize) &C.void { dest_ := unsafe { &byte(dest) } src_ := unsafe { &byte(src) } mut temp_buf := unsafe { malloc(int(n)) } for i in 0 .. int(n) { unsafe { temp_buf[i] = src_[i] } } for i in 0 .. int(n) { unsafe { dest_[i] = temp_buf[i] } } unsafe { free(temp_buf) } return unsafe { dest } } [export: 'calloc'] [unsafe] fn __calloc(nmemb usize, size usize) &C.void { new_area := unsafe { malloc(int(nmemb) * int(size)) } unsafe { memset(new_area, 0, nmemb * size) } return new_area } fn getchar() int { return 0 } fn memcmp(a &C.void, b &C.void, n usize) int { a_ := unsafe { &byte(a) } b_ := unsafe { &byte(b) } for i in 0 .. int(n) { if unsafe { a_[i] != b_[i] } { unsafe { return a_[i] - b_[i] } } } return 0 } [export: 'free'] [unsafe] fn __free(ptr &C.void) { unsafe { global_allocator.free_(ptr) } } fn vsprintf(str &char, format &char, ap &byte) int { panic('vsprintf(): string interpolation is not supported in `-freestanding`') } fn vsnprintf(str &char, size usize, format &char, ap &byte) int { panic('vsnprintf(): string interpolation is not supported in `-freestanding`') } enum Errno { enoerror eerror } // not really needed fn bare_read(buf &byte, count u64) (i64, Errno) { return 0, Errno.eerror } pub fn bare_print(buf &byte, len u64) { } fn bare_eprint(buf &byte, len u64) { } pub fn write(_fd i64, _buf &byte, _count u64) i64 { return -1 } [noreturn] fn bare_panic(msg string) { println('V panic' + msg) exit(1) } fn bare_backtrace() string { return 'backtraces are not available with `-freestanding`' } [export: 'exit'] [noreturn] fn __exit(code int) { unsafe { // the only way to abort process execution in WASM mut x := &int(voidptr(0)) *x = code } for {} } [export: 'qsort'] fn __qsort(base voidptr, nmemb usize, size usize, sort_cb FnSortCB) { panic('qsort() is not yet implemented in `-freestanding`') } fn init_global_allocator() { global_allocator = }