// Copyright (c) 2019-2021 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license // that can be found in the LICENSE file. module picoev import net import picohttpparser #include #include #include #include #include #include #flag -I @VEXEROOT/thirdparty/picoev #flag -L @VEXEROOT/thirdparty/picoev #flag @VEXEROOT/thirdparty/picoev/picoev.o #include "src/picoev.h" const ( max_fds = 1024 max_timeout = 10 max_read = 4096 max_write = 8192 ) struct C.in_addr { mut: s_addr int } struct C.sockaddr_in { mut: sin_family int sin_port int sin_addr C.in_addr } struct C.sockaddr_storage {} fn C.atoi() int fn C.strncasecmp(s1 charptr, s2 charptr, n size_t) int struct C.picoev_loop {} struct Picoev { loop &C.picoev_loop cb fn(data voidptr, req picohttpparser.Request, mut res picohttpparser.Response) mut: date byteptr buf byteptr idx [max_fds]int out byteptr pub mut: user_data voidptr = voidptr(0) timeout_secs int = 8 max_headers int = 100 } fn C.picoev_del(&C.picoev_loop, int) int fn C.picoev_set_timeout(&C.picoev_loop, int, int) // fn C.picoev_handler(loop &C.picoev_loop, fd int, revents int, cb_arg voidptr) // TODO: (sponge) update to C.picoev_handler with C type def update type Cpicoev_handler = fn(loop &C.picoev_loop, fd int, revents int, cb_arg voidptr) fn C.picoev_add(&C.picoev_loop, int, int, int, &Cpicoev_handler, voidptr) int fn C.picoev_init(int) int fn C.picoev_create_loop(int) &C.picoev_loop fn C.picoev_loop_once(&C.picoev_loop, int) int fn C.picoev_destroy_loop(&C.picoev_loop) int fn C.picoev_deinit() int [inline] fn setup_sock(fd int) { on := 1 if C.setsockopt(fd, C.IPPROTO_TCP, C.TCP_NODELAY, &on, sizeof(int)) < 0 { println('setup_sock.setup_sock failed') } if C.fcntl(fd, C.F_SETFL, C.O_NONBLOCK) != 0 { println('fcntl failed') } } [inline] fn close_conn(loop &C.picoev_loop, fd int) { C.picoev_del(loop, fd) C.close(fd) } [inline] fn req_read(fd int, b byteptr, max_len int, idx int) int { unsafe { return C.read(fd, b + idx, max_len - idx) } } fn rw_callback(loop &C.picoev_loop, fd int, events int, cb_arg voidptr) { mut p := unsafe {&Picoev(cb_arg)} if (events & C.PICOEV_TIMEOUT) != 0 { close_conn(loop, fd) p.idx[fd] = 0 return } else if (events & C.PICOEV_READ) != 0 { C.picoev_set_timeout(loop, fd, p.timeout_secs) // Request init mut buf := p.buf unsafe { buf += fd * max_read /* pointer magic */ } mut req := picohttpparser.Request{} for { /* Request parsing loop */ r := req_read(fd, buf, max_read, p.idx[fd]) // Get data from socket if r == 0 { /* connection closed by peer */ close_conn(loop, fd) p.idx[fd] = 0 return } else if r == -1 { /* error */ if C.errno == C.EAGAIN || C.errno == C.EWOULDBLOCK { /* try again later */ return } else { /* fatal error */ close_conn(loop, fd) p.idx[fd] = 0 return } } p.idx[fd] += r mut s := unsafe { tos(buf, p.idx[fd]) } pret := req.parse_request(s, p.max_headers) // Parse request via picohttpparser if pret > 0 { // Success break } else if pret == -1 { // Parse error eprintln("picohttprequest: ParseError") return } assert pret == -2 /* request is incomplete, continue the loop */ if p.idx[fd] == sizeof(buf) { eprintln("picohttprequest: RequestIsTooLongError") return } } // Response init mut out := p.out unsafe { out += fd * max_write /* pointer magic */ } mut res := picohttpparser.Response{ fd: fd date: p.date buf_start: out buf: out } // Callback (should call .end() itself) p.cb(mut p.user_data, req, mut &res) p.idx[fd] = 0 } } fn accept_callback(loop &C.picoev_loop, fd int, events int, cb_arg voidptr) { mut p := unsafe {&Picoev(cb_arg)} newfd := C.accept(fd, 0, 0) if newfd != -1 { setup_sock(newfd) C.picoev_add(loop, newfd, C.PICOEV_READ, p.timeout_secs, rw_callback, cb_arg) } } pub fn new(port int, cb voidptr) &Picoev { fd := C.socket(net.SocketFamily.inet, net.SocketType.tcp, 0) assert fd != -1 flag := 1 assert C.setsockopt(fd, C.SOL_SOCKET, C.SO_REUSEADDR, &flag, sizeof(int)) == 0 assert C.setsockopt(fd, C.SOL_SOCKET, C.SO_REUSEPORT, &flag, sizeof(int)) == 0 $if linux { assert C.setsockopt(fd, C.IPPROTO_TCP, C.TCP_QUICKACK, &flag, sizeof(int)) == 0 timeout := 10 assert C.setsockopt(fd, C.IPPROTO_TCP, C.TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT, &timeout, sizeof(int)) == 0 queue_len := 4096 assert C.setsockopt(fd, C.IPPROTO_TCP, C.TCP_FASTOPEN, &queue_len, sizeof(int)) == 0 } mut addr := C.sockaddr_in{} addr.sin_family = C.AF_INET addr.sin_port = C.htons(port) addr.sin_addr.s_addr = C.htonl(C.INADDR_ANY) size := 16 // sizeof(C.sockaddr_in) bind_res := C.bind(fd, &addr, size) assert bind_res == 0 listen_res := C.listen(fd, C.SOMAXCONN) assert listen_res == 0 setup_sock(fd) C.picoev_init(max_fds) loop := C.picoev_create_loop(max_timeout) mut pv := &Picoev{ loop: loop cb: cb date: C.get_date() buf: unsafe { malloc(max_fds * max_read + 1) } out: unsafe { malloc(max_fds * max_write + 1) } } C.picoev_add(loop, fd, C.PICOEV_READ, 0, accept_callback, pv) go update_date(mut pv) return pv } pub fn (p Picoev) serve() { for { C.picoev_loop_once(p.loop, 1) } } fn update_date(mut p Picoev) { for { p.date = C.get_date() C.usleep(1000000) } }