// Copyright (c) 2019-2021 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license // that can be found in the LICENSE file. module parser import v.ast import v.table import v.token import v.util fn (mut p Parser) struct_decl() ast.StructDecl { p.top_level_statement_start() // save attributes, they will be changed later in fields attrs := p.attrs p.attrs = [] start_pos := p.tok.position() is_pub := p.tok.kind == .key_pub if is_pub { p.next() } is_union := p.tok.kind == .key_union if p.tok.kind == .key_struct { p.next() } else { p.check(.key_union) } language := if p.tok.lit == 'C' && p.peek_tok.kind == .dot { table.Language.c } else if p.tok.lit == 'JS' && p.peek_tok.kind == .dot { table.Language.js } else { table.Language.v } if language != .v { p.next() // C || JS p.next() // . } name_pos := p.tok.position() p.check_for_impure_v(language, name_pos) mut name := p.check_name() // defer { // if name.contains('App') { // println('end of struct decl $name') // } // } if name.len == 1 && name[0].is_capital() { p.error_with_pos('single letter capital names are reserved for generic template types.', name_pos) return ast.StructDecl{} } mut generic_types := []table.Type{} if p.tok.kind == .lt { p.next() for { generic_types << p.parse_type() if p.tok.kind != .comma { break } p.next() } p.check(.gt) } no_body := p.tok.kind != .lcbr if language == .v && no_body { p.error('`$p.tok.lit` lacks body') return ast.StructDecl{} } if language == .v && !p.builtin_mod && name.len > 0 && !name[0].is_capital() && !p.pref.translated { p.error_with_pos('struct name `$name` must begin with capital letter', name_pos) return ast.StructDecl{} } if name.len == 1 { p.error_with_pos('struct names must have more than one character', name_pos) return ast.StructDecl{} } mut orig_name := name if language == .c { name = 'C.$name' orig_name = name } else if language == .js { name = 'JS.$name' orig_name = name } else { name = p.prepend_mod(name) } mut ast_fields := []ast.StructField{} mut fields := []table.Field{} mut embed_types := []table.Type{} mut embeds := []ast.Embed{} mut embed_field_names := []string{} mut mut_pos := -1 mut pub_pos := -1 mut pub_mut_pos := -1 mut global_pos := -1 mut module_pos := -1 mut is_field_mut := false mut is_field_pub := false mut is_field_global := false mut last_line := -1 mut end_comments := []ast.Comment{} if !no_body { p.check(.lcbr) for p.tok.kind != .rcbr { mut comments := []ast.Comment{} for p.tok.kind == .comment { comments << p.comment() if p.tok.kind == .rcbr { break } } if p.tok.kind == .rcbr { end_comments = comments.clone() break } if p.tok.kind == .key_pub { p.next() if p.tok.kind == .key_mut { if pub_mut_pos != -1 { p.error('redefinition of `pub mut` section') return ast.StructDecl{} } p.next() pub_mut_pos = fields.len is_field_pub = true is_field_mut = true is_field_global = false } else { if pub_pos != -1 { p.error('redefinition of `pub` section') return ast.StructDecl{} } pub_pos = fields.len is_field_pub = true is_field_mut = false is_field_global = false } p.check(.colon) } else if p.tok.kind == .key_mut { if mut_pos != -1 { p.error('redefinition of `mut` section') return ast.StructDecl{} } p.next() p.check(.colon) mut_pos = fields.len is_field_pub = false is_field_mut = true is_field_global = false } else if p.tok.kind == .key_global { if global_pos != -1 { p.error('redefinition of `global` section') return ast.StructDecl{} } p.next() p.check(.colon) global_pos = fields.len is_field_pub = true is_field_mut = true is_field_global = true } else if p.tok.kind == .key_module { if module_pos != -1 { p.error('redefinition of `module` section') return {} } p.next() p.check(.colon) module_pos = fields.len is_field_pub = false is_field_mut = false is_field_global = false } for p.tok.kind == .comment { comments << p.comment() if p.tok.kind == .rcbr { break } } field_start_pos := p.tok.position() is_embed := ((p.tok.lit.len > 1 && p.tok.lit[0].is_capital()) || p.peek_tok.kind == .dot)&& language == .v is_on_top := ast_fields.len == 0 && !(is_field_mut || is_field_mut || is_field_global) mut field_name := '' mut typ := table.Type(0) mut type_pos := token.Position{} mut field_pos := token.Position{} if is_embed { // struct embedding type_pos = p.tok.position() typ = p.parse_type() for p.tok.kind == .comment { comments << p.comment() if p.tok.kind == .rcbr { break } } type_pos = type_pos.extend(p.prev_tok.position()) if !is_on_top { p.error_with_pos('struct embedding must be declared at the beginning of the struct body', type_pos) return ast.StructDecl{} } sym := p.table.get_type_symbol(typ) if typ in embed_types { p.error_with_pos('cannot embed `$sym.name` more than once', type_pos) return ast.StructDecl{} } field_name = sym.embed_name() if field_name in embed_field_names { p.error_with_pos('duplicate field `$field_name`', type_pos) return ast.StructDecl{} } embed_field_names << field_name embed_types << typ embeds << ast.Embed{ typ: typ pos: type_pos } } else { // struct field field_name = p.check_name() for p.tok.kind == .comment { comments << p.comment() if p.tok.kind == .rcbr { break } } typ = p.parse_type() if typ.idx() == 0 { // error is set in parse_type return ast.StructDecl{} } type_pos = p.prev_tok.position() field_pos = field_start_pos.extend(type_pos) } // Comments after type (same line) comments << p.eat_comments() if p.tok.kind == .lsbr { // attrs are stored in `p.attrs` p.attributes() } mut default_expr := ast.Expr{} mut has_default_expr := false if !is_embed { if p.tok.kind == .assign { // Default value p.next() default_expr = p.expr(0) match mut default_expr { ast.EnumVal { default_expr.typ = typ } // TODO: implement all types?? else {} } has_default_expr = true comments << p.eat_comments() } // TODO merge table and ast Fields? ast_fields << ast.StructField{ name: field_name pos: field_pos type_pos: type_pos typ: typ comments: comments default_expr: default_expr has_default_expr: has_default_expr attrs: p.attrs is_public: is_field_pub } } // save embeds as table fields too, it will be used in generation phase fields << table.Field{ name: field_name typ: typ default_expr: ast.ex2fe(default_expr) has_default_expr: has_default_expr is_pub: if is_embed { true } else { is_field_pub } is_mut: if is_embed { true } else { is_field_mut } is_global: is_field_global attrs: p.attrs } p.attrs = [] } p.top_level_statement_end() last_line = p.tok.line_nr p.check(.rcbr) } t := table.TypeSymbol{ kind: .struct_ language: language name: name cname: util.no_dots(name) mod: p.mod info: table.Struct{ embeds: embed_types fields: fields is_typedef: attrs.contains('typedef') is_union: is_union is_ref_only: attrs.contains('ref_only') generic_types: generic_types attrs: attrs } is_public: is_pub } if p.table.has_deep_child_no_ref(&t, name) { p.error_with_pos('invalid recursive struct `$orig_name`', name_pos) return ast.StructDecl{} } mut ret := 0 // println('reg type symbol $name mod=$p.mod') ret = p.table.register_type_symbol(t) // allow duplicate c struct declarations if ret == -1 && language != .c { p.error_with_pos('cannot register struct `$name`, another type with this name exists', name_pos) return ast.StructDecl{} } p.expr_mod = '' return ast.StructDecl{ name: name is_pub: is_pub fields: ast_fields pos: start_pos.extend_with_last_line(name_pos, last_line) mut_pos: mut_pos - embeds.len pub_pos: pub_pos - embeds.len pub_mut_pos: pub_mut_pos - embeds.len module_pos: module_pos - embeds.len language: language is_union: is_union attrs: attrs end_comments: end_comments gen_types: generic_types embeds: embeds } } fn (mut p Parser) struct_init(short_syntax bool) ast.StructInit { first_pos := p.tok.position() typ := if short_syntax { table.void_type } else { p.parse_type() } p.expr_mod = '' // sym := p.table.get_type_symbol(typ) // p.warn('struct init typ=$sym.name') if !short_syntax { p.check(.lcbr) } pre_comments := p.eat_comments() mut fields := []ast.StructInitField{} mut i := 0 no_keys := p.peek_tok.kind != .colon && p.tok.kind != .rcbr && p.tok.kind != .ellipsis // `Vec{a,b,c} // p.warn(is_short_syntax.str()) saved_is_amp := p.is_amp p.is_amp = false mut update_expr := ast.Expr{} mut update_expr_comments := []ast.Comment{} mut has_update_expr := false for p.tok.kind !in [.rcbr, .rpar, .eof] { mut field_name := '' mut expr := ast.Expr{} mut field_pos := token.Position{} mut comments := []ast.Comment{} mut nline_comments := []ast.Comment{} is_update_expr := fields.len == 0 && p.tok.kind == .ellipsis if no_keys { // name will be set later in checker expr = p.expr(0) field_pos = expr.position() comments = p.eat_line_end_comments() } else if is_update_expr { // struct updating syntax; f2 := Foo{ ...f, name: 'f2' } p.check(.ellipsis) update_expr = p.expr(0) update_expr_comments << p.eat_line_end_comments() has_update_expr = true } else { first_field_pos := p.tok.position() field_name = p.check_name() p.check(.colon) expr = p.expr(0) comments = p.eat_line_end_comments() last_field_pos := expr.position() field_len := if last_field_pos.len > 0 { last_field_pos.pos - first_field_pos.pos + last_field_pos.len } else { first_field_pos.len + 1 } field_pos = token.Position{ line_nr: first_field_pos.line_nr pos: first_field_pos.pos len: field_len } } i++ if p.tok.kind == .comma { p.next() } comments << p.eat_line_end_comments() nline_comments << p.eat_comments() if !is_update_expr { fields << ast.StructInitField{ name: field_name expr: expr pos: field_pos comments: comments next_comments: nline_comments } } } last_pos := p.tok.position() if !short_syntax { p.check(.rcbr) } p.is_amp = saved_is_amp node := ast.StructInit{ typ: typ fields: fields update_expr: update_expr update_expr_comments: update_expr_comments has_update_expr: has_update_expr pos: first_pos.extend_with_last_line(last_pos, p.tok.line_nr) is_short: no_keys pre_comments: pre_comments } return node } fn (mut p Parser) interface_decl() ast.InterfaceDecl { p.top_level_statement_start() mut pos := p.tok.position() is_pub := p.tok.kind == .key_pub if is_pub { p.next() } p.next() // `interface` name_pos := p.tok.position() interface_name := p.prepend_mod(p.check_name()).clone() // println('interface decl $interface_name') p.check(.lcbr) pre_comments := p.eat_comments() // Declare the type reg_idx := p.table.register_type_symbol( is_public: is_pub kind: .interface_ name: interface_name cname: util.no_dots(interface_name) mod: p.mod info: table.Interface{ types: [] } ) if reg_idx == -1 { p.error_with_pos('cannot register interface `$interface_name`, another type with this name exists', name_pos) return ast.InterfaceDecl{} } typ := table.new_type(reg_idx) mut ts := p.table.get_type_symbol(typ) mut info := ts.info as table.Interface // if methods were declared before, it's an error, ignore them ts.methods = []table.Fn{cap: 20} // Parse fields or methods mut fields := []ast.StructField{cap: 20} mut methods := []ast.FnDecl{cap: 20} mut is_mut := false for p.tok.kind != .rcbr && p.tok.kind != .eof { if p.tok.kind == .key_mut { if is_mut { p.error_with_pos('redefinition of `mut` section', p.tok.position()) return {} } p.next() p.check(.colon) is_mut = true } if p.peek_tok.kind == .lpar { method_start_pos := p.tok.position() line_nr := p.tok.line_nr name := p.check_name() if ts.has_method(name) { p.error_with_pos('duplicate method `$name`', method_start_pos) return ast.InterfaceDecl{} } if util.contains_capital(name) { p.error('interface methods cannot contain uppercase letters, use snake_case instead') return ast.InterfaceDecl{} } // field_names << name args2, _, is_variadic := p.fn_args() // TODO merge table.Param and ast.Arg to avoid this mut args := [table.Param{ name: 'x' is_mut: is_mut typ: typ is_hidden: true }] args << args2 mut method := ast.FnDecl{ name: name mod: p.mod params: args file: p.file_name return_type: table.void_type is_variadic: is_variadic is_pub: true pos: method_start_pos.extend(p.prev_tok.position()) scope: p.scope } if p.tok.kind.is_start_of_type() && p.tok.line_nr == line_nr { method.return_type = p.parse_type() } mcomments := p.eat_line_end_comments() mnext_comments := p.eat_comments() method.comments = mcomments method.next_comments = mnext_comments methods << method // println('register method $name') tmethod := table.Fn{ name: name params: args return_type: method.return_type is_variadic: is_variadic is_pub: true } ts.register_method(tmethod) info.methods << tmethod } else { // interface fields field_pos := p.tok.position() field_name := p.check_name() mut type_pos := p.tok.position() field_typ := p.parse_type() type_pos = type_pos.extend(p.prev_tok.position()) mut comments := []ast.Comment{} for p.tok.kind == .comment { comments << p.comment() if p.tok.kind == .rcbr { break } } fields << ast.StructField{ name: field_name pos: field_pos type_pos: type_pos typ: field_typ comments: comments is_public: true } info.fields << table.Field{ name: field_name typ: field_typ is_pub: true is_mut: is_mut } } } ts.info = info p.top_level_statement_end() p.check(.rcbr) pos.update_last_line(p.prev_tok.line_nr) return ast.InterfaceDecl{ name: interface_name fields: fields methods: methods is_pub: is_pub pos: pos pre_comments: pre_comments } }