// Copyright (c) 2019 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license // that can be found in the LICENSE file. module compiler import ( strings os ) /* .vh generation logic. .vh files contain only function signatures, consts, and types. They are used together with pre-compiled modules. */ // `mod` == "vlib/os" fn generate_vh(mod string) { println('\n\n\n\nGenerating a V header file for module `$mod`') vexe := os.executable() full_mod_path := os.dir(vexe) + '/' + mod mod_path := mod.replace('.', os.path_separator) dir := if mod.starts_with('vlib') { '$compiler.v_modules_path${os.path_separator}$mod' } else { '$compiler.v_modules_path${os.path_separator}$mod' } path := dir + '.vh' pdir := dir.all_before_last(os.path_separator) if !os.dir_exists(pdir) { os.mkdir_all(pdir) // os.mkdir(os.realpath(dir)) } out := os.create(path) or { panic(err) } mod_def := if mod.contains('/') { mod.all_after('/') } else { mod } // "os" out.writeln('// $mod module header \n') out.writeln('module $mod_def\n') // Consts println(full_mod_path) mut vfiles := os.walk_ext(full_mod_path, '.v') //mut vfiles := os.ls(full_mod_path) or { //exit(1) //} filtered := vfiles.filter(it.ends_with('.v') && !it.ends_with('test.v') && !it.ends_with('_windows.v') && !it.ends_with('_win.v') && !it.ends_with('_lin.v') && !it.contains('/examples') && !it.contains('/js')) // TODO merge once filter allows it println(filtered) mut v := new_v(['foo.v']) //v.pref.generating_vh = true mut consts := strings.new_builder(100) mut fns := strings.new_builder(100) mut types := strings.new_builder(100) for file in filtered { mut p := v.new_parser_from_file(file) p.scanner.is_vh = true p.parse(.decl) for i, tok in p.tokens { if !p.tok.is_decl() { continue } match tok.tok { .key_fn { fns.writeln(generate_fn(p.tokens, i)) } .key_const { consts.writeln(generate_const(p.tokens, i)) } .key_struct { types.writeln(generate_type(p.tokens, i)) } .key_type { types.writeln(generate_alias(p.tokens, i)) } } } } result := consts.str() + types.str() + fns.str().replace('\n\n\n', '\n').replace('\n\n', '\n') out.writeln(result.replace('[ ] ', '[]').replace('? ', '?')) out.close() } fn generate_fn(tokens []Token, i int) string { mut out := strings.new_builder(100) mut next := tokens[i+1] if tokens[i-1].tok != .key_pub { // Skip private fns return '' } if next.tok == .name && next.lit == 'C' { println('skipping C') return '' } //out.write('pub ') mut tok := tokens[i] for i < tokens.len && tok.tok != .lcbr { next = tokens[i+1] out.write(tok.str()) if tok.tok != .lpar && !(next.tok in [.comma, .rpar]) { // No space after (), [], etc out.write(' ') } i++ tok = tokens[i] } return out.str() } fn generate_alias(tokens []Token, i int) string { mut out := strings.new_builder(100) mut tok := tokens[i] for i < tokens.len-1 { out.write(tok.str()) out.write(' ') if tok.line_nr != tokens[i+1].line_nr { break } i++ tok = tokens[i] } out.writeln('\n') return out.str() } fn generate_const(tokens []Token, i int) string { mut out := strings.new_builder(100) mut tok := tokens[i] for i < tokens.len && tok.tok != .rpar { out.write(tok.str()) out.write(' ') if tokens[i+2].tok == .assign { out.write('\n\t') } i++ tok = tokens[i] } out.writeln('\n)') return out.str() } fn generate_type(tokens []Token, i int) string { mut out := strings.new_builder(100) mut tok := tokens[i] for i < tokens.len && tok.tok != .rcbr { out.write(tok.str()) out.write(' ') if tokens[i+1].line_nr != tokens[i].line_nr { out.write('\n\t') } i++ tok = tokens[i] } out.writeln('\n}') return out.str() }