// Copyright (c) 2019 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license // that can be found in the LICENSE file. module main import ( os time strings ) const ( Version = '0.1.19' ) enum BuildMode { // `v program.v' // Build user code only, and add pre-compiled vlib (`cc program.o builtin.o os.o...`) default_mode // `v -embed_vlib program.v` // vlib + user code in one file (slower compilation, but easier when working on vlib and cross-compiling) embed_vlib // `v -lib ~/v/os` // build any module (generate os.o + os.vh) build_module } const ( SupportedPlatforms = ['windows', 'mac', 'linux', 'freebsd', 'openbsd', 'netbsd', 'dragonfly', 'msvc', 'js'] ModPath = os.home_dir() + '/.vmodules/' ) enum OS { mac linux windows freebsd openbsd netbsd dragonfly msvc js } enum Pass { // A very short pass that only looks at imports in the beginning of // each file imports // First pass, only parses and saves declarations (fn signatures, // consts, types). // Skips function bodies. // We need this because in V things can be used before they are // declared. decl // Second pass, parses function bodies and generates C or machine code. main } struct V { mut: os OS // the OS to build for out_name_c string // name of the temporary C file files []string // all V files that need to be parsed and compiled dir string // directory (or file) being compiled (TODO rename to path?) table &Table // table with types, vars, functions etc cgen &CGen // C code generator pref &Preferences // all the preferences and settings extracted to a struct for reusability lang_dir string // "~/code/v" out_name string // "program.exe" vroot string mod string // module being built with -lib //parsers []Parser } struct Preferences { mut: build_mode BuildMode nofmt bool // disable vfmt is_test bool // `v test string_test.v` is_script bool // single file mode (`v program.v`), main function can be skipped is_live bool // for hot code reloading is_so bool is_prof bool // benchmark every function translated bool // `v translate doom.v` are we running V code translated from C? allow globals, ++ expressions, etc is_prod bool // use "-O2" is_verbose bool // print extra information with `v.log()` obfuscate bool // `v -obf program.v`, renames functions to "f_XXX" is_repl bool is_run bool show_c_cmd bool // `v -show_c_cmd` prints the C command to build program.v.c sanitize bool // use Clang's new "-fsanitize" option is_debuggable bool is_debug bool // keep compiled C files no_auto_free bool // `v -nofree` disable automatic `free()` insertion for better performance in some applications (e.g. compilers) cflags string // Additional options which will be passed to the C compiler. // For example, passing -cflags -Os will cause the C compiler to optimize the generated binaries for size. // You could pass several -cflags XXX arguments. They will be merged with each other. // You can also quote several options at the same time: -cflags '-Os -fno-inline-small-functions'. ccompiler string // the name of the used C compiler building_v bool autofree bool } fn main() { // There's no `flags` module yet, so args have to be parsed manually args := env_vflags_and_os_args() // Print the version and exit. if '-v' in args || '--version' in args || 'version' in args { version_hash := vhash() println('V $Version $version_hash') return } if '-h' in args || '--help' in args || 'help' in args { println(HelpText) return } if 'translate' in args { println('Translating C to V will be available in V 0.3') return } if 'up' in args { update_v() return } if 'get' in args { println('use `v install` to install modules from vpm.vlang.io ') return } if 'symlink' in args { create_symlink() return } if args.join(' ').contains(' test v') { test_v() return } if 'install' in args { install_v(args) return } // TODO quit if the compiler is too old // u := os.file_last_mod_unix('v') // If there's no tmp path with current version yet, the user must be using a pre-built package // Copy the `vlib` directory to the tmp path. /* // TODO if !os.file_exists(TmpPath) && os.file_exists('vlib') { } */ // Just fmt and exit if 'fmt' in args { vfmt(args) return } // v get sqlite if 'get' in args { // Create the modules directory if it's not there. if !os.file_exists(ModPath) { os.mkdir(ModPath) } } // Construct the V object from command line arguments mut v := new_v(args) if v.pref.is_verbose { println(args) } // Generate the docs and exit if 'doc' in args { // v.gen_doc_html_for_module(args.last()) exit(0) } if 'run' in args { // always recompile for now, too error prone to skip recompilation otherwise // for example for -repl usage, especially when piping lines to v v.compile() v.run_compiled_executable_and_exit() } // No args? REPL if args.len < 2 || (args.len == 2 && args[1] == '-') || 'runrepl' in args { run_repl() return } v.compile() if v.pref.is_test { v.run_compiled_executable_and_exit() } } fn (v mut V) compile() { // Emily: Stop people on linux from being able to build with msvc if os.user_os() != 'windows' && v.os == .msvc { cerror('Cannot build with msvc on ${os.user_os()}') } mut cgen := v.cgen cgen.genln('// Generated by V') // Add builtin parsers for i, file in v.files { // v.parsers << v.new_parser(file) } if v.pref.is_verbose { println('all .v files before:') println(v.files) } v.add_v_files_to_compile() if v.pref.is_verbose || v.pref.is_debug { println('all .v files:') println(v.files) } // First pass (declarations) for file in v.files { mut p := v.new_parser(file) p.parse(.decl) } // Main pass cgen.pass = Pass.main if v.pref.is_debug { $if js { cgen.genln('const VDEBUG = 1;\n') } $else { cgen.genln('#define VDEBUG (1)') } } if v.os == .js { cgen.genln('#define _VJS (1) ') } if v.pref.building_v { cgen.genln('#ifndef V_COMMIT_HASH') cgen.genln('#define V_COMMIT_HASH "' + vhash() + '"') cgen.genln('#endif') } $if js { cgen.genln(js_headers) } $else { cgen.genln(CommonCHeaders) } v.generate_hotcode_reloading_declarations() imports_json := 'json' in v.table.imports // TODO remove global UI hack if v.os == .mac && ((v.pref.build_mode == .embed_vlib && 'ui' in v.table.imports) || (v.pref.build_mode == .build_module && v.dir.contains('/ui'))) { cgen.genln('id defaultFont = 0; // main.v') } // We need the cjson header for all the json decoding user will do in default mode if v.pref.build_mode == .default_mode { if imports_json { cgen.genln('#include "cJSON.h"') } } if v.pref.build_mode == .embed_vlib || v.pref.build_mode == .default_mode { // If we declare these for all modes, then when running `v a.v` we'll get // `/usr/bin/ld: multiple definition of 'total_m'` // TODO //cgen.genln('i64 total_m = 0; // For counting total RAM allocated') if v.pref.is_test { cgen.genln('int g_test_ok = 1; ') } if 'json' in v.table.imports { cgen.genln(' #define js_get(object, key) cJSON_GetObjectItemCaseSensitive((object), (key)) ') } } if '-debug_alloc' in os.args { cgen.genln('#define DEBUG_ALLOC 1') } //cgen.genln('/*================================== FNS =================================*/') cgen.genln('this line will be replaced with definitions') defs_pos := cgen.lines.len - 1 for file in v.files { mut p := v.new_parser(file) p.parse(.main) // p.g.gen_x64() // Format all files (don't format automatically generated vlib headers) if !v.pref.nofmt && !file.contains('/vlib/') { // new vfmt is not ready yet } } v.log('Done parsing.') // Write everything mut d := strings.new_builder(10000)// Avoid unnecessary allocations $if !js { d.writeln(cgen.includes.join_lines()) d.writeln(cgen.typedefs.join_lines()) d.writeln(v.type_definitions()) d.writeln('\nstring _STR(const char*, ...);\n') d.writeln('\nstring _STR_TMP(const char*, ...);\n') d.writeln(cgen.fns.join_lines()) // fn definitions } $else { d.writeln(v.type_definitions()) } d.writeln(cgen.consts.join_lines()) d.writeln(cgen.thread_args.join_lines()) if v.pref.is_prof { d.writeln('; // Prof counters:') d.writeln(v.prof_counters()) } dd := d.str() cgen.lines[defs_pos] = dd// TODO `def.str()` doesn't compile v.generate_main() v.generate_hot_reload_code() if v.pref.is_verbose { v.log('flags=') for flag in v.get_os_cflags() { println(' * ' + flag.format()) } } $if js { cgen.genln('main();') } cgen.save() v.cc() } fn (v mut V) generate_main() { mut cgen := v.cgen $if js { return } // if v.build_mode in [.default, .embed_vlib] { if v.pref.build_mode == .default_mode || v.pref.build_mode == .embed_vlib { mut consts_init_body := cgen.consts_init.join_lines() for imp in v.table.imports { if imp == 'http' { consts_init_body += '\n http__init_module();' } } // vlib can't have `init_consts()` cgen.genln('void init_consts() { #ifdef _WIN32 #ifndef _BOOTSTRAP_NO_UNICODE_STREAM _setmode(_fileno(stdout), _O_U8TEXT); SetConsoleMode(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), ENABLE_PROCESSED_OUTPUT | 0x0004); // ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_PROCESSING #endif #endif g_str_buf=malloc(1000); $consts_init_body }') // _STR function can't be defined in vlib cgen.genln(' string _STR(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list argptr; va_start(argptr, fmt); size_t len = vsnprintf(0, 0, fmt, argptr) + 1; va_end(argptr); byte* buf = malloc(len); va_start(argptr, fmt); vsprintf((char *)buf, fmt, argptr); va_end(argptr); #ifdef DEBUG_ALLOC puts("_STR:"); puts(buf); #endif return tos2(buf); } string _STR_TMP(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list argptr; va_start(argptr, fmt); //size_t len = vsnprintf(0, 0, fmt, argptr) + 1; va_end(argptr); va_start(argptr, fmt); vsprintf((char *)g_str_buf, fmt, argptr); va_end(argptr); #ifdef DEBUG_ALLOC //puts("_STR_TMP:"); //puts(g_str_buf); #endif return tos2(g_str_buf); } ') } // Make sure the main function exists // Obviously we don't need it in libraries if v.pref.build_mode != .build_module { if !v.table.main_exists() && !v.pref.is_test { // It can be skipped in single file programs if v.pref.is_script { //println('Generating main()...') cgen.genln('int main() { init_consts();') cgen.genln('$cgen.fn_main;') cgen.genln('return 0; }') } else { println('panic: function `main` is undeclared in the main module') exit(1) } } // Generate `main` which calls every single test function else if v.pref.is_test { cgen.genln('int main() { init_consts();') for _, f in v.table.fns { if f.name.starts_with('test_') { cgen.genln('$f.name();') } } cgen.genln('return g_test_ok == 0; }') } } } fn final_target_out_name(out_name string) string { mut cmd := if out_name.starts_with('/') { out_name } else { './' + out_name } $if windows { cmd = out_name cmd = cmd.replace('/', '\\') cmd += '.exe' } return cmd } fn (v V) run_compiled_executable_and_exit() { if v.pref.is_verbose { println('============ running $v.out_name ============') } mut cmd := '"' + final_target_out_name(v.out_name).replace('.exe','') + '"' if os.args.len > 3 { cmd += ' ' + os.args.right(3).join(' ') } if v.pref.is_test { ret := os.system(cmd) if ret != 0 { exit(1) } } if v.pref.is_run { ret := os.system(cmd) // TODO: make the runner wrapping as transparent as possible // (i.e. use execve when implemented). For now though, the runner // just returns the same exit code as the child process // (see man system, man 2 waitpid: C macro WEXITSTATUS section) exit( ret >> 8 ) } exit(0) } fn (v &V) v_files_from_dir(dir string) []string { mut res := []string if !os.file_exists(dir) { cerror('$dir doesn\'t exist') } else if !os.dir_exists(dir) { cerror('$dir isn\'t a directory') } mut files := os.ls(dir) if v.pref.is_verbose { println('v_files_from_dir ("$dir")') } files.sort() for file in files { if !file.ends_with('.v') && !file.ends_with('.vh') { continue } if file.ends_with('_test.v') { continue } if file.ends_with('_win.v') && (v.os != .windows && v.os != .msvc) { continue } if file.ends_with('_lin.v') && v.os != .linux { continue } if file.ends_with('_mac.v') && v.os != .mac { continue } if file.ends_with('_js.v') { continue } if file.ends_with('_nix.v') && (v.os == .windows || v.os == .msvc) { continue } if file.ends_with('_js.v') && v.os != .js { continue } if file.ends_with('_c.v') && v.os == .js { continue } res << '$dir/$file' } return res } // Parses imports, adds necessary libs, and then user files fn (v mut V) add_v_files_to_compile() { mut dir := v.dir v.log('add_v_files($dir)') // Need to store user files separately, because they have to be added after libs, but we dont know // which libs need to be added yet mut user_files := []string // v volt/slack_test.v: compile all .v files to get the environment // I need to implement user packages! TODO is_test_with_imports := dir.ends_with('_test.v') && (dir.contains('/volt') || dir.contains('/c2volt'))// TODO if is_test_with_imports { user_files << dir pos := dir.last_index('/') dir = dir.left(pos) + '/'// TODO WHY IS THIS .neEDED? } if dir.ends_with('.v') { // Just compile one file and get parent dir user_files << dir dir = dir.all_before('/') } else { // Add .v files from the directory being compiled files := v.v_files_from_dir(dir) for file in files { user_files << file } } if user_files.len == 0 { println('No input .v files') exit(1) } if v.pref.is_verbose { v.log('user_files:') println(user_files) } // Parse builtin imports for file in v.files { mut p := v.new_parser(file) p.parse(.imports) } // Parse user imports for file in user_files { mut p := v.new_parser(file) p.parse(.imports) } // Parse lib imports /* if v.pref.build_mode == .default_mode { // strange ( for mod in v.table.imports ) dosent loop all items // for mod in v.table.imports { for i := 0; i < v.table.imports.len; i++ { mod := v.table.imports[i] mod_path := v.module_path(mod) import_path := '$ModPath/vlib/$mod_path' vfiles := v.v_files_from_dir(import_path) if vfiles.len == 0 { cerror('cannot import module $mod (no .v files in "$import_path").') } // Add all imports referenced by these libs for file in vfiles { mut p := v.new_parser(file, Pass.imports) p.parse() } } } else { */ // strange ( for mod in v.table.imports ) dosent loop all items // for mod in v.table.imports { for i := 0; i < v.table.imports.len; i++ { mod := v.table.imports[i] import_path := v.find_module_path(mod) vfiles := v.v_files_from_dir(import_path) if vfiles.len == 0 { cerror('cannot import module $mod (no .v files in "$import_path").') } // Add all imports referenced by these libs for file in vfiles { mut p := v.new_parser(file) p.parse(.imports) } } if v.pref.is_verbose { v.log('imports:') println(v.table.imports) } // graph deps mut dep_graph := new_dep_graph() dep_graph.from_import_tables(v.table.file_imports) deps_resolved := dep_graph.resolve() if !deps_resolved.acyclic { deps_resolved.display() cerror('Import cycle detected.') } // add imports in correct order for mod in deps_resolved.imports() { // Building this module? Skip. TODO it's a hack. if mod == v.mod { continue } mod_path := v.find_module_path(mod) // If we are in default mode, we don't parse vlib .v files, but header .vh files in // TmpPath/vlib // These were generated by vfmt /* if v.pref.build_mode == .default_mode || v.pref.build_mode == .build_module { module_path = '$ModPath/vlib/$mod_p' } */ if mod == 'builtin' { continue } // builtin files were already added vfiles := v.v_files_from_dir(mod_path) for file in vfiles { if !(file in v.files) { v.files << file } } } // Add remaining user files mut j := 0 mut len := -1 for i, fit in v.table.file_imports { // Don't add a duplicate; builtin files are always there if fit.file_path in v.files || fit.module_name == 'builtin' { continue } if len == -1 { len = i } j++ // TODO remove this once imports work with .build if v.pref.build_mode == .build_module && j >= len / 2{ break } //println(fit) //println('fit $fit.file_path') v.files << fit.file_path } } fn get_arg(joined_args, arg, def string) string { return get_all_after(joined_args, '-$arg', def) } fn get_all_after(joined_args, arg, def string) string { key := '$arg ' mut pos := joined_args.index(key) if pos == -1 { return def } pos += key.len mut space := joined_args.index_after(' ', pos) if space == -1 { space = joined_args.len } res := joined_args.substr(pos, space) // println('get_arg($arg) = "$res"') return res } fn (v &V) module_path(mod string) string { // submodule support if mod.contains('.') { //return mod.replace('.', os.PathSeparator) return mod.replace('.', '/') } return mod } fn (v &V) log(s string) { if !v.pref.is_verbose { return } println(s) } fn new_v(args[]string) &V { joined_args := args.join(' ') target_os := get_arg(joined_args, 'os', '') mut out_name := get_arg(joined_args, 'o', 'a.out') mut dir := args.last() if 'run' in args { dir = get_all_after(joined_args, 'run', '') } if dir.ends_with(os.PathSeparator) { dir = dir.all_before_last(os.PathSeparator) } if args.len < 2 { dir = '' } // println('new compiler "$dir"') // build mode mut build_mode := BuildMode.default_mode mut mod := '' //if args.contains('-lib') { if joined_args.contains('build module ') { build_mode = .build_module // v build module ~/v/os => os.o //mod = os.dir(dir) mod = if dir.contains(os.PathSeparator) { dir.all_after(os.PathSeparator) } else { dir } println('Building module "${mod}" (dir="$dir")...') //out_name = '$TmpPath/vlib/${base}.o' out_name = mod + '.o' // Cross compiling? Use separate dirs for each os /* if target_os != os.user_os() { os.mkdir('$TmpPath/vlib/$target_os') out_name = '$TmpPath/vlib/$target_os/${base}.o' println('target_os=$target_os user_os=${os.user_os()}') println('!Cross compiling $out_name') } */ } // TODO embed_vlib is temporarily the default mode. It's much slower. else if !('-embed_vlib' in args) { build_mode = .embed_vlib } // is_test := dir.ends_with('_test.v') is_script := dir.ends_with('.v') if is_script && !os.file_exists(dir) { println('`$dir` does not exist') exit(1) } // No -o provided? foo.v => foo if out_name == 'a.out' && dir.ends_with('.v') { out_name = dir.left(dir.len - 2) } // if we are in `/foo` and run `v .`, the executable should be `foo` if dir == '.' && out_name == 'a.out' { base := os.getwd().all_after(os.PathSeparator) out_name = base.trim_space() } mut _os := OS.mac // No OS specifed? Use current system if target_os == '' { $if linux { _os = .linux } $if mac { _os = .mac } $if windows { _os = .windows } $if freebsd { _os = .freebsd } $if openbsd { _os = .openbsd } $if netbsd { _os = .netbsd } $if dragonfly { _os = .dragonfly } } else { switch target_os { case 'linux': _os = .linux case 'windows': _os = .windows case 'mac': _os = .mac case 'freebsd': _os = .freebsd case 'openbsd': _os = .openbsd case 'netbsd': _os = .netbsd case 'dragonfly': _os = .dragonfly case 'msvc': _os = .msvc case 'js': _os = .js } } //println('OS=$_os') builtin := 'builtin.v' builtins := [ 'array.v', 'string.v', 'builtin.v', 'int.v', 'utf8.v', 'map.v', 'option.v', ] //println(builtins) // Location of all vlib files vroot := os.dir(os.executable()) //println('VROOT=$vroot') // v.exe's parent directory should contain vlib if !os.dir_exists(vroot) || !os.dir_exists(vroot + '/vlib/builtin') { println('vlib not found. It should be next to the V executable. ') println('Go to https://vlang.io to install V.') exit(1) } //println('out_name:$out_name') mut out_name_c := os.realpath( out_name ) + '.tmp.c' mut files := []string // Add builtin files //if !out_name.contains('builtin.o') { for builtin in builtins { mut f := '$vroot/vlib/builtin/$builtin' __ := 1 $if js { f = '$vroot/vlib/builtin/js/$builtin' } // In default mode we use precompiled vlib.o, point to .vh files with signatures if build_mode == .default_mode || build_mode == .build_module { //f = '$TmpPath/vlib/builtin/${builtin}h' } files << f } mut cflags := '' for ci, cv in args { if cv == '-cflags' { cflags += args[ci+1] + ' ' } } rdir := os.realpath( dir ) rdir_name := os.filename( rdir ) obfuscate := '-obf' in args is_repl := '-repl' in args pref := &Preferences { is_test: is_test is_script: is_script is_so: '-shared' in args is_prod: '-prod' in args is_verbose: '-verbose' in args is_debuggable: '-g' in args is_debug: '-debug' in args || '-g' in args obfuscate: obfuscate is_prof: '-prof' in args is_live: '-live' in args sanitize: '-sanitize' in args nofmt: '-nofmt' in args show_c_cmd: '-show_c_cmd' in args translated: 'translated' in args is_run: 'run' in args autofree: 'autofree' in args is_repl: is_repl build_mode: build_mode cflags: cflags ccompiler: find_c_compiler() building_v: !is_repl && (rdir_name == 'compiler' || dir.contains('vlib')) } if pref.is_verbose || pref.is_debug { println('C compiler=$pref.ccompiler') } if pref.is_so { out_name_c = out_name.all_after(os.PathSeparator) + '_shared_lib.c' } return &V{ os: _os out_name: out_name files: files dir: dir lang_dir: vroot table: new_table(obfuscate) out_name_c: out_name_c cgen: new_cgen(out_name_c) vroot: vroot pref: pref mod: mod } } fn env_vflags_and_os_args() []string { mut args := []string vflags := os.getenv('VFLAGS') if '' != vflags { args << os.args[0] args << vflags.split(' ') if os.args.len > 1 { args << os.args.right(1) } }else{ args << os.args } return args } fn update_v() { println('Updating V...') vroot := os.dir(os.executable()) s := os.exec('git -C "$vroot" pull --rebase origin master') or { cerror(err) return } println(s.output) $if windows { os.mv('$vroot/v.exe', '$vroot/v_old.exe') s2 := os.exec('$vroot/make.bat') or { cerror(err) return } println(s2.output) } $else { s2 := os.exec('make -C "$vroot"') or { cerror(err) return } println(s2.output) } } fn vfmt(args[]string) { file := args.last() if !os.file_exists(file) { println('"$file" does not exist') exit(1) } if !file.ends_with('.v') { println('v fmt can only be used on .v files') exit(1) } println('vfmt is temporarily disabled') } fn install_v(args[]string) { if args.len < 3 { println('usage: v install [module] [module] [...]') return } names := args.slice(2, args.len) vexec := os.executable() vroot := os.dir(vexec) vget := '$vroot/tools/vget' if true { //println('Building vget...') os.chdir(vroot + '/tools') vgetcompilation := os.exec('$vexec -o $vget vget.v') or { cerror(err) return } if vgetcompilation.exit_code != 0 { cerror( vgetcompilation.output ) return } } vgetresult := os.exec('$vget ' + names.join(' ')) or { cerror(err) return } if vgetresult.exit_code != 0 { cerror( vgetresult.output ) return } } fn test_v() { args := env_vflags_and_os_args() vexe := args[0] // Emily: pass args from the invocation to the test // e.g. `v -g -os msvc test v` -> `$vexe -g -os msvc $file` mut joined_args := env_vflags_and_os_args().right(1).join(' ') joined_args = joined_args.left(joined_args.last_index('test')) println('$joined_args') mut failed := false test_files := os.walk_ext('.', '_test.v') for dot_relative_file in test_files { relative_file := dot_relative_file.replace('./', '') file := os.realpath( relative_file ) tmpcfilepath := file.replace('_test.v', '_test.tmp.c') print(relative_file + ' ') mut cmd := '"$vexe" $joined_args -debug "$file"' if os.user_os() == 'windows' { cmd = '"$cmd"' } r := os.exec(cmd) or { failed = true println('FAIL') continue } if r.exit_code != 0 { println('FAIL `$file` (\n$r.output\n)') failed = true } else { println('OK') } os.rm( tmpcfilepath ) } println('\nBuilding examples...') examples := os.walk_ext('examples', '.v') for relative_file in examples { file := os.realpath( relative_file ) tmpcfilepath := file.replace('.v', '.tmp.c') print(relative_file + ' ') mut cmd := '"$vexe" $joined_args -debug "$file"' if os.user_os() == 'windows' { cmd = '"$cmd"' } r := os.exec(cmd) or { failed = true println('FAIL') continue } if r.exit_code != 0 { println('FAIL `$file` (\n$r.output\n)') failed = true } else { println('OK') } os.rm(tmpcfilepath) } if failed { exit(1) } } fn create_symlink() { vexe := os.executable() link_path := '/usr/local/bin/v' ret := os.system('ln -sf $vexe $link_path') if ret == 0 { println('symlink "$link_path" has been created') } else { println('failed to create symlink "$link_path", '+ 'make sure you run with sudo') } } pub fn cerror(s string) { println('V error: $s') os.flush_stdout() exit(1) } fn vhash() string { mut buf := [50]byte buf[0] = 0 C.snprintf(buf, 50, '%s', C.V_COMMIT_HASH ) return tos_clone(buf) }