// Copyright (c) 2019 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license // that can be found in the LICENSE file. module glfw import gl #flag -I @VROOT/thirdparty/glfw #flag -L @VROOT/thirdparty/glfw // Debugging a custom build //-#flag darwin -L/var/tmp/glfw/src/ // MacPorts #flag darwin -L/opt/local/lib #flag darwin -lglfw #flag linux -lglfw #flag windows -lglfw3 #include // #flag darwin -framework Carbon // #flag darwin -framework Cocoa // #flag darwin -framework CoreVideo // #flag darwin -framework IOKit const ( RESIZABLE = 1 DECORATED = 2 ) import const ( GLFW_RESIZABLE GLFW_DECORATED GLFW_FLOATING ) import const ( GLFW_KEY_ENTER GLFW_KEY_A GLFW_KEY_B GLFW_KEY_P GLFW_KEY_F GLFW_KEY_M GLFW_KEY_L GLFW_KEY_V GLFW_KEY_R GLFW_KEY_D GLFW_KEY_7 GLFW_KEY_Z GLFW_KEY_UP GLFW_KEY_DOWN GLFW_KEY_UP GLFW_KEY_LEFT GLFW_KEY_RIGHT GLFW_KEY_BACKSPACE GLFW_KEY_ENTER GLFW_KEY_ESCAPE GLFW_KEY_N GLFW_KEY_PERIOD GLFW_KEY_SLASH GLFW_KEY_F5 GLFW_KEY_F6 GLFW_KEY_MINUS GLFW_KEY_EQUAL GLFW_KEY_C GLFW_KEY_G GLFW_KEY_I GLFW_KEY_J GLFW_KEY_E GLFW_KEY_K GLFW_KEY_O GLFW_KEY_T GLFW_KEY_H GLFW_KEY_L GLFW_KEY_N GLFW_KEY_U GLFW_KEY_X GLFW_KEY_W GLFW_KEY_Y GLFW_KEY_Q GLFW_KEY_RIGHT_BRACKET GLFW_KEY_LEFT_BRACKET GLFW_KEY_8 GLFW_KEY_TAB GLFW_KEY_COMMA GLFW_KEY_QUESTION ) const ( KEY_ESCAPE = 256 KEY_LEFT_SUPER = 343 ) const ( KeyUp = 265 KeyLeft = 263 KeyRight = 262 KeyDown = 264 ) struct WinCfg { width int height int title string ptr voidptr borderless bool is_modal int is_browser bool url string always_on_top bool } // data *C.GLFWwindow // TODO change data to cobj struct Window { data voidptr title string mx int my int } struct Size { pub: width int height int } struct Pos { x int y int } // type clickpub fn pub fn (window * GLFWwindow, button, action, mods int) type clickpubfn fn (window voidptr, button, action, mods int) pub fn init() { C.glfwInit() C.glfwWindowHint(C.GLFW_CONTEXT_VERSION_MAJOR, 3) C.glfwWindowHint(C.GLFW_CONTEXT_VERSION_MINOR, 3) C.glfwWindowHint(C.GLFW_OPENGL_FORWARD_COMPAT, C.GL_TRUE) C.glfwWindowHint(C.GLFW_OPENGL_PROFILE, C.GLFW_OPENGL_CORE_PROFILE) } pub fn (w &Window) destroy() { C.glfwDestroyWindow(w.data) } pub fn terminate() { C.glfwTerminate() } // pub fn mouse_move(w * GLFWwindow, x, y double) { pub fn mouse_move(w voidptr, x, y f64) { // #printf("%f : %f => %d \n", x,y); } pub fn window_hint(key, val int) { C.glfwWindowHint(key, val) } pub fn create_window(c WinCfg) *Window { if c.borderless { window_hint(GLFW_RESIZABLE, 0) window_hint(GLFW_DECORATED, 0) } if c.always_on_top { window_hint(GLFW_FLOATING, 1) } cwindow := C.glfwCreateWindow(c.width, c.height, c.title.str, 0, 0) if isnil(cwindow) { println('failed to create glfw window') C.glfwTerminate() } C.printf('create window wnd=%p ptr==%p\n', cwindow, c.ptr) C.glfwSetWindowUserPointer(cwindow, c.ptr) window := &Window { data: cwindow, title: c.title, } return window } pub fn (w &Window) set_title(title string) { C.glfwSetWindowTitle(w.data, title.str) } pub fn (w &Window) make_context_current() { C.glfwMakeContextCurrent(w.data) } pub fn swap_interval(interval int) { C.glfwSwapInterval(interval) } pub fn wait_events() { C.glfwWaitEvents() } pub fn poll_events() { C.glfwPollEvents() } pub fn set_should_close(w voidptr, close bool) { C.glfwSetWindowShouldClose(w, close) } pub fn (w &Window) should_close() bool { return C.glfwWindowShouldClose(w.data) } pub fn (w &Window) swap_buffers() { C.glfwSwapBuffers(w.data) } pub fn (w mut Window) onmousemove(cb voidptr) { C.glfwSetCursorPosCallback(w.data, cb) } pub fn (w mut Window) set_mouse_button_callback(cb voidptr) { C.glfwSetMouseButtonCallback(w.data, cb) } pub fn (w mut Window) on_click(cb voidptr) { C.glfwSetMouseButtonCallback(w.data, cb) } pub fn (w &Window) set_scroll_callback(cb voidptr) { C.glfwSetScrollCallback(w.data, cb) } pub fn (w &Window) on_scroll(cb voidptr) { C.glfwSetScrollCallback(w.data, cb) } pub fn post_empty_event() { C.glfwPostEmptyEvent() } pub fn (w mut Window) onkeydown(cb voidptr) { C.glfwSetKeyCallback(w.data, cb) } pub fn (w mut Window) onchar(cb voidptr) { C.glfwSetCharModsCallback(w.data, cb) } pub fn get_time() f64 { return C.glfwGetTime() } pub fn key_pressed(wnd voidptr, key int) bool { return int(C.glfwGetKey(wnd, key)) == C.GLFW_PRESS } pub fn (w &Window) get_clipboard_text() string { return string(byteptr(C.glfwGetClipboardString(w.data))) } pub fn (w &Window) set_clipboard_text(s string) { C.glfwSetClipboardString(w.data, s.str) } pub fn (w &Window) get_cursor_pos() Pos { x := f64(0) y := f64(0) C.glfwGetCursorPos(w.data, &x, &y) return Pos { x: int(x) y: int(y) } } pub fn (w &Window) user_ptr() voidptr { return C.glfwGetWindowUserPointer(w.data) } pub fn (w &Window) set_user_ptr(ptr voidptr) { C.glfwSetWindowUserPointer(w.data, ptr) } struct C.GLFWvidmode { width int height int } pub fn C.glfwGetVideoMode() *C.GLFWvidmode pub fn get_monitor_size() Size { //# GLFWvidmode* mode = glfwGetVideoMode(glfwGetPrimaryMonitor()); mode := C.glfwGetVideoMode(C.glfwGetPrimaryMonitor()) return Size{mode.width, mode.height} } pub fn (size Size) str() string { return '{$size.width, $size.height}' } pub fn get_window_user_pointer(gwnd voidptr) voidptr { return C.glfwGetWindowUserPointer(gwnd) }