/********************************************************************** * * printf/sprintf V implementation * * Copyright (c) 2020 Dario Deledda. All rights reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license * that can be found in the LICENSE file. * * This file contains the printf/sprintf functions * **********************************************************************/ module strconv import strconv.ftoa import strings enum Char_parse_state { start norm_char field_char pad_ch len_set_start len_set_in check_type check_float check_float_in reset_params } enum Align_text { right = 0 left center } /****************************************************************************** * * Float conversion utility * ******************************************************************************/ const( // rounding value dec_round = [ f64(0.44), 0.044, 0.0044, 0.00044, 0.000044, 0.0000044, 0.00000044, 0.000000044, 0.0000000044, 0.00000000044, 0.000000000044, 0.0000000000044, 0.00000000000044, 0.000000000000044, 0.0000000000000044, 0.00000000000000044, 0.000000000000000044, 0.0000000000000000044, 0.00000000000000000044, 0.000000000000000000044, ] ) // max float 1.797693134862315708145274237317043567981e+308 pub fn f64_to_str_lnd(f f64, dec_digit int) string { // we add the rounding value s := ftoa.f64_to_str(f + dec_round[dec_digit], 18) // check for +inf -inf Nan if s.len > 2 && (s[0] == `n` || s[1] == `i`) { return s } m_sgn_flag := false mut sgn := 1 mut b := [26]byte mut d_pos := 1 mut i := 0 mut i1 := 0 mut exp := 0 mut exp_sgn := 1 mut dot_res_sp := -1 // get sign and deciaml parts for c in s { if c == `-` { sgn = -1 i++ } else if c == `+` { sgn = 1 i++ } else if c >= `0` && c <= `9` { b[i1++] = c i++ } else if c == `.` { if sgn > 0 { d_pos = i } else { d_pos = i-1 } i++ } else if c == `e` { i++ break } else { return "[Float conversion error!!]" } } b[i1] = 0 // get exponent if s[i] == `-` { exp_sgn = -1 i++ } else if s[i] == `+` { exp_sgn = 1 i++ } for c in s[i..] { exp = exp * 10 + int(c-`0`) } // allocate exp+32 chars for the return string //mut res := []byte{len:exp+32,init:`0`} mut res := [`0`].repeat(exp+32) // TODO: Slow!! is there other possibilities to allocate this? mut r_i := 0 // result string buffer index //println("s:${sgn} b:${b[0]} es:${exp_sgn} exp:${exp}") if sgn == 1 { if m_sgn_flag { res[r_i++] = `+` } } else { res[r_i++] = `-` } i = 0 if exp_sgn >= 0 { for b[i] != 0 { res[r_i++] = b[i] i++ if i >= d_pos && exp >= 0 { if exp == 0 { dot_res_sp = r_i res[r_i++] = `.` } exp-- } } for exp >= 0 { res[r_i++] = `0` exp-- } //println("exp: $exp $r_i $dot_res_sp") } else { mut dot_p := true for exp > 0 { res[r_i++] = `0` exp-- if dot_p { dot_res_sp = r_i res[r_i++] = `.` dot_p = false } } for b[i] != 0 { res[r_i++] = b[i] i++ } } //println("r_i-d_pos: ${r_i - d_pos}") if dot_res_sp >= 0 { if (r_i - dot_res_sp) > dec_digit { r_i = dot_res_sp + dec_digit + 1 } res[r_i] = 0 //println("result: [${tos(&res[0],r_i)}]") return tos(&res[0],r_i) } else { if dec_digit > 0 { mut c := 0 res[r_i++] = `.` for c < dec_digit { res[r_i++] = `0` c++ } res[r_i] = 0 } return tos(&res[0],r_i) } } /****************************************************************************** * * Single format functions * ******************************************************************************/ struct BF_param { pad_ch byte = ` ` // padding char len0 int = -1 // default len for whole the number or string len1 int = 6 // number of decimal digits, if needed positive bool = true // mandatory: the sign of the number passed sign_flag bool = false // flag for print sign as prefix in padding allign Align_text = .right // alignment of the string rm_tail_zero bool = false // remove the tail zeros from floats } pub fn format_str(s string, p BF_param) string { dif := p.len0 - s.len if dif <= 0 { return s } mut res := strings.new_builder(s.len + dif) if p.allign == .right { for i1 :=0; i1 < dif; i1++ { res.write_b(p.pad_ch) } } res.write(s) if p.allign == .left { for i1 :=0; i1 < dif; i1++ { res.write_b(p.pad_ch) } } return res.str() } // max int64 9223372036854775807 pub fn format_dec(d u64, p BF_param) string { mut s := "" mut res := strings.new_builder(20) mut sign_len_diff := 0 if p.pad_ch == `0` { if p.positive { if p.sign_flag { res.write_b(`+`) sign_len_diff = -1 } } else { res.write_b(`-`) sign_len_diff = -1 } s = d.str() } else { if p.positive { if p.sign_flag { s = "+" + d.str() } else { s = d.str() } } else { s = "-" + d.str() } } dif := p.len0 - s.len + sign_len_diff if p.allign == .right { for i1 :=0; i1 < dif; i1++ { res.write_b(p.pad_ch) } } res.write(s) if p.allign == .left { for i1 :=0; i1 < dif; i1++ { res.write_b(p.pad_ch) } } return res.str() } pub fn format_fl(f f64, p BF_param) string { mut s := "" mut fs := f64_to_str_lnd(if f >= 0.0 {f} else {-f}, p.len1) // error!! if fs[0] == `[` { return fs } if p.rm_tail_zero { fs = remove_tail_zeros(fs) } mut res := strings.new_builder( if p.len0 > fs.len { p.len0 } else { fs.len }) mut sign_len_diff := 0 if p.pad_ch == `0` { if p.positive { if p.sign_flag { res.write_b(`+`) sign_len_diff = -1 } } else { res.write_b(`-`) sign_len_diff = -1 } s = fs } else { if p.positive { if p.sign_flag { s = "+" + fs } else { s = fs } } else { s = "-" + fs } } dif := p.len0 - s.len + sign_len_diff if p.allign == .right { for i1 :=0; i1 < dif; i1++ { res.write_b(p.pad_ch) } } res.write(s) if p.allign == .left { for i1 :=0; i1 < dif; i1++ { res.write_b(p.pad_ch) } } return res.str() } pub fn format_es(f f64, p BF_param) string { mut s := "" mut fs := ftoa.f64_to_str_pad(if f> 0 {f} else {-f},p.len1) if p.rm_tail_zero { fs = remove_tail_zeros(fs) } mut res := strings.new_builder( if p.len0 > fs.len { p.len0 } else { fs.len }) mut sign_len_diff := 0 if p.pad_ch == `0` { if p.positive { if p.sign_flag { res.write_b(`+`) sign_len_diff = -1 } } else { res.write_b(`-`) sign_len_diff = -1 } s = fs } else { if p.positive { if p.sign_flag { s = "+" + fs } else { s = fs } } else { s = "-" + fs } } dif := p.len0 - s.len + sign_len_diff if p.allign == .right { for i1 :=0; i1 < dif; i1++ { res.write_b(p.pad_ch) } } res.write(s) if p.allign == .left { for i1 :=0; i1 < dif; i1++ { res.write_b(p.pad_ch) } } return res.str() } pub fn remove_tail_zeros(s string) string { mut i := 0 mut last_zero_start := -1 mut dot_pos := -1 mut in_decimal := false mut prev_ch := byte(0) for i < s.len { ch := s.str[i] if ch == `.` { in_decimal = true dot_pos = i } else if in_decimal { if ch == `0` && prev_ch != `0` { last_zero_start = i } else if ch >= `1` && ch <= `9` { last_zero_start = -1 } else if ch == `e` { break } } prev_ch = ch i++ } mut tmp := "" if last_zero_start > 0 { if last_zero_start == dot_pos+1 { tmp = s[..dot_pos] + s [i..] }else { tmp = s[..last_zero_start] + s [i..] } } else { tmp = s } if tmp.str[tmp.len-1] == `.` { return tmp[..tmp.len-1] } return tmp } /****************************************************************************** * * Main functions * ******************************************************************************/ pub fn v_printf(str string, pt ... voidptr) { print(v_sprintf(str, pt)) } pub fn v_sprintf(str string, pt ... voidptr) string{ mut res := strings.new_builder(pt.len * 16) mut i := 0 // main strign index mut p_index := 0 // parameter index mut sign := false // sign flag mut allign := Align_text.right mut len0 := -1 // forced length, if -1 free length mut len1 := -1 // decimal part for floats def_len1 := 6 // default value for len1 mut pad_ch := ` ` // pad char mut th_separator := false // thousands separator flag // prefix chars for Length field mut ch1 := `0` // +1 char if present else `0` mut ch2 := `0` // +2 char if present else `0` mut status := Char_parse_state.norm_char for i < str.len { if status == .reset_params { sign = false allign = .right len0 = -1 len1 = -1 pad_ch = ` ` th_separator = false status = .norm_char ch1 = `0` ch2 = `0` continue } ch := str[i] if ch != `%` && status == .norm_char { res.write_b(ch) i++ continue } if ch == `%` && status == .norm_char { status = .field_char i++ continue } // single char, manage it here if ch == `c` && status == .field_char { d1 := *(&byte(pt[p_index])) res.write_b(d1) status = .reset_params p_index++ i++ continue } // pointer, manage it here if ch == `p` && status == .field_char { res.write("0x"+ptr_str(pt[p_index])) status = .reset_params p_index++ i++ continue } if status == .field_char { mut fc_ch1 := `0` mut fc_ch2 := `0` if (i + 1) < str.len { fc_ch1 = str[i+1] if (i + 2) < str.len { fc_ch2 = str[i+2] } } if ch == `+` { sign = true i++ continue } else if ch == `-` { allign = .left i++ continue } else if ch in [`0`,` `] { if allign == .right { pad_ch = ch } i++ continue } else if ch == `'` { th_separator = true i++ continue } else if ch == `.` && fc_ch1 >= `1` && fc_ch1 <= `9` { status = .check_float i++ continue } // manage "%.*s" precision field else if ch == `.` && fc_ch1 == `*` && fc_ch2 == `s` { len := *(&int(pt[p_index])) p_index++ mut s := *(&string(pt[p_index])) s = s[..len] p_index++ res.write(s) status = .reset_params i += 3 continue } status = .len_set_start continue } if status == .len_set_start { if ch >= `1` && ch <= `9` { len0 = int(ch - `0`) status = .len_set_in i++ continue } if ch == `.` { status = .check_float i++ continue } status = .check_type continue } if status == .len_set_in { if ch >= `0` && ch <= `9` { len0 *= 10 len0 += int(ch - `0`) i++ continue } if ch == `.` { status = .check_float i++ continue } status = .check_type continue } if status == .check_float { if ch >= `0` && ch <= `9` { len1 = int(ch - `0`) status = .check_float_in i++ continue } status = .check_type continue } if status == .check_float_in { if ch >= `0` && ch <= `9` { len1 *= 10 len1 += int(ch - `0`) i++ continue } status = .check_type continue } if status == .check_type { if ch == `l` { if ch1 == `0` { ch1 = `l` i++ continue } else { ch2 = `l` i++ continue } } else if ch == `h` { if ch1 == `0` { ch1 = `h` i++ continue } else { ch2 = `h` i++ continue } } // signed integer else if ch in [`d`,`i`] { mut d1 := u64(0) mut positive := true //println("$ch1 $ch2") match ch1 { // h for 16 bit int // hh fot 8 bit int `h` { //i++ if ch2 == `h` { //i++ x := *(&i8(pt[p_index])) positive = if x >= 0 { true } else { false } d1 = if positive { u64(x) } else { u64(-x) } } else { x := *(&i16(pt[p_index])) positive = if x >= 0 { true } else { false } d1 = if positive { u64(x) } else { u64(-x) } } } // l i64 // ll i64 for now `l` { //i++ if ch2 == `l` { //i++ x := *(&i64(pt[p_index])) positive = if x >= 0 { true } else { false } d1 = if positive { u64(x) } else { u64(-x) } } else { x := *(&i64(pt[p_index])) positive = if x >= 0 { true } else { false } d1 = if positive { u64(x) } else { u64(-x) } } } // defualt int else { x := *(&int(pt[p_index])) positive = if x >= 0 { true } else { false } d1 = if positive { u64(x) } else { u64(-x) } } } res.write(format_dec(d1,{positive: positive, pad_ch: pad_ch, len0: len0, sign_flag: sign, allign: allign})) status = .reset_params p_index++ i++ ch1 = `0` ch2 = `0` continue } // unsigned integer else if ch == `u` { mut d1 := u64(0) positive := true match ch1 { // h for 16 bit unsigned int // hh fot 8 bit unsigned int `h` { //i++ if ch2 == `h` { //i++ d1 = u64(*(&byte(pt[p_index]))) } else { d1 = u64(*(&u16(pt[p_index]))) } } // l u64 // ll u64 for now `l` { //i++ if ch2 == `l` { //i++ d1 = u64(*(&u64(pt[p_index]))) } else { d1 = u64(*(&u64(pt[p_index]))) } } // defualt int else { d1 = u64(*(&u32(pt[p_index]))) } } res.write(format_dec(d1,{positive: positive, pad_ch: pad_ch, len0: len0, sign_flag: sign, allign: allign})) status = .reset_params p_index++ i++ continue } // hex else if ch in [`x`, `X`] { mut s := "" match ch1 { // h for 16 bit int // hh fot 8 bit int `h` { //i++ if ch2 == `h` { //i++ x := *(&i8(pt[p_index])) s = x.hex() } else { x := *(&i16(pt[p_index])) s = x.hex() } } // l i64 // ll i64 for now `l` { //i++ if ch2 == `l` { // i++ x := *(&i64(pt[p_index])) s = x.hex() } else { x := *(&i64(pt[p_index])) s = x.hex() } } else { x := *(&int(pt[p_index])) s = x.hex() } } if ch == `X` { s = s.to_upper() } res.write(format_str(s,{pad_ch: pad_ch, len0: len0, allign: allign})) status = .reset_params p_index++ i++ continue } // float and double if ch in [`f`, `F`] { x := *(&f64(pt[p_index])) mut positive := x >= f64(0.0) len1 = if len1 >= 0 { len1 } else { def_len1 } s := format_fl(f64(x), {positive: positive, pad_ch: pad_ch, len0: len0, len1: len1, sign_flag: sign, allign: allign}) res.write(if ch == `F` {s.to_upper()} else {s}) status = .reset_params p_index++ i++ continue } else if ch in [`e`, `E`] { x := *(&f64(pt[p_index])) mut positive := x >= f64(0.0) len1 = if len1 >= 0 { len1 } else { def_len1 } s := format_es(f64(x), {positive: positive, pad_ch: pad_ch, len0: len0, len1: len1, sign_flag: sign, allign: allign}) res.write(if ch == `E` {s.to_upper()} else {s}) status = .reset_params p_index++ i++ continue } else if ch in [`g`, `G`] { x := *(&f64(pt[p_index])) mut positive := x >= f64(0.0) mut s := "" tx := fabs(x) if tx < 999_999.0 && tx >= 0.00001 { //println("Here g format_fl [$tx]") len1 = if len1 >= 0 { len1+1 } else { def_len1 } s = format_fl(x, {positive: positive, pad_ch: pad_ch, len0: len0, len1: len1, sign_flag: sign, allign: allign, rm_tail_zero: true}) } else { len1 = if len1 >= 0 { len1+1 } else { def_len1 } s = format_es(x, {positive: positive, pad_ch: pad_ch, len0: len0, len1: len1, sign_flag: sign, allign: allign, rm_tail_zero: true}) } res.write(if ch == `G` {s.to_upper()} else {s}) status = .reset_params p_index++ i++ continue } // string else if ch == `s` { s1 := *(&string(pt[p_index])) pad_ch = ` ` res.write(format_str(s1, {pad_ch: pad_ch, len0: len0, allign: allign})) status = .reset_params p_index++ i++ continue } } status = .reset_params p_index++ i++ } return res.str() } fn fabs(x f64) f64 { if x < 0.0 { return -x } return x }